Domboshava Urbanisation: What should be the best way forward?
Munya Mugari Wemu Domboshava on Domboshava Dot Coms
Makadii vagari vemu Domboshava? Its me again, muvakidzani wenyu Munya, 1 munhu anotaura zvinhu sezvazviri pasina kutora divi. Today i will be talking about a topic which divides opinions in our beautiful community, the topic of Urbanising Domboshava.
In recent years, Domboshava has experienced rapid expansion. Its proximity to the Capital City of Harare has seen a lot of people flocking to the once rural area for affordable housing and land. Those who inherited large tracts of land from their forefathers have benefited a lot from this "land rush" as they got to sell their pieces of land, which were once preserved for agricultural purposes to incoming dwellers.
Hama dzangu, Domboshava wava musha wakura zvikuru, and the rapid growth has attracted interests from authorities including the Goromonzi Rural District Council, our Legislator, Doctor Mutodi, and even President Mnangagwa himself, as both have stated that the area needs to be planned properly so that there will be order in the manner in which houses are built.
The planning process will simply transform Domboshava into an Urban area, something which many dwellers perceive with mixed feelings and reactions. So nhasi ndoda kumbopa maonero evanhu vanotsigira urbanisation, nevasingaide toonesana kuti way forward chaiyo ndeipi.
*Those in support of Urbanisation*
People who support urbanisation are driven by the desire to have security or tittle over their land. As it is, Domboshava is a communal area where land is solemnly under the state's autonomy. So if anything happens, people may be removed and relocated from wherever they are situated, provided that the state and the local authority follows due processes to evict them.
So if urbanisation takes place, people will have the opportunity to have security on their land as they can be issued tittle deeds by the local authority. The fear of this group of people was sparked Last year when a Chinese company wanted to start a quarry mine in Zimbiru village at Garimo Hill, where it was reported that 20 000 people could be displaced to pave way for the mine.
Takaita rombo rakanaka rekuti community yakasimuka ikaramba project iyoyo, uye hutungamiri huripo izvezvi hwakavimbisa vanhu kuti hakuna anobviswa paakagara, but had it gone the other way, many could have been displaced.
So if urbanisation brings security of land, these people will support it. Plus kana urbanisation ikaitwa, mamwe matambudziko atiri kuona sekushaikwa kwe mvura, nema roads anofambika zvakanaka anogona kupera as our local authority will see to it that boreholes are sinked and proper roads are made and maintained.
*Those who are against urbanisation.*
People who are against this idea fear that urbanisation may lead to the distruction and loss of properties. Ku relaxer kwanga kwakaita council makore ese aya vanhu vachivaka means that a lot of houses are in places they are not supposed to be.
Some have built houses in wetlands and hills, while others have built their houses close to roads and major shoppings centres. If urbanisation is to commense, these people may be displace and hazvizomire zvakanaka.
Plus when executing the move, the local authority will be using a standard method where stands may be cut into same sizes, pluz some roads may be planned to go through ma areas akatovakirwa kare.
Imagine, if council during the process states that stand yega yega ngaiite 200 square metres, vane dzakakura kudarika ipapo vanodii? It means they will lose land yavo and ndizvo zvavanenge vasingade.
This group also does not trust council's capability to bring any development in the area because it is failing to maintain major shopping areas like Showground, Mverechena, Mungate where it has failed to construct proper ablution facilities, roads, drainage.. Etc.
Makamboona manjengero anoita mvura munguva yekunaya pama shopping centres aya... We are lucky that Domboshava is Malaria free otherwise vanhu vaipera nekuti those ponds can become breeding grounds for mosquitoes.
So if council cannot develop these shops where they have interests, what assurance is there that they can properly develop muma residential areas makagara vanhu? There has been a conspiracy theory that council is pushing for urbanisation because iri kuda kuzowana mari nema stands from the process. Ini zvangu Munya ndinowanzotenda ndaona sa Thomas saka i will not dwell on that issue.
*The best way forward*
Eeeh vabereki, regai ndibude pachena ndisati ndaenderera mberi, ini hangu handisi muzvina fundo, handina kunyanya kurava mabhuku zvakanyanya asi ndinofunga hangu kuti 2 cents dzangu dze njere dzinogona kutipa way forward iri nani.
I believe residents and the local council should work hand in glove to modernise Domboshava because the process will happen sooner or later, whether we like it or not. There is no way the authority will allow the area to continue expanding isina kupindira ka! And what i know is if people continue to resist, vakomana vanozouya zvechisimba and we all know who will end up being on the losing end.
I believe if residents work with the authority, the process will be done smoothly and less displacements and demolitions will occur. Ma residents should work together ne council to draft the maps that will be used to execute the move so that inogadzirwa in a way isinga pwanyisi dzimba, and agree on a mechanism inosiya munhu wese pamwe ne council zvichifara.
I believe tikadaro zvinofamba zvakanaka. Ko variseiko Honourable MP vedu va Mutodi, mazuvano havasi kubatika zvekumhanya. Mukavaona muvaudzewo kuti Munya neva vakidzani vake vanzwa nenzara asi varikutya kusvika kumba kwavo kuno shuzha nekuti Honourable vanogona kuzova kanda pa twitter!!..
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*Domboshava Dot Coms, telling the Domboshava Story*
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