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Kaani residents receives maize grains at Grain Marketing Board, Binga. Alice Khumalo and Mayazi Mudenda expresses their gratitude to the government for the donation.

Kwibalukwa kwabuzuba bwamwana wamu Africa Pobwe lyabuzuba bwamwana wamuAfrica lyamwaaka oono lyakachitilwa kubusena bwaS...

Kwibalukwa kwabuzuba bwamwana wamu Africa

Pobwe lyabuzuba bwamwana wamuAfrica lyamwaaka oono lyakachitilwa kubusena bwaSiabuwa mu19 Gunkumunamasamu aawo kakwiibalukwa buzuba bwakulilila zyeelelo zyalwiiyo zyabana bamu Africa.
Oobu buzuba nikuba bwakanonoka kupobwedwa pesi Binga yakujwe yoonse yakaliyobolokede achikolo chaSiabuwa sekondali. Buzuba oobu bwakazuzikizya ntaamo zilikutolwa eAfrica mukulwanina kuti bachikula bachebwe mulizyalwiiyo amuzyooko zyandeene mukupona kwabo.
Buzuba oobu bweeta kuusa kakwibalukwa mbubakajiigwa bachikula kabalwanina kupegwa myeenya iiyelene mulizyalwiiyo antomwe akumana lusalulo mukupona kwabasiya abatuba muchisi chaSouth Africa mu16 Gandapati 1976. Oobu mbobuzuba bwakayobolola buzuluzi bwamu Binga boonse kakwibalukwa mawumi akasweeka munsi amusongosongo uti, “Lwiiyo lwabana boonse mu Africa: Lino nchechiindi” aachikolo cha Siabuwa sekondali.

Tekwakalikwiitwa uumvwa mubuzuba oobu, umwi awumwi wakati meso kubona nkokulya. Basimwaami Siabuwa biitwa lyakuzyalwa liti Robertson Sibanda, simwaami Sinamunsanga, basimabbuku, bazulwidi bwamitabi yafulumende yandeene, basimutwe bazikolo abasinsingo babo, bayisi, bana bachikolo antoomwe abazyali lwakali lunyamfwinyafwi. Mitabi ilyimvwilidi ayilayo yakaliwo mbuli Amalima Loko, World vision, REPS ayimwi mitabi yandeene.

Muswaangano ooyu wakalijisi bantu bazwa kumasena asiyenesiyene kubikkilizya balemekezegwa mwiminini wapaliyamenti yabana wakujwe kwaBinga, Hon. Ossy Alberto Mukuli wakuSizemba sekondali, senator waseneti yabana waBinga, Hon. Sibusiso Sibanda wakuKariyangwe High, simwaami wakkansili yabaami yabana muchooko chaSiabuwa, Brave Ndebele waSiabuwa sekondali antomwe akkansila wabana, Thandiwe Lunga waSiabuwa sekondali alimwi, abumwi buzuluzi bwandeene bwakayobolokede.

Basimwaami Siabuwa kabatambula beenzu boonse bakabungene bakabaluuka kuti,
“Ajulu akweeta mizeezo iichisa aatala azyakachitika kubana mu 1976, kabiyo buzuba oobu busungilizya kuti bachikula babe bantu balyiminina kuchitila kuti lyejunza lyabo lijane bbambabbwe lisimine.”
Bakinkilila kunembo kabasungwazya bachikula kuti ngabaangunuke kweeta mizeezo ichita kuti lusumpuko lusike mwaSiabuwa antoomwe amumasena wonse fumbwa mpubabede.

Musule amulumbe wabo, simwaami uyimina bana kukkansili yabasimwaami wakatula lwaano lwabuze bwabuzuba oobu kasungilizya alimwi kuti lusalulo mulizyalwiiyo nikuba sunu lutabiwo. Wakinkilila kunembo kakumbilisya luundu loonse kuti bana ngabapegwe myeenya azyelelo zibeelede mukupona kwabo.
Bana bakachita misobano yandeene ibalikizya tupeto, kuzyana, nyimbo antomwe akulibanda.

Chakalikuzwa mulizyoonse eezi nchakuti mwana wasunu welede kuba muzundi aboobo welede kupegwa myeenya azibelesyo zyeelede kuti azwidilile. Bana bakaliseenia akubotelwa nkambo bwakali buzuba bwabo nchobeni. Mwenzu ulemekezegwa wabuzuba oobu, mwimini wepaliyamenti kujwe kwaBinga, Hon. Ossy Alberto Mukuli wakaluula alimwi penzi lilangene amwana wamu Africa kasungilizya alimwi kuti eezi zyelede kugola. Hon. Senator Sibusiso Sibanda alakwe wakalungununa kapati mpalamo antomwe abulangizi bwamusololi wachisi ba E.D Mnangagwa aatala akubona kuti bachikula basumpulwa mumasena woonse achisi chaZimbabwe mbuchizulwa.

Ninchobeni wakali mwindilemwiindile akati kabachikula kabayeezya nyika yoonse kuti kudyamizigwa antomwe akulangilwaansi mulizyalwiiyo tabazikkomanini abuniini. Bakabikka antanganana kuti balezyeelelo nzibalangilila kuti zilangisisigwe akuzuzikizigwa lyonse mukubagwasizya kuti bazunde.
Ooyu mubila wenyika yoonse mbizulwa nkikaako taziyandi kulyiiba. Nkambo kaako mwaaka amwaaka mu 16th Gandapati buzuba oobu bulayibalukwa mbuli banakkilisito mubatola kanywido amubili kuti chibe chiibalusyo chinichini.

Kusekelela antomwe akwiibalukwa kwabuzuba oobu kwakajinka amisobano yandeene yabachikula. Ba Samuel Mugande, kabali ngomupati wamutabi wabachikula mubbooma lyaBinga bakalumbisya kapati mubunga ooyu kabasiila bachikula bulambe bwakubona kuti lyoonse balwanina kujana lwiiyo kuti lweete masandumasandu alomboozeka mukupona kwabo akwalunyungu lutobela.


The day of the African child saved as a moment of reviving the cultural heritage in children. It was indeed a children's day in Siabuwa. Catch them young!!!


The Chairperson for Hospitality Association of Zimbabwe, Binga Chapter, T. Mugodi speaks on ways of boosting the tourism industry in Binga. Listen to the words of wisdom in this interview with Givemore Mukuli of Twasumpuka FM. Let's talk business!!!


The Guest of Honor at the International day of the African child commemoration held at Siabuwa High on July 19, 2024. Hon. Ossy Alberto Mukuli delivers a resounding speech.


Binga District commemorates the International Day of the African Child in Siabuwa

Binga Community Shares Views on Proposed Parks and Wildlife Bill13 July 2024Story by Ibin Munsaka and Bwami Chonga Mudim...

Binga Community Shares Views on Proposed Parks and Wildlife Bill
13 July 2024
Story by Ibin Munsaka and Bwami Chonga Mudimba

The Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Environment, Climate Change and Tourism held a public hearing on July 12, 2024 at Manjolo’s Drop-in Center to gather Binga community views on the newly crafted Parks and Wildlife amendment Bill (H.B 1, 2024).

In her keynote address, the Chairperson of the portfolio committee, Honorable Joana Mamombe articulated that the new law will include clauses to compensate those who have been maimed or killed by animals, or their beneficiaries, subject to certain considerations.
She also advised the public that they have five days to submit their opinions on the bill through the Parliament email or to their members of parliament, and that the dates on their letters will be used to ensure their opinions are considered within the specified timeframe.

As such the public is encouraged to lodge their submissions to their respectful members of parliament between 12 and 17 July 2024. Alternatively, submissions can be sent to the following parliament email; [email protected] or [email protected]

This is an extended opportunity for those who did not get the chance to attend the Monjolo meeting.

Community members actively participated in the session, voicing their concerns and suggestions on the proposed legislation with the pretext that it will improve their welfare.

Vwelenga Mugande suggested that.
“All revenues collected by Parks and Wildlife in Binga District should benefit Matabeleland Province, particularly Binga, rather than being sent to Kwekwe in the Midlands Province, as the district has been granted town status by the President.”

Women advised the committee to consider, in the new law, giving powers to chiefs to be custodians of protected species like pythons.

One woman, whose name has not been identified, explained that,

“In Binga, people have traditionally used python fat to treat various ailments, including back problems, and to provide first aid for snake bites due to the medicinal properties of the python fat. Empowering chiefs to oversee these resources would make it easier for the community to access them.”

Bernard Munsaka, the Chairperson of Binga Fisheries, bewailed the forfeiting of fishing rigs by Zim Parks officers when they find them in breeding areas and subsequently apprehending the fishermen, instructing them to pay a fine of $2,000 to have their equipment released. Munsaka suggested that the new bill should consider arrest the fishermen but not impound their rigs, which are the livelihoods of the community.

The public hearing provided a platform for the Binga community to actively engage with policymakers and share their perspectives on the proposed Parks and Wildlife legislation, ensuring their voices are heard in the development of this important law.


Lubanda community calls for a Health service center.

Lack of a rural health center deprive AGYW AND ABYM in LubandaLubanda community has recorded a rise in child pregnancy c...

Lack of a rural health center deprive AGYW AND ABYM in Lubanda
Lubanda community has recorded a rise in child pregnancy cases. This came to light during the meeting held at Lubanda primary school on Saturday June 29, 2024. The meeting was organized by Basilwizi Trust, a local organization working with rural and underprivileged communities.

This has been attributed to lack of sexual reproductive and health services in the community (SRH).

Lubanda village is within the catchment area of Sianzyundu clinic situated about thirty kilometers away along Bulawayo-Binga Road. Adolescents’ girls, youths and women, (AGYW) and adolescents’ boys, youths and men, (ABYM) in this community are hooded in a dire situation in which they are compelled to foot thirty kilometers to get to the nearest health services center, Sianzyundu, Tinde or Kamativi clinics.

In the face of the aggressive economic challenges, a community like Lubanda, with limited sources of income endures a solidest moment in settling bus fares to get to Sianzyundu, Tinde or Kamativi for treatment. At the height of this geographical stretch this subsequently mutilate the millennium generation's efforts to reach out to health services.

More so, the situation is worsened by the absence of network connectivity to allow young people to access SRH information and services through digital media platforms. In the event that a pregnant young mother encounters a maternal complication from Lubanda, they always face challenges to reach to the nearest rural health center for treatment.
The community is aggrieved by the manner in which their own blood is diverging from their culture of sexual behavior. According to the meeting participants, abandonment of sexual education in the community has been influenced by the natural death of family gatherings in this community, families are now more centralized to their immediate family than extended families. Grandmothers and Aunties are no longer educating these young people about SRH information as it used to be in the past.

What is disturbing is the fact that especially female adolescents are cutting edges of childhood at the ages of thirteen to become young mothers thereby destroying their future and propagating a perpetual poverty chain within families.

Georgina Mudimba, a female parent in Lubanda was quick to say,

" Our children are different from what we used to be at childhood, they would never give you an ear for the matters that affect them, I don't know where we are heading to with this generation, it's a miserable moment of ours."

Meanwhile, a senior resident of Lubanda village, Mr. Susu Muzamba, lamented on this issue and substance abuse as the prime venoms that has robbed their boys ' future and polarized the parents ' happiness.

" As a community we are deeply disheartened to learn that our boys are taking drugs while still very young. On the other hand, girls leave school early due to pregnancies. This led us to secure a space for these juveniles to use as a youth friendly center where sexual reproductive and health rights services (SRHR) will be accessed." Suggested Muzamba.

" We requested Basilwizi Trust to come to our rescue after we attended one of their enlightening workshops in Sianzyundu. I'm grateful that they have accepted our appeal to work with them." He added.
The community has since selected two female and two male mentees who will be trained by Basilwizi Trust on sexual reproductive and health services after then they will cascade the training to their peers in the community.

Basilwizi Trust has been running the SRHR program under partnership for social accountability (PSA) project since 2022 in Simatelele and Sianzyundu communities where youths are accessing different SRHR services at the youth friendly corners in their respective clinics.

After realizing the desirable results of the project in Simatelele and Sianzyundu communities, Basilwizi Trust accepted calls to expand its program to Lubanda and Tinde to respond to the soaring cases of teenage pregnancies.


Religious leaders have taken a bold step in reducing gender-based violence cases through media.


How may local communities participate in managing their own natural resources like, wildlife, forestry etc. Meet DJ Mesiline Munenge and guests; Josias Mwinde and John Siambare.


Have you ever thought of how you can protect your livestock from predators, if not, here we go!


With the escalating cases of sexual harassment at workplaces, here are other ways of reducing it. Enjoy the heated discussion with guests; Linda Mudenda, Anthony Ncube and DJ Isaac Munkombwe.


Exodus Munkuli, a girl from rural Binga, down in Sianzyundu, has reacted to climate change impact by improvising a moisture-saving gardening model.

Sikomena Community Hails Development of a Solar powered borehole14 June 2024The Sikomena community in Dobola Ward 16 is ...

Sikomena Community Hails Development of a Solar powered borehole
14 June 2024
The Sikomena community in Dobola Ward 16 is triumphant over the donation of a solar powered borehole Amalima loko. This was availed during the annual Amalima day which was held at Sikomena on June 13 2024.

The event, themed "Celebrating community-led activities for resilient livelihoods and improved access to water and sanitation," highlighted the program's key achievements in the region. Amalima Loko established a solar-powered borehole that supplies water to the local dip tank and a nutritional garden benefiting 40 members of the Sikomena community, 30 of whom are women and 10 are men.
The guest of honor, Mr. Norman Muleya, representing the District Development Coordinator's office, praised the program's Watershed Approach to Natural Resources management, which has fostered collaboration between upstream and downstream communities. "Through the Watershed Cluster Steering group, the community was instrumental in planning the rehabilitation of 13 boreholes and the drilling of 6 new ones in the Kariangwe cluster, 3 of which were equipped with bush pumps and 3 with solar systems," he said.

Village head George Mudenda expressed his gratitude for the program's interventions. "Before this program, we used to share drinking water with livestock, but now we drink clean water and can easily fill the dip tank, as the water is connected to it, and we can easily open the tap and fill up the plunge," he said.

Sarah Njodzi, a program beneficiary, shared her experience, stating that the initiative has helped her community meet the educational needs of their children. "Before the USAID-funded program, we faced challenges in buying school stationery, but now we can generate profits from selling vegetables and use that to support our children's education," she said.

The Sikomena community's market reach extends to Lusulu Center, Gwayi, and Binga Center, showcasing the program's impact on improving their livelihoods.

The Amalima Loko program, funded by USAID, continues to make a significant difference in the lives of the Sikomena community, fostering resilient livelihoods and improving access to essential resources such as water and sanitation.
Twaambo twini kuluundu


Who is to blame if a parent loses control of a child? What should be done to correct the situation? Anyway, click this video for more informtion. DJ Mumulady or Mesiline Munenge brings you an exciting show.


Hi, Meet DJ Roscas as she denounces the illegal hunting of animals and birds while highlighting the importance of preserving them for future generations.


Good day dear viewers

Please meet DJ Chitembauzyo Mudimba aka Roscas in her radio show in which she articulates the importance of eating vitamin rich foods as a way of fighting illnesses. She also emphasizes the need to take the natural and ethical way to live and survive illnesses and shun ill-informed alternatives.


Zimbabwe National Family Planning Council's Barbra Nyathi and a female youth, Shara Ndlovu in the video shares with fellow women, some traditional and modern contraceptive methods. DJ Elmar Sibanda probes into the matter, just click!


Maria Mudimba, a women rights activist in Chibondo village, in Manjolo ward articulates on some important steps that should be taken by an abused girl child and her parents.


World Press Freedom Day Commemorations kicks off in Manjolo
By: Magadalene Munsaka

Twasumpuka FM joined the rest of the world in commemorating the World Press Freedom Day at Masibinta secondary school on the 6th of May 2024.The event was attended by members of the surrounding community including the traditional leaders and Ward Councilors.

This year’s commemoration was held under the theme, “Reduce climate change impact, improve lives.” The ceremony was graced with entertainment from young youths who showcased their talents through dancing.
The chairperson for Twasumpuka FM Mr. Samson Sibanda gave a state-of-the-art address of the station and clarified the co-relationship of the station and government ministries and the civil society organizations (CSOs).

He also expressed gratitude over the cooperation the station is receiving from them. He added that collaborating with the station in its broadcasting operations contributes immensely to its sustainability. Further, he commended the government for officially launching the station as witnessed on the 29th of February 2024 at Binga by the minister of information and broadcasting services, Hon. Dr Jenfan Muswere.

The chairperson also encouraged stakeholders and the ordinary people to work hand in glove with Twasumpuka Fm especially on the issues of climate change, in reality of this year’s severe drought. “Let me emphasize the need for you to make use of the radio station so that you stay informed of national hazards and developments. Early warning information dissemination using the radio may serve lives.”

“The significance of the World Press Freedom Day gives media practitioners confidence in gathering real stories from their communities and sharing them through print and radio. We should all unite to reduce the impact of climate change to improve lives of our communities,” concluded Mr. Sibanda.

The councilor for Sikalenge ward, Mr. Joseph Mwembe appreciated the diligence of the station staff by offering volunteer service to the community despite the hardships they face regarding sustainability challenges.
He added that, “The station staff is working tirelessly to serve their community, Team Twasumpuka, please do not tire up, we are very proud that Manjolo is the first place to host this special event to celebrate the World Press Freedom Day, which is splendid, and I salute you.”
The press freedom is significantly felt in the communities of Binga. Twasumpuka FM has made a round of four road shows in collaboration with Zimbabwe Environmental Law Association which ended early this month. The shows were attended by multitudes of people signifying a remarkable development in press freedom . Twasumpuka


Twasumpuka FM Broadcasters shares a stage with Zimbabwe Environmental Law Association staff (ZELA), while entertaining a crowd at Manjolo Business center during a just ended series of roadshows. What a must-not-miss video!


Zimbabwe Environmental Law Association has taken a positive direction in addressing environmental issues to Binga communities by partnering with Twasumpuka FM. Watch a fully packed road show at Binga center.


As child abuse cases get on soaring in the region, DJ Nelson Pasipanodya takes a probe in the matter with Dube Munkombwe to unveil some hidden details leading to the calamitous.


Wonderful day everyone

Today you are blessed to have an insightful career talk show. Meet DJ Elmar Sibanda in the discussion with a female youthful entrepreneur, Anna Dube! Waste no other minute, Watch for yourself.


ZELA Stakeholders Roundtable Meeting Paves the Way for Community Conservancies in Zimbabwe

Story by Ibin Munsaka and Bwami Chonga Mudimba

Date: April 11, 2024

In a significant milestone towards the development of community conservancies in Zimbabwe, the Zimbabwe Environmental Law Association (ZELA) organized a stakeholders roundtable meeting on April 11, 2024, at the Binga Rural District Council. The meeting aimed to establish a baseline or scoping study to support the formulation of a legal and governance framework for community conservancies across the country.

Attended by representatives from various government departments, non-governmental organizations, including Sustainable Wildlife Management (SWM), Kulima Mbobuumi Training Center, Resilience Anchors, and Basilwizi Trust, the meeting served as a platform for engaging with stakeholders and communities possessing abundant wildlife resources.

Recognizing the absence of a comprehensive law governing conservancies, the government initiated the consultation process to ensure the involvement of all relevant parties. The interactive nature of the meeting enabled active participation from attendees, fostering a collaborative approach to creating a framework that encompasses all conservancies in Zimbabwe.

The District Development Coordinator, Mr. Land Kabome, inaugurated the meeting by emphasizing the importance of collective responsibility in preserving wildlife, citing its potential to generate income within the district.

Under the guidance of Ignatius Kudakwashe Maeresa, the Program Management Unit Lead of the Land and Natural Resources Department, the stakeholders were encouraged to contribute actively to the finalization of the framework. Maeresa stressed the significance of identifying key legal principles and governance concepts that would serve as guiding principles for community conservancies in their day-to-day operations.

The Interactive nature of the meeting allowed all participants to express their opinions and perspectives, ensuring that diverse viewpoints were considered. This inclusive approach aimed to create a comprehensive and robust legal and governance framework that would effectively govern community conservancies throughout Zimbabwe.

The ZELA stakeholders roundtable meeting marks a crucial step towards the establishment of community conservancies in Zimbabwe. By engaging stakeholders and communities, the meeting has laid the foundation for collaborative decision-making and the development of an inclusive framework that will safeguard Zimbabwe’s wildlife and promote sustainable conservation efforts.


Binga Town, Matabeleland North Province


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