Heavy Rhythm & Roll Records

Heavy Rhythm & Roll Records We are an internationally active independent record label located in Vienna, Austria. Our credo is to deliver finest quality to music lovers.

If you want to know more about Heavy Rhythm & Roll please refer to the story section. Our credo is to deliver finest quality music to lovers of what we refer to as Heavy Rhythm & Roll music, while maximizing the share for our musicians. We see music as an art and therefore as form of expression. Heavy Rhythm & Roll does not introduce a new genre but rather, as the name suggests, tries to overcome

the genre-thinking which often creates limits in arts and minds who, in our opinion are not to be limited. Therefore, Heavy Rhythm & Roll is not limited in time, style, or genres, but refers to the true nature of the art of music. Feel free to share your Heavy Rhythm & Roll experience, or any bands that follow that spirit with us! Your music lovers of Heavy Rhythm & Roll Records.

Check out Jussel's new Single "Man On the Moon"!

Check out Jussel's new Single "Man On the Moon"!

Er ist da! "Man On the Moon" gibt es jetzt auf allen Streaming Plattformen des Vertrauens. 7:34 Minuten. Wir denken, dass es schwierig sein wird, diese Länge für eine Single zu toppen.😁
Wir wünschen viel Vergnügen.



Danke Badehaus Berlin, es war mega! Ein zweites Mal rocken wir das Ding gemeinsam mit unseren Freunden von den Wake Woods am 7. November im Chelsea Wien!

photo by Simon Anhorn


Danke Carini Lustenau. Es war ein Fest!!!

photo by Simon Anhorn


Leute, die neue Single "Back in the Race" ist draußen: Hört rein auf Spotify, Deezer, youtube etc.




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