Animation Lab - Academy of Fine Arts Vienna

Animation Lab - Academy of Fine Arts Vienna For all animation students: to show their work, exchange info, etc. Für Studierende im Bereich Animation: für Präsentation und Informationsaustausch. hinweisen.

Our fb-page wants to: present work in the field of art animation, announce film screenings, festivals, exhibitions, etc. Diese Seite soll: Künstlerische Arbeiten im Bereich Animation präsentieren, auf Filmvorführungen, Festivals, Ausstellungen etc.

Hey !I was a great experience to visit again OTTAWA ANIMATION festival (one of my favorite festivals) for the World Prem...

Hey !
I was a great experience to visit again OTTAWA ANIMATION festival (one of my favorite festivals) for the World Premiere of my hybrid: experimental / narrative - pre cinema found footage film STAMPFER DREAMS. I was very happy to enjoye many positive audience reactions to my film and book project. Thanks also specially to Reinhold Bidner who implemented the Augmented Reality dimension to the phenacistiscope images in the book - that was another source of pleasure, e.g. for Pilar Newton-Katz - ;-) ;-) ;-)
I try my best to complete the project-website in the coming weeks and will keep you updated.
And: Thanks for your crossed fingers for festivals to come, I personally find this one more meaningful than DONT KNOW WHAT, but I also was honoured for getting again many positive reactions to that film I made five years ago; I understood many scholars like to show it to their students, STAMPFER DREAMS might also be good for that...

O wow !I am super happy and exited to find my (our) new film STAMPFER DREAMS in the Opening Program of Ottawa Animation ...

O wow !
I am super happy and exited to find my (our) new film STAMPFER DREAMS in the Opening Program of Ottawa Animation Festival 2024; and, more than that, as still from it as Key Visual for the Short Competition 1.
All animations in this film were made in 1832/33 by Simon Stampfer / Mathias Trentsensky - and re-composed into this brand-new film under my direction by Reinhold Bidner and Eni Brandner. 100 of thanks for your talent and patience during these past 4 years.
Again I am walking on a risky path between narration and experiment, and I enjoy curators taking the risk to show it at their (animation) festivals.

The schedule for is now live.

Many thanks to our ANIMATION AVANTGARDE Jury (Ivana Volda, Hui Ye, Uli Wegenast) who with their choice of Awards underli...

Many thanks to our ANIMATION AVANTGARDE Jury (Ivana Volda, Hui Ye, Uli Wegenast) who with their choice of Awards underline the spirit of our film selection with its special interest for multidisciplinary artists, who also make films.

Simon von Stampfer grew up in a mountain region in Austria in the beginning of the 19th century, as child he was a goat ...

Simon von Stampfer grew up in a mountain region in Austria in the beginning of the 19th century, as child he was a goat sheppard, before he was allowed to go to school at the age of ten years. Later, as a high profiled scientist he presented his „stroboscopic discs“ (same time like Plateau, both kind of directly based on Faradays experiments).
Some of the short films on his discs (illustrator might be in fact Mathias Trentsensky) refer to the Industrial Revolution of the time, so I invented a story about the young Stampfer, who in his childhood imagination dreams of the further evolution mankind might make based on a simple first „machine“ like a watermill. I followed his dream of the future and ended in a nightmare. The glacier behind his birthplace will soon be gone. All started with a wheel.


Atelierhaus/Lehargasse 6-8


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