We lost the shoe vendor during the chase. He disappeared and refused to pick up his calls anymore. The spirits of the dead person I saw were all on the road with us following us everywhere we went. Each of them stood on a different part of the road. The man pulled over by the side of the road. We were all frustrated and confused on the next step to take.
"What do we do now?" The man asked me.
"I don't know."
"There must be something we can do to return the shoes to their owners, please. There should be something." The wife exclaimed.
"I do not know if the co**ses would lead us to where their shoes were dug out from. We could start from there."
I came down from the and walked up to one of the co**ses that was standing not too far from the car.
"Tell me, where can I return the shoes? The shoes he dug out from the grave. I need you to help me out, so I can get them back to your graves."
The co**se looked at me without saying a word.
"Come with us."
They all spoke at once. Their voice echoed from different parts of the road where they stood.
They turned and began to walk in a direction.
I went back to the man and his wife and asked them to follow my directions.
"The co**ses are leading us to their graves. Follow me."
My only fear was that the shoe vendor must have dug out the shoes from different graves and cemeteries and it would be hard to return them to where they were dug out from.
As we followed them, I was surprised to discover that the co**ses led us towards one single cemetery. It was a very popular cemetery and I promised those there not to mention the name.
When I approached the security man and explained to him that I was led back here by the spirits of those who were buried here to return some shoes and clothes that were dug out of their graves, he didn't look surprised.
"The security man who connived with that shoe vendor has been sacked." He explained to me.
"What happens is that he bribes them. The clothes and shoes of the dead that are being buried with them, he and the security man dig up the clothes and shoes at night sell them out, and then cover up the grave. They end up sharing the profit between themselves."
The man told us that over 800 tombs were present there. However, it was discovered that 245 out of those tombs were robbed and the shoes and clothes of the bodies were missing.
"So 245 Shoes of the Dead is out there currently?" I asked.
"They could even be more, sir. Who knows how many more cemeteries do this? It is a serious problem."
After we had heard him, he opened the gate leading us to where the bodies of people were buried. I saw the spirits of persons like never before. I saw co**ses moving around and hovering. Some of these spirits were sad and burdened.
We packed the 25 shoes and clothes and one by one, the spirits led me to their graves that were robbed and we removed their caskets from their tomb and replaced the shoes back. I saw rotten co**ses in caskets. People who have died and turned into skeletons.
I saw black Margots and worms eat deep into those bodies. I perceived the smell that oozed from those bodies. I saw the rich, the poor, the wise, the dull, the tall, the short all there in one location.
At that moment I realized that there is nothing in this world. Nothing at all. The grave will one day be our home. But would our bodies be safe, or would we end up being robbed of our clothing just like the 25 co**ses were?
We spent all night returning the clothes and shoes. And when we were done, we said a short prayer and drove home.
There were no ghosts on the road. No black worms anymore. The family was free. I was free. But the shoe vendor is still out there selling second-hand shoes, and sharing the spirits of dead bodies to families.
Be watchful and share this story.