Godspower Tv

Godspower Tv God Grace Ambassador

™ We lost the shoe vendor during the chase. He disappeared and refused to pick up his calls anymore. The spirits of the ...

We lost the shoe vendor during the chase. He disappeared and refused to pick up his calls anymore. The spirits of the dead person I saw were all on the road with us following us everywhere we went. Each of them stood on a different part of the road. The man pulled over by the side of the road. We were all frustrated and confused on the next step to take.

"What do we do now?" The man asked me.

"I don't know."

"There must be something we can do to return the shoes to their owners, please. There should be something." The wife exclaimed.

"I do not know if the co**ses would lead us to where their shoes were dug out from. We could start from there."

I came down from the and walked up to one of the co**ses that was standing not too far from the car.

"Tell me, where can I return the shoes? The shoes he dug out from the grave. I need you to help me out, so I can get them back to your graves."

The co**se looked at me without saying a word.

"Come with us."

They all spoke at once. Their voice echoed from different parts of the road where they stood.

They turned and began to walk in a direction.

I went back to the man and his wife and asked them to follow my directions.

"The co**ses are leading us to their graves. Follow me."

My only fear was that the shoe vendor must have dug out the shoes from different graves and cemeteries and it would be hard to return them to where they were dug out from.

As we followed them, I was surprised to discover that the co**ses led us towards one single cemetery. It was a very popular cemetery and I promised those there not to mention the name.

When I approached the security man and explained to him that I was led back here by the spirits of those who were buried here to return some shoes and clothes that were dug out of their graves, he didn't look surprised.

"The security man who connived with that shoe vendor has been sacked." He explained to me.

"What happens is that he bribes them. The clothes and shoes of the dead that are being buried with them, he and the security man dig up the clothes and shoes at night sell them out, and then cover up the grave. They end up sharing the profit between themselves."

The man told us that over 800 tombs were present there. However, it was discovered that 245 out of those tombs were robbed and the shoes and clothes of the bodies were missing.

"So 245 Shoes of the Dead is out there currently?" I asked.

"They could even be more, sir. Who knows how many more cemeteries do this? It is a serious problem."

After we had heard him, he opened the gate leading us to where the bodies of people were buried. I saw the spirits of persons like never before. I saw co**ses moving around and hovering. Some of these spirits were sad and burdened.

We packed the 25 shoes and clothes and one by one, the spirits led me to their graves that were robbed and we removed their caskets from their tomb and replaced the shoes back. I saw rotten co**ses in caskets. People who have died and turned into skeletons.

I saw black Margots and worms eat deep into those bodies. I perceived the smell that oozed from those bodies. I saw the rich, the poor, the wise, the dull, the tall, the short all there in one location.

At that moment I realized that there is nothing in this world. Nothing at all. The grave will one day be our home. But would our bodies be safe, or would we end up being robbed of our clothing just like the 25 co**ses were?

We spent all night returning the clothes and shoes. And when we were done, we said a short prayer and drove home.

There were no ghosts on the road. No black worms anymore. The family was free. I was free. But the shoe vendor is still out there selling second-hand shoes, and sharing the spirits of dead bodies to families.

Be watchful and share this story.



™We have visited the cemetery with the shoes and clothes. We've all led the co**ses there. What I saw with my two eyes b...

We have visited the cemetery with the shoes and clothes. We've all led the co**ses there. What I saw with my two eyes brought me to my knees.

™I didn't have an answer to the man's question. This was a very difficult situation. If the vendor refuses to pick up hi...

I didn't have an answer to the man's question. This was a very difficult situation. If the vendor refuses to pick up his call if we called him, we would be left with no other option than to find him, compel him, and force him until he collects the shoes. If we eventually find him and even after forcing him and compelling him, he still refuses to collect it, we can't issue a legal case or get the police involved because we have no evidence.

So far, I was the only one who could see the 25 co**ses that were in the man's house. I was the only one also who could see the black worms on each of the 25 shoes I was seeing on the floor and clothes that were brought out. I was even lucky that they had believed me and had taken the step to return them to the vendor.

"Call him first. Let us get in touch with him and hear from him first. Do not let him know we want to return the shoes. Just tell him you want to see him because you need a new shoe and it is urgent."

He quickly picked up his phone and began to dial the man's number. After he had spoken with him, the shoe vendor, agreed that they should both meet at a motor park where he was at that moment still selling shoes to people.

"I will be at the park until 5pm. So I will soon be going. Hurry sir." His voice echoed through the phone.

The moment the call ended, I asked them to pack up the shoes so we could go.

"Pack up the clothes quickly too. Tie them in a nylon bag. Let's hurry there."

The man quickly brought a bag and in less than 20 minutes the shoes and clothes were stacked in a nylon bag.

Quickly we dashed out of the house and the 25 co**ses followed us. Each of them dripping what seemed to be black blood from their mouth. The man and wife got into the car while I sat in the passenger's seat while the man drove.

As we were driving, I began to see the co**ses appear on the bonnet of the car. Some appeared on the road at different locations. Sometimes I saw the same spirit of the dead people twice. This showed that the spirit had the power to disappear and reappear at different points.

"Even if you eventually travel. As long as you are carrying any of their property, they will follow you."

'Are they around?" The man asked.

"They are everywhere. I wish you can see them. You will not even be able to drive."

He shouted.

"I don't want to see them please. Let us just return the clothes and that is it. Please."

We got to the park where the Vendor asked us to meet him. As we were driving in the vendor who was sitting at a place he could see us quickly from if we drove in, sighted our car. I saw six co**ses around him. The shoes he was holding were covered with black worms.

He saw me in the car from the transparent window and quickly fled off. The man came down from the car and chased him. But the Vendor left his shoes at that spot and ran. He climbed a bike and zoomed off.

We were bent on catching up with the Vendor. We got back into the car and followed in pursuit. When I turned to see the dead co**ses and the shoes he left behind, I saw three Agbero boys testing the shoes. Each of them had one dead person behind him.

To be continued...

Praises Chidera

™I told the man and his wife to pack up the clothes and shoes in a nylon bag immediately so we could take them back to t...

I told the man and his wife to pack up the clothes and shoes in a nylon bag immediately so we could take them back to the man who dug the grave and brought them out.

"You mean the vendor?" The man asked.

"Yes. Who else do you think?"

The wife looked very concerned.

"What if the Vendor is not the one who dug the grave to remove the clothes? What if he paid somebody to do the task for him?"

"If the Vendor sold clothes and shoes to you that were gotten from the burial ground, clothes of dead people, he would know who dug the grave. If he found the men to assign contracts to them to dig up clothes, he would be able to locate them to return the clothes."

The man looked worried.

"Please, ask them. The spirits you see. If the man decided to sell the clothes to another person or decided not to return the clothes, would they let me go? Hope they will not come back to my house."

"They would not come back. I don't think they would. These clothes and shoes are what attract them to your home. If these clothes were taken outside and kept, then they would follow the clothes along. And if another person picks the clothes, he will attract the spirit of the dead to his home. Wherever the clothes go, that is where the spirits go as well."

The wife snapped her fingers in shock.

"Please ask them. Please ask."

I inhaled and exhaled deeply as I turned to the spirit to ask.

"Please tell me now. The family wants to know. What if the person who dug up the shoes and clothes from your graves refuses to collect the shoes back? What if we can't find him? If we take these clothes and shoes to a grave and bury them, would you follow the clothes and not return to this family again?"

The co**ses instantly replied together.

"We need a home. We need a place to dwell. Our graves were our last home and our dwelling place. They have already worn our clothes and shoes. Our scent is on their skin. We would surely remain with them until our shoes and clothes are taken back to our graves."

"In that case, you need to help us. Because as it seems we cannot do this alone. We need your help so we can return these clothes and shoes back to your graves."

"We have told you what to do. That is enough help already."

The co**ses spoke together. It was as if they had rehearsed their speech and knew what everyone was going to say. Their words were like a choir. It started together and ended together. Every co**se spoke the same thing.

I turned to the man and wife and told them.

"We have to call the vendor now. Call him, tell him You Wang to meet with him. Once he agrees. We pack the shoes and clothes and take them back to him to return them to the graves."

"Return them to the grave?"

"That is what the co**ses say. It is the only way out."

What if he refuses? What will then happen to us?"

"The spirits will keep following you because you were the last to wear the clothes and the scent of their dead bodies is still on you. You can't just dispose of it like that."

"So we have to tell him to take back the clothes and shoes to the graves he brought them out from before we can be free?"


The wife shouted.

"I am finished."

The husband looked at her and turned his gaze to me.

"Sir, I ask again. What if he refuses? What if he says no. What shall we do?"

To be continued...


™I quickly asked the man to take me to his bedroom to see for myself. He led me through a passage and opened a closed do...

I quickly asked the man to take me to his bedroom to see for myself. He led me through a passage and opened a closed door. When we entered I saw 7 male co**ses standing close to the wardrobe. One of these co**ses was an elderly man in his 70s. He was the scariest of them all. His eyeballs were faded. He stared directly at us as we walked it.

The man opened his wardrobe and pulled out the suit.

"This is it. A suit and trousers. The shoes he gave me for the wedding are already outside."

"How about the shirts?" I asked.

He brought down a bag full of clothes and opened it. He began to remove the clothes one after the other. He selected a total of 5 clothes and dropped them on the bed.

"This is all I bought from him. All his shoes are already outside."

"You have 5 shirts here and a suit. Which makes this six. But in this building, I can see seven ghosts. There is something else that you have not brought out."

He looked at me in surprise.

"What is that?"

"I don't know. I am just telling you that 7 co**ses are in this room with us currently. 6 young men and an elderly man. You have brought out 6 things belonging to six co**ses. Remaining one more. I don't know what it is, but it remains one more."

He looked around.

"There is nothing more here. Or do you think it is the trousers of the suit he gave me that made it seven?"

I looked at the suit closely. It was the same material and it didn't look like something that

"I doubt. It can't be. The suit and trousers are the same material. It must have come from one man."

Just as we were speaking, the wife entered the room and stood at the door.

"Have you picked it?"

"Yes. But he says it is the remaining one."

"One what?"

"One more item which we got from the vendor. I don't know what that is. This is all I can remember."

The wife turned to me.

"Sir, are you sure it is the remaining one?"

"I am telling g your husband what I can see. There are seven co**ses of dead people here. He brought out six items. If we take these six items away, one spirit of the dead will be here. So that means one more item is here."

Quickly the wife shouted.

"The tie. Have you brought the tie? He gave you the tie with the suit."

The man remembered.

"Yes. Yes. The tie."

He quickly opened his wardrobe and pulled out a red tie. He dropped it on the bed.

My eyes were opened and I saw the shirts and suit he had dropped covered in black mud. Some of the suits were eaten by insects and torn as well.

As he picked up the shirt and suit and walked out, all the co**ses began to follow us out at the same time. It was as if they were being controlled. I let him lead the way while I followed.

When we got to the sitting room, there were 31 co**ses of both adults and children standing before us. The sitting room was filled spiritually, but physically it was just me the wife, her child, and the husband.

I turned to the co**ses and asked.

"Where do we now bury this property? We want to return them so you can leave this family alone."

"Take them back to he who dug our graves. He alone will return them to the graves and tombs where he dug them out."

To be continued...

™The wife of the man panicked. She was scared. I watched as she held her son close to her."How do we return it? Honey ca...

The wife of the man panicked. She was scared. I watched as she held her son close to her.

"How do we return it? Honey call him." She spoke with shivers.

The husband turned to me.

"You met him yesterday. Did you tell him about the co**ses you saw and the black worms?"

"Yes, I did. I had to tell him. I also asked him, where he gets his shoes from. I made him know that he was being followed around by spirits and had been selling haunted shoes to innocent people. But he acted like he didn't know anything."

"What if we return it and he doesn't collect it? You have met him already. What if he decides not to meet with us."

"Do you know his shop?"

"No. He told me he had a shop. But I have never been there. He just calls me and sends pictures of the shoes to me and I pay for them while he delivers."

As I stood in the house of the man I kept looking at the faces of the co**ses that stood in the room.

For the first time, I decided to communicate with the spirits to confirm if they would respond and help out.

One thing I have avoided is letting certain spirits know you can see them, communicate with them, and hear their language. But I need to know where the man gets his shoes from, so we could be able to return them back.

"Why are you following this man?" I asked.

It was a general question to them. The 25 co**ses turned in my direction and spoke together in Unison.

"We are not following him. We are following our property that was stolen from us?"

"Where was it stolen from?"

"They were stolen from our graves?"

"But they were bought by this innocent family. Shouldn't you be following the seller who stole these shoes and sold them to make money?"

"They are ours. We want them back. As for the seller, he is facing our punishment."

"How does he do this?"

"He pays the security man, who digs up our graves and tombs and takes our shoes we've been buried with. He sells our suits too and clothes as well to people."

I turned to the man and his wife.

"Does he sell suits?"


His wife covered her mouth in shock.

"Madam, what is it?"

"He was the one who provided my husband's suit on our wedding day."

"He gave me as a gift for being a customer to him."

"Where is the suit?"

"In my wardrobe."

Is that all you've bought?"

"I have 5 shirts I think I bought from him."


"What is it?"

"That means there are more of these co**ses in your bedroom. Not all are out here?"

To be continued...

™I stood at the door watching as the spirits of the co**ses emerged one after the other behind the man and his wife. The...

I stood at the door watching as the spirits of the co**ses emerged one after the other behind the man and his wife. There was a strong spiritual smell in the room. It was as if a toilet of rotten bodies was opened. I covered my nose but the smell was still strong.

The wife shouted after she saw my expression. She dropped the bucket of shoes instantly, picked up her child, and ran to a side of the sitting room. The husband kept glancing around in fear.

"What is the problem? What is it?" He asked.

"There are over 20 co**ses emerging from your room one after the other. Including children, the age range of your son."

The wife screamed in fear.

"How do you mean? Where are the co**ses." The man asked.

"Everywhere. They are everywhere here. This room isn't enough to fit them, and they are standing behind you, where the bucket of shoes are? How have you survived living with spirits of dead people all these while and have never even noticed them?"

The man looked at the shoes.

"Point to the shoes I bought from the shoe seller as we agreed at the gate. That is the only way I would believe you."

I looked on the floor and saw several shoes filled with black worms. These worms seemed to be sucking out something from the shoes. As I looked closely I saw black tiny maggots mixing up with the worms. The worms were of different sizes and quantities on the shoes. The first shoe I saw was the one the man wore at the market. It was right there on the floor before me and was filled with black worms.

"That one." I pointed.

"Yes, you know that one already. Which other one."

"That other one and this one."I pointed to a black shoe and a brown cover shoe.

I began to pick them all. There were 25 of them. Including his wife's shoes and his children's shoes.

He pushed the ones I selected aside and the co**ses followed them as well.

"All these shoes have black worms and maggots on them. That was how I was able to identify them. For each shoe you push aside, the owners are standing there right beside them. Look well, is there anyone amongst them that you didn't buy from that vendor?"

It was at that moment the wife understood. She had been looking at us all this while in shock from the angle she stood.

"Baby, is he talking about the shoes you bought from Pascal?"

The husband nodded.

"Every time any of you wear one of these shoes and go out, you step out with a dead spirit that follows you all through your day and returns with you back home. Same as your children. I was fortunate to meet your husband at the market when I saw him wearing one of the shoes. That was when I had to contact him and get involved."

"This man always calls me whenever he has a new shoe on ground. And because he sells them at a cheap price as well, I buy them whenever he brings them."

"He sells them cheap because he gets them cheap. Probably from a cemetery. You have to return these shoes to him. That is the only way to get these spirits and co**ses out of your house. You have to do it now."

To be continued...

™So very early this morning I had my bathe and got prepared to go to the man's house. My aim was to see if the shoes he ...

So very early this morning I had my bathe and got prepared to go to the man's house. My aim was to see if the shoes he had been buying from the vendor also attracted co**ses of dead people. I didn't tell him why I was coming. I only mentioned that I wanted to see him urgently and he suggested I meet him at home because she was not going out that day.

I arrived at the gate of his house at exactly 10:03am. He came out of the house and met me wearing a bathroom slippers. There were no ghosts or spirits around him at that moment. The smell I perceived at the market had disappeared.

I told him I met the shoe vendor he asked me to meet and what I saw wasn't good at all.

"What happened? What did you see?"

"Dead people. I discovered the shoes he sells belong to dead people. I don't know how he got them to sell."

The man looked at me.

"Dead people?"

"That was the reason I stopped you at the market, sir. Actually, I did because I saw black worms on your shoes. I also saw the spirit of a dead man following you. I wanted to know where you got the shoes because I discovered it was spiritual and the problem came from the shoes you wore. I would have told you that day, but you wouldn't believe me. So I wanted to meet the vendor first. Sir, his shoes are haunted by spirits."

"You see spirits of dead people?"

"I do. I was fortunate to see yours. I believe it was for a purpose."

The man looked Surprised. He glanced around and gazed at the shoe he was wearing.

"I didn't buy this one I am wearing from him?"

"I know. That was why I was surprised when you stepped out and there were no worms around this one or spirits following you."

"How do I believe you are saying the truth?"

"If I can see your collection of shoes you have, I will point to the ones you bought from him. I will know it by the worms on the shoes and the spirit of the dead following it."

"I bought some female shows from him as well for He has been my shoe plug for 2 years now. I have a total of over 65 shoes I think. 25 of those shoes were bought from him.
6 of the shoes were for my children. My wife owns I think 11 and I have 8 shoes.

"Sir, if this story is true that means you are living with 25 spirits of dead person in your house. I do not want to conclude. Some of the shoes may be new shoes. But I bet you, there are shoes that belong to dead people amongst the shoes you bought from him. I have to see them."

"Thankfully my wife is inside. Come along."

The man led me into his compound and we entered his sitting room. He asked his wife to follow him, so they could bring out all the shoes to the sitting room. She wanted to know what the problem was, but urgency called and there was no time to explain to her.

I waited in the sitting room with their 2-year-old daughter.

20 minutes later, the husband emerged from the bedroom with a bucket of shoes same as the wife who carried hers in a sack.

Accompanying them behind were over 20 co**ses of dead people. Including children who began to emerge from their bedroom.

I shouted and stood up from the chair in fear. It was as if I had walked into a cemetery ruled by the dead.

To be continued...


™At the end of the meeting. I discovered he bought 25 shoes from that vendor. Male and female. For him and his wife. 6 o...

At the end of the meeting. I discovered he bought 25 shoes from that vendor. Male and female. For him and his wife.
6 of those shoes were for his children.
That home is Haunted.
9pm tonight!
Be here!

™After I asked the questions, the vendor acted like he didn't know what I was talking about. I knew he probably didn't k...

After I asked the questions, the vendor acted like he didn't know what I was talking about. I knew he probably didn't know that the shoes he sold had black demonic worms and he also didn't know about the 3 dead people following him. But from his facial expression I knew the source of his shoe was questionable.

"I buy them na. This shoes you see are imported directly from Onitsha. What do you mean by I sell dead people shoes to people. Is that why you called me to come here?"

I quickly told him about the man I had seen in the market wearing a white shoe that had black worms and the strong smell that surrounded him as we spoke.

"That same smell is on you. If you do not speak now I will expose you. And I will raise alarm and let everyone on this street know that you sell shoes of the dead to them."

"How do you know they are shoes of the dead? Who will believe that trash?"

He turned the back of the shoes to show me.

"Look at them. They are new shoes. They have never been matched on the floor before? Do dead people wear shoes to their grave?"

I pointed to the three co**ses behind him.

"The three shoes you are holding are owned by the three dead spirits standing behind you. Those are not even spirits, those are co**ses. It seems as if they emerged from the grave directly and are following you wherever you go. When I collected the shoes from you, they followed me as well because these shoes you sell belongs to them. They have a connection with the shoes. They follow anyone who has this shoes."

He looked around.

Placed the shoes back in the nylon and moved closer to me. His eyes stared me directly in the eyes.

"You are a mad man. You don't know what you are talking about."

I watched him turn and walk away. Instantly, just like zombies the spiritual co**ses turned and began to follow him.

I quickly picked my phone and dialed the number of the man I had met at the market. Now that I had confirmed what I wanted to confirm, my major concern was the man whom I saw wearing the white shoe filled with worms at the market.

He looked like a family man. He looked like one who had a wife and children. I knew he would not be wearing that shoe everyday. And if I remeber clearly, he told me at the market that he had been buying shoes from that vendor.

Goosbumps filled my body instantly at the thought of it. I began to wonder how many spirits of dead co**ses were at his house living with him and his family, because he had the property gotten from dead people.

I needed to save him.

I wasn't sure how exactly, the Vendor got the shoes he sold, but I decided that once I had saved the man and family, I will go after the vendor and this time I will fight him with everything I have and get the police involved.

I spoke with the man and told him I wanted to meet with him urgently. We fixed a meeting for tomorrow. I shall meet him at his house by 10am and I hope for the best.

To be continued...


™Last week I told you about a man I saw in the market wearing a white shoe that had hundreds of spiritual black warms cr...

Last week I told you about a man I saw in the market wearing a white shoe that had hundreds of spiritual black warms crawling all over the shoe, and how I was able to collect the number of the vendor who sold the shoe to the man.

These warms were big and invisible to the eyes. It also gave the man wearing it a very bad smell. Added to that while talking with the man and trying to collect the Vendors number I saw the co**se of a man standing behind him.

I decided to visit the vendor's shop Today to see the kind of shoes he has been selling to people. I wanted to know if every shoe he sells is that way, before informing the man I had seen wearing it.

This morning I called the vendor's number. He picked at the first dial. I told him who I was and how I had seen a beautiful shoe bought by one of his customers. I told him I wanted to purchase the same shoe and needed to know his shop.

He stuttered as he spoke.

"I don't have a shop now. But I can send you pictures of the shoes. If you love the shoe you can pay."

I insisted I wanted to see him. I told him I wanted more than one shoe and needed to go into business with him.

Quickly he replied.

"Okay, I will bring samples of the shoes to you, sir. You just need to meet me at the old airport roundabout today. I will be coming around there to deliver shoes to people."

I accepted.

I got there at around 2pm today which was our meeting hour and called his number.

He picked up and told me he was at a corner waiting.

He emerged from a corner shortly after, with a nylon bag which I was containing shoes. As he approached me, I saw three dead persons similar to the co**se I had seen standing behind the man at the market. These three dead persons were following the vendor. I saw their rotten spirits as if it were their real body that was dug out from the grave.

I kept wondering why the spirits I kept seeing were not appearing like normal spirits but like direct co**ses.

When he got close to me and stretched his hands in my direction, I perceived a strong smell. This smell was the smell of the co**se following him.

"Good afternoon Mr Praises. You said you got my number from one of my customers who bought my shoes."

"Yes. I did. I thought you had a shop."

"No, I don't. I brought you samples of my shoes."

He brought out three shoes from the nylon and the same black warms I had seen on the man's shoes in the market, were on the three shoes. I looked behind the vendor and that was when I realized that the three shoes he brought, belonged to the 3 co**ses following him.

I looked at the shoes and saw...

To be continued...

😒😲"My husband came to my office unannounced today, and asked me to tell my secretary not to allow anyone in from 1:30 PM...

😒😲"My husband came to my office unannounced today, and asked me to tell my secretary not to allow anyone in from 1:30 PM to 2:30 PM.

I thought he wanted to talk about something important, but no, he wanted s€x.

I told him it was my working hours and that, I couldn't.
He got pi**ed and tried forcing himself on me. I screamed for kelp.

I give him s€x at home when he wants it, we don't have any real s€x issues pending. So I don't know what exactly came over him today.

When help finally entered my office, he was fully n@ked. He got dressed in their presence, and then removed his wedding ring and threw it on the floor.
He's not home yet. He has not called me since this afternoon. What do I do or say to him when he returns home?"

™At the market today I saw a man who was wearing a white shoe that had black warms on it. The worm on the shoes was so m...

At the market today I saw a man who was wearing a white shoe that had black warms on it. The worm on the shoes was so much that it covered the whole shoe down to the sole. And because it was a white color it wasn't hidden to the eyes.

As the man approached me, I kept looking at the shoes and wondering how the worms stuck to the shoes he was wearing. These worms didn't crawl to his stockings or his trousers. They just covered the shoes.

The moment he passed me, I perceived a strong smell. The smell was so strong that I had to cover my nose. He smelt like a rotten co**se. I didn't know if it was the shoe that was smelling or if it was him who was smelling.

I observed his appearance and one would instantly know that he was human and was completely normal. I looked at the people who walked past him and no one was covering their nose. No one noticed the worms on his shoes as well.

That was when I knew what I was seeing was not ordinary but spiritual.

I had to approach him nicely. I told him I loved his shoes and asked where he bought the shoes.

He smiled in excitement.

"Thank you, my brother. It is a new shoe o. I got it from my customers shop where I do buy shoes and clothes."

"The shoes are beautiful."

He tapped his feet 3 times and raised the trousers so I could see it better.

"You like it ba?"

"I do."

He smiled.

While I was talking with him, I noticed the co**se of a dead man standing behind him. This was a ghost. I began to wonder why a co**se of a man would be following him spiritually as well.

"Can you take me to your customer where you bought the shoe? Or give me his contact so I could contact him." I asked.

He quickly brought out his phone and swiped on the screen.

"I can give you the contact of the man, but can't take you there myself. I will just give you the address."

I brought out a piece of paper and biro and gave it to him to type the phone number and address so I could visit the shop. I also got his phone number as well so I could call him personally to talk about what I had seen.

If I told him there at the market that I had perceived a strong smell no one could perceive and I had seen worms gathering his shoes he would not believe me. He would think I was mad.

By Monday, I will visit the vendor's shop and see if all the shoes are that way. If they are, then I would expose him.



Sheik Khalifa Street Ajman
Al Ajman



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