We are more than happy to announce that the comprehensive publication ‚VOICES - Defining Moments in Music and Theater‘ is finally here!
Get your copy now under https://www.vfmk.org/books/voices and in selected book shops around the world! More about the book: www.voices-music.net
Music moves us. It revives hidden feelings, fills voids, and gives us hope. For some it is a way of communicating with our ancestors, for others it is a gift from the gods.
Seventy voices from today’s world of music and theater share moments with us that are too splendid to not be told. They tell us about musical moments that shaped their lives—whether as an initial driving force at the beginning of or as a seminal impact during their careers. Artists of international repute bring the history of music and opera to life through their reminiscences, making it tangible for all of us. What made them try to gain a foothold in this profession? What motivated them to embrace music?
With its 440 photographs, this book, which is unique in its kind, highlights important milestones in the history of music that have also been formative for us. VOICES offers insights into the life stories of artists. Outstanding performers tell us about experiences with their colleagues, renowned personalities in the music and theater scene. And they also give us glimpses into their private realms: making music at home with their families, social backgrounds, and such sensitive themes as setbacks, fears, or long-yearned-for appreciation, and how they found the key to their voices. This impressive volume represents history from 1945 to the present, passed down by way of personal accounts.
The texts are based on conversations conducted by Christine Cerletti and Thomas Voigt during the pandemic in 2021/22, or they were written by the artists themselves. Choosing diverse approaches, they outline how the stage can become an emotional space. Their stories are musical history narrated from a personal perspective
A review of our book launch "Voices - Prägende Musik- und Theatererlebnisse" with Sondra Radvanovsky, Jonas Kaufmann, Sir Bryn Terfel, @Thomas Voigt and Christine Cerletti at Tonhalle Zürich . Many thanks to Michael Lucien Balgavy for his art direction. www.voices-music.net
I Never Read, Art Book Fair Basel
Check out our brand new publications and editions there!
We are happy to invite you to the BOOK SIGNING of
Thomas Kneubühler with "ALPINE SIGNALS" at our stand on Saturday, September 25 between 2–4 p.m. and look forward to your visit.
Access is free and open to the public with Covid safety regulations.
See you there. ✨✨✨
#ineverread #alpinesignals #Artbasel2021 #healthytimes #claudiomoser #spiritgrounds #starfruit #ruinierteuch #ritzwirth #andreasbreunig #christinestreuli #kissthemessenger #expositionzero #walden #DanielZimmermann #kapwanikiwanga #francelisemcgurn #nilbargueres #miriamsturzenegger #kunsthauspasquartbielbienne #leokandl #zillaleutenegger #michalbudny #spiritgrounds #michaelhirschbichler #VIENNABIENNALE #loveplanet #ateliervanlieshout #BirgitBrenner
🔴🔺🔴🔺VFMK AT SPARK Art Fair Vienna VIENNA. 🔴🔺🔴🔺
SPARK is debuting an innovative new format.
24 June 2021
VIP preview from noon
Vernissage 5–8 pm
25–27 June 2021, 11 am–7 pm
Karl-Farkas-Gasse 19, 1030 Vienna
In a first for art fairs, SPARK will exclusively feature solo presentations by artists and will offer curated sections led by three top-flight curators: „Utopia: Post-War“ by Sabine Breitwieser, „Perspectives“ by Tevž Logar, and „Interface – Contemporary New Media and Digital Art“ by Marlies Wirth.
SPARK will be held at the historic Marx Halle in central Vienna.
Verlag für moderne Kunst is happy to be part of it.
In our bookstore you will find publications in line with the fair program, our new releases as well as hand-picked items and editions.
We look forward to seeing you!
You have to wear a FFP2 mask during the whole event.
3G-Rule: Entry for vaccinated, tested or recovered people only
Please check SPARK-website before visiting the fair for details and update.
Since we are not only produce books ourselves but also love books from other publishers, we have put together our favorite books for you.
Since valentines day is about to come the main topic was: L O V E! ♥️♥️♥️
All books are available for click and collect at our shop VFMK Boutique in Vienna! ♥️♥️♥️
JETZT. Wie ich bis heute Abend die Erderhitzung stoppe und ab morgen nachhaltig lebe …
Ein Bilderbuch zu Wissenschaft und Alltag der Klimakrise
“JETZT” ist ein Schulbuch für Freitage: wissenschaftliche Grundlagen, Ursachen und Auswirkungen der Klimakrise werden leicht verständlich dargestellt. Dem Autor auf der Spur durch seinen Alltag entdecken wir gigantische ökologische Fußabdrücke, wie wir sie alle hinterlassen – und erfahren, was wir tun können, um sie zu verkleinern.
Doch wie wichtig individuelle Lebensstiländerungen auch sind, längst reichen diese nicht mehr, um eine so umfassende Wende herbeizuführen, wie sie von der Wissenschaft als unumgänglich beschrieben wird: Nur noch wenige Jahre verbleiben, um weltweite Treibhausgasemissionen massiv zu reduzieren und damit die Erderhitzung auf 1,5–2 °C einzudämmen. Gelingt das nicht, werden wir alle Kontrolle über die Entwicklung des Klimas und unseres lebendigen Planeten verlieren.
Erstmals stehen nun viele von uns als Erdenbürger_innen vereint für eine bessere Welt für alle auf einem Planeten ein – im Wissen, dass Lösungen für die Krise vorhanden sind, “JETZT” aber auch in die Tat umgesetzt werden müssen.
Christian Schienerl ist gelernter Politik- und Kommunikationswissenschafter und seit 1999 als ungelernter Buchgestalter in Wien tätig. “JETZT” ist seine erste Publikation als Autor.
EDITOR + TEXTS @christian_schienerl
DETAILS Deutsche und Englische Edition, Softcover, 216 Seiten, 22 x 22 cm, 200 Ills. in Farbe
EURO 18.–
ISBN 978-3-903796-03-4 Deutsche Edition
ISBN 978-3-903796-02-7 Englische Edition
WE CAN‘T WAIT FOR @viennacontemporary 2020 ♥️ Alles ‚very special‘ in diesem Jahr aber wir können es kaum erwarten den Messe-Shop wieder zu kuratieren. Kommt alle aber: 🖐🏼💦🧼🧴+ 😷 und immer Abstand halten!🧍🏼♀️↔️🧍🏼↔️🧍🏾♂️↔️🧍🏽 #VfmK #VfmKontour #viennacontemporary2020 #viennacontemporary
Twinkling Christmas
∗∗∗ Wishing you and yours a Twinkling Christmas and all the best for 2020! ∗∗∗
Sujet: Cover Etel Adnan, edited by Starfruit Publications
Design: GREAT
Markus Redl / Library of Stones
The blue box for blue hours!
15 years of work – a pocket-sized archive.
The artist Markus Redl writes: “The library of stones is an excursion into patterns of various consolidations in space.” Allow yourself to be taken on a journey.
125 cards and a book https://vfmk.org/shop/markus-redl-1
WODKA LINIA Artist Edition #3 by GON and SPRING SALE
Last week the beautiful WODKA LINIA Artist Edition #3 by GON was celebrated. Get the unique bottles this Friday and Saturday at GON´s SPRING SALE PLUS PREVIEW AW19 & DRINKS!
Friday 14–20h
Saturday 12–18h
Lindengasse 25/2
1070 Vienna
Explore the startling mix of printed materials https://vfmk.org/shop/beautiful-things/gon
CityFactory and Artivive
GIFT IDEA | CityFactory
The "Notebook for Change" is a product of StadtFabrik, a tool to bring about change, a notebook designed to be used, passed on and shared, to enable people to learn from each other.
Enlivened by the Artivive App!
Available here https://vfmk.org/shop/cityfactory
MAK - Austrian Museum of Applied Arts / Contemporary Art