🎨✨ #Programi Pas Shkolle# – Koha e Kreativitetit! ✨🎨
Fëmijët kanë mundësinë të zbulojnë botën magjike të krijimtarisë! Art, ngjyra, piktura dhe lojëra që nxisin imagjinatën – çdo aktivitet është një aventurë drejt një zbulimi të ri, me ide të reja dhe aftësi të pazbuluara! 🌈✂️📚
👉 Një vend për të ëndërruar, për të krijuar dhe për të bashkëpunuar!
🌟 #KohaeKreativitetit 🌟 #ProgramPasShkolle 🌟 #ZhvillimiFëmijëve
Bashkohuni me ne dhe le të ndërtojmë së bashku një të ardhme më ngjyrë! 🎉💫
📢Të dashur prindër dhe nxënës ,programi ynë pas shkolle është vendi ideal për të përfunduar detyrat e shtêpisë në kohë me mbështjen dhe ndihmën e stafit të përkushtuar🕕📌🗓 .Fëmijët tuaj do të kenë një 🏡mjedis të sigurt pêr të përmbushur detyrimet arsimore📚📒🧮 , duke perforcuar njohuritë dhe ndërtuar shprehitë e duhura në të mësuar.📚🖥📝🎨
☎️ Bashkohuni me ne dhe ndihmoni fëmijën tuaj të arrijë më shumë!
Regjistrohu ne AFTERSCHOOL!
Programi zhvillohet nga e Hëna-Premte ,Ora 12:00 -17:00.
*Ambjent te sigurt
*Gjuhe e Huaj
*Teste dhe ushtrime shtesë
*Ushqim i shëndetshem
*Ambjent argëtues
Për t’u regjistruar, na kontaktoni:
📧[email protected]
Adresa:Tirane.Kryqezimi i Rr.Bedri Karapici & Rr.Bernard Palaj,pra e Fushes Sportive Skender Halili.
#adraAlbania #programipasshkolle #shkollaadventist
#programipasdites #edukimidhezhvillim #kujdesiperfemijet
#adraAlbania #programipasshkolle #shkollaadventista #programipasdites #edukimidhezhvillim #kujdesiperfemijet
✨ Shikoni sa shumë argëtim ju pret në Shkollën Adventiste-Programi pas shkolle!
Pas përfundimit të Kampit Veror Shkolla Adventiste Programi pas shkolle ka nisur regjistrimet për rifillimin e Vitit të Ri Akademik Shkollor 2024_2025
Bashkohuni me ne çdo ditë nga ora 12:00 deri në 17:30 për aktivitete krijuese, mësimin e gjuhës angleze, dhe ndihmë në detyrat e shtëpisë.
📍 Adresa: Rruga “Bedri Karapici”, Tiranë
📞 Për regjistrime dhe më shumë informacion, na kontaktoni në:
[email protected]
📅 E Hëna - E Premtja
🕛 Ora 12:00 - 17:30
🍽️ Dreka e përfshirë në çmim!
Ju mirëpresim⭐️
#AdraAlbania #shkollaadventiste #ProgramPasShkollor #AktivitetePerFemije #NdihmePerDetyrat #KthimiNeShkolle #Shtator #RegjistrimeTëHapura #PasShkolle #AktiviteteEdukative
Today we went to Jeronin de Rada school to provide kits aimed at sensitizing girls approaching their first period.
The kits included: two books addressing topics related to adolescent changes, a pack of sanitary pads, deodorant, hygiene wipes, makeup remover, and an energy bar. 🌸
We thank @adrasweden for funding this initiative. 🇸🇪🇦🇱
It’s crucial to openly discuss menstruation to empower girls with knowledge about their bodies, promote hygiene, and break the stigma surrounding periods. 🧒🏻🌟
#AdraAlbania #AdraSweden #AdraEurope #advocacy #everychildeverywhereinschool
Today, we took a moment to appreciate the incredible women who dedicate each day to educating the children at @kopshtiadventist . 🌸 👩🏼🏫
These flowers symbolize our deep gratitude for your dedication and hard work. 🙏🏻💚
Thank you!
#AdraAlbania #kopshtiadventist #education #everychildeverywhereinschool
🇦🇱 Sot, morëm një moment për të vlerësuar gratë e jashtëzakonshme që i kushtojnë çdo ditë edukimit të fëmijëve në @kopshtiadventist . 🌸 👩🏼🏫
Këto lule simbolizojnë mirënjohjen tonë të thellë për përkushtimin dhe punën tuaj të palodhur. 🙏🏻💚
Grateful for yesterday morning's special gathering where parents from our 'Managing Children's Behavior' workshop came together for a heartfelt discussion. 💭🤲🏽
We explored the unique challenges of parenting children with disabilities, fostering solidarity within our community. 🌟 👥
It's moments like these that remind us of the power of unity in navigating parenthood's complexities.🧒🏻👦🏼💚
Highlighting the resources available at the multifunctional center of Kruja; parents then shared their experiences, showcasing the importance of accessible assistance for all families. 💪🏻👨👩👦
Special thanks to Slovak AID for their generous funding, making this workshop a reality! 🇸🇰🫱🏼🫲🏽
Here is a recap of what happened last week at our recent conference: reflecting on the importance of education for all children worldwide!🌍✨
Adra’s mission is to ensure every child, everywhere in school so that they can have the chance to learn and grow.
Adra Albania showed the study we conducted on the challenges to the access to basic education within the community we work with.
Grateful for everyone who joined us, especially our friends from AdraSweden! 🙌
Let’s continue working towards a brighter future together! 🌟📚
#Adraalbania #Adrasweden #Adraeu #Adrainternational #education #school #everychildeverywhereinschool
Today we visited the Multifunctional Center in Kruja with our friends from the Slovak Embassy in Tirana! 🇸🇰
Witnessing @slovakaid contribution to crafting this playground was heartwarming, emphasizing the importance of outdoor play in nurturing children's growth. 🛝🌳
This center's dedication to aiding special needs children through essential services like speech therapy and ABA therapy is truly inspiring. 👶🏼👧🏻
Later, we moved to our Community Center in Fushe Kruja which is in need of repair. This center plays a critical role in shaping our community's young minds as we hold several activities on its premises. 🏫🌺
💪 We are committed to improving this center for the benefit of its community.
@Slovenské veľvyslanectvo v Albánsku / Ambasada e Sllovakisë ne Shqipëri
Today we visited the Multifunctional Center in Kruja with our friends from the Slovak Embassy in Tirana! 🇸🇰
Witnessing @slovakaid contribution in crafting this playground was heartwarming, emphasizing the importance of outdoor play in nurturing children's growth. 🛝🌳
This center's dedication to aiding special needs children through essential services like speech therapy and ABA therapy is truly inspiring. 👶🏼👧🏻
Later, we moved to our Community Center in Fushe Kruja which is in need of repair. This center plays critical role in shaping our community's young minds as we hold several activities in it’s premises. 🏫🌺
💪 We are committed to improving this center for the benefit of it’s community.
#goodideaslovakia #samrs #slovakaid #adraalbania
#community #youth #albania
The activist group of "Shaqir Lleja" Shkolla 9-viecare school met Adra Albania to talk about the post COVID-19 situation. The 9 teenagers really engaged and presented us their reflection about the impact on their daily life today and how their mental health has been affected by the past years of COVID-19.
PSEA -# BeAware# RaiseYourVoice#
# BeAware# RaiseYourVoice#
The topic of sexual exploitation and abuse continues to be addressed by young activists, community leaders, and teachers in public schools in the Kruja region, in order to raise awareness on child protection and reporting abuse.
The activities took place in the frame of the project "Raising community-awareness on the risks of sexual exploitation and abuse (PSEA) in rural areas, Kruja region” project financed by ADRA International, Communicating with Communities Fund.