A man is not measured by how many women he has slept with. There's absolutely no trophy for sleeping with countless women.
Having self control over your s*xual appetite is key.
A man who has conquered his lust for s*x has won 90% battles of life.
Don't be s*xually driven, don't allow your p***s drive your life.
The alpha male movement is all about becoming the best version of yourself, becoming a man of value, power, influence, greatness, success and relevance.
Remember that the more women you sleep with, the more poorer you're likely to become. Because every lady has a bill for you in terms of lodge bill, transport bill, food bill, beer bill, clothes bill, hair bill, rent bill, outing bill, nail/eyelashes bill, lotion and perfume bill... by the time you are done spending you'll be a broke ni**ah.
So please, be wise
I don't teach you things about women in order to confuse you but I am here to open your eyes.
Discipline is everything and if you lack discipline as far as women are concerned then forget about success.
I personally have what it takes to sleep with women on daily basis but life has taught me that there's more to life than s*x, discipline taught me to prioritize life goals first not s*x.
I lie not, these days getting s*x is cheap and that's the more reason why you should not take it serious.
You can always get it any time you want. So no need for unnecessary drama and in any hurry.
What's more important than s*x now.....
Is to focus on building your life, your bank account, your future, improving yourself, pursuing purpose, relevance, value, power and fame.
Truly, women are not worth it if your life hasn't been built yet.
So don't be a fool my brother
your life your future depends on you So Don't gamble with it
Stay focused and zip your trousers then go hustle hard for your future 💪
[GOD BLESS THE HAND THAT WILL FOLLOW ME 👉 Frankly Speaking With Boaz Olaosebikan