Afghan Independent Journalists Associations-Helmand

Afghan Independent Journalists Associations-Helmand AIJA is an accredited ORG that aims to defend and protect the rights of journalists

د افغاني سرې میاشتې له لوري په کندهار ولایت کې ۱۵۰۰ اړمنو او بېوزلو کورنیو ته د ۹۳ ټنه خوراکي توکو د مرستې ویش پیل شو.یا...

د افغاني سرې میاشتې له لوري په کندهار ولایت کې ۱۵۰۰ اړمنو او بېوزلو کورنیو ته د ۹۳ ټنه خوراکي توکو د مرستې ویش پیل شو.
یاده مرسته چې د ملک سلمان خیریه بنسټ له لوري د اسلامي همکاریو د سازمان په همغږۍ چمتو شوې؛ په کې هرې کورنۍ ته ۶۲ کیلو خوراکي توکي ورکول کېږي.
په خوراکي توکو کې اوړه، غوړي، خرما، بوره، وریژې او لوبیا شامل دي.

The current situation of the media calls for the strengthening of the Commission for Investigating Media Violations.Kabu...

The current situation of the media calls for the strengthening of the Commission for Investigating Media Violations.
Kabul - Afghanistan
12 carrying 12
February 27, 2017

The Ministry of Information and Culture of the Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan is following up on the laws related to Afghanistan's media by the ministry, working on a joint agreement between different departments on the non-direct intervention of other institutions in media affairs and transferring cases related to journalists and media to the Ministry of Information And the culture and the commission of investigation of media violations has announced.
M***i Abdul Matin Qaneh, the spokesman and policy adviser of the ministry, in a newsletter sent to the media, informed about the registration of journalists in the country's database and the distribution of journalist cards for identification and convenience for journalists.
The Union of Free Journalists of Afghanistan also welcomes the non-interference of other institutions and the strengthening of the Commission for Investigation of Media Violations, asks the leadership of the Ministry of Information and Culture to pay serious attention to accelerating the process of approving and finalizing laws related to the work of journalists and media.

Meeting with Khaje Abdul Basir Abed, the head of Arezoo World Television, Mr. Nejand, a young man who cares about his co...

Meeting with Khaje Abdul Basir Abed, the head of Arezoo World Television, Mr. Nejand, a young man who cares about his countrymen, the manager of the Nabizadeh Foundation and other employees on this television.

Media activity by the greatness of Arezoo TV in the ancient Balkh province shows the innovative effort of leading this media and the support of culture-friendly investors in the country.
The leadership of the Afghan Free Journalists Union also praised the visit, these initiatives and efforts that support this media.

Message of condolenceThe Union of Free Journalists of Afghanistan has described the death of Faisal Fazli, one of the co...

Message of condolence
The Union of Free Journalists of Afghanistan has described the death of Faisal Fazli, one of the country's famous journalists, as a loss to the country's social media community. It extends its condolences to the family and social media community of the country and wishes the deceased Paradise.

هلمندي خبریالانو ته د ځاني او الکترونیکي خوندیتوب په  پار ورکشاپ  ورکړل شو. یاد ورکشاپ د افغان خبریالانو دخوندیتوب کمېټې...

هلمندي خبریالانو ته د ځاني او الکترونیکي خوندیتوب په پار ورکشاپ ورکړل شو.

یاد ورکشاپ د افغان خبریالانو دخوندیتوب کمېټې له خوا د هلمند په مرکز لښکرګاه ښار کې په لاره اچول شوي وو چې دوه ورځي یې دوام وکړ .

پدې ورکشاپ کې ۲۰ تنه هغه هلمند میشتو خبریالانو برخه لرل چې دسیمه ییزو رسنیو ترڅنګ د دې ولایت څخه دملي او نړیوالو رسنیو سره په عملي ډول کار کوي.

دورکشاپ لمُړۍ ورځ انټرنيټي/ الکترونیکي خوندیتوب ته ورټوله وه، تر څو پر دنده خبریالان وکړای شي چې له دې وروسته خپل
د رسمي ایمیلونو، خواله رسنیو، ټیلفوني مکالمو او همدارنګه د هکرانو له لوري خپل اکونټونه او کمپيوټرونه خوندي وساتي .
همدا ډول دورکشاپ دوهمه ورځ دخبریالانو ځاني خوندیتوب ته ځانګړې شوې وه.
د دې ورکشاپ په دوهمه وروستۍ ورځ دهلمند دازاد خبریالانو او ازادو رسنیو داتحادیې مشر وحیدالله وحدت دافغان خبریالانو دخوندیتوب کمېټې څخه پر منني برسیره دا ډول روزنیز پروګرامونه دهلمندي خبریالانو دظرفیت لوړني په پار خورا مهم یاد کړل.
نوموړي دخپلو خبرو پرمهال دراپور جوړوني او ویاندویې برخه کې هم دورته روزنیزو ورکشاپونو غوښتنه وکړل.

دا داسي مهال دی چې تر هلمند ور اخوا دهېواد په یوشمېر نورو ولایتونو کې هم دافغان خبریالانو دخوندیتوب کمېټې له لوري ورته ورکشاپونه په لار اچول شوي دي.

Recognizing the best media on the occasion of Reporter's Day2 Pisces 1441March 22, 2020Kabul - AfghanistanAfghanistan Fr...

Recognizing the best media on the occasion of Reporter's Day

2 Pisces 1441
March 22, 2020

Kabul - Afghanistan

Afghanistan Free Journalists Union, Journalists Solidarity Association and a group of Kabul journalists under the name of Journalists Justice Movement, celebrated the Journalist's Day by donating statues, awards and acknowledging the consistent efforts and struggles of journalists in the process of accurate information, growth of freedom of speech and reflecting the right demand. Citizens of the country appreciated and praised for bringing improvement and positive change in people's lives.

The Union of Free Journalists of Afghanistan believes that all journalists and media employees of the country who are engaged in media activity in difficult conditions in Kabul and provinces are appreciated and praised.

In this show, three of Marjan Wafa's media personnel were selected as the best reporter, Faridullah Mohammadi as the best host and Samim Feizi as the best photographer by the judges.

As an institution that supports and defends the rights of journalists in the country, the Union of Free Journalists of Afghanistan has always tried to solve the economic problems of journalists and media at global meetings, it has asked the officials in the Islamic Emirate to provide timely access to journalists. They should pay attention to the security of the media and the life immunity of journalists.

Hojatollah Majdadi, the head of the Union of Journalists of Afghanistan, Zarif Karimi, the office of the Free Media Support Office, Farhad Behrouz, the deputy of the Union of Free Journalists of Afghanistan Union, Mohammad Ibrahim Amarkhel, the head of Journalists Solidarity Association, Faridullah Mohammadi, the host of Toloo News political programs, Mohammad Ishaq Samadi, the head for Coordination Center of Journalists, Javad Rasouli, Fateh Allah Babkarkheil, the head of Mashal University, Noorullah Babkarkhel, the head of the Faculty of Journalism, Kardan University, spoke about the situation of information and freedom of speech, called for financial support of journalists and media by global organizations for the defense of journalists' rights and freedom of expression, from the Islamic Emirate to behubad Pay attention to the situation of access to information and life immunity of journalists.

M***i Abdul Matin Ghani, the spokesman and policy adviser of the Ministry of Information and Culture, reminded the commitment of the Islamic Emirate to support freedom and media, in connection with strengthening the commission for investigating complaints and handling media violations and preventing interference of other organizations in the affairs of media and journalists They did it.

The competition program of the best media of Afghanistan, which was launched to encourage journalists and media workers to be professional and creative in their work, had competed more than a hundred journalists and media employees, three of them in three sections. They won the first place.

In this program, besides the statue, for the best reporter, the amount is 500 Afghani.
For the best conductor 500 Afghani
And it was distributed for the best photographer of 500 Afghani, whose total was 15000 Afghani and was funded by one of the Afghan social media elite abroad.

د هلمند رمضان جام لپاره اخلاقي کرکیټ لوبډله.Akhlaqi Cricket Club Main Squad For 2023 Ramadan Cup.  -     -

د هلمند رمضان جام لپاره اخلاقي کرکیټ لوبډله.
Akhlaqi Cricket Club Main Squad For 2023 Ramadan Cup.
- -

د ۱۴۰۱ کال غوره خبریالان

د ۱۴۰۱ کال غوره خبریالان

Congrats on the National Journalist Day2 Pisces 1441March 13, 2017Kabul - AfghanistanJournalists have been the real voic...

Congrats on the National Journalist Day

2 Pisces 1441
March 13, 2017

Kabul - Afghanistan
Journalists have been the real voice of the people and have a special place among the citizens of the country.

Lack of access to information, economic problems, lack of job and life immunity are major challenges to media activity and freedom of speech, but journalists have fought and demanded justice unitedly to bring improvement and positive change in the lives of the people, they protect people's rights and freedom of expression, as all Do you know that last week, two of our colleagues in Balkh lost their lives and 10 others were injured.

The findings of the Afghan Free Journalists Union show that in the past year, more than 1,300 media outlets have stopped their broadcasts due to economic problems, 1,300 cases of violence against journalists have been registered, Morteza Behboudi, Khairullah Parhar and Ghodratullah Noori have been imprisoned, three international media publications in Afghanistan It is closed and access to the four media website is limited.

The restarting of the Commission for Reviewing Complaints and Handling of Media Violations, the establishment of the Directorate of Access to Information and coordination meetings in the Center and the Provinces was one of the promising cases in the past year.

The Union of Free Journalists of Afghanistan once again calls on the International Organization for the Defense of Journalists' Rights and Freedom of Expression to support journalists and media, in growing and protecting freedom of expression.

At the same time, we ask the relevant authorities in the Islamic Emirate to provide the reporters with timely access to information, include the real representatives of journalists and the media in the Commission for Investigation of Complaints and Media Violations, implement the Public Media Law and Access to Information Law. Pay more attention to the security and immunity of journalists.

*د خبریال ورځ مو نیکمرغه*                             1401/12/27د افغانستان د خپلواکو خبریالانو اتحادیه AIJU پر داسې مها...

*د خبریال ورځ مو نیکمرغه*
د افغانستان د خپلواکو خبریالانو اتحادیه AIJU پر داسې مهال خپلو درنو ژورنالستانو ته د خبریال د ورځې مبارکي ورکوي چې؛
*اونۍ وړاندې مو بلخ ولایت مرکز مزار شریف ښار کې ګڼ شمیر ملګري د حق او بیان ازادۍ د مبارزې په ریښینې لار کې په خپلو وینو ولمبیدل، *دوه تنه یې شهیدان او شپاړس تنه ټپیان شول*
خو بیاهم په وینو لژند اتلان ستړیا نه مني او خپل یون ته ادامه ورکوي.
لوږه،بیکاري،بیوزلي،کډوالي،معلوماتو نه او یا سخت لاسری هغه ستونزې دي چې د هیواد د ژورنالیزم کورنۍ ورسره لاس او ګریوان ده.
موږ ژمن او متعهد یو چې دغه بیړۍ به د نجات تر ساحله رسوو،خو په نړیواله ټولنه،ملګرو ملتونو،ملاتړ سازمانونو او بشري مرستو پر بنسټونو غږ کوو چې په کړاوجنو او ترینګلو شرایطو کې د افغانستان خبریالانو ته د مرستې لاس ورکړي.
دا شپې او شیبې به الله روښانه کړي،یوځل بیا د چاپي،غږیزو اولیدنیزو رسنیو درنو سنګروالو ته د اتحادیې د رهبرۍ پلاوي له لوري د مبارکۍ اوټپي ملګرو ته د بیړنۍ شفا مراتب وړاندې کوم.
حجت الله" مجددي"
دافغانستان خپلواکو ژورنالستانو د اتحادیې رییس

د مارچ۱۷ مه/ دا ورځ د ادب او هنر په تاریخ کېد 1585 كال په دې ورځ هالنډي شاعر او ډرامه ليكوال ګربرانت اې بريديرو Gerbrant...

د مارچ۱۷ مه/ دا ورځ د ادب او هنر په تاریخ کې

د 1585 كال په دې ورځ هالنډي شاعر او ډرامه ليكوال ګربرانت اې بريديرو Gerbrant A Bredero دنيا ته سترګې رڼې كړې.

د 1634 كال په دې ورځ ليكوالې او ناول ليكونكې كانتيسا مريه مدلين Contessa Marie Madeleine La Fayette دنيا ته سترګې وغړولې.

د 1821كال په دې ورځ فرانسوى ليكوال (Ernest Feydeau)وزېږېد.(Georges Feydeau) د هغه مشهور اثر دى.

د 1868 كال په دې ورځ روسي ليكوال ماكسيم ګوركي Maxim Gorki دنيا ته سترګې رڼې كړې. د هغه په مشهورو اثارو كې يو هم (مور) دى چې په پښتو هم ژباړل شوی دی.

د 1948 كال په دې ورځ امريكايي سايڼس فكشن ليكواله مارګريت ويس Margaret [Edith] Weis دنيا ته سترګې رڼې

Dara-e-Noor, Nangarhar Province

Dara-e-Noor, Nangarhar Province

The biggest conference to support free speech and media in recent years, with Anthony Blinger, Secretary-General of the ...

The biggest conference to support free speech and media in recent years, with Anthony Blinger, Secretary-General of the World Federation of Journalists, Thomas Nickelson, EU Special Representative for Afghanistan, Tom Love, Vice President of the Global Coalition for Freedom of the Media, Ghairola Andrea, Senior Advisor to the UN, Victoria Leonio The head of the Reporters Without Borders Desk, Stephanie, the representative of Reporters Without Border in Germany and about 30 Afghan journalists from different European countries, held a meeting in Brussels and emphasized the comprehensive support for Afghan media and journalists.

Brussels - BelgiumThe speech of Hojatollah Majdadi, the head of the Union of Free Journalists of Afghanistan, at a press...

Brussels - Belgium
The speech of Hojatollah Majdadi, the head of the Union of Free Journalists of Afghanistan, at a press conference with the presence of the European Union Special Representative to Afghanistan, Secretary General of the World Federation of Journalists, Deputy of the Global Media Coalition, representatives of the UNESCO World Organizations, and journalists without borders and about 30 journalists from Afghanistan. And European countries in Brussels-Belgium.

حمله بر خبرنگاران، حمله بر آزادی بیان است۲۰ حوت ۱۴۰۱۱۱ مارچ ۲۰۲۳خبرنگاران صدای واقعی مردم افغانستان بوده، حمله بر جان خب...

حمله بر خبرنگاران، حمله بر آزادی بیان است

۲۰ حوت ۱۴۰۱
۱۱ مارچ ۲۰۲۳

خبرنگاران صدای واقعی مردم افغانستان بوده، حمله بر جان خبرنگاران حمله بر آزادی بیان و مردم افغانستان است.

مرکز فرهنگی تبیان در بلخ در برنامه یی میخواست شماری از خبرنگاران شمال کشور را مورد تقدیر قرار دهد که در این برنامه انفجار صورت گرفته و ۱۴ تن از همکاران رسانه یی ما هر یک مرتضی صمیمی، نجیب فریاد، فردین نوروزی، عزیز ابرام، خیبر ابراهیمی، وحید جلالی، سیرت نوری،جواد درویش، روح الله روحانی، حسیب، منیر بهیر،سجاد موسوی، داکتر ناصر ظاهری، رسول سالک زخم برداشتند.

اتحادیه ژورنالیستان آزاد افغانستان ضمن نکوهش این حمله، از مسوولان مربوطه می‌خواهد تا این قضیه را به صورت جدی پیگیری نموده و عاملان آنرا شناسایی نمایند.

در ضمن اتحادیه ژورنالیستان آزاد افغانستان از مسوولان در امارت اسلامی می‌خواهد تا در تامین امنیت و مصوونیت جانی خبرنگاران در مرکز و ولایات توجه جدی نمایند.

‏Attacking journalists is an attack on freedom of speech.

‏2 Pisces 1441
‏March 11, 2017

‏Journalists have been the true voice of the Afghan people. Attack on the lives of journalists is an attack on freedom of speech and the Afghan people.

‏The Tebyan Cultural Center in Balkh wanted to honor a number of journalists in the north of the country in a program that there was an explosion in this program and 14 of our media colleagues were Morteza Samimi, Najib Fryad, Fardin Norouzi, Aziz Abram, Khyber Ebrahimi, Vahid Jalali, Sirat Noori, Jawad Dervish, Rouhollah Rouhani, Hasib, Munir Bahir, Sajjad Mousavi, Dr. Naser Zaheri, Rasool Salik were wounded.

‏The Union of Free Journalists of Afghanistan also condemns this attack, and asks the relevant authorities to seriously follow up this issue and identify the perpetrators.

‏In addition, the Afghan Free Journalists Union calls on officials in the Islamic Emirates to pay serious attention to ensuring the safety and immunity of journalists in the center and provinces.


Lashkar Gah/Helmand
Lashkar Gah





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