Anguilla Rainbow City Radio

Anguilla Rainbow City Radio Anguilla Rainbow City Radio. Radio with a Higher Purpose. Broadcast originates from Anguilla Island. Billboards and top artist new weekly music.

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Hii👋🏻 RCR AnAnguilla Rainbow City Radio family, Happy🥰 Sanctified Sunday🌞Romans 12:21 NIV"Do not be overcome by evil, bu...

Hii👋🏻 RCR AnAnguilla Rainbow City Radio family, Happy🥰 Sanctified Sunday🌞
Romans 12:21 NIV
"Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good."

😇 Most of Paul's bullet-point commands in the previous verses have to do with setting ourselves aside. It's tough for us to do this for the good of our fellow Christians, let alone for our enemies. Difficult or not, Paul is calling us to live as Jesus did.

Now, Paul comes to the final command of the chapter. In essence, he commands us to be strong in our conviction to live in this way. We are not to be overcome by evil, but to overcome evil with good. Paul seems to have in mind the idea that we are overcome by evil when we join in and give it back when we sink to evil's level. That just results in more sin, more pain, and an endless cycle of revenge and hatred.

In other words, evil wins when we live first for ourselves, our rights, and our own good, instead of the good of others.

✨️ If we are strong in Christ, however, we have a great opportunity to overcome evil by continuing to do Christlike good. Evil won't be annihilated from the world on this side of eternity. That ultimate victory over evil is scheduled for some day in the future, at the hands of God (Revelation 20:11–15). All the same, evil can be defeated any time Christians stand up and give back good to those who do wrong to them. Evil struggles to stand against courageous and sacrificial love. 👈🏽
WE MUST REFUSE to sink to evil's level in taking revenge and instead OVERCOME evil BY DOING GOOD to those who harm us.

Let's 🙏🏼 Pray together
Dear Lord, help us to remember Your words in Romans 12:21 - to not be overcome by evil, but to overcome evil with good. Give us the strength to choose kindness over cruelty, forgiveness over resentment, and love over hate. In Jesus' name, 😇AMEN 🎙RCR🇦🇮

Hii👋🏻 RCR family, time for 🥰 Forgiveness 🤗Tuesday.1 Peter 3:9 NIV"Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult. On ...

Hii👋🏻 RCR family, time for 🥰 Forgiveness 🤗Tuesday.
1 Peter 3:9 NIV
"Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult. On the contrary, repay evil with blessing because to this, you were called so that you may inherit a blessing."

😇 It is not only our Christian brethren that should be treated, but we are called to love our enemies. There are three options in living the Christian life:

1. We could follow the satanic path where both good and evil is repaid with evil.

2. We could live our lives on a moral human level where we respond to good with good but recompense evil with evil.

However, the third option, which is the divine standard, is rooted in the love of Christ and the example that He left us, where evil is repaid with good and where blessings are the response to an insult, for that is what God has called us to do and He will bless us for it. We are called to be holy, for He is holy, but His unattainable benchmark can only be attained as we live as Christ lived, in spirit and truth, and in submission to the Holy Spirit

✨️ Love for God and love for other people threads its way through this apostle's writings, and in summing up his first epistle, Peter offers the do's and dont's of Christian living in a few pertinent phrases. After stressing the need for unity, brotherly love, sympathy, and compassion for other people, he urges believers not to repay evil for evil nor to respond to an insult with an equally disparaging remark. 👈🏽

Let's 🙏🏼 Pray together
Heavenly Father, thank You for this challenging verse. In my flesh when I am wronged, I want to lash out and return evil for evil. But help me to walk in spirit and truth and, by the power of the Holy Spirit, may I honestly and wholeheartedly return a blessing to the person who dealt evil to me. Thank You for the promise that by doing this, I will inherit a blessing. Thank You that Your grace is sufficient for all eventualities of life. In Jesus' name,😇AMEN 🎙RCR🇦🇮

Hii👋🏻 RCR AnAnguilla Rainbow City Radio  family, it's da🥰 Sabbath 🤗  weekend. Luke 12:15 NIVThen he said to them, “Watch...

Hii👋🏻 RCR AnAnguilla Rainbow City Radio family, it's da🥰 Sabbath 🤗 weekend.
Luke 12:15 NIV
Then he said to them, “Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions.”

😇 Jesus made it very clear that His kingdom is not of this world system, which thrives on fleshly desires, carnal lusts, the pursuit of pleasure, worldly ways, and climbing up the staircase of success. Believers are advised to be wise and to take care of our lives - our souls. We are encouraged to be on our guard against all covetousness, for our life does not consist of the abundance of our possessions. We would be wise to hold the things of this world very lightly and not to hanker after the accumulation of many things, for they are like the frothy foam carried on the waves of the sea which swiftly disperses within a few moments of time.

The key issue in guarding against covetousness is the protection of our life, and the word 'LIFE' is often interchanged in the Scriptures with the word 'SOUL'. Jesus said, "He who gains his life/soul on earth will lose his life/soul in heaven, and he who loses his life/soul while here on earth will gain his life/soul in Christ's eternal, heavenly kingdom." If we spend our earthly life focussing on the things of the world and coveting the things that we do not have, we are wasting our life, we are wasting our soul, for we are living like the unsaved and Paul calls this a carnal Christian life. For whatever we gain in this life through covetous carnality, results in loss in the next, but those who guard their present life against covetousness by living a spiritual life that is pleasing to the Lord, are laying up treasures in the next.
🔆 How important, therefore, to take care of our life and to be on our guard against all covetousness, for our life does not consist of the abundance of our possessions, but of the treasure we have stored up in heaven. 👈🏽

Happy 😇Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day family.. 🤩Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate canno...

Happy 😇Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day family.. 🤩

Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that.
Hate cannot drive out hate; only love 🥰can do that.
Hate is too great a burden to bear. I have decided to love -
“Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy to a friend.”
Martin Luther King
"Dream Big"🙏🏾

Please 👋🏻click link 👇🏽or picture 4audio👇🏽 Thanks Darkness cannot drive o...

Please 👋🏻click link 👇🏽or picture 4audio👇🏽 Thanks

Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive our hate, can do that.
In the ene, we will remember not the words of our enemies,but the silence of our friends.
We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.
Amen 🎙RCR 🇦🇮

Happy😍 MLK Day family👋🏻

Hii👋🏻 RCR AnAnguilla Rainbow City Radiofamily, Happy🥰Holy🤗 Marvelous Monday. Romans 12:10 NIV"Be devoted to one another ...

Hii👋🏻 RCR AnAnguilla Rainbow City Radiofamily, Happy🥰Holy🤗 Marvelous Monday.
Romans 12:10 NIV
"Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves."

😇 Paul urges us to live a holy life, to present our bodies as a living sacrifice to God, to be separated from the world, to be transformed into the likeness of Christ through the renewing of our minds, and to use the gifts, talents, abilities, and works (which God has foreordained that we should do), wisely, diligently, cheerfully, and in an attitude of love.

👍🏽 All who profess to be Christians are called and commanded to love in the same way that Christ loved us. This is not a human love that we have to pump up from deep within ourselves, but is a supernatural love that is external to human emotions. It is the very love of God Himself, which is freely available to all believers and is freely given to those who are prepared to die to their own human natures, to take up their own cross daily, and to live the only life that is wholly acceptable to God – a spiritual life – a sacrificial life.👈🏽

Such a life is available to us by means of the Holy Spirit and expressed through our new life in Christ, but only those who choose God-dependency over self-dependency can avail themselves of God's love.

"Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God." Let us love each another with brotherly affection and seek to outdo one another in showing honor and grace to all.

Let's 🙏🏼 Pray together
Loving Father, thank You for Your love. I pray that You would pour Your godly love into my heart so that Your love may stream through me to all my brothers and sisters in Christ. Help me to love with brotherly affection and consider the needs of others before my own. In Jesus' name, I pray, 😇AMEN 🎙RCR🇦🇮

Hii👋🏻 RCR AnAnguilla Rainbow City Radio  family, it's 🤗 Sanctified Sunday 🤩 1 Chronicles 16:24 NIV"Declare his glory amo...

Hii👋🏻 RCR AnAnguilla Rainbow City Radio family, it's 🤗 Sanctified Sunday 🤩 1 Chronicles 16:24 NIV
"Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples."

😇 The Ark of the Covenant had been rescued from the Philistines and was finally being brought back to Israel and placed inside the tent that David pitched for it. David called for burnt offerings to be made and peace offerings to be presented before the Lord. He blessed the people in the name of God and appointed Levites as ministers to celebrate before the Lord. And David called the people to give thanks and praise - for the Lord reigns on High.

✨️ Oh, let us give thanks to the Lord, call upon His name. Let us make known His deeds among the people. Let us sing praises to Him and speak of all His wonders. Let us glory in His holy name and let the heart of those who seek the Lord be glad. Let us seek the Lord with all our heart and mind and soul and strength. Let us seek His face continually. Let us remember His wonderful deeds, which He has done, for marvelous are His works and the judgments from His mouth are altogether righteous.👈🏽

Let's 🙏🏼 Pray together
Praise Your name, O Lord most high. I glory at your wonderful creative power, but I wonder more at the amazing grace that You have shown to me in dying for me on Calvary’s cross. I pray that You will use me to tell out the glories of Your name, in the place where You have planted me. In Jesus’ name, I pray, 😇AMEN 🎙RCR🇦🇮

Hii👋🏻 RCR AnAnguilla Rainbow City Radiofamily, it's 🤗 teriffic 🤩 Thursday.Hosea 10:12 NIV"Sow righteousness for yourselv...

Hii👋🏻 RCR AnAnguilla Rainbow City Radiofamily, it's 🤗 teriffic 🤩 Thursday.
Hosea 10:12 NIV
"Sow righteousness for yourselves, reap the fruit of unfailing love, and break up your unplowed ground; for it is time to seek the Lord, until he comes and showers his righteousness on you."

😇 Many are seeking after other gods. Many are pursuing a different gospel - a works-based gospel or a 'Cross-less' gospel, a seeker-friendly gospel or a legalistic gospel, a social gospel, a prosperity gospel, a self-centred gospel, a gospel devoid of truth. Many are running after a Christless gospel that has strayed far away from the foundational doctrine that was once offered to the saints by the apostles and prophets of the New Testament.

May we take to heart this serious warning of Hosea and sow to ourselves in righteousness. May we examine ourselves and break up the fallow ground in our own lives. May we sow with a view to righteousness so that we may reap according to His kindness and grace, knowing that it is time to seek the Lord.

💫 Let us root out any bitterness, unforgiveness, legalism, and unbelief that is lurking on our hearts. May we cast off the works of darkness and walk in the light as He is in the light. May we be led by the Spirit so that we will not carry out the desires of the flesh or become hardened of heart. And let us remember that now is the accepted time to break up the fallow ground and seek the Lord - tomorrow may be too late. 👈🏽

Let's 🙏🏼 Pray together
Loving Father thank you for the reminder that I need to root out all bitterness, unforgiveness, legalism, disinterest, distrust, and unbelief in my heart, for I want to sow unto myself righteousness, knowing that it is only through Your loving-mercy that such fruit will grow. I pray that I will not delay in breaking up the fallow ground in my own heart, knowing that today is the day I need to seek You with every fiber of my being. This I ask in Jesus' name, 😇AMEN 🎙RCR🇦🇮

Hii👋🏻RCR AnAnguilla Rainbow City Radio family 🤗  Happy 🎉New Year, Faithful Friday  2025 🥳Galatians 1:10 NIV_Am I now try...

Hii👋🏻RCR AnAnguilla Rainbow City Radio family 🤗 Happy 🎉New Year, Faithful Friday 2025 🥳
Galatians 1:10 NIV
_Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ._

😇 If Paul was attempting to be a man-pleaser, he would not be so openly hostile towards the Judaizes... nor would he castigate the ungodly doctrines they taught so forcefully. No bond-servant of Christ can ever continue to be a man-pleaser, for to do so is to discredit the Lord Who bought them and to trample on the blood of Christ which was shed for us all at Calvary.
It seems, from Paul's dynamic dialogue, that they were accusing him that his preaching of freedom from the law was giving Christians a license to sin. This was untrue and was diametrically opposite of Paul's glorious gospel of grace and the ministry to which he had been called. New Testament teachings to the Church on how to live are very clear and never give believers a license to sin. We are called to be saved by grace through faith, but we are also to live by grace through faith as we apply the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus in our everyday lives.

👉🏽 If Paul, in these early days of the Church, was so viciously attacked by these legalistic, Pharisaic teachers who deliberately tied up heavy legalistic burdens on men's shoulders in order to entrap them, manipulate them, enslave them, and place them back under the curse of the Law... how much more do we, in these closing days of Christendom, need to be equally vigilant in our defence of the glorious gospel of God - for Christ died for our sins and rose again the third day so that by faith in His sacrificial work on the Cross and glorious Resurrection, we have been freed from the curse of the Law - which is death - and have been born anew where we walk in spirit and truth under the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus. 👈🏽

Heyy👋🏻RCR  family 🤗  Happy 🎉New Year, Transformational Thursday  2025 🥳Romans 12:2 KJV"And be not conformed to this worl...

Heyy👋🏻RCR family 🤗 Happy 🎉New Year, Transformational Thursday 2025 🥳
Romans 12:2 KJV
"And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God."

😇 The fallen world and sinful man are all too ready to squeeze us into its own mold and to cultivate in us a worldly mindset, where God is far removed. Our own sin nature rebels against the Spirit Who dwells within, and the Spirit lusts against our fallen fleshly desires, but Paul warns us not to be conformed to this world, but rather to be transformed by the renewing of our minds.

The daily transformation process, where we are being changed from glory to glory, into the image and likeness of Christ, as we abide in Him and He in us, is a lifelong process that requires vigilance at all times. The enemy of our soul desires to shipwreck our faith and render our testimony impotent - either by stroking our ego or by causing us to become fearful. He is a deceiver and murderer and has been from the beginning, and we need to put on the armour of God, day by day, if we are to overcome the world, the flesh, and the devil.

The sin nature is programmed to be conformed to the world, but the transforming work of the indwelling Holy Spirit requires the continuous and ongoing renewing of our mind, so that our thoughts are influenced by the mind of Christ, as the desire of His heart becomes our own desire and delight, and His perfect will is translated into our will.

👉🏽 How true it is that you become like the person with whom you spend time, and whatever has captivated your heart inevitably reflects attitudes and behaviours in life, (whether good or evil), and too often it is not a pretty sight. We are warned not to habitually be immersed in the world but to set our minds on the Lord Jesus Christ and make Him the central focus of our thoughts. 👈🏽

Hii👋🏻 RCR AnAnguilla Rainbow City Radio  family 🤗 its Sabbath weekend.2 Timothy 2:15 KJV"Study to shew thyself approved ...

Hii👋🏻 RCR AnAnguilla Rainbow City Radio family 🤗 its Sabbath weekend.
2 Timothy 2:15 KJV
"Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."

😇 Scripture should not be taken out of context nor twisted to say what we would like it to say or even think it says! The Word of God is one unified whole, which unveils the unchanging nature and character of God and the devastating effects of sin, which is a concept that threads throughout the Word.

It also spans from creation to the eternal ages to come and contains God's wider plan of salvation as well as identifying the arch enemy of God and men as the fallen angel, Satan. But it also distinguishes between many important concepts and periods of time. For instance, being saved must be differentiated from growing in the Christian life, and passages that were specifically written to Israel should not be confused with those that were written to the Church.

The pre-Cross doctrine must stand in contrast with the post-Cross teachings, and literal passages must not be twisted into spiritual passages and vice versa.

👉🏽 Scripture is its own interpreter, and the Holy Spirit becomes the teacher of the believer that is walking in spirit and truth, so let us do our best to present ourselves to God as one that is approved, workers who do not need to be ashamed, rightly handling the Word of truth. 👈🏽

Let's 🙏🏼 Pray together
Loving Heavenly Father, thank You for Your Word of truth and the grace that it contains. We pray that by Your grace, we may walk in spirit and truth as we search the Scriptures daily to discover what Your Holy Spirit would teach us. Give us understanding of Your Word, a teachable spirit, and guide us into all truth, we pray. In Jesus' name, 😇AMEN 🎙RCR 🇦🇮

Heyy👋🏻 RCR AnAnguilla Rainbow City RadioFamily 😇 Thankful 😊 Thursday.‭Proverbs‬ ‭19:17‬ ‭NLT‬If you help the poor, you a...

Heyy👋🏻 RCR AnAnguilla Rainbow City RadioFamily 😇 Thankful 😊 Thursday.
‭Proverbs‬ ‭19:17‬ ‭NLT‬
If you help the poor, you are lending to the Lord— and he will repay you

😇He who has pity on the poor lends to the LORD: When we give to the poor (expressing our love and pity towards them), we aren't wasting our money. It is like lending money to the LORD Himself.

🙏🏼 Let's Pray 🙏🏼
Dear God, we know that it is Your will to help those who are afflicted, to support the weak, to provide for the widows and orphans, and to help those that are in need.

Use our hands to be of service to those in need, and use our voices to speak words of healing and encouragement to those who are afflicted and in distress. Thank You for hearing our prayer. In Jesus' name, we pray, 😇AMEN.

Boxing Day 2024
Synopsis. Boxing Day, originating in Victorian England, diverges from its boxing sport misconception. 👉🏽It symbolizes generosity as the affluent once boxed surplus items for the less fortunate.👈🏽 This globally embraced holiday extends beyond the UK, celebrated with unique regional flavors in Australia, Canada, Europe and Caribbean.

Heyy👋🏻 RCR Anguilla Rainbow City Radio🤗family.Enjoy👋🏻 Christmas greetings 🤩from our studios to your house.JESUS😇 IS the ...

Heyy👋🏻 RCR Anguilla Rainbow City Radio🤗family.
Enjoy👋🏻 Christmas greetings 🤩from our studios to your house.
JESUS😇 IS the reason for the season.
Amen 🙏🏼

Hii👋🏻 RCR AnAnguilla Rainbow City Radiofamily 🤗 Blessed Sanctified Sunday.Luke 2:7 NIVand she gave birth to her firstbor...

Hii👋🏻 RCR AnAnguilla Rainbow City Radiofamily 🤗 Blessed Sanctified Sunday.
Luke 2:7 NIV
and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger because there was no guest room available for them.

😇 Luke gives a brief explanation of Jesus' unusual birth. Some traditional details of this event are just that: traditional, and not necessarily given in Scripture itself.
In those days, Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a census should be taken of the entire Roman world.
So Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to Bethlehem the town of David, because he belonged to the house and line of David. He went there to register with Mary, who was pledged to be married to him and was expecting a child.
Due to the number of travelers, lodgings are crowded. Mary gives birth and lays Jesus in an animal's feeding trough.

Let's 🙏🏼 Pray together
Heavenly Father, thank You that, just as in the times of Mary and Joseph, Your plans and purposes for mankind cannot be thwarted by Satan’s evil manipulation, nor obstructed by the work of evil men and their corrupt governments. And even through today, the nations conspire against Your people (Israel), rage against Your Body (the Church), and seek to break free from God’s ultimate, sovereign authority, we praise and thank You that You remain in ultimate control, and that the day is coming when You will break the nations with a rod of iron and dash them to pieces like pottery. Until then, we pray that You will use us to Your praise and glory. In Jesus' name, 😇AMEN 🎙RCR 🇦🇮

Hii👋🏻RCR   family, it's Magnificent 😊 Monday 🤩  Isaiah 7:14 KJVTherefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold,...

Hii👋🏻RCR family, it's Magnificent 😊 Monday 🤩
Isaiah 7:14 KJV
Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.

😇 A virgin would conceive and give birth to their Savior Who would be called Immanuel, God with us, God incarnate. The immortal, invisible, eternal God was to be born into the world as a tiny baby, and He would save His people, Israel, from their sins. And through Him, all the families of the earth would be blessed.

A child was to be born of a virgin, for God was to give His only begotten Son: "And the government would be upon His shoulder, and His name would be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace."

👉🏽 There are twenty-two astonishing Messianic prophesies in the book of Isaiah, and each one points to the Lord Jesus Christ as its glorious fulfillment, while hundreds more thread their way through the prophetic Scriptures. 👈🏽

The Word of the Lord is sure and every prophetic pronouncement in the Scriptures has or will reach its ultimate fulfilment in Christ, for God's Word is sure, His faithfulness is everlasting, His truth endures from one generation to the next, and His promises are 'yes' and 'amen' in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Let's 🙏🏼 Pray together
Heavenly Father, You alone are wise and good. Thank You for the truths that are contained in Your holy Word and that by Your grace You told us the end from the beginning. Thank You that You sent Your Son to be born of a virgin and become the full and final atonement for my sin. Thank You that Jesus walked the earth as a Man and understands all the limitations of our humanity. I am so thankful that He fully understands my weaknesses, having been tempted in all things, yet without sin. Thank You for my precious Savior Who helps me in my trials and temptations and Who is coming back one day to finalise His authority over sin, the world, and the devil. To Him Jesus be all the glory, world without end, 😇AMEN 🎙RCR🇦🇮

Heyy👋🏻RCR family, it's Thankful 😊 Thursday.🤩 Isaiah 40:3 NLT_Listen! It’s the voice of someone shouting, “Clear the way ...

Heyy👋🏻RCR family, it's Thankful 😊 Thursday.🤩 Isaiah 40:3 NLT
_Listen! It’s the voice of someone shouting, “Clear the way through the wilderness for the Lord! Make a straight highway through the wasteland for our God!_

😇Like the prophets of old and the angels who proclaimed the birth of Christ so many years ago, we too have the responsibility to be voices, crying out the message of salvation in a lost and dying world. We, too, have been commissioned to bring good news of great joy to the unsaved masses - to Jews and Gentiles alike, by declaring the gospel of grace to those who are dead in their sins... for there is only one name under heaven, whereby we must be saved... the lovely name of Jesus.

👉🏽 May we take the role and responsibility that we have been awarded by our risen Savior seriously. May we faithfully carry out the good work that God has prepared us to do and become a voice crying out in the wilderness, in a world of spiritually dead souls, who need a Saviour to save them from a lost eternity. 👈🏽

Let's 🙏🏼 Pray together
Heavenly Father, thank You for the many prophets who proclaimed the coming of the Saviour, and thank You that by grace through faith we have believed their testimony and become part of the one new man in Christ. Help us to be a voice calling out in this wilderness of sin, proclaiming God's message of reconciliation to those that need a Savior. Help us to testify of the truth of God's Word - that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners through His sacrificial death and glorious resurrection - and that by faith in His name, lost sinners may be forgiven of their sin and declared righteous - to the glory of God. In Jesus' name, I pray, 😇AMEN 🎙RCR 🇦🇮

Heyy👋🏻 RCR AnAnguilla Rainbow City Radiofamily, 😊 Happy 🤩 Sanctified Sunday.John 3:34 NIV"For the one whom God has sent ...

Heyy👋🏻 RCR AnAnguilla Rainbow City Radiofamily, 😊 Happy 🤩 Sanctified Sunday.
John 3:34 NIV
"For the one whom God has sent speaks the words of God, for God gives the Spirit without limit."

😇 Before the Cross, the Holy Spirit was only sent for a limited time and specific purpose. But we in the Church age have unfettered access to our heavenly Lord, for His Spirit has taken up permanent residence within our mortal bodies.

The Holy Spirit also produces the fruit of the Spirit in the life of all who are walking in spirit and truth; abiding in Christ and following His guidance. He also corrects and chastens us when we go astray, and the wonderful Spirit of God has become our ever-present help in time of need.

👉🏽 No wonder John the Baptist rejoiced with exceeding great joy when he was given the privilege of preparing the way of the Lord, and being entrusted with spiritual truths that are now being manifested in the lives of all God's children. 👈🏽

Let's 🙏🏼 Pray together
Heavenly Father, thank You that through faith in Christ, we have been given the Holy Spirit without measure and have access to the unlimited power of Christ's Spirit living in us. Thank You that we have been brought out of spiritual blindness into the truth of the glorious gospel of grace, and we pray that we would value this great treasure that has been entrusted to us, and Who now indwells this mortal frame. May we live and work to Your praise and glory, and honor Your holy name in all we say and do. This we ask in Jesus' name, 😇AMEN 🎙RCR 🇦🇮

Hii👋🏻 RCR family 😊Happy  🤩 Sabbath weekend.Proverbs 18:10 NIV"The name of the Lord is a fortified tower; the righteous r...

Hii👋🏻 RCR family 😊Happy 🤩 Sabbath weekend.
Proverbs 18:10 NIV
"The name of the Lord is a fortified tower; the righteous run to it and are safe."

😇 All of us who run to Him as their Creator and Redeemer, discover Him to be our Perfect Peace, our Gracious Shepherd, and our Everlasting Righteousness. To myriads of men and women, the Lord has proved Himself to be the Righteousness of God, in Christ: "For God made Him Who had no sin to be sin for us, so that we might become the righteousness of God - in Christ."

When fallen man can look beyond his rebellious, prideful myopia, and recognise that by God's eternal power the worlds were made, he can start to glimpse into the very character and heart of God Who loved the world so much that He sent His only begotten Son to pay the enormous price for your sins and mine. And His name is Jesus.

👉🏽Let us run to Jesus, our Strong Tower, knowing that in Him alone will be found our refuge and strength, our peace and our safety.👈🏽

Let's 🙏🏼 Pray together
Heavenly Father, thank You that we are covered by the righteousness of Christ Jesus our Savior. He is our secure tower of refuge, in Whom is everything I need. It is in His name I pray, 😇AMEN 🎙RCR🇦🇮


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