WOW 🥳 we’re having something new for our clients & models 💕🔝🔥 do you like it??
Have a look ➡️
#newwebsite #published #outnow #modelagency #austria #graz
whoop whoop 👯♀️ finished our second day at Tracht & Country 🤩 with this gorgeous crew 😻💖🍾 too bad that tomorrow is our last day here 😿
...we wish you a happy New Year 🥳🥂 and hope that we will all meet again next year 💗🥰 #newyear #2019 #models #modelagency #austria #graz
we’re absolutely in love 💕💗 with the new collections! 😻 Tonight at the #gipfeltreffen #fashionshow in Salzburg 🙀⛰ @julia.trentini #springsummer2019 #fashion #models #fitting #fun #girlie #beauties #profashionmodels #modelagency #austria #graz
...we have the most amazing team 💕😻 thank you so much for your performance guys 😘🔝💪 #trachtandcountry #salzburg #trachten #fashionshow #models #fun #profashionmodels #modelagency #austria gorgeous 💁and stunning everywhere you go 💕😻and each party 🎉🎆 will be awesome 🤗🔝#tb #shooting #stunningmodel #boomerang #soinlove #perfectmood #partymood #1daytogo🎉 #newyearseve #cantwait #profashionmodels #modelagency #austria #graz #wenger
so much fun today 😻💕🙀#models #fun #onemore #boomerang #fashionshow #fashion #dalioleschkocouture #profashionmodels #modelagency #austria #heimatwerk @magdalenapetrovic @juliastrimbei @kristina_bue @chrisi_new @iris.est @dalioleschkocouture @kaerntnerheimatwerk
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...wir sind bereit für die neue Saison ✌ bist auch du bereit?
Kontaktiere uns jetzt und sichere deinen Show-Termin 2018!
#modelagency #fashionshows #booknow #season2018 #wirfreuenuns
finally out now 🙀😍 we're so in love 💕💕with the new Brühl Magazin 🙀😻💕check it out 👍✌️ #shooting #models #brühlmagazin #outnow #weloveit #soproud #stunningmodels #wondefuldresses #amazingoutfits #profashionmodels #modelagency #austria #graz
Fashionshows in @shoppingcityseiersberg 💕💕 with our amazing models 😻😘😊 #fashionshows #models #profashionmodels #day1of2 #amazingteam #perfectshow #profashionmodels #modelagency
Pracht der Tracht 2017
oh yeah 💕😊 our amazing show last friday for Aufsteirern 😍💪watch this video made by ORF Landesstudio Steiermark with the one and only Andi Knoll 💋👍
whoop whoop 💃👌😍5 shows done ✅ just one remaining 💪✌️ @melega_fashion #modelagency #models #bestteam #gorgeousmodels #trachtandcountry #profashionmodels