Mozart in the Future

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I turned to the first page of "Mozart in the Future," written by Tania Maria Rodrigues-Peters and before I knew it, I had finished the book. This book is a wonderful story to share with children who are working hard to achieve their dreams--athletically, musically or academically--because it will motivate them to see it through.

This fun fast paced story discusses a "brief" childhood friendship between young Mozart and an equally talented young musician named Max. They both long to be "normal" little boys outside playing with friends but aren't allowed to have any fun. Mozart's dad prevents him from playing with the other boys as does Max's mother forcing them to only focus on playing the piano. Although he is not allowed to play, Mozart holds his love for music getting lost in his desires as he plays each key. Max on the other hand, starts to dislike music and becomes physically ill from the stress his mother has him under. These talented young men never met outside of their nightly dreams when one day, seeing Max's love for music lessen, the Spirit of Music intervenes bringing these boys together in reality.

Max is really a boy like any other, but he has a talent for music and a strict mother who wants him to be a great musician. When the doctor says that Max must not to go to school for a few days, Max has no idea that he is about to meet one of his heroes: Mozart, the genius who was one of the greates...

Obrigado, Luiz Castello Branco!!!

Obrigado, Luiz Castello Branco!!!

... O céu, as estrelas, o Mar, a época! O toque delicado com que Tânia Maria Rodrigues Peters descreve o encontro de Mozart com o futuro, é simplismente inspirador para qualquer Adulto, criança, idoso, os que conhecem, os que não conhecem e passam a conhecer este maravilhoso compositor. also at
28/05/2010 also at

Max is really a boy like any other, but he has a talent for music and a strict mother who wants him to be a great musician. When the doctor says that Max must not to go to school for a few days, Max has no idea that he is about to meet one of his heroes: Mozart, the genius who was one of the greates...

...not only in English, but also in Spanish, Portuguese, and German. Have fun!

...not only in English, but also in Spanish, Portuguese, and German. Have fun!

Max ist eigentlich ein ganz normaler Junge, nur dass er ein Musiktalent ist und eine sehr strenge Mutter hat. Max hat keine Ahnung davon, dass er schon bald eines seiner großen Vorbilder kennen lernen wird. ...

17/05/2010 available at Smashwords in several ebook
formats including ePUB

Sample 30% of "Mozart in the Future" for free from Max has a talent for music and a strict mother who wants him to be a great musician. He has no idea that he is about to meet one of his heroes: Mozart, one of the greatest composers of all times. ...

Mozart is touring blogs. Here is an interview with the author Tânia Maria Rodrigues-Peters at Kathy Stemke's blog http:/...

Mozart is touring blogs. Here is an interview with the author Tânia Maria Rodrigues-Peters at Kathy Stemke's blog

Our movement activities, book reviews, and parenting tips will help parents and teachers teach children phonics, math, writing and science! "Education is not the filling of a bucket, but the lighting of a fire." William Butler Yeats Sign up for my free monthly newsletter!

The Kindle Edition is available. Have fun!

The Kindle Edition is available. Have fun! Mozart in the Future eBook: Tania Maria Rodrigues-Peters, Pedro Caraça, Paula Vaz-Carreiro: Kindle Store

Stacey Pierce says: "I highly recommend this book to all school aged children. It will give them permission to dream..."...

Stacey Pierce says: "I highly recommend this book to all school aged children. It will give
them permission to dream..."

Welcome to my blog and thank you for following me on my publishing journey. This is my season, my year to walk in unchartered waters stepping out on faith while tapping into my creative spirit. As a friend of mine always says, "Watch God work!"




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