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The Dark Web is the large part of the Internet that is inaccessible to conventional search engines. Experts estimate that search engines crawl and index less than 1% of all the content that can be accessed over the Internet. A young YouTuber, "Ludovico 122", will try to reach the eighth level of the Dark Web, penetrating the deepest and unknown part of the internet while he films the experience for his audience. But he is not prepared for a horrible surprise that will change his life...
Cast: Lucas Sarquiz, Jimena Frontera, Clara Kovacic, Chucho Fernández, James Wright, Laura Gaffuri, Nadia Ozan, Germán Baudino, Pablo Vilela.
Country: Argentina /Nueva Zelanda.
Directed by: Diego Savignano.
Script: Diego Savignano, Nicolás Onetti.
Producers: Nicolás Onetti, Michael Kraetzer, Carlos Goitia.
Associate producers: María Paula Ríos, Martín Gerding.
Assistant director: Dai Gallardo, Evangelina Goitia.
Production manager: Neri Lauria.
Production assistant: Guillermina Salas, Emiliano Silva, Guadalupe Caro.
Art Director: Paola Tolosa.
Set decorator: Mariana Luppo.
Props master: Facundo Ribeiro.
Camera Operator: Carlos Goitia.
Drone operator: Martín Andragnez.
Director of Photography: Carlos Goitia.
Sound Direction: Ezequiel Brodsky.
Sound Edition: Germán Suracce.
Still Photographer: Mai Preciado.
Costume Designer: Carolina Cichetto.
Costume Design assistant: Taz Pereira.
Hair Stylist: Yanina Cordoba.
Make Up: Florencia Olle.
Gaffer: Emanuel Medina.
Electric: Carolina Sarde.
Special Effects Coordinator: Florencia Olle.
Music composer: Diego Savignano.
Film Editing: Diego Savignano.
Animation: Diego Savignano.
Graphic Designs: Diego Savignano.
Translations: Juán Pablo Aguilar.
Producer Company: Black Mandala Films.