On October 10, we observe Mental Health Day to raise awareness and show support for mental health issues. It's a day to promote understanding, reduce stigma and encourage open conversations about mental wellness. Let's remind everyone that it's okay to seek help and that we are all in this together. Share your story, offer support, and help spread the message that mental health matters
The 2024 World Mental Health Day theme ‘It is Time to Prioritise Mental Health in the Workplace’ provides us with an opportunity to re-kindle our efforts to promote global citizenship and mental health awareness by making our workplaces a healthier place, especially as 60% of the global population is in employment and employees spend 60% of their time in the workplace..
# WorldMentalHealthDay
Images courtesy of WHO and Freepik
Menstrual Hygiene World Day
Ambassador Emmanuel Gasa is talking about World Menstrual Hygiene Day. 28 May is World Menstrual Hygiene Day and 2924 theme is "Together for #PeriodFriendlyWorld". SHONA "Hatifanire kusiya vamwe mukuita kuti Vakadzi nevasikana vawane mapads pese pese pavari" .
"Lobbying for sanitary wear everywhere @schools @Churches @traditionalchiefspalaces @Allworkplaces #ParliamentShouldSetPrecedenceFirst
Mental Health Awareness
Mental Health Awareness Week 13 – 19 May 2024
This year, the theme for Mental Health Awareness Week is "Movement: Moving More
for Our Mental Health,"
It is a time for us to come together and shed light on a topic that affects us all – our
mental well-being.
Physical activity has been shown to have a remarkable impact on our mental health.
Engaging in physical activity for as little as 150 minutes per week can lower the risk of
depression by up to 20%.
When we exercise, our bodies release endorphins – those wonderful "feel-good"
hormones that boost our spirits and leave us with a sense of accomplishment and
Next time you find yourself feeling overwhelmed or anxious, consider going for a walk or
engaging in any form of physical activity that you enjoy. You might be surprised at the
positive impact it can have on your mental state.
Incorporating movement into our daily lives does not have to be complicated. It can be
as simple as taking a walk even during your lunch break, walking your dog, riding a
bike, dancing or practicing yoga. Find activities that resonate with you and bring you joy.
Start small and gradually increase your activity levels.
Cannot emphasize enough the importance of community and support when it comes to
mental health. It is crucial to create an environment where open conversations about
mental health are encouraged and stigma is eradicated. Let us be there for one another,
lending a listening ear and extending a helping hand.
Take a step towards better mental health. Find activities that you enjoy, move your
body, and make it a priority. Let us support one another and foster a culture of
understanding and compassion.
Let us continue to raise awareness and advocate for mental health throughout this week
and beyond.
Together, we can make a difference and create a society where mental health is
World TB Day 2024. Tuberculosis (TB) is a significant health issue in Zimbabwe, with a high burden of the disease. TB is caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis and primarily affects the lungs, although it can also affect other parts of the body.Stop TB Partnership
#Center for Disease Control
#The Union Zimbabwe Trust
#Jointed Hands
Happy International Women's Day 2024!
International Women's Day 2024. The campaign theme for International Women's Day 2024 is Inspire Inclusion. When we inspire others to understand and value women's inclusion, we forge a better world.
And when women themselves are inspired to be included, there's a sense of belonging, relevance, and empowerment. Collectively, let's forge a more inclusive world for women. Get involved for IWD 2024
Men and boys are less likely to test for HIV, to initiate antiretroviral therapy and to remain engaged in care. Globally, antiretroviral therapy coverage of men lags that of women and men are therefore dying of AIDS-related illnesses and many other diseases at disproportionately higher rates than their female counterparts.
Primary health-care services in eastern and southern Africa place a great deal of focus on women of reproductive age, and reproductive, maternal and child health services offer ideal entry points for HIV services—similar entry points for men are not commonplace.
Are health institutions organized in ways that promote access to services for men and boys?
Source UNAIDS - New framework = male engagement – Eastern-Southern Africa
Love isn't just good for the heart-its also good for your health, too! February is the month of love, and it's a great time to focus on the benefits of love and connection. Show your loved ones how much you care, and watch your health and happiness blossom.
Ndinonzi Amb Emmanuel Gasa ndiri mumwe wechiwumba Chevamiriri yepa Chipatara Mabvuku Enhanced Hospital. Tinokukokayi mose Musi Wemugovera 17 Kukadzi 2024 kuti muuye mose nehuwandu hwenyu muwongororwe chibereko chegomarara pachena , kuvarume tichange tichiwongororawo nhengo ndemuviri Wana Baba pachena yatinoti prostate cancer screening, vose vanodawo ma kuwongororwa sugar , ne BP nezvimwewo zvose ASI ndinoda kutenda kuvakocheri nevose vafunga kubatana nesu ku Chipatara Chihombe cheku Mabvuku
Ambassador Emmanuel Gasa a member of the Mabvuku Enhanced Hospital Health Centre Committee. We will be providing A Mabvuku Awareness Screening Outreach with Free Screening of Prostate Cancer , Cervical /Breast Cancer , Talks Wellness Checks Glucose Sugar BP checks etc...