نهاد اجتماعی آیینه جوانان Youth's Mirror Social Association

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نهاد اجتماعی آیینه جوانان  Youth's Mirror Social Association آيینه جوانان (فروگشاي تغيرات مثبت)


Street music
Despite the very presence of Taliban we indeed enjoy our street music.
Youth’s Mirror Social Association with the cooperation of Kindness Ambassadors Art Group have initiated first street music performance in the very support of everlasting peace in the society.


نخستین جشنواره زنان موفق افغانستان، برای اولین بار به ابتکار نهاد اجتماعی آیینه جوانان، انستیتوت صلح، رسانه و حکومت داری خوب و انجمن اجتماعی فضای خرد در کابل برگزار شد تا دست آورد های زنان در بخش های مختلف و از سطوح مختلف جامعه برجسته شوند که 16 زن به عنوان زنان موفق در اجتماع معرفی شدند.
۶۰۰ زن در ۸ بخش علمی و ادبی، تجارتی و اقتصادی، فرهنگی و اجتماعی، امنیتی و نظامی، رسانه، ورزش، هنر و حقوقی و قضایی به رقابت پرداختند و از این میان ۱۶ زن‌موفق برگزیده شد که ۸ نفر موفق به دریافت تندیس جشنواره شدند و ‌۸ زن موفق نیز لوح تقدیر و جوایز جشنواره را از آن خود کردند.


جشنواره از تصویر تا واژه برای اولین بار درکابل به ابتکار نهاد اجتماعی آیینه جوانان برگزار شد که هدف از برگزاری این برنامه حفظ فرهنگ اصیل کشور و بلند بردن ظرفیت جوانان و نو جوانان در عرصه های فرهنگی کشور می باشد.

جمع آوري كمك ها براي اطفال بي بضاعت بصورت انلايناز طريق: اپليكشن و ويب سايتبزودي ..

جمع آوري كمك ها براي اطفال بي بضاعت بصورت انلاين
از طريق: اپليكشن و ويب سايت
بزودي ..

‏‎دومين جشنواره همدلي و مهرباني به تاريخ   ٩٦/١٢/٢ برگزار گرديد.‏‎این جشنواره با ابتکار "نهاد اجتماعی، ایینه جوانان"با ح...

‏‎دومين جشنواره همدلي و مهرباني به تاريخ ٩٦/١٢/٢ برگزار گرديد.
‏‎این جشنواره با ابتکار "نهاد اجتماعی، ایینه جوانان"با حضور داشت مقامات دولتي، نهاد هاي اجتماعي و فرهنگي، استاتيد دانشگاه در يك فضاى كاملا صميمى، با نهايت دوستى و هميديگرپذيرى در دانشگاه رابعه بلخى برگزار گرديد.
هدف كلي اين جشنواره حمايت از اطفال بي بضاعت و كارگر بوده كه دور سوم اين جشنواره در آينده هاي نزديك برگزار ميگردد.
The second hamleli wa mehrabani ( sympathy and kindness) festival celebrated in 12/2/96.
This festival was celebrated by the persence of governer officialls, cultural and social institute, university lecturer in Rabe-e-Balkhy university taking advantage of its friendly environment.
The main purpose of this festival was to protect and endorse children who are struggling by poverty and those who works. we are gladly can express that the third time festival will be held in near future.

فرا رسيدن عاشوراي حسيني و شهادت امام حسين (ع) به تمام مسلمانان جهان تسليت باد .

فرا رسيدن عاشوراي حسيني و شهادت امام حسين (ع) به تمام مسلمانان جهان تسليت باد .

بزودي ...

بزودي ...

Celebration of World Women's Day  During the war most of the women was targeted directly. Women faced lots of difficulti...

Celebration of World Women's Day
During the war most of the women was targeted directly. Women faced lots of difficulties during and after the war. Ignorance, lack of education, and lack of Islamic knowledge was the major key factors who increased the vulnerability for the women among the society. Women in Afghanistan always being victims of traditional deviations and masculine tastes. But it doesn’t means that here is the end for women in Afghanistan. In reality no one is able to stop women from reaching them their goal what they want. Women are now active as part of an influential body of the society. Women have played a role in the election, and this generation educator has displayed more and more abilities of the women than existing ones.
In the field of politics, economics, business and culture, women now have the necessary ability and despite social challenges also they have not lost their influence in the socio-political process. Youth Mirror Social Association celebrated "International Women's Day" on March 8th 2017. This magnificent event attended by hundreds of students, women's rights activists, journalists and professors at Behisht-e-Zendagi hotel. The program was very different from other programs and the main purpose of the program was to demonstrate the power of women, their activities and to motivate young people, especially the girls, to do the fight with their social challenges and problems. A panel of selected delegates was organized to monitor the program. In which our guests given their active participation and told everyone how they were able to overcome from their current challenges by overcoming their challenges.
For example Dr. Ramazan Bashardost member of parliament, spoke on women's role, their vulnerability, the challenges and challenges they face, and the issue of resolution.At the end of the program women who are active and been active in political and social world were honored by receiving appreciation letter.

Afghanistan Successful Woman’s festival :The women of Afghanistan are victims of war from so many years. This war has gi...

Afghanistan Successful Woman’s festival :
The women of Afghanistan are victims of war from so many years. This war has given nothing but destroying, sacrificing, and sabotaging to all people and specially women has damaged much more. We realized that this war was a major war for the people of Afghanistan. To give a proper appreciation to what women has done so far Youth Mirror Social Association and Fazaie Kherad social association had prepared special festival by the name of Afghanistan Successful Woman’s festival to appreciate successful women effort.
Afghanistan Successful Woman’s festival has been celebrated for the first time in Afghanistan in January 11th 2018 by presence of and social and cultural organization and hundreds of men and women. The festival was celebrated by Youth Mirror Association and Fazaie Kherad social association with cooperation of Peace, media and good government institute, Blue Sonic company, Zan tv and National Music Institute in Kabul university. In this festival the judges select 16 most successful women among 600 successful women of Afghanistan with respect to their efforts for development of Afghanistan. These 16 highly respected women who are well recognized in the society was appreciated by distribution of appreciation letters and award.

Afghanistan Successful Woman’s festival was celebrated on January 11th 2018 in Kabul university, Kabul Afghanistan. Senior members of Government, Members of The National Assembly, Characters of Prominent Political and Social, University Teachers, Activists’ precious civil society and the media and other delegation given their active participation to make this opening ceremony more successful. At the beginning of the festival malalai shinwari and adela bahram, senior counselor of presidency, Mozhgan mostafavi, deputy of cultural ministry, Seyed Abdul-Ghayom Sajjady, member of parliament and masoma moradi, former governor of dai-kondi to praise women effort. The festival continued by the live music performance. And, at last the appreciation letter and award was distributed, 8 successful women was given appreciation letter and 8 of them were honored by the award.

تداويي، معانيه و ادويه رايگان براي ١٥٠ كودك بي سرپرست در پروشگاه شمسه با همكاري داكتر شعيب شعبان رئيس سازمان دريچه صحت و...

تداويي، معانيه و ادويه رايگان براي ١٥٠ كودك بي سرپرست در پروشگاه شمسه با همكاري داكتر شعيب شعبان رئيس سازمان دريچه صحت و تيم داكتران اين سازمان.
آيينه جوانان فروگشايي تغييرات مثبت ❤️

Youth Mirror Social Associationsympathy and kindness programYouth Mirror Association is a non- governmental and non-prof...

Youth Mirror Social Association
sympathy and kindness program
Youth Mirror Association is a non- governmental and non-profit organization, which works toward building the capacity of youth (Male and female), resolving disputes for peace, economic prosperity, providing job opportunities, and providing academic and cultural education for professionalism.
The association has the honor that with hard working and dedication of the board of management we could influence our surrounding with these four vital parts to help our youth.
• The first field of activity of this institution is to bring facilities to the educational affairs of street kids and those who are taking Kankor exams (University entrance exams). Fortunately, it has been able to reach for more than 300 destitute children and provide a large number of students to various centers with of 50%_100% scholarships.
• The second area of activity of the social institution is to open up the youth and improve the capacity and utilization the talents of male and female. In this context, useful programs like teaching the principles management and leadership, fanatics and expression, and Monographs were taught.
• The third area of activity of the above-mentioned institution is the sports and cultural affairs. The board of management of Youth’s Mirror Association with its constant efforts has been able to provide programs to support young people's participation in artistic, cultural and social activities in Kabul. As well as the inclusiveness of many young sportsmen from both and male and female through mutual reciprocal agreements with discounts of 70%_100% in various sports fields in many Kabul stadiums.
• The fourth part of the association is to support the provision of social justice and the institutionalization of democracy in the country.
We strive to eliminate existing problems in order to improve our country. We put hard work and dedication to this goal.
The social institution of the Mirror of the Youth has been able to provide a great service in the field of academic, cultural, and social for deprived and underprivileged communities especially young and educated. A part of the other services provided by the Institute, the association also provided children, martyred, and disabled families with an education to serve those families in need. It has been three years the sympathy and kindness program is running. The main purpose if this program is to help child labor in Afghanistan. Kids who are in charge of supporting the family financially and they cannot get an education due to financial difficulties. With understanding this critical situation, the association tried to give a hand to the kids by providing free education by volunteers. By the help of sympathy and kindness program, we covered 300 students to teach school subjects. In the most recent case, with the help of God, and prayers of the children’s families, we were able to celebrate the second sympathy and kindness festival in Kabul. The aim of this was to encourage and motivate the kids and awarded them with completion diploma. Youth Mirror association is working toward promoting inclusiveness by helping with the opportunities that we have. We try our best to take hands of those in need and we ask the national and international businessmen, especially the non-governmental organizations who are willing to take part in this programs to help Afghanistan with a better future.
Email: [email protected]
Phone No: 0780099290
address: street 14 shura, karte 3.


محمد ظاهر زارغ
معاون تدریسی دانشگاه رابعه بلخی


اجرا ترانه زیبای "دوست دارم این وطن را"
دومین #جشنواره از #تصویر تا #واژه
آیینه جوانان فروگشایی تغییرات مثبت !

فورم عضویت نهاد اجتماعی آیینه جوانان نهاد اجتماعی آیینه جوانان مقیم شهر کابل (youths mirror) که دارای شعار " کار برای نس...

فورم عضویت نهاد اجتماعی آیینه جوانان

نهاد اجتماعی آیینه جوانان مقیم شهر کابل (youths mirror) که دارای شعار " کار برای نسل آینده و فردای بهتر" می باشد, یک نهاد غیر سیاسی بوده و تنها صبغه علمی و فرهنگی دارد.
اهداف وفعالیت های نهاد قرار ذیل است:
1- تقویت روحیه همپذیری، خود باوری اعتماد به نفس و فضایی اعتماد میان جوانان شهر کابل .
2- جلب توجه مراجع ذربط جهت ایجاد زمینه های مناسب برای رشد ظرفیت های علمی دانش آموزان و دانشجویان بی بضاعت در شهر کابل .
3- حمایت از افزایش مشارکت جوانان در شهر کابل در فعالیت های فرهنگی، اجتماعی، هنری و ورزشی.
4- بذل مساعی جهت بلند بردن سطح آگاهی جوانان در قسمت از بین بردن رسوم و عادات ناپسند که در مغایرت با ازرش های اسلامی قرار دارد .
5- حمایت از تامین عدالت اجتماعی و نهادینه شدن دموکراسی در کشور.
شرايط عضويت :
سن ١٨ سالگي ره تكميل كرده باشد .
اساسنامه نهاد را پذيرفته و به رعايت آن متعهد باشد .
كليه أصول و مقرارات داخلي نهاد را پذيرا باشد .
فورم عضويت و تعهدنامه را امضا نموده و مطابق طرزالعمل داخلي اماده پرداخت حق العضويت باشد .

نهاد اجتماعی آیینه جوانان مقیم شهر کابل (youths mirror) که دارای شعار " کار برای نسل آینده و فردای بهتر" می باشد, یک نهاد غیر سیاسی بوده و تنها صبغه علمی و فرهنگی دارد. اهداف و....


دومین جشنواره از تصویر تا واژه با اشتراک شماری از جوانان و فرهنگیان در کابل برگزار شد. از تصویر تا واژه آینه جوانان فرهنگیان

نتیجه ی انتخابات نهاد اجتماعي آيينه جوانان واقع در شهر كابل !مطابق اساسنامه نهاد اجتماعی آیینه جوانان ، در هر شش ماه هیا...

نتیجه ی انتخابات نهاد اجتماعي آيينه جوانان واقع در شهر كابل !
مطابق اساسنامه نهاد اجتماعی آیینه جوانان ، در هر شش ماه هیات اداری و هیات رهبری نهاد از طریق انتخابات آزاد و شفاف توسط مجمع عمومی انتخاب می شوند.
ششمين دور انتخابات نهاد اجتماعي آيينه جوانان به تاریخ 1397/1/3 در دفتر فعلی آن واقع در جاده شهید مزاری برگزار شد.
برنامه توسط مسوول هیات برگذاری انتخابات الطاف حسين حيدري آغاز شد، سپس مهدی اسدی زاده و احمد شکیب سروری کاندیدان مقام ریاست برنامه ها و طرح هایی را که در نظر دارند روی دست بگیرند را در حضور مجمع عمومی توضیح کردند. پس از پایان سخنان کاندیدان، طرح های مهدی اسدی زاده مورد قبول قرار گرفت و احمد شكيب سروري نیز حمایت خود از مهدی اسدی زاده را اعلان کرد. سرانجام آقای مهدي اسـدي زاده با تصميم مجمع عمومي طی شش ماه اینده رسما به عنوان ریس نهاد آیینه جوانان تعیین گرديد. و نهایتا ما برای آقای اسدی زاده و آیینه جوانان خواهان موفقیت های مزید هستیم و امید واریم که گامی به سوی تغییر در سطح کابل باشد.



Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 16:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 16:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 16:00
Thursday 09:00 - 16:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday 09:00 - 16:00



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