- Iridescent -
The color palette of 'Blue Ice' ranges from light purple-blue tones like 'Lilac Hunt' to very dark shades like 'Baritone Blue. 'Blue Ice' and its shades combine very well with neutral colors. Black, gray or even white always look good with it.
Check out Svitlana Chestnykhs pattern "Modern Tessellation" in which the lighter shade 'Lilac Hunt' is used in combination with darker, desaturated colors. Shop here ➡️ https://www.patterndesigns.com/en/design/20174/Modern-Tessellation-Vector-Ornament/?colors=d0d0da,272836
Looking for a different style? Use our color search to find other 'Blue Ice' or 'Lilac Hunt' colored patterns on patterndesigns.com or simply recolor the pattern of your choice directly on our website.