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Possibility-Vision A life changing Vision

PEOPLE NEED TO BE REALISTIC.It's not possible to Fix it (The Economy) even in Six Months- When The Damage Took 7 Years.F...

It's not possible to Fix it (The Economy) even in Six Months- When The Damage Took 7 Years.
First there has to be Functioning Government institutions with trust worthy, Honest and faithful People - Not Judas Iscariots.
Then Recovery, Restoration and Repair follows-Then Rebuilding, Re-Engineering and Re-invigorating/Re-Navigating the Economy/Country and it's Culture/ Beliefs in the Right Direction.
And this takes time- It's a Process.
It can't happen overnight.
Those Who are making Mocking remarks of demanding the fixing Immediately- Are disappointed with the loss.
So they want to paint a bad picture of HH and UPND in the eyes of the Public.
The Sad fact in African Politics is that- Some People in the Opposition despite having degrees from the University- They Consciously chose to Decrease in their thinking Capacity and Sound Reasoning for the Selfish purpose of painting the picture of the Ruling Party black even if what they have done is right.
Alas! They have woken up to the rude shock of their lives.
Zambia and her Well Meaning, Forward ⏩ looking , Peace Loving 💕 People Have Moved Forward.
God Bless Zambia in Jesus Might Name and Help HH and the Team to serve Faithfully.
“Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.”
— Proverbs 14:34 (KJV)
Bekalefye ba kalusa.


We are waiting for our Valued Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, Teachers, and Bishops to Speak concerning the many evils in this country Perpetrated by the ruling party.
From Fire Tenders,48 Flats which have now increased, The Gassing Issue who planned and sponsored it,The Expired Drugs at Ministry of Finance, Selective Justice- Non of those Surrounding Mr Lungu taken to Court by his law enforcement Agencies has been successfully either Odered to pay or sentenced by the court.
From the previous cases it seems there has been a miscalculation on the side of the Agencies.


Its Wonderful.
Welcome to a World of Unlimited Possibilities


As far as the your eyes can see- That far you will go and possess when you ACT on what you see.


God Created Men and Women Spiritually and Mentally Equall.
To be a Suitable Helper does not Necessarily mean to be a Recipient.
It does mean to be Productive in the Use of The Potential and Mind that One has.It does Mean to Contribute to what Ones Husband is doing Through their Talents Gifts and Abilities, And in so doing Help Him Become Highly Successful and eventually Succeed With Him.
Success is not as a result of the Physical Body, rather it's as a result of making a Conscious Decision to be Successful.Its as a result of realising that you Have Divinely Endowed Potential and abilities.
You First need to have a Dream and Conceive Ideas of how to Bring your Dream to it's physical Equivalent.
Believe in God, Believe in yourself & Believe in your Dream.
You Can't Just Sit Idly and wait for your Husband to Furnish you with Money to Buy what you want - What are Those Brains and Mind for?
They are too much Precious to be kept Unused.
A great Philosopher and Teacher Once Said"Anything that is not Usefully Occupied Deteriorates - wether it be a TRAIN, THE BRAIN OR THE ENGINE".


Matthew 18:3.......And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.

Matthew 19:14.....,But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.


What Makes A woman Great And HONORABLE -A recognition of the fact that she doesn't need a Man or Men to have money or live a meaningful and fulfilled life- rather -She needs to Discover her Dream, Passion and WAKE UP, WORK UP and WALK UP.


It Is Well.Been Quite, But Now It On.


I have made a kin observation concerning many young People's interest in today's World.
There are a number of things that are increasingly attracting their attention.
And if this goes unchecked, would definitely lead many unsuspecting youths into utter destruction.
Below are some of them.
(1) The abnormal appetite for watching Movies. They spend many hours with their eyes fixated on the screen,as if they are hypnotized by Some unseen forces.
The time they spend on reading School work, that is if they read at all, is far much less compared to the number of hours they spend-or arrestingly put(the hours they waste on damaging their Minds with Ficticious stories).
(2)They try by all means to follow up what they wacth.
This is evidensed by so many young girls/ladies passing at falling pregnant out of wedlock and failing their Examinations at secondary School as well as colleges.
(3)The Love of Money and Material things has led so many young people to do weird things.
Young Men are ready to kill, still and destroy for the want of money to drink and buy gifts for their girlfriends.
Young ladies and Girls are ready to trade their precious Bodies for the insatiable appetite for Money and Material things.... Such as Clothes, Shoes etc in the name of fashion and keeping Up appearances.
(4)The Coming of Electronic and information Technology has made life much easier in several ways.For Example-(a) Communication is more than 100 times faster today than it was 50 years ago.(b) Almost all information that one would want to know is there on the Internet.
However,it has also promoted numerous Evils for those who are without self-control.as an example (a) Evil 😈 people upload pornographic material which damages the minds of people corrupt morals and in some instances leads to abuse of the unsuspecting victims.
Young people wake up late at night when their parents or guardians are fast asleep to browse the internet to find what they want to feed their minds willingly.
They also wake up to watch Movie 🎥-Copying the Fictitious stories and doing their level best to put them into practice-in the end Living fictitious lives.
However,to their disappointment,things don't work as expected.
It's all because of lack of Guidance and Mentorship.
We are here to help out those in need and interested.
Visit Our page on Facebook- Possibility Vision.
Send your questions or a Topic you would want discussed.

Things happen in life-the Good and the bad.However,it is a prudent advice to concentrate on the Good and Learn from the ...

Things happen in life-the Good and the bad.
However,it is a prudent advice to concentrate on the Good and Learn from the bad.
If one does the opposit-concentrating on the bad and not on the Good, then they will be distracted from there Goal/Vision and Dream and they may get frustrated and eventually loose if care is not taken to correct the Focus.


Heat reveals the real nature of things.
It helps to breakdown and seperate the individual components or elements of the substance.
So does the Heat of life's experiences.


Hi my fellow travelers on this Success Journey. Hope you're all doing great.
It's been a while now since I last posted on possibility Vision.a few things kept me away for sometime. However, am back. It's Possible and it is Well.We can make it Happen.


Its been a while since I last posted. Sometimes the unexpected happens and finds you unprepared to face it.So,you back off not because you are defeated,but because you are wise enough to weigh your strength compared to the strength of the situation and prepare yourself to face it,more intelligently.

Dr. Ben Carson writes:DON'T BUILD YOUR LIFE ON PUBLIC OPINIONTrump lost the presidential debates, twice.Yet he won the e...

Dr. Ben Carson writes:
Trump lost the presidential debates, twice.
Yet he won the election.
He lost the public opinion polls to Hillary by double digit margins.
Yet he won the election.
All living former American presidents opposed him.
Yet he won the election.
Top celebrities and entertainers opposed him
Yet he won the election.
Top party power brokers deserted him.
Yet he won the election.
Millions opposed him.
Yet he won the election.
Global public opinion ridiculed him.
Yet he won the election
Don't build your life around the opinions of critics.
Don't build your life on public opinion.
It is just that - an opinion. Full stop.
Bless the critic.
Bless the haters.h
Bless the opposers.
Bless and curse not
You can win.


Donald Trump is the kind of Leader Most African Countries need.
I Loved Him from the Beginning and I wanted to see him Win.
To the contrary, Many Africans I had a conversation with to know who there preferred candidate was,they Rejected him outright.
Many people do not like him because they don't like his Tough,unshakable and immovable will to stand for what he believes to be right even if it contradicts the common belief/Status quo.
We need many Donald Trumps in Africa for the sake of our Progress period.

Life is not your enemy,rather ignorance is-A wise man asked this question"What would you do if you knew you could not fa...

Life is not your enemy,rather ignorance is-A wise man asked this question"What would you do if you knew you could not fail?"
I dont know about you,but in my case,i could go full throttle pursuing my dream of buiding a fantastic and glorious city and all that is found in a city.Things like an ultra mordern Possibility-university,a Possibility Vision Bank,an Possibility Inssurance company,a Possibility construction/mining/eloctronics manufacturing company-i can do all I can do.Take note:All things are in the realm of Possibilities.
You can if you think you can....am on my way living and doing it.


This is my Observation-Many People in this part of the world(Africa) are Victims of Paradigm Paralysis.The inability or conscious unwillingness to open their eyes and see the Current Models of Thinking.
Thinking is done in the Medium of knowledge. Therefore, if people cling to the old kind of knowledge which unfortunately has become obsolete, they can not by any means Think anything New.
This explains why we have been going backwards instead of forward.
What is needed urgently is Paradigm Shift.


When you are Convinced that,The Dream is True,The Vision is Clear and The Ideas are Concrete.
It is Focus and Persistent Action that will produce the impetus and manifest the Desired Results.
Therefore, Engage your mind and Act now.

Set time aside relax and have fun.In the background is the Indian Ocean.

Set time aside relax and have fun.
In the background is the Indian Ocean.


To make money you have git to believe what Robert Schuller Said: "Failure is not Final and Success is never Ending".


It is sad to know that many of the women are deeply engrosed in the disillusionment that money will solve all their problems as such,they do their level best to dress in such a way so as to attract the attention of Men with Money.They position themselves for an opportune time to be seen by would be aspirants.
If attracting Men with Money proves to be a difficult mission, they slowly sleep into desperation and Convince themselves that Even a Poor Man can do as long as he has a Vision Dream and Goal.
Whether a Man has money,a Vision Dream or Goal is not a BIG Deal.What makes a BIG Deal is:"Do you ,as a Woman have a Big Vision,Dream or Goal?".
Remember this; there is no such a thing as Marriage being Your Dream,Vision or Goal in Life.Life is Bigger than that.Moreover, if you made Marriage your everything-that is: Your Dream,Vision and Goal-What Happens when He Dies,?Your Dream,Vision and Goal Has Died.Consequentially you also Die of depression.
Ask yourself-Is that really what life is suppose to be like?Such kind of thinking is usually deposited in the Minds of young Girls at a tender age by the people that surround them during their upbringing. People like Aunties, Sister in Laws,Step Mothers who often times scold the young ladies.
Even though the young ladies may not be ready for marriage, they quickly look for any available opportunity and say yes just to run away from those Homes and offload the pressure.
Such kind of marriages don't last long ,if they do,one day looks like one year and one year like a thousand years cause of the endurance the young ladies have to put up with in their homes.
It is for this reason that young ladies should Wake Up,Work Up and Walk Up.They should embrace the Individualistic or Personalistic Philosophy.They should endeavor to be optimistic and not pessimistic.
This Means:You are a Full Human being with potential of becoming whatever you want to become or do in this Life.You are not a Biological accident who has been discovered by Men and whose purpose is Determined by Men:Which Purpose is their Sexual satisfaction and to bear them children so they can perpetuate their seed.
You are Spiritually and Soulically Equal to a Man.The only difference is Biological.
It is for this reason that I call upon all Women to not look down on themselves,but to lift up their heads and look up with great expectation.
Respecting their Husbands and believing in themselves and their capabilities.
You are well able,don't be a dependant. Remember-Wake Up,Work Up and Walk Up-http://Possibilityenvisioned.simdif.com


Africa needs an overhaul of mindset.
We need to change our paradygm( The habits,belief systems,Traditions & Wrong Convictions about ourselves,our cultures & the world at large.)
It is possible to do that.We only have to make a conscious decision to take the first step.Its not an easy step.It demands death to self(not in the physical,but the death of mr ego).We are capable of rising above our negative circumstances.
The day we will begin to have selfless people like Nelson Madiba Mandela in positins of authority,that will be the beginning of a true revolution & Reformation of Africans & Eventually our Economies.
It will have to take people with the back born of iron & the mind of diamond( figuratively speaking) Iron is strong and doesn't bend easily-never bend or give in to temptation of wanting to stay forever in power,never give in to corruption of any kind,never bend to bribery or any vice of evil at the expence of the people and the Nation.Diamond is the hardest stone.In its natural state may not look attractive & if one is not familiar may pass it by, but once polished it sparkles and attracts the attention of the onlookers.one is tempted to keep looking & looking at the radiance of its beauty.
Such Minds are there in Africa.Its only that they are in their natural state and covered with dirty- they are not yet polished.
We need to have our Minds Colonised with the right kind of Knowledge.
We need to understand the essence of life and meaning of existence.
We need to learn to value other human beings and realize that no one lives forever.
Therefore, we should ask ourselves: How do we want to be remembered? How do we want posterity to judge us?.


The Chinese Philosopher of Antiquity,Confucius said" The journey of a Thousand Miles begins with one step".The message he was conveying is ,JUST BEGIN.If you have a dream,If you have a passion,If you have something that Burns in your soul like a fire,the thing you want to see accomplished in your life.The only way to accomplish it is to start doing it.Remember that whatever you want to start doing there is someone who has gone before you who has done it before or something similar.
Begin at the speed you can accommodate.Learn from those who have gone before you believing that it is possible..

THERE IS A WAYSometimes it may look like there is no way out of certain predicaments.If the mind is allowed to meditate ...

Sometimes it may look like there is no way out of certain predicaments.
If the mind is allowed to meditate on that kind of thinking, it will definitely lead to mental constipation. Which is the inability to flashout unwanted thoughts and in the process leading to a loss of appetite for new knowledge and resulting into a deep sinking hopeless feeling called Depression.
How does one get out of such a predicament?
(1)Read Great Books like The Bible Containing information of what you want.
(2)Listen to Motivational talks.
(3)Act as if it has already happened.
(4)Confess what you want to see.
Feelings may not disappear immediately, but they will eventually go.
Remember,they fluctuate.Today they may be high & tomorrow they may be low.
Use the right knowledge, to Think what you want & Confess what you want Until you Get what you want.

The mind is intangible and  dynamic.Its only in your mind where you can win or lose.Its in your mind where you can be Rich or Poor.



(1)Definition: In decision theory and general system theory,a MINDSET is a set of assumptions,methods,or notations held by one or more people or groups of people that is so established that it creates a powerful incentive within these people or groups to continue to adopt or accept prior behavior,choices or tools.This phenomenon is also sometimes described as MENTAL INERTIA;groupthink, or a paradigm...and it is often difficult to counteteract its effects upon analysis and decision making processes.
A Mindset can also be seen as incident of a person's philosophy of life.For Example: There has been quite some interest in the typical MINDSET of an ENTREPRENEUR.
(2)[ a ]An attitude,disposition,or mood.
[ b ]An intention or inclination
From this detailed definition we can clearly see how important the MIND is.
Therefore, it is sorely a responsibility of the owner of the MIND to take care of it and determine what goes in there.
For as he thinketh in his heart,so is he....Proverbs 23:7
Remember, thinking is done in the medium of knowledge.
It is out of the knowledge in our minds we make decision,act on them & get results.

copyright©2016 by Samuel Singoyi

A CALL OF DESTINY"Give to us a clear vision that we may know where to stand and what to stand for.Because unless we stan...


"Give to us a clear vision that we may know where to stand and what to stand for.Because unless we stand for something we shall fall for anything".Peter Mashall.

Destiny is not a matter of Chance,but a matter of Choice.
It is not a thing to be waited for,but a thing to be achieved.
When you hear Destiny calling you must answer.
To effectively make the most of Destiny,you must consider a number of factors.
(1)- You must know the direction where the sound of Destiny is coming from.
(2)-You must listen carefully and understand the contents of the sound of Destiny in order to distinguish it from other sounds.
(3)-When Destiny calls,it does not mean its time to go- rather,its time to prepare adequately. And your preparation is largely determined by the contents in the sound of Destiny(What was it saying exactly?)
(4)-Preparation makes it easier for you to manifest your Destiny exponentially and continually everyday.There are many challenges you'll face in the process of living out your Destiny.
Without proper and thorough preparation, you may end up being discouraged and frustrated.

copyright©2016 by Samuel Singoyi

The mind is intangible and  dynamic.Its only in your mind where you can win or lose.Its in your mind where you can be Rich or Poor.

👑ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE IF YOU BELIEVE👑              🏪A CALL OF DESTINY🏤 "Give to us a clear vision that we may know wh...


"Give to us a clear vision that we may know where to stand and what to stand for.Because unless we stand for something we shall fall for anything".Peter Mashall.

Destiny is not a matter of Chance,but a matter of Choice.
It is not a thing to be waited for,but a thing to be achieved.
When you hear Destiny calling you must answer.
To effectively make the most of Destiny,you must consider a number of factors.
(1)- You must know the direction where the sound of Destiny is coming from.
(2)-You must listen carefully and understand the contents of the sound of Destiny in order to distinguish it from other sounds.
(3)-When Destiny calls,it does not mean its time to go- rather,its time to prepare adequately. And your preparation is largely determined by the contents in the sound of Destiny(What was it saying exactly?)
(4)-Preparation makes it easier for you to manifest your Destiny exponentially and continually everyday.There are many challenges you'll face in the process of living out your Destiny.
Without proper and thorough preparation, you may end up being discouraged and frustrated.

copyright©2016 by Samuel Singoyi-Visionics Technologies.All rights reserved.

The mind is intangible and  dynamic.Its only in your mind where you can win or lose.Its in your mind where you can be Rich or Poor.



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