Caribbean News / Caribbean Super Station TV

Caribbean News / Caribbean Super Station TV The Caribbean News is a independent news sources, that bring news from ABC Islands & Caribbean


NEW YORK - Two police officers were shot by a 19-year-old Venezuelan migrant early Monday morning when they were trying to stop him while he was riding a motorized scooter.

Officers had tried to stop the young man, identified as Bernardo Castro Mata, after seeing him driving the wrong way down a street at 89th Street and 23rd Avenue in Elmhurst around 1:40 a.m., police said.

The suspect quickly abandoned the scooter and continue on foot for several blocks, according to police.

During the chase, the teen pulled out an illegal gun and shot several times at the officers.


SAN JUAN PR - Instructor and student crashed yesterday shortly after taking off from a local airport (TJIG) in San Juan, PR USA.

Details on the cause of crash are still unclear, both survived with fractures and injuries.

NOTE: Image are Disturbed.

Panic as 30 cruise ship passengers fall ill with flu-like symptoms on Boeing 737 Max while returning home to Texas, forc...

Panic as 30 cruise ship passengers fall ill with flu-like symptoms on Boeing 737 Max while returning home to Texas, forcing United to withdraw plane for deep-cleaning

HOUSTON - A United Airlines flight from Canada to Texas descended into chaos on Friday after 30 passengers fell ill with flu-like symptoms.

Prior to their flight, the sick passengers, who were part of a larger travel group of about 75 people, had taken a cruise.

The plane (a Boeing 737 Max) took off from Vancouver and landed at the Bush Intercontinental Airport in Houston, where it was met by emergency responders.

Officials from the fire department noted that the passengers exhibited symptoms linked to the cruise, complaining of nausea.

United Airlines confirmed the incident and remarked that various flyers from the cruise were ill and were aboard the same flight.

According to the airline, the plane was a Boeing 737 MAX 8 and there were 163 passengers and six crew members on the flight.

The plane has since been pulled from United's rotation while it undergoes a deep cleaning.

Sources: Daily Mail / Caribbean News / Caribbean Super Station TV


MAIQUETÍA - Láser Airlines, are happy to announce the arrival of his Airbus A-330, a modern aircraft that will allow to transport passengers with greater comfort and quality standards that they deserve on his route Caracas - Madrid / Madrid - Caracas


Sunrise Airways has officially embarked on its Eastern Caribbean expansion.

The newly-reinvigorated regional carrier began its new flights to Antigua, St Kitts and Dominica this weekend.

The new routes are part of a broader push in the intra-regional market, operated on Embraer 120 twin-prop service.

The new flights help fill the void left by the departure of longtime regional airline LIAT.

Venezuelan airline will begin its Caracas-Madrid flights.The company will use an Airbus A330 to connect Caracas with Mad...

Venezuelan airline will begin its Caracas-Madrid flights.

The company will use an Airbus A330 to connect Caracas with Madrid and will have three services to cover the travel route: Tourist, premium economy and business.

The Venezuelan company recently reported that it will offer a direct route between Caracas, capital of Venezuela, with the city of Madrid, the main city of Spain, starting June 3, 2024. It indicated on its social networks that the cost of the ticket, round trip, will starts at US$669 includes taxes.

Laser Airlines began a campaign on March 22 to promote the route that was in effect until May 15, where it offered a promotion for the purchase of a ticket to travel to the old continent. The Venezuelan airline will depart from Caracas to the Spanish capital on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Flight departure time.

The time set for departure from Caracas, Venezuela will be at 6:30 in the afternoon and the flight would arrive at 9:15 in the morning, Madrid time.

While from the Spanish city to Venezuela, the flights will be on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays. The departure time will be at 11:15 in the morning, arriving at 2:50 in the afternoon, Caracas time.


Some of our the best Restaurants and Fast Food, are closing there's door.


Rapid Progress On Runway 15 Construction At Dominica International Airport.

DOMINICA - Samuel Johnson, the CEO of the International Airport Development Company, recently shared updates on the ongoing airport project for the Commonwealth of Dominica.

Covering a vast area of 22000 square meters, this project holds promise for boosting tourism in the region once it’s completed.

Key attention is being paid to Runway 15, which, due to wind patterns, is identified as the primary spot for aircraft takeoffs and landings. Presently, efforts are concentrated on clearing and preparing this section before advancing to complete the entire runway.

“The runway is designed to enable landing and takeoff in both directions and because of the winds, we expect 95% of the time your landing will be from runway 15,” he stated.
Johnson elaborated on the excavation and alignment processes crucial for constructing the runway, highlighting its dual functionality for both takeoffs and landings.

In addition to runway development, plans include constructing a parallel taxiway to enhance the airport’s capacity for accommodating multiple aircraft simultaneously, as MMC Development Ltd., the airport project developer, is overseeing these efforts.

Samuel Johnson also mentioned that two other areas are under construction: the Anzime and Crapo Hall quarry sites. These sites have been established to supply extra materials and aggregate for the project’s support.

Johnson also addressed safety concerns by mentioning the implementation of GPS tracking for on-site drivers.

“We’ve gotten feedback in terms of the drivers and the truckers moving on the site, and we’ve worked closely with the contractor and the developer to ensure that there is GPS tracking on the drivers.”

Emphasizing the importance of minimizing disruptions to local communities and tourism, Johnson underscored the collaboration with the Public Works Department to address any road damage caused by the project promptly.

Johnson expressed confidence in the project’s progress, noting that it’s proceeding smoothly and according to schedule.

Magnitude 4.2 earthquake struck 2 km from Procida, Metropolitan City of Naples, Italy.A 4.4 magnitude earthquake struck ...

Magnitude 4.2 earthquake struck
2 km from Procida, Metropolitan City of Naples, Italy.

A 4.4 magnitude earthquake struck Italy’s Campi Flegrei super volcano Monday evening, causing mild damage in the town of Pozzuoli, the epicenter, and as far away as the city of Naples, some 20 kilometers (12 miles) away, according to Italy’s National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV).

Cracks in walls and falling cornices were reported, Italy’s Fire Brigade spokesman confirmed.

The 4.4 earthquake at a depth of 3 kilometers is the strongest earthquake to hit the highly seismic area in the past 40 years, according to INGV data. The quake is part of an ongoing “seismic storm” that has seen more than a dozen events over 2.0 magnitude in the past 48 hours.

The 4.4 tremblor at 8:10 p.m. local time was preceded by a 3.5 earthquake an hour earlier.

The INGV recorded 1,252 earthquakes in the Campi Flegrei area in the month of April 2024, most with a magnitude less than 1.0.

The last major eruption of the supervolcano was in 1538, which resulted in the creation of a new bay on the southern Italian coast. The INGV has noted an increase of seismic activity since 2022, which could be due either to the building up of magma under the surface or the building up of gases, according to several volcanologists.

The volcano is about 50 kilometers (31 miles) from Mt. Vesuvius, and prone to a phenomenon known as bradyseism, during which the ground raises and falls due to pressure under the surface. The last major cycle was in 1984, but several volcanologists said that the area is experiencing a new cycle of the phenomenon.

More than 500,000 people live in the red zone directly adjacent to the Campi Flegrei, according to the Italian Civil Protection agency, which has been working this year to update evacuation plans in the event of a major disaster.

Sources: CNN/ Caribbean News / Caribbean Super Station TV


"Insubordinate passenger "

A Frontier passenger makes entire fight deboard after she refused to comply with exit row instructions, gets arrested.

The woman allegedly refused to help save anyone in case of an emergency before yelling at a flight staff.

"Oh, I'm not going to save anybody. If something happens, I'm going to save myself," the woman who filmed the video recalled the passenger saying.

As the situation escalated, police entered the aircraft.

The entire plane then had to be deboarded while the police officers made the arrest.

Footage at the end of the video shows police officers escorting the woman off the plane while all the passengers watched.

The incident reportedly happened at Charlotte Douglas International Airport in North Carolina.

O.J. Simpson Dies From Cancer At Age 76O.J. Simpson, whose real name is Orenthal James Simpson, has passed away at the a...

O.J. Simpson Dies From Cancer At Age 76

O.J. Simpson, whose real name is Orenthal James Simpson, has passed away at the age of 76 from cancer.

In early February, Simpson had been undergoing chemotherapy for prostate cancer in Las Vegas, Nevada.

On Thursday, his family broke the news of his death.

“On April 10th, our father, Orenthal James Simpson, succumbed to his battle with cancer. He was surrounded by his children and grandchildren. During this time of transition, his family asks that you please respect their wishes for privacy and grace,” the family wrote on X.

Source: OAN/Caribbean News / Caribbean Super Station TV

O.J. Simpson sterft op 76-jarige leeftijd aan kanker

O.J. Simpson, echte naam Orenthal James Simpson, is op 76-jarige leeftijd overleden van kanker.

Begin februari onderging Simpson chemotherapie voor prostaatkanker in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Donderdag maakte zijn familie het nieuws, van zijn overlijden bekend.

“Op 10 april bezweek onze vader, Orenthal James Simpson, aan zijn strijd tegen kanker. Hij werd omringd door zijn kinderen en kleinkinderen. Tijdens deze overgangsperiode vraagt ​​zijn familie u alstublieft hun wensen voor privacy en genade te respecteren”, schreef de familie op X.

Bron: OAN/Caribbean News/Caribische Super Station TV

O.J Simpson muere de cáncer a los 76 años

O.J Simpson, que nombre real es Orenthal James Simpson, falleció a la edad de 76 años a causa de un cáncer.

A principios de febrero, Simpson había estado recibiendo quimioterapia por cáncer de próstata en Las Vegas, Nevada.

El jueves su familia dio la noticia de su muerte.

“El 10 de abril, nuestro padre, Orenthal James Simpson, sucumbió a su batalla contra el cáncer. Estaba rodeado de sus hijos y nietos. Durante este tiempo de transición, su familia le pide que respete sus deseos de privacidad y gracia”, escribió la familia en X.

Fuente: OAN/Caribbean News/Caribbean Super Station TV


CARACAS - The Attorney General of the Republic, Tarek William Saab, announced this Tuesday the arrest of Tareck El Aissami, former Minister of Petroleum of Venezuela, as part of the corruption case in PDVSA.

Likewise, he noted that Simón Alejandro Zerpa, former Minister of Economy and Finance and former president of FONDEN, was also detained.

Saab indicated that El Aissami "is already in the hands of justice to be charged with very serious crimes."

Furthermore, he recalled that this PDVSA-Cripto case began in March 2023. "At that time, it was possible to detect and dismember a network of officials, many of them presidents of PDVSA, who used their positions to carry out illegal oil operations," he said.


Severe storms in the Chinese city of Nanchang caused fatalities and extensive damage to the surrounding province.

Fuertes tormentas en la ciudad china de Nanchang causaron víctimas mortales y grandes daños en la provincia circundante.

Zware storm in de Chinese stad Nanchang veroorzaakten dodelijke slachtoffers en grote schade in de omliggende provincie.

Grenadian Catholic priest suspended.Bishop Clive Harvey has announced the “immediate and indefinite” suspension of a Rom...

Grenadian Catholic priest suspended.

Bishop Clive Harvey has announced the “immediate and indefinite” suspension of a Roman Catholic priest after he failed to refrain from making contentious remarks regarding the ongoing war in the Gaza between Israel and the Hamas terrorist group as well as criticism of the church.

Bishop Harvey said that the suspension of Father Gerard Paul took effect on April 4, 2024 following the very public showdown between himself and the priest.

“The Church has rules, clear expectations, and protections for the People of God, enshrined in the Code of Canon Law and the ordinary teaching of Popes and bishops,” said the Bishop of the Diocese of St George’s, in a statement, adding “when Fr. Paul said, ‘I have no regrets and I will do it again’, he put himself beyond review and fraternal correction.”

The controversy began on March 27, 2024 at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception and subsequent statements made by Father Paul on various media platforms in which he accused the church here for not condemning the situation in Gaza.

Father Paul said at a recent clergy retreat, the situation was not even mentioned or addressed.



Sacerdote católico granadino suspendido.

El obispo Clive Harvey ha anunciado la suspensión “inmediata e indefinida” de un sacerdote católico romano después de que no se abstuviera de hacer comentarios polémicos sobre la guerra en curso en Gaza entre Israel y el grupo terrorista Hamás, así como críticas a la iglesia.

El obispo Harvey dijo que la suspensión del padre Gerard Paul entró en vigor el 4 de abril de 2024 tras el enfrentamiento muy público entre él y el sacerdote.

"La Iglesia tiene reglas, expectativas claras y protecciones para el Pueblo de Dios, consagradas en el Código de Derecho Canónico y en la enseñanza ordinaria de los Papas y obispos", dijo el obispo de la Diócesis de St George's en un comunicado, añadiendo " cuando el p. Pablo dijo: “No me arrepiento y lo haré de nuevo”, se puso más allá de toda revisión y corrección fraterna”.

La polémica comenzó el 27 de marzo de 2024 en la Catedral de la Inmaculada Concepción y posteriores declaraciones del padre Paul en diversos medios de comunicación en las que acusó a la iglesia aquí por no condenar la situación en Gaza.

El padre Paul dijo en un reciente retiro del clero que la situación ni siquiera fue mencionada ni abordada.


Report: Cancer-Causing Chemicals Found In BAND-AIDSCarcinogenic chemicals have been discovered in bandages, such as Band...

Report: Cancer-Causing Chemicals Found In BAND-AIDS

Carcinogenic chemicals have been discovered in bandages, such as Band-Aid and Curad which allow direct contact with the bloodstream through an individual’s open wounds.

The study stated that of the 40 bandages from 18 different brands that were tested, 26 had detectable levels of organic fluorine, an indicator of harmful “forever chemicals,” also known as PFAS.

“Because bandages are placed upon open wounds, it’s troubling to learn that they may also be exposing children and adults to PFAS,” Dr. Linda S. Birnbaum, who co-authored the study, said. “It’s obvious from the data that PFAS are not needed for wound care, so it’s important that the industry remove their presence to protect the public from PFAS and opt instead for PFAS-free materials.”

According to Mamavation and Environmental Health News, the PFAS bandages are likely used for their waterproof qualities.

The PFAS chemicals have reportedly been linked to various health concerns affecting growth, reproduction, and prompting obesity as well as a number of cancers. They are synthetic chemicals used in adhesives, nonstick cookware, food packaging, and other products that are said to be resistant to heat, oil, stains, grease, and water.

The term “forever chemicals” refers to their exceptional resistance to deterioration and ability to linger in the human body for long extended periods of time.

Through ingestion or direct contact, the chemicals can enter the bloodstream, embed in healthy tissue, and later begin to harm internal organs.

The brands that tested with the higher levels of fluorine include Band-Aid, CVS Health, Equate, Rite Aid, Amazon’s Solimo, Target, Curad, and others.

Meanwhile, the U.S. Geological Survey discovered traces of PFAS chemicals in almost half of the country’s tap water sources last summer, indicating that the chemicals have also made their way into a large portion of the country’s water supply.

Mamavation has stated that they also discovered the chemicals in a number of other products, such as deodorants, sports bras, diapers, contact lenses, and menstruation products.

Sources: OAN / Caribbean News

de cánceres. Son productos químicos sintéticos que se utilizan en adhesivos, utensilios de cocina antiadherentes, envases de alimentos y otros productos que se dice que son resistentes al calor, el aceite, las manchas, la grasa y el agua.

El término “químicos eternos” se refiere a su excepcional resistencia al deterioro y su capacidad de permanecer en el cuerpo humano durante largos períodos de tiempo.

A través de la ingestión o el contacto directo, las sustancias químicas pueden ingresar al torrente sanguíneo, incrustarse en el tejido sano y luego comenzar a dañar los órganos internos.

Las marcas que probaron con niveles más altos de flúor incluyen Band-Aid, CVS Health, Equate, Rite Aid, Solimo de Amazon, Target, Curad y otras.

Mientras tanto, el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos descubrió rastros de sustancias químicas PFAS en casi la mitad de las fuentes de agua del grifo del país el verano pasado, lo que indica que las sustancias químicas también han llegado a una gran parte del suministro de agua del país.

Mamavation ha declarado que también descubrieron las sustancias químicas en otros productos, como desodorantes, sujetadores deportivos, pañales, lentes de contacto y productos para la menstruación.

Fuente: OAN / Caribbean News.

🚨CRÍTICO Y CONSTRUCTIVO🚨Si no ta suficiente pa cu Hotel, awor un grupo prive kier bin cu un Ferris Wheel 🎡 den Oranjesta...


Si no ta suficiente pa cu Hotel, awor un grupo prive kier bin cu un Ferris Wheel 🎡 den Oranjestad.


1. Ta algo necesario pa cu e Isla Aruba?
2. Cuánto lo bay costa e proyecto aki, si algo bay robes pa cu e pueblo?
3. A pone atención cu e Isla ta rondona cu laman, este decir awa salo den otro palabra saltpeter?
4. Pa cu mesun saltpeter aki, ta bini mantención tur día y tambe seguridad?
5. Conociendo Turistanan cu ta bish*ta e Isla, mayoría di nan ta Mericano y ta cla pa demanda cualquier cos cu bay robes of pone nan bida den peliger y sigur lo no demanda e compañía pero Isla di Aruba.

Den otro palabra prome cu bay den un aventura pa cu esaki, hasi un evaluación profundo pa no hinka e Isla den problema financieramente.

Cortesía di AWEMainta

Relato di Crítica Construtivo/ Caribbean News / Caribbean Super Station TV


If you've recently travelled with Caribbean Airlines, you may notice things look a little different. Don't worry, your eyes are not deceiving you! The local carrier has been retrofitting the cabins of some of its older aircraft. With the work done right here in T&T, Brent Pinheiro and cameraman Kerlon Orr got an exclusive peek into what it takes to bring a new look to the skies.

Courtesy of CNC3


Si ha viajado recientemente con Caribbean Airlines, puede notar que las cosas se ven un poco diferentes. ¡No te preocupes, tus ojos no te engañan! La aerolínea local ha estado modernizando las cabinas de algunos de sus aviones más antiguos. Con el trabajo realizado aquí en Trinidad y Tobago, Brent Pinheiro y el camarógrafo Kerlon Orr obtuvieron una visión exclusiva de lo que se necesita para darle una nueva apariencia a los cielos.

Cortesía de CNC3

TEMPU DI “JA MENEER” A PASA.M21, e diferensia.Kralendijk, 7 di mart 2024 – For di 4 pa 6 di mart 2024 un delegashon di B...


M21, e diferensia.

Kralendijk, 7 di mart 2024 – For di 4 pa 6 di mart 2024 un delegashon di Boneiru tabata na Hulanda den kuadro di negosiashon di kambio den WolBES i FinBES. A presentá di parti di Boneiru 2 lista. Un lista huntu ku e tres islanan Boneiru, St.
Eustatius i Saba huntu i un lista ku diferente punto di Boneiru so. E lista di e 3 islanan tabatin 17 punto. Di e 17 puntonan akí 14 a keda aseptá kompletamente, 2 a yega na un kompromiso i 1 mester keda konsiderá mas profundo di parti di Raad van State. E lista di Boneiru so tabata konsistí di un total di 13 punto, di kua
11 a keda aseptá kompletamente, 1 a yega na un kompromiso i tin 1 ku mester keda konsiderá mas profundo di parti di Raad van State. Ku otro palabra, un éksito di 83% pa Boneiru i 93% pa tur e islanan huntu!

Aparte di e éksito menshoná, ta bon pa pone e resultado aki den e konteksto o sea perspektiva korekto. E kambio di WolBES i FinBES akí ta den tapara pa mas ku 3 aña kaba. E Kolegio Ehekutivo anterior no a hasi kaso i den pitu a kore manda un karta kaminda nan kier a bai di akuerdo ku meramente 3 punto ku tabata: kambio di e kantidat di miembro di Konseho Insular, kambio di e kantidat di diputado i anulá e funshon di representante di Reino (Rijksvertegenwoordiger). Esaki tabata sin konosementu di Konseho Insular, pa no papia mes di konosementu di pueblo. Ta te ora ku Hulanda kier a trese un konklushon na e proseso i a envolví Konseho Insular den esaki, ku Konseho Insular a bin haña sa di un karta ku a manda ku deseonan di e Kolegio Ehekutivo anterior. Akinan e Konseho Insular aktual a para e proseso i a entregá un petishon pa nan duna nan aporte komo representante di pueblo. Asina nos
a yega kaminda nos ta awor akí. Porfin a duna representantenan di pueblo oportunidat pa partisipá den e proseso. Ku otro palabra: nan tabata kier a kambia WolBES i FinBES sin konosementu di Konseho Insular i sin konosementu di pueblo. Ku esaki nos por bisa ku un era di “ja meneer” a yega na su fin.

Elogio pa nos lider
Sin ke kita for di kontribushon di otronan, nos di M21 ta felisitá nos lider Daisy Coffie ku e trabou ku el a desplegá komo lider di delegashon di Boneiru i esun ku na Hulanda a hiba palabra na nòmber di Boneiru. Nos ta sumamente satisfecho i nos a biba ku nos lider i nos sa di e trabou ku ela hasi, no solamente komo representante di pueblo òf bosero di e delegashon di Boneiru, pero tambe komo intermediadó pa tene e gruponan i islanan huntu i esaki den un ambiente agradabel pa por a traha ku otro i yega na un bon resultado pa tur e islanan. Nos ta gradisí Daisy Coffie, tur e otro miembronan di Konseho Insular, e miembronan di Kolegio Ehekutivo, tur e konseheronan i tur otro persona pa nan kontribushon na e logro akí pa Boneiru.

Amigu i enemigu por bisa kiko ku nan ke, pero e logro akí ta un logro grandi. Prinsipalmente e echo ku porfin no a kore bai na amèn di Hulanda pa falta di kompromiso ku nos pueblo òf pa simplemente flohera i/òf inkapasidat pa sali na vanguardia di pueblo. Di awor padilanti Hulanda tin ku tene kuenta ku e tempu di “ja meneer”, e tempu di “ja knikkers” a pasa i ku tin hende kapas ku ta dispuesto pa sali na vanguardia di pueblo.

KRALENDIJK - TCB announces a historic milestone as preliminary results reveal that the Island of Bonaire welcomed a reco...

KRALENDIJK - TCB announces a historic milestone as preliminary results reveal that the Island of Bonaire welcomed a record breaking of 17.218 stayover visitors during the month of February 2024.

UN HOMBER DI 62 ANJA A VACUNA 217 BIAHA CONTRA COVID.ALEMANIA – Un homber aleman di 62 anja a vacuna 217 biaha contra Co...


ALEMANIA – Un homber aleman di 62 anja a vacuna 217 biaha contra Covid, apesar di risibi consejo negativo di Mediconan pa no hasi esaki, segun informe di e revista The Lancet Infectious Diseases ta indica.

E vacunan a wordo cumpra y adminstra den un forma priva durante e periodo di 29 luna,
y tur cos a indica cu e homber no a sufri ningun ecfecto secundario segun invistigashonan cu a wordo realisa door di Univerisad di Erlangen-Nuremberg.

“Nos a bin hanja sa di e caso aki atraves un articulo periodistico, y nos a hasi un invitashon na e persona aki pa bin hasi varios test medico na Erlangen y di su parti ela duna tur su cooperashon y interes pa cu esaki” asina Dr Kilian Schober di e departamento di microbiologia de universidad aleman a delara.

“Nos por a tuma muestra di sanger nos mes, mientras tanto cu e tabata tuma vacuna durante e estudionan pa su insistencia. Nos por a hasi huso di e muestranan pa determina exactamente con e systema inmunologico ta reaciona pa cu e vacuna”, segun Dr Schober a splica.

Dr Schober tabata precupa pa cu e stimulashon excesiva di e systema inmunologico pa cu e dosis reparti of injecta, cu por a causa fatiga dentro e celulnan, pero no por a encontra evidencia den situashon aki y tambe no tabatin ningun senjal cu, den pasado e homber aki tabata infecta cu e virus di Covid-19.

E resultado di prueba final cu a wordo realisa ariba e homber aki, tabata insuficiente pa saca conclushon importante y mucho menos pa hasi recomendashon pa publico segun e expertonan.

“Pa gruponan vulnerable ta preferible un vacuna di tres dosis, conhuntamente cu vacuna complementaria segun e periodo”, esaki segun investigashon di e Unversidad ta indica.

Fuente: EFE / Caribbean News.


Chasing 737-200 in Venezuela (P4)

Today Episode: Will my Dream come true ⁇

St Maarten - Saba - Statia Weather Forecast:

St Maarten - Saba - Statia Weather Forecast:


Kaya AJ Cecilia 9 Nikiboko


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