When Planet Earth was spoken into existence, Darkness and void sated the whole space, and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the water, then followed the act of creation.
In Genesis 1:2 we are introduced to the Holy Spirit, before God began speaking things into existence. The Bible tells us, before the work of creation began, the Holy Spirit was already moving on the face of the Earth. The work of Creation was going to be a vast work and the opening verses of the Bible reveal a profound blueprint of God transforming darkness and disarrangement into beauty and order. This pattern process unfolds sequentially: The Spirit moved, God speaks and transformation occurs. Before God's command in verse 2, the earth was formless , empty and covered with darkness. with no beauty on the landscape.
What fascinates me in all this, Genesis1:2 depicts the Spirit of God dynamically engaging with the formless earth. And apparently, His Spirit works in a similar way with human beings too. God's Spirit moves and leads the hearts to search for the Word. Then transformation occurs. His Spirit enlivens His Word and without the Spirit, without the Word God, life lacks power. Other spirits will move and dissuade the heart. Transforming it into disarray and confusion. Simultaneously attempting to apply God's Word without the moving of the Spirit risks disappointment and frustration. Its more than just theological accuracy or deep intellectual understanding of the Bible. Let his Spirit move over the circumstances of your life and bring God's Word to Life.