
PubliComm Kontaktinformationen, Karte und Wegbeschreibungen, Kontaktformulare, Öffnungszeiten, Dienstleistungen, Bewertungen, Fotos, Videos und Ankündigungen von PubliComm, Medienagentur, Gudrunstraße 25, Vienna.

PCC (publiComm GmbH, consultancy department) is a registered private expert consultancy, specialising in providing advice, concepts, project management and training in the field of disaster relief, crisis and emergency management.

The new year is already off to a very intense start at our company. 💪With our partner Störfallmanagement Stolar e.U. we ...

The new year is already off to a very intense start at our company. 💪
With our partner Störfallmanagement Stolar e.U. we conducted a strategic workshop about new developments in civil protection, bringing together experts from various areas of security, civil protection, technology and politics. 📢
“Asymmetric and hybrid threats - the new challenge for critical infrastructures”
In an increasingly complex and interconnected world, critical infrastructures are facing unprecedented challenges. Cyberattacks, disinformation, economic pressure and physical or digital sabotage - the combination of asymmetric and hybrid threats require new approaches to protecting our essential supply networks, communication and information systems, utilities and public and private facilities. 💡🛡📡💻
The aim was to analyse risks and develop practical solutions that can also be implemented at the national and local levels.

Our Head of International Projects, Joe Riener had quite busy weeks. Last week he attended the 'Training of Trainers' Wo...

Our Head of International Projects, Joe Riener had quite busy weeks. Last week he attended the 'Training of Trainers' Workshop in Ede, the Netherlands. 👏
A high-class training, which will allow EU MODEX coaches/trainers of all EU MODEX Lots to practice and improve their coach/trainer skills, in order to effectively fulfil their roles and responsibilities in the EU MODEX.
We are also happy that noumerously EU MODEX - EUCPT-Tast members participated in this blended format workshop.

Our project manager Joe Riener attanded the 2nd design meeting in Ireland for the project EU MODEX - EUCPT-Tast. publiCo...

Our project manager Joe Riener attanded the 2nd design meeting in Ireland for the project EU MODEX - EUCPT-Tast. publiComm provides support for our longstanding partner the Department for Emergency Situations (DSU), Romania in this project.
This support includes the different areas like administration and project management, logistics, services and purchases, continuous media coverage, dissemination and visibility for the project, and supporting the visibility of the UCPM.

We are already looking forward to the challenges in this project and the EU MODEX exercise in Ireland 2025.

Weihnachten naht bald. 🎄 Sind Sie auch noch auf der Suche nach einem Geschenk? 🎁 Wie wäre es mit dem Handbuch "Krisen un...

Weihnachten naht bald. 🎄 Sind Sie auch noch auf der Suche nach einem Geschenk? 🎁 Wie wäre es mit dem Handbuch "Krisen und Katastrophen managen"? 📚 Das Buch und weitere Produkte können auf unserer Verlagsseite bestellt werden:

Falls auch Sie Interesse an unserem Fachbuch "Krisen & Katastrophen managen" 📘 haben, aber noch gerne mehr Informationen über das Buch hätten, können Sie diese direkt unter folgendem Link abrufen: 👉

Viel Spaß beim Stöbern!🚑🚒🚓🚨

Verbessern Sie Ihre Schnittstellen zu beteiligten Akteuren, um Notfälle, Krisen und Katastrophen besser zu bewältigen 💪 Entwickeln Sie ein gemeinsames Verständnis und bauen Sie Brücken, um im Ernstfall rasch, effektiv und effizient zu agieren 👥 Nutzen Sie bewährtes Praxis-Wissen für eine...

Last week we had our weekly team meeting in person (pictures made by our CEO), where we had the chance to discuss the on...

Last week we had our weekly team meeting in person (pictures made by our CEO), where we had the chance to discuss the ongoing EU MODEX - EUCPT-Tast project next steps. We had a long but very fruitful planning meeting regarding future projects.
We also discussed our task sharing, implemented new ideas to work even more effective and efficient. It is also important that we as a team can reflect and exchange on our work, because work is giving you every day new challanges to master.

We look forward to future challenges that we will master again successfully as a team. 🥳💪


Today is the International Day for Disaster Reduction! We asked Europeans which disasters they feel most exposed to. 🤔

The latest survey shows that most EU citizens feel most at risk from climate change, security issues, and social challenges.

These insights will help the EU boost disaster preparedness efforts across Europe.

👉 See all the results:!hHMTjp

© European Union, 2024.⁣


Climate change doesn't stop and it's not just affecting one country. Forest fires, drought, heavy storms and floods are serious challanges for Europes future. We need to be prepared and trained for these possibilities.

A daily map from the ERCC from 16.09.2024 and the flood events in Central-eastern Europe.

A daily map from the ERCC from 16.09.2024 and the flood events in Central-eastern Europe.

🗺️ Daily map: severe weather in Central-Eastern Europe.

© JRC, 2024.

We are happy to be part of the EU MODEX - EUCPT-Tast project team. At the first design meeting in Ireland, publiComm was...

We are happy to be part of the EU MODEX - EUCPT-Tast project team. At the first design meeting in Ireland, publiComm was represented by Joe Riener, who is responsible for international projects. We look forward to the upcoming first design meeting in Tenerife and the challenging time with the preparations for the first field exercise in Ireland, 24-29 of March, 2025. Keep updated and follow us for more information! 👆

The first design meeting of MODEX Lot4 in Arclow, Wicklow County, Ireland is ending. It has been very intense and fruitful additionally we could make important decisions for the next project steps before the first design meeting in Tenerife.
Chaired by Paolo Vaccari, supported by Peter Holmström, Sean Moore, Stefano Ancilli, Sedei Artur Vladimir, David Wran-Schumer, Joe Riener, Marcel Țenu and Paul Rock and Aidan Dempsey the ToR and the exercise timeline were discussed and agreed.



The Civil Protection Forum offered not just to meet new colleagues, but also to meet "old friends". Harald M. Fellner an...

The Civil Protection Forum offered not just to meet new colleagues, but also to meet "old friends". Harald M. Fellner and Joe Riener met Dr Brigitta Sáfár, who participated in the workshop “Behavioural Dimension of Disaster Prevention and Climate Adaptation,” on behalf of the Hungarian Red Cross. They met Dr Tamás Tímár, too, who works in the Hungarian Civil Protection Service as a firefighter specialised in environmental and fire safety engineering.
We had the opportunity to exchange about possible future collaborations with our experts, with whom we have been working together for several years.

It's important that we can build on our specialist team of experts for our ongoing
and future projects so that we can maximise our outcome.

2nd day at the 8th European Civil Protection Forum by EU Civil Protection & Humanitarian Aid in Brussels.  publiComm's C...

2nd day at the 8th European Civil Protection Forum by EU Civil Protection & Humanitarian Aid in Brussels. publiComm's CEO, Harald Maierl-Fellner and the Main Trainer Sean Moore from the project EU MODEX - EUCPT-Tast with the the newly arrived project pin.

Meeting at the Civil Protection Forum in Brussels. PubliComm CEO, Harald M. Fellner handed the newly arrived project pin to our Main Trainer/Coach, Sean Moore and discussed project related tasks...


The place to be right now, Joe Riener & Harald M. Fellner! We are happy to be there, too! 👌

The place to be right now, Joe Riener & Harald M. Fellner! We are happy to be there, too! 👌

Do you want to know more about our ongoing projects and future? Check out the following interview with our CEO, Harald M...

Do you want to know more about our ongoing projects and future? Check out the following interview with our CEO, Harald M. Fellner

Q.: publiComm is involved in a new project. Can you tell us some details about publiComm’s role?

Harald: publiComm is a subcontractor in cycle 12 from EU MODEX EUCPT-TAST, Lot4 project.
Our company is involved and responsible for project administration, services and purchases, meeting management, continuous media coverage, dissemination and visibility for the project, and support for the visibility of the UCPM. The consortium members are the Department for Emergency Situations (DSU) as coordinator (Romania), the Italian Civil Protection Department (ICPD), Wicklow County Council (WCC) and Cabildo Insular de Tenerife (Spain) (CIT) with the subcontractors Austrian Red Cross (ARC) and publiComm GmbH (PCC).
The project aims to conduct two field exercises for the EUCPT and TAST.

Q.: Can you give us some more information about the two exercises?

The consortium offers two advisory/scoping mission exercises based on scenarios inspired by authentic disasters: the volcanic eruption in La Palma, Spain in 2021 and the wildfires in southwest Ireland the same year. The first exercise will take place in spring 2025, in Wicklow County and the second exercise will happen in autumn 2025, in Tenerife. It will bring a realistic mission experience of an advisory/scoping mission with high training value and interoperability for all participants and stakeholders. It will run for four and a half days. The approach of an advisory mission will, in contrast to a response mission exercise, allow all European Civil Protection (EUCPT) members and the Technical Assistance Support Teams (TAST) at multiple levels to work with different stakeholders in a realistic, functional and safe environment.

Q.: What are the plans for the future of publiComm?

We are not just involved in the UCPM projects, we also work additionally in printing and publishing books around disaster management, humanitarian aid and civil protection, explains Harald. After our latest reference book „Krisen und Katastrophen managen“(Managing crisis and disasters), written in German for German-speaking readers, which was printed in our publishing house and edited by Josef H. Riener, two new pocket guides are in work in collaboration with our partner from ‚Die Krisenplaner‘.
We have also been involved in several projects in the last years at the EUCPM. I am confident that we will also have new collaborations in the future. I don’t want to reveal too much, but we will also be present in future projects.

We are proud to work with such an extraordinary partner in different EU civil protection projects  Departamentul pentru ...

We are proud to work with such an extraordinary partner in different EU civil protection projects Departamentul pentru Situaţii de Urgenţă (DSU). DSU participated VW24 NATO exercise in Hungary and supported the exercise by experts, emergency vehicles, helicopters and aeroplanes and demonstrated their superior medical response capacities.


Gudrunstraße 25


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