What actions does your passion lead you to do? If the heart doesn't find a perfect rhyme with the head, then your passion means nothing.
It almost doesn’t matter what you know… it’s ex*****on that matters most.”
The two key phrases of the management by objective systems are the objectives and the key results, and they match the two purposes. The objective is the direction. The key results have to be measured, but at the end you can look and without any argument say, "Did I do that, or did I not do that?" Yes. No. Simple.
https://www.ted.com/talks/john_doerr_why_the_secret_to_success_is_setting_the_right_goals/transcript -697927
TED Talk Subtitles and Transcript: Our leaders and institutions are failing us, but it's not always because they're bad or unethical, says venture capitalist John Doerr -- often, it's simply because they're leading us toward the wrong objectives. In this practical talk, Doerr shows us how we can get...