AFM in Zim Entumbane Yobel

AFM in Zim Entumbane Yobel Events, departmental services., Pastor's sermons.

At 65

At 65


Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations. Trust God with your journey.
You will get to there.


The obstacle you are worried about will not be there when you get there. God has gone ahead of you. It is settled. Pray and have faith. Begin to thank God of His faithfulness. Christ in u the hope of glory. Pray pray pray


we face temptations every day, if not armed with tools to overcome those temptations, we are more than likely to give into them instead of resisting them. As youths, desire to sin will rise in the form of gossip, cheating, jealousy,greedness.......u can fill in the list goes on .some temptations are easy to overcome but some seems hard to resist. temptation and sin are 2 different things, we sin only wen we fail to overcome a temptation. jesus was tempted and He overcame using the word, in prayer and fasting mode. know your weak areas, which temptations are difficult for u to overcome, is it gossip or s*x temptation? its a question to ask yourself. some find that even holding your date's hand is too much of a temptation, if its that then avoid it, some if they found to be in a dark and lonely placewith your date, it will be too much of a temptation, if its that then avoid lonely and dark places.Once u know the temptations that are difficult for u to overcome, u can begin to pray for them. the most effective way to overcome a temptation is to avoid it altogether. biblical advice.... 1corinthians 10 v 13 and 14. i quote..u are teempted the same way that evryone is tempted. but God can be trusted not to let u be tempted too much and will show u how to escape from your temptation. Matthew 12 v 34. for out for the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks....ask yourself whats in my heart and what lacking in my heart, where do i get it, the word of God can fill your heart with tools and weapons. be inspired and get equiped. thank u


Brother Bukhosi


Ypu Sunday
Si Thembi


Sister Thembi.
Ypu Sunday


Rev Shana at Yobel


Preaching by Ypu leader Mashavave


Rev shana


Rev Shana preaching

Title From pit to pinnacle


Worship sunday


Preaching by Rev Shana


*Teaching on Intercession by *S Musararikwa.*

Allow me to start by defining it literally.
It is a prayer offered by one person on behalf of another. Christ is the great intercessor, Isaiah 53 v 12. Intercession or prayer we must do it or pray in the name of Jesus Christ .
An intercessor must be able to identify a problem first and believe that if I go with that problem to Christ, it shall be well. Philippians 4 v 6 yoti. Make your request be known unto Christ.
An intercessor is a sensitive somebody , he is not selfish, he is a man and woman of faith. He or she is humble, merciful, patient , a kind and a good person.

Patinonamata tingoti Jehovah ndigadzirei ndive mudziyo wakakodzera kushanda mumba menyu. Help us God.
Scripture reading of today is from
1 samuel 7 v 5 to 12
10 And as Samuel was offering up the burnt offering, the Philistines drew near to battle against Israel: but the LORD thundered with a great thunder on that day upon the Philistines, and discomfited them; and they were smitten before Israel.

Tizoiverenga from 5
We are in a week of prayer revival, the devil is now being shaken, anouya pedyo nesu muhope takarara kuzotivhunditsira, anounza kukundikana kwedu kwekare, anotiyeuchidza mabackground edu asi manheru ano ngatizivei kuti kudenga denga kunaMwari
Patichamuka usiku ngatizivei kuti pane musindo uchakonzereswa naMwari wedu , kukunda ndekwedu.
Verse 12 yoti Samuel named that place Ebenezer kureva kuti Mwari vatibatsira.

Manheru anhasi.
Fungisisa papi nepapi panoda kuti Mwari vapindire. Tangira mumba mako, kwaunozvarwa, kwawakaroorwa, shamwari dzako, mhuri yekwako, vanorwarirwa, situation yenyika.

Munamato wako ndewekuti Mwari konzeresai musindo situation ichinje inake.
Tinoda kuzopupura kuti Enenezer Mwari vatibatsira.

Amen amen


Follow closely

2019 Welfare sunday service.Giving to the elderly and widows. Merry xmas n a prosperous 2020.  Lets do the same to our p...

2019 Welfare sunday service.

Giving to the elderly and widows. Merry xmas n a prosperous 2020.
Lets do the same to our parents, relatives , neighbours. Thats wat is called a *pure religion*. JAMES 1 V 27


Praise team 2019 End of year outing







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