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Saudi Arabia and the European Union
Saudi Arabia and the European Union (EU) are forging a strategic partnership centered on Vision 2030, with investments spanning green energy, healthcare, technology, and logistics.
Equatorial Guinea: Economic Overview 2025
Equatorial Guinea has recently inked an agreement with Cameroon to jointly develop oil and gas fields on their border, such as the Yoyo and Yolanda fields, the Etinde gas field, and the Camen and Diega fields, but this has met with delays.
Luigi Di Maio, EU Special Representative for the Gulf region
Luigi Di Maio, EU Special Representative for the Gulf region, talks to TBY about EU-GCC relations.
Doing Business in India: Top 4 Cities
Which are the best cities for entrepreneurs and investors in India?
Nasser Alsaadoun, CEO of Tarmeez Capital
TBY talks to Nasser Alsaadoun, CEO of Tarmeez Capital, about the evolution of the company, demand for Islamic finance, and expanding beyond Saudi Arabia.
Gianni Martins, CEO of Alfort
TBY talks to Gianni Martins, CEO of Alfort, about the company’s position in the market, collaborating with local providers, and the development of the onshore oil sector.
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Get access to our entire catalogue for just $69!
You can download any of our whole back catalogue of publications and special reports today by signing up for our new subscription service. Subscribing will also give you free access to all publications to be released over the coming year.
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#TheBusinessYear #Investment #Africa #Asia #MiddleEast #Europe #LatinAmerica
TBY talks to Mahboob bin Mohammed Al-Abdulrahman, Founder & CEO of ePaid, about the state of the Saudi Arabian economy, expansion, and obstacles facing the business in the short term.
Read the full interview at
Arinze Osuachala, Country Managing Director of Access Bank
TBY talks to Arinze Osuachala, Country Managing Director of Access Bank, about the Congolese financial sector, international investment, and reaching the country’s unbanked population.
Why have protests erupted in Tbilisi and across Georgia?
As Tbilisi enters its second week of mass protests against its pro-Russian government, will Georgia be able to maintain its trajectory toward social and economic integration with Europe?
City Spotlight: Tbilisi, Georgia
As Tbilisi enters its second week of mass protests against its pro-Russian government, will Georgia be able to maintain its trajectory toward social and economic integration with Europe?