Will you help or just talk?
I launched ChangePakistanNow.wordpress.com back in 2006 (it shows 2008 because I moved it from blogger), I approached almost all MNAs, MPAs, Ministers with the presentation therein, hoping to influence them towards the path of righteousness - serving their people, then themselves, as ordained by the Almighty and as expected by the people who voted them in. I was wrong, there was hardly any response except personal appreciation to me for the same, but no further action.
Between different jobs and a frail business, I kept visiting Pakistan on my mission over the year that had originally started when I was with Nokia back in 1999 and had influenced the Government of Pakistan towards ending smuggling of cell phones that led to USD 1 bn in revenue vide SRO 390/2001 and was motivated for larger social change. I met Imran Khan in 2010 at his beautiful hilltop house in Banigala, Musharraf around the same time in Dubai and both were appreciative of my efforts too, Imran had nicknamed me "DubaiKaDynamite" but unfortunately for reasons I cannot share publicly we had to distance ourselves. Musharraf was surrounded by sycophants who were least bothered with my agenda for change to the point that we had a volte-face, nevertheless Musharraf despite my even insulting behavior towards him at one point in time due his reliance on the wrong people was positive and appreciative. Somehow people who met me believed that while I was a bit of an eccentric crackpot, I perhaps meant well for this nation.
In 2016 I teamed up with retired men in uniform and civilians to launch a party to take the country back, we couldn't take off due internal rifts, but I didn't lose hope, kept trying, so this year I have 3 volunteers with whom I intend to launch our movement for change, Gen Abdul Malik, Col Zaman Ranjha and Major Ali. I met several Generals and senior retired corporate and civil services officers, in general the response was positive, people want to see a real body of change, unlike Mr Imran Khan's hijacked by the same old forces of PPP and PMLN body of change. Whereas PTI doesn't reward competence rather rhetoric (Sheikh Rashid types) we intend to do the opposite, our leader Gen Malik is a very QUIET and SOBER man. Setting an example of real change, then loud matches like the rest.
We don't have money, barely enough to survive and meet our obligations i.e., but we do have the right intent to save our nation. Save from what? Democracy! As Mr Zardari once said, "democracy is the best revenge" and so it is for an average Pakistani, just look at our global rankings by major agencies, Corruption 143/182 (Transparency International), Press Freedom (151/178 Reporters without Borders), Democracy Index (108/167 Economist Intelligence Unit), Failed States Index (10/177 Funds for Peace, Foreign Policy ThinkTank) YET we rank high on production! Cauliflowers and broccoli production, No 5 Fish production, 36, Cotton production, 4, Onion production, 7 Wheat production, 9 - our area is 34th largest in 233 countries, 2nd highest point in the world is with us (K2), we have the THIRD LARGEST English speaking population in 133 countries! YET our Human Development Index is 147/177 and Quality of Life is 93 out of 111 countries! and the sixth highest population in the world. Our Account Balance globally is 112/188 nations and sadly index of Economic Freedom is 93/157 nations, yet our labour force is 10/222 nations! 29/207 in natural gas reserves too!
So, we have a state that is RICH in resources, natural or otherwise yet downtrodden in human existence indexes, this is the result of despicable, inhuman, lying, cheating, defrauding governance over the years.
Thus we intend to rescue our nation, and ultimately the Ummah and the whole world suffering from poverty and misgovernance, even the so called "developed West" has immense problems as the Trump election highlighted, healthcare, economy, tolerance, hey, they actually make us feel better on our state! Look at the Brexit state of UK! The world isn't as rosy as some make it sound like. And in here is an opportunity for change, real change.
Our change manifesto (so far, our team is working hard on a newer document) is BIRI (a primitive rural cigarette :) hahah) it means Equality/Respect/Income/Justice.
B-arabri (or EQUALITY) - caste ridden we are, we propose all to be treated equally in Pakistan regardless of ANY criterion, race, gender, caste, religion, none of these could be used to discriminate one Pakistani from another. We also have a Hindus and Brits like ugly class system in our institutions where the "Officers" are treated distinctly differently from the so called "rank and file" - this is inhuman and also un Islamic in our opinion. All must be treated fairly and equally, a Sepoy should have the opportunity to be developed given potential to the level of a COAS or a Federal Secretary.
I-zzat (or RESPECT) - free match of hate we have, we propose not just for Islam as many fight for in Pakistan but ALL faiths and communities and people
R-ozgar (or INCOME) - poverty ridden nation we are, we propose reducing taxes to flat 10% to encourage investors and also allow imports of old cars currently banned forcing masses to use risky bikes and horrible public transport, the Quran says (Baqarah): " 110 Establish worship, and pay the poor-due; and whatever of good ye send before (you) for your souls, ye will find it with Allah. Lo! Allah is Seer of what ye do."
I-nsaf (or JUSTICE) - lawless we are, Ayyan Ali is caught at the airport red handed with USD 500,000 and walks away free as Zardari is behind her, so does Dr Asim Hussain with billions of corruption, not to mention Shahbaz and Nawaz Sharif with Panama Papers fame, we propose our corrupt police and judiciary to be replaced log, stock and barrel with retired armed forces personnel - a system without lawyers but government appointed investigators to uncover the truth of any case, and reevaluate all prisoners, free the innocent or reduce sentences.
To attain leadership, we must win votes in the 2018 elections in less than a year, to win votes
We need people, are you willing to join us? Would you recommend us to your friends? or on social media?
We need funds: we must have an organization and a structure, we need money for that, we need donors, to create an endowment fund for us that we use income thereof to run operations.
If interested please contact any of us for further details:
Call / Whatsapp numbers
General (Dr) Abdul Malik +92 300 8520344
Col (Dr) Zaman Ranjha +92 320 4767000
Major Ali +92 315 5320045
Imran / Crystal Kazmi +92 320 5345555
[email protected]
Will you help or just talk? I launched ChangePakistanNow.wordpress.com back in 2006 (it shows 2008 because I moved it from blogger), I approached almost all MNAs, MPAs, Ministers with the presentat…