Diplomatic Mission

Diplomatic Mission It is located in Tirana and operates in Balkans: The Republic of Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, and in many major countries around the world.

Diplomatic Mission Peace and Prosperity (DMPP), is an international lobbying organization, accredited in UN, EU and USA, ideated by the American Ambassador Richard Holbrooke to operate in the Balkans and the countries under development. Lobbying, Lobbying and only Lobbying for Peace, Education, Schooling and Cultivation of Modern Civilization! – This is the message of the mission…
Diplomatic Miss

ion Peace and Prosperity (DMPP), is an international lobbying organization, accreditations in UN, EU and USA, ideated by the American Ambassador Richard Holbrooke to operate in the Balkans and the countries under development, registered in Tirana, supported by a group of Albanian and foreign diplomats. This mission also operates in countries where Albanian communities are concentrated, such as in Greece, Germany, France, Italy, Turkey, Switzerland, etc.., and especially in the U.S.A as a friendly powerful country that, for more than a century has taken under protection the small Albania with its policies and diplomacy. Education, Peace and Progress! – This is the mission’s motto. The members of this mission, under the example of Saint Mother Teresa, the great Albanian woman, who sacrificed her life in the service of humanity, are committed as missioners of peace, in the role of a group of Ambassadors of Peace, willing to represent the Democratic Albania to the international opinion as a country with sustainable development, which has education and peace culture in its citizens’ genes and which fights for a better Balkans, a better Europe and a better World where God’s Paradise dominates. It is known that peace is rooted in true love, in love toward God and toward each other … For this reason the mission is addressed to each citizen of the world by calling: Lobbying, Lobbying and only Lobbying for Peace, Education and Modern Civilization! And this is exactly the axis of the message that DMPP transmits to the global social opinion. DMPP, members, collaborators and partners of this mission work for the education of a new generation of peace missionaries who love, practice and enroot peace in all the pre-school, school, university, academic institutions and all the institutions of civil society which are directly or indirectly connected with the cultivation of citizen culture in the developing communities and countries. DMPP lobbies to educate, improve and enroot the image of the developing countries according to the ten principles of UN and UNAI. The mission members are prominent leaders from many different countries, from all fields of life and from all faiths, who have committed themselves to the issue of peace in Albania, in the Balkans and around the World. These peace leaders work for the training of a new generation of peace missionaries, devoted educators and warriors in the service of modern urban culture, the culture of inter-community, inter-ethnic and inter-religious peaceful coexistence, in all developing countries. Peace requires continuous work, education, schooling, specialization and training to overcome the boundaries of race, religion, nationality and culture, which have historically divided humanity. So, Peace and Development, Peace and Civilization! – Not only in the civilized countries like USA, but everywhere in the Balkans and all over the world, wherever there is ignorance, illiteracy, lack of information, economical and thought poorness, lack of free thought and free press. The mission aims to bring in its ranks prominent personalities of World Politics, Culture, Art, Literature, Education, Science, etc.., especially Diplomacy personalities, with the objective to create a powerful lobby in support of education with peace culture and integration of developing countries beside the civilized countries which work in support of worldwide peace. Administration of human values, coordination, consultation, negotiation, mediation and lobbying for Peace and Progress, for a global world where reason dominates and not violence, where the modern civilization and prosperity, this is the goal and the essence of this mission’s activity. Diplomatic Mission Peace and Prosperity, through its activity, aims to achieve these objectives:
- Re-dimensioning the image of the Balkans countries trampled by former communist dictatorships, re-dimensioning the education, cultural values and every human value in service of peace, harmony and inter-human love, which makes special the countries of Balkans and developing countries.
- DMPP takes care that every member plays the role of a model Ambassador in the eyes of international opinion and foreign diplomacy to exalt cultural values and national issues of Balkan countries and developing countries compared to the most democratic and civilized cultures of the world.
- DMPP lobbies in accordance with the legislation of developing countries, international legislation and the UN’s principles to urge education, schooling, specialization, continuous training, assistance, help, care, legal consultation and defense of human rights especially for the social classes in difficulty.
-DMPP assists for free the individuals and families at economical and social difficulty, especially those whose life is at risk because of political crisis and natural disasters. This institution helps voluntarily with its own structures or lobbies beside state, public, governmental and non-governmental, national and international bodies, with which it has partnership to protect the most prominent human values. DMPP aims to assure the maximum possibilities for the protection of the individual according to the International Law that regulates the living in Peace and Prosperity in all communities all over the world.
- DMPP selects, publishes and propagates in Albania and Balkans, as a sign of gratitude, the rarest values of global civic culture, world personalities’ works in the fields of politics, diplomacy, culture, etc.., who have contributed and are still contributing to the recognition of international opinion with the traditional values which inspire peace in the Balkan countries.
- DMPP selects, translates, publishes and propagates in the main foreign languages, the national masterpieces of the Balkan countries, putting them in service to the global civic culture.
- Realization of television documentaries on life and work of great personalities who contribute for the education of new generations with the peace spirit and modern civilization, this is another goal of DMPP.
- This institution works a lot to incite to the youth the desire to study in the best universities of the world, it encourages the specialization of new talents and intellectuals in the fields of philosophy, politics and diplomacy, international and intergovernmental relations, art, culture and sports in service of peace, with the aim of creating new generations that will lobby for continuous improvement of the image of peace missionaries.
- DMPP works to provide technical assistance to new talents and intellectuals so that they can be trained as peace missionaries, career diplomats and as members of the lobby of the future for peace and development. Only this way can be guaranteed the acquisition with talent, professionalism and mastery of the art the lobbyer in service of peace under the signature of great peacemakers such as Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Mandela, etc. Only with continuous education and devotion can be reached the collaboration with the professionals of the western world and especially with the peacemaker specialist of Un, USA, etc.
-DMPP follows the strategy of education and employment of many talented boys and girls of peace-loving communities in the Albanian public administration, in Western countries’ administrations and multinational companies, which determine the fate of world politics and economy, especially in foreign diplomatic representations with the aim to build bridges of inter-community, inter-ethnic and international friendship and collaboration. These generations of DMPP missionaries are model diplomats and ambassadors of the culture of the own countries and the global culture which inspires peace and civilization.
- DMPP aims the creation of more powerful lobbies with world personalities in support of the democratic developments of Balkans countries and developing countries, according to the UN’s principles and American democracy. The Peace missionaries that DMPP trains and educates, fights selflessly for international integrity of their countries, following with devotion the model of the most advanced antique and contemporary civilizations.
- DMPP lobbies for the movement of the capital assets of powerful countries in help of the countries under development, with the aim to increase the economic welfare and problematic societies. Where there is welfare, there is also education of the best global standards. DMPP organizes conferences and donators’ meetings for the financing of projects that bring peace and development. This institution organizes fairs in help of the countries under development. Lobbying, Lobbying and only Lobbying for Peace and Civilization, this is the essence of the work of Diplomatic Mission Peace and Prosperity! …

PEACE ACTIVITY OF DMPPDiplomatic Mission Diplomatic Mission

Diplomatic Mission
Diplomatic Mission

Conceived as a celebration among friends, figures and various personalities in the country and abroad, part of the Diplomatic Mission for Peace and Prosperit...

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2025!...Diplomatic Mission Diplomatic Mission

Diplomatic Mission
Diplomatic Mission

DMPP AND VOLUNTEERING(Atty. Gabriela Shehati, Legal Advisor of Diplomatic Mission, DMPP - Volunteer)Diplomatic Mission P...

(Atty. Gabriela Shehati, Legal Advisor of Diplomatic Mission, DMPP - Volunteer)

Diplomatic Mission Peace and Prosperity (DMPP) is an International Lobbying Organization that works voluntarily for World Peace and Security.
DMPP is a legal entity registered in Albania, in the USA, according to the American Legislation, registered in the UN, in NATO, etc., according to the World Legislation and enjoys all the rights to act throughout the world as a Lobbying Mission for Peace and Prosperity in the wake of the projects of former American President Dwight D. Eisenhower (Liberator of the World from Nazi-fascism) and former American Ambassador Richard Holbrooke, performer of Today’s Balkans.
Diplomatic Mission Peace and Prosperity (DMPP) operates based on the basic principles of American Democracy, as a Model Democracy of Human Achievement for World Civilization and the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of the United Nations Organization.
Volunteerism is the main and essential principle of the work of DMPP as well as for all humanitarian organizations.
Volunteering or voluntary work is an altruistic activity of an individual, who provides services without financial interest to his community, a local organization or an international humanitarian organization.
Volunteering aims to educate the feeling of humanity, harmony, solidarity, charity, philanthropy, the spirit of dedication, sacrifice and the desire to be a Peace Missionary in the service of Community, Intercommunity, National and World Peace.
So, voluntary work is an activity for the development of skills, reflexes and positive experiences of the individual in the service of Peace.
Volunteerism aims to promote good, human values and improve the quality of life in the community.
Volunteering is an activity especially at the service of the needy, orphaned children, trafficked and abused girls and women, the elderly, drug addicts, victims of natural disasters, epidemics, pandemics, social conflicts caused by economic and political crises, etc.
Volunteering has positive benefits for both the volunteer and the community or organization involved in humanitarian projects.
Volunteers are unpaid workers; they are donors, who offer, as far as possible, physical, moral skills, image or financial contributions to the humanitarian projects of communities and organizations.
Volunteers work in a humanitarian organization for short-term or long-term periods, according to their wishes and possibilities. They choose to work voluntarily in their country or in other countries, developing countries such as those of Africa, Asia, Latin America, etc., where there are civil emergencies caused by natural disasters, epidemics and pandemics, economic crises, political crises , social, ethnic, inter-ethnic, racial, religious conflicts, wars, etc.
DMPP, as a humanitarian organization, undertakes the training and specialization of volunteers in the fields where they will work, such as health, education, culture, rescue emergencies in cases of natural disasters, epidemics, pandemics, economic, political crises, social, ethnic, inter-ethnic conflicts, racial, religious, wars, etc.
DMPP trains volunteers for participation in humanitarian projects, who specialize as Peace Missionaries, Security Missionaries, Humanitarian Peacekeepers, Humanitarian Activists, as Peace Missionaries managers, Peace Missionaries coordinators, Peace Missionaries leaders, Peace Missionaries organizers, etc.
DMPP trains humanitarian volunteers as peace missionaries and peace fighters, as activists for the protection of Human Rights, Environmental Protection, National and International Cultural Values, Natural Monuments and Cultural Monuments, etc.
DMPP, in cooperation with international partner organizations, also trains volunteers as leading specialists or more precisely leaders of the civil society of a country, a group of countries or the whole world.
DMPP volunteers in the service of Social Peace, in addition to their humanitarian duties as missionaries and peace fighters, also enjoy protection from international organizations, based on the Convention for the Security of the United Nations and for Accompanying Personnel (December 31, 1995).
DMPP provides Volunteers with certificates, diplomas and relevant documents proving their participation in humanitarian projects as Peace Missionaries managers, Peace Missionaries coordinators, organizers, leaders, etc., in order not to hinder their movement, as peace missionaries, in the territories of those countries where it is concentrated activity of the International Humanitarian Organization in the service of World Social Peace.

Atty. Gabriela Shehati, Legal Advisor
of Diplomatic Mission & Diplomatic Mission!...

DMPP AND VOLUNTEERING(Dr. Dylbere Dika - DMPP Volunteer)Diplomatic Mission Peace and Prosperity (DMPP) is an Internation...

(Dr. Dylbere Dika - DMPP Volunteer)

Diplomatic Mission Peace and Prosperity (DMPP) is an International Lobbying Organization that works voluntarily for World Peace and Security.
DMPP is a legal entity registered in Albania, in the USA, according to the American Legislation, registered in the UN, in NATO, etc., according to the World Legislation and enjoys all the rights to act throughout the world as a Lobbying Mission for Peace and Prosperity in the wake of the projects of former American President Dwight D. Eisenhower (Liberator of the World from Nazi-fascism) and former American Ambassador Richard Holbrooke, performer of Today’s Balkans.
Diplomatic Mission Peace and Prosperity (DMPP) operates based on the basic principles of American Democracy, as a Model Democracy of Human Achievement for World Civilization and the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of the United Nations Organization.
Volunteerism is the main and essential principle of the work of DMPP as well as for all humanitarian organizations.
Volunteering or voluntary work is an altruistic activity of an individual, who provides services without financial interest to his community, a local organization or an international humanitarian organization.
Volunteering aims to educate the feeling of humanity, harmony, solidarity, charity, philanthropy, the spirit of dedication, sacrifice and the desire to be a Peace Missionary in the service of Community, Intercommunity, National and World Peace.
So, voluntary work is an activity for the development of skills, reflexes and positive experiences of the individual in the service of Peace.
Volunteerism aims to promote good, human values and improve the quality of life in the community.
Volunteering is an activity especially at the service of the needy, orphaned children, trafficked and abused girls and women, the elderly, drug addicts, victims of natural disasters, epidemics, pandemics, social conflicts caused by economic and political crises, etc.
Volunteering has positive benefits for both the volunteer and the community or organization involved in humanitarian projects.
Volunteers are unpaid workers; they are donors, who offer, as far as possible, physical, moral skills, image or financial contributions to the humanitarian projects of communities and organizations.
Volunteers work in a humanitarian organization for short-term or long-term periods, according to their wishes and possibilities. They choose to work voluntarily in their country or in other countries, developing countries such as those of Africa, Asia, Latin America, etc., where there are civil emergencies caused by natural disasters, epidemics and pandemics, economic crises, political crises , social, ethnic, inter-ethnic, racial, religious conflicts, wars, etc.
DMPP, as a humanitarian organization, undertakes the training and specialization of volunteers in the fields where they will work, such as health, education, culture, rescue emergencies in cases of natural disasters, epidemics, pandemics, economic, political crises, social, ethnic, inter-ethnic conflicts, racial, religious, wars, etc.
DMPP trains volunteers for participation in humanitarian projects, who specialize as Peace Missionaries, Security Missionaries, Humanitarian Peacekeepers, Humanitarian Activists, as Peace Missionaries managers, Peace Missionaries coordinators, Peace Missionaries leaders, Peace Missionaries organizers, etc.
DMPP trains humanitarian volunteers as peace missionaries and peace fighters, as activists for the protection of Human Rights, Environmental Protection, National and International Cultural Values, Natural Monuments and Cultural Monuments, etc.
DMPP, in cooperation with international partner organizations, also trains volunteers as leading specialists or more precisely leaders of the civil society of a country, a group of countries or the whole world.
DMPP volunteers in the service of Social Peace, in addition to their humanitarian duties as missionaries and peace fighters, also enjoy protection from international organizations, based on the Convention for the Security of the United Nations and for Accompanying Personnel (December 31, 1995).
DMPP provides Volunteers with certificates, diplomas and relevant documents proving their participation in humanitarian projects as Peace Missionaries managers, Peace Missionaries coordinators, organizers, leaders, etc., in order not to hinder their movement, as peace missionaries, in the territories of those countries where it is concentrated activity of the International Humanitarian Organization in the service of World Social Peace.

Dr. Shefki Hysa

DMPP AND VOLUNTEERINGDiplomatic Mission Peace and Prosperity (DMPP) is an International Lobbying Organization that works...


Diplomatic Mission Peace and Prosperity (DMPP) is an International Lobbying Organization that works voluntarily for World Peace and Security.
DMPP is a legal entity registered in Albania, in the USA, according to the American Legislation, registered in the UN, in NATO, etc., according to the World Legislation and enjoys all the rights to act throughout the world as a Lobbying Mission for Peace and Prosperity in the wake of the projects of former American President Dwight D. Eisenhower (Liberator of the World from Nazi-fascism) and former American Ambassador Richard Holbrooke, performer of Today’s Balkans.
Diplomatic Mission Peace and Prosperity (DMPP) operates based on the basic principles of American Democracy, as a Model Democracy of Human Achievement for World Civilization and the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of the United Nations Organization.
Volunteerism is the main and essential principle of the work of DMPP as well as for all humanitarian organizations.
Volunteering or voluntary work is an altruistic activity of an individual, who provides services without financial interest to his community, a local organization or an international humanitarian organization.
Volunteering aims to educate the feeling of humanity, harmony, solidarity, charity, philanthropy, the spirit of dedication, sacrifice and the desire to be a Peace Missionary in the service of Community, Intercommunity, National and World Peace.
So, voluntary work is an activity for the development of skills, reflexes and positive experiences of the individual in the service of Peace.
Volunteerism aims to promote good, human values and improve the quality of life in the community.
Volunteering is an activity especially at the service of the needy, orphaned children, trafficked and abused girls and women, the elderly, drug addicts, victims of natural disasters, epidemics, pandemics, social conflicts caused by economic and political crises, etc.
Volunteering has positive benefits for both the volunteer and the community or organization involved in humanitarian projects.
Volunteers are unpaid workers; they are donors, who offer, as far as possible, physical, moral skills, image or financial contributions to the humanitarian projects of communities and organizations.
Volunteers work in a humanitarian organization for short-term or long-term periods, according to their wishes and possibilities. They choose to work voluntarily in their country or in other countries, developing countries such as those of Africa, Asia, Latin America, etc., where there are civil emergencies caused by natural disasters, epidemics and pandemics, economic crises, political crises , social, ethnic, inter-ethnic, racial, religious conflicts, wars, etc.
DMPP, as a humanitarian organization, undertakes the training and specialization of volunteers in the fields where they will work, such as health, education, culture, rescue emergencies in cases of natural disasters, epidemics, pandemics, economic, political crises, social, ethnic, inter-ethnic conflicts, racial, religious, wars, etc.
DMPP trains volunteers for participation in humanitarian projects, who specialize as Peace Missionaries, Security Missionaries, Humanitarian Peacekeepers, Humanitarian Activists, as Peace Missionaries managers, Peace Missionaries coordinators, Peace Missionaries leaders, Peace Missionaries organizers, etc.
DMPP trains humanitarian volunteers as peace missionaries and peace fighters, as activists for the protection of Human Rights, Environmental Protection, National and International Cultural Values, Natural Monuments and Cultural Monuments, etc.
DMPP, in cooperation with international partner organizations, also trains volunteers as leading specialists or more precisely leaders of the civil society of a country, a group of countries or the whole world.
DMPP volunteers in the service of Social Peace, in addition to their humanitarian duties as missionaries and peace fighters, also enjoy protection from international organizations, based on the Convention for the Security of the United Nations and for Accompanying Personnel (December 31, 1995).
DMPP provides Volunteers with certificates, diplomas and relevant documents proving their participation in humanitarian projects as Peace Missionaries managers, Peace Missionaries coordinators, organizers, leaders, etc., in order not to hinder their movement, as peace missionaries, in the territories of those countries where it is concentrated activity of the International Humanitarian Organization in the service of World Social Peace.

Dr. Shefki Hysa
Diplomatic Mission
Diplomatic Mission
Diplomatic Mission

Diplomatic Mission & Diplomatic Mission & Diplomatic Mission!...

Diplomatic Mission & Diplomatic Mission
& Diplomatic Mission!...

Shkruan Dr. Shefki Hysa Diplomatic Mission Dikur Dikush më tha: A e di se cfarë është ky mendimi ndryshe, se na canë veshët disa, duke mos na lënë rehat të bëjmë punën? Nuk e di, po dihet se në botë janë shpikur edhe Apologjetët e mendimit ndryshe. Po, pra, janë shpikur të hanë bu...

Diplomatic Mission & Diplomatic Mission!...

Diplomatic Mission & Diplomatic Mission!...

Ishte viti 1991 kur takova për herë të parë Ibrahim Rugovën, kryetarin e LDK, dhe President i Kosovës për shumë vite me radhë. Kam bërë një intervistë të gjatë me të, intervistë e cila provokoi zili tek disa nga miqtë e mi, gjithashtu gazetarë, por edhe një xhelozi të fshehtë n...

Diplomatic Mission & Diplomatic Mission & Diplomatic Mission!...

Diplomatic Mission & Diplomatic Mission
& Diplomatic Mission!...

Shkruan Dr. Shefki Hysa Diplomatic Mission MISIONARI I PAQES (Peace Missionary) Diplomatic Mission Peace and Prosperity (DMPP), është organizatë ndërkombëtare lobimi e regjistruar në UN, USA, NATO, etj., në vazhdën e projekteve të ish-Presidentit Amerikan Dwight D. Eisenhower, e ideuar nga ...

Diplomatic Mission & Diplomatic Mission & Diplomatic MissionWith Gabriel Lopes Unilogos!...

Diplomatic Mission & Diplomatic Mission
& Diplomatic Mission
With Gabriel Lopes Unilogos!...



Diplomatic Mission Peace and Prosperity is an international lobbying organization initiated by the lifeless Richard Holbrooke, American distinguished former diplomat...

Diplomatic Mission & Diplomatic Mission & Diplomatic Mission!...

Diplomatic Mission & Diplomatic Mission
& Diplomatic Mission!...

PRESIDENT FATMIR SEJDIUWith President Fatmir Sejdiu!...Diplomatic Mission & Diplomatic Mission & Diplomatic Mission!...


With President Fatmir Sejdiu!...
Diplomatic Mission & Diplomatic Mission
& Diplomatic Mission!...

Dr. Shefki Hysa, Governor of Diplomatic Mission Peace and Prosperity DMPP, with Atty. Gabriela Shehati, Legal Advisor of...

Dr. Shefki Hysa, Governor of Diplomatic Mission Peace and Prosperity DMPP, with Atty. Gabriela Shehati, Legal Advisor of Diplomatic Mission & Diplomatic Mission & Diplomatic Mission!...

Dr. Shefki Hysa, Governor of Diplomatic Mission Peace and Prosperity (DMPP) and Atty. Gabriela Shehati, Legal Advisor of Diplomatic Mission Peace and Prosperity (DMPP).

Diplomatic Mission & Diplomatic Mission & Diplomatic Mission!....

Diplomatic Mission & Diplomatic Mission & Diplomatic Mission!....

Diplomatic Mission & Diplomatic Mission!...

Diplomatic Mission & Diplomatic Mission!...

With Gabriela Shehati, Lawyer, Legal Advisor of Diplomatic Mission & Diplomatic Mission!...

With Gabriela Shehati, Lawyer, Legal Advisor of Diplomatic Mission & Diplomatic Mission!...

Dr. Shefki Hysa, Governor of Diplomatic Mission Peace and Prosperity (DMPP) and Av. Gabriela Shehati, Legal Advisor of Diplomatic Mission Peace and Prosperity (DMPP).




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