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Hichilema’s human resourcing and the “Blame the Entourage” SyndromeBy Osward BwaliZambia has all the minerals that are t...

Hichilema’s human resourcing and the “Blame the Entourage” Syndrome

By Osward Bwali

Zambia has all the minerals that are the envy of many nations. But we are a beggar country that believes a great God will come from the sky and make us prosper. We foolishly think that if we call ourselves a Christian Nation, the great God will bestow upon us the prosperity we see in Algeria, Seychelles, Botswana, Norway, or Singapore. Our leaders lack the kindergarten wisdom to see that prosperity does not correlate with a national faith or religiosity.

Rather, the key to national development is human resource. Human resource is the most critical element of an organisation or country. Lee Kuan Yew, the first prime minister of Singapore (1959-1990) declared: “I make no apologies for collecting the most talented team I could find. Without them, none of you would be enjoying life today in Singapore. I believe completely in the meritocratic system…. I am not interested in who your father or mother is … what religion or what language”.

This appeared to be President Hakainde Hichilema’s stance prior to and shortly after becoming our seventh Republican president in 2021. He pronounced meritocracy every chance he got. Like Yew, he claimed those qualified would find themselves in the foreign service without any connections.

He decried the nepotism and tribalism in the Patriotic Front that influenced most major appointments as they deviated from a merit-based system.

He chastised “the clique” that had eaten from government since independence preventing better qualified people from providing a service towards developing Zambia.

After his election, the president took plenty of time in picking his team. His punctuated approach was unbearable for those expecting some appointments. Characteristically, he’d flick his tongue across his lips and declare boldly, “You will see the calibre of my cabinet!” And later, “You will see the quality of my Bank of Zambia governor.” Then you see it’s Situmbeko Musokotwane, Sylvia Masebo, Felix Mutati, Elijah Muchima, Stanley Kakubo, Denny Kalyalya.

Many of Hichilema’s appointees were specialists in failure from appointments in previous governments. Others had checkered pasts, no past performance worthy writing home about, or very humble academic credentials. Many heads of service commissions were exhumed archaeological relics from the Second or Third Republic. The appointments were generally underwhelming and an insult to the collective intelligence of the Zambian people.

At State House, the President surrounded himself with smooth-talking ‘Yahoo Boys’ or thuggish characters in the business of threatening people. The Church Elder acted in complete defiance of Proverbs 13: 20 which states, “He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.”

When did Clayson Hamasaka become a premium communication specialist to be the president’s mouthpiece? Prior to his appointment, the accused abductor of exiled Jay Jay Banda was a nonentity in respectable media circles. He literally grabbed from Anthony Bwalya the prestigious, glamorous, and lucrative job of being the president’s ink man.

Bwalya’s striking resemblance to the president could not save him from what many see as an internal ethnic purge to ensure an ‘Aryan’ inner circle around the Big Man. The childishly loquacious Bwalya has been shunted safely in Tanzania licking his leaking wounded ego, wishing what could have been, making football banter.

The foreign service was a top-notch circus. Entrepreneurship motivational speaker Chibamba Kanyama got himself a job in the US foreign station, foul-mouthed Chellah Tukuta sent to Brazil, the social media charlatan Elias Munshya found himself succeeding exorcist Anthony Bwalya, and newly persona non grata Mazuba Monze found herself elevated to South Africa. What exactly are we expecting from this ensemble? Those with eyes have seen.

Permanent secretaries include the likes of Kangwa Chileshe, Fumba Chama (Pilato), Thabo Kawana. Previously known for acting, singing, or driving, they are chief controlling officers of whole ministries. If these are the best for such important positions, who are our District Commissioners?

Let us say aliens visited Zambia and were asked to determine the criteria for Hichilema’s appointments. They would go into the Zambian database of qualified personnel. Using a meritocratic algorithm, they’d not find most Hichilema’s appointees in the top twenty. What would emerge is an ethno-partisan pattern of the appointees. The aliens would come to an easy conclusion; this is not about collecting the best qualified persons to develop Zambia in various stations. It is simply their turn to eat.

The indicators are gloomy. Most importantly, the cost of living is unbearable for most Zambians. By 2022, 60 per cent of Zambians were poor and 48 per cent extremely poor. Muchinga, Western, and Luapula provinces had over 80 per cent of their populations living in poverty.

Douglas Syakalima, ignorant of structural determinants of poverty, singles out the residents of Luapula as suffering from mental retardation. These are the populations the Hichilema government has subjected to expensive essential commodities including the staple food, to high fuel prices, excessive loadshedding, late and insufficient farming inputs.

Who is to blame? Where does the buck stop? Anywhere else but at Hichilema. From academics such as O’Brien Kaaba, activists such as Laura Miti, to Facebook commentators like Dickson Jere, the problem of poor political and economic governance starts and ends at Hichilema’s appointees.

It’s the appointees betraying, disappointing, or embarrassing the president. So, Hichilema can appoint the corrupt, incompetent, and violent. But somehow, magically, it’s not his fault when the appointees steal, fail, or commit violence against citizens. Is it obtuseness or deliberate?

Michela Wrong expresses her perplexity in her classic book “It’s our turn to eat” based on Kenya. She’s worth quoting lengthily:

“Reporting in Africa, I have always been puzzled by the readiness otherwise intelligent diplomats, businessmen and technocrats show in embracing the ‘Blame the Entourage’ line of argument. ‘The Old Man himself is OK. It’s his [appointees] who are the problem. If only he’d realise what they are doing in his name and put a stop to it.’ The argument has always struck me as a form of naivety so extreme it verges on intellectual dishonesty.

If a leader is surrounded by shifty, money-grabbing aides and family members, it is because he likes it that way. These are the people he feels at ease with, whose working methods he respects. Far from being an aberration, the entourage is a faithful expression of the autocrat’s own proclivities.”

We have seen how Hichilema defends his boys like Chinese-calendar Stanley Kakubo, shields abduction suspects from investigation or prosecution, maintains a heavy-handed police leadership, tough-talking Kawana, tribal Buumba or Syakalima. They are his mirror-image or acting on his commands or on his behalf. The buck stops at him.

In conclusion, Hichilema’s United Party for National Development government cannot, in its present form, deliver peace, unity, and development to Zambia. A Japanese proverb says, “If you get on the wrong train, immediately you realise it, get off at the next nearest station. The longer it takes you to get off, the more expensive the return trip will be.”

We need to get off the Hichilema train at the next nearest station – 2026. If I am going to Siavonga and the driver heads north towards Zani Muone and him and his conductors are abusive to passengers, what am I if not a big fool if the bus reaches John Chinena and I am still comforting myself and other passengers that we need to trust the driver, he knows what he is doing?

Zambia: Our historical relationship with dictatorship and Path Backwards. By David Sichone Zambia is an interesting repu...

Zambia: Our historical relationship with dictatorship and Path Backwards.

By David Sichone

Zambia is an interesting republic, deeply loved by a few, absolutely abused by foreigners, and(to pick a leaf from my late friend )occupied by a collection of cowards. My late friend justified our history as a peace-loving people, on two fronts. Firstly, everyone settled here was defeated in battle, and secondly, avoid any discourse outside our comfort zone. Thus, he insisted that we were a collection of cowards.

Politics in Zambia follows a peculiar pattern. Every time we are under a united government, Manchester United undergoes a decline in form and performance. Kwati four yalitukana—as if fate has decided. UNIP(4) and UPND(4). United in moving us into one party system of government.

Historians will justify Dr. Kenneth Kaunda’s decision to move us to a one-party participatory democracy through different lenses. The reasons may be many, but everything ultimately rests on the actors and implementers within the system—civil service, judiciary, and security wings. Someone with well-researched knowledge can help this paper with the names of key security personnel in government in 1972. I already have my list and will compare it with today’s class. In PF, everything was blamed on the cadres, while the main actors were according to the 10 Dec, concourt judgement were ad pencuriem. What ever that means?

Aikoona: The State of Zambia Today

Today, everything is aikoona—an expression of resignation to fate. Statements such as:
- “Time for campaigns is over.”
- “I have planted people in groups.”
- “But you Zambians, every time TikTok.”
- “That thug.”
- “Human rights officials now refer to clients as ‘that chap’.”
- “Police will not allow political rallies.”
- “ECZ will not allow your papers from Lungu, Lusambo, Malanji etc.”

For those who lived through previous United regimes, do you notice the similarities in the road to a one-party system and the role played by state institutions then?

The Burden of the Poor

Let me be sincere—even for me, this is an uncomfortable thought to digest. Zambia's are suffering, regardless of which political base one enjoys. Professors and doctors of law and political thought will have their say, but the poor will continue suffering in peace. We will continue to endure:
- The high cost of living.
- Load shedding.
- A parliament that only functions to endorse executive decisions.
- The untimely deaths of our children due to poor healthcare and social conditions.

Life isn’t lived on paper. It is suffered and endured by those who cannot afford legal fees, university fees and health insurance to argue their way out of oppression.

Time Travel at ECZ: Institutional Rot and Authority

The Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) officers are not saint. Like their distant cousins at the Zambia Police, they must come clean about their historical negative contributions to our republic.

Archbishop Mpundu, speaking on the Conversation Podcast, observed that “KK was ruthless and merciless with desentful views.” But as history has shown in other countries, the real actors and implementers of oppressive regimes are usually the police units. Most of you call it state power, I call them crimes waiting to be leaked by future generations. Like Trump's executive order on JFK, RJK and MLK files, Zambian will one day demand the reports on the death of Paul Tembo, Den Mungomba, Ba Penza and Ba Kapwepwe.

Under the four-initial ruling party, elections were organized by the electrol commission. And like their ancestors before them, adults could print a ballot paper with a Frog and an Eagle to formally award winners. Today, Ba Chair and CEO hold keys the institutional memory of that time,and reset powers to operate just as they did then. It’s called authority. And to cement it, it's called constitutional acts.

Victims on the Sabbath

A friend made an observation while we were drinking: “Where is everyone on a weekend? Aren’t people supposed to be out and chilling? It’s Saturday

Lord and behold, the university campus was silent, peace and tranquility was noticeable from mock square to the student center
It was noticeable only on the Sabbath. The undeniable fact is that most SDA members are from the Southern Province. If then campus goes silent on weekends, it is proof of the high numbers from this demography? I pitched myself. I thought it cruel, but nonetheless forces myself to observe the evidence. All my colleagues and ex-colleagues, living and dead, from southern province are fully ordened Sabbath keepers. I can mention in one hand all Sabbath keepers in my own families generation. Sabbath keepers,these are the members, this is the group and these are the victims who convinced the Zambian that they were marginalized by all previous government. Talk of the waste kept secret.

Blackmail and Extortion: A New Political Weapon

I could pay for you to visit Rwanda to see what happens when individuals speak recklessly and hate one another along tribal lines. The President warned us. The tone from subsequent ministers and cadres has echoed the threat of genocide every time someone dares to think differently.

The state has taken extortion to another level—formulating laws to manage individuals from certain regions. The entire population is now blackmailed into believing that HH must be given a second term. Not based on his success or failure but simply because he suffered greatly and must now enjoy the benefits of political endurance.

We forget that while leaders change, the actors remain the same—the police, our special friends, and certain traditional churches. They have the institutional memory to reset this process. They will blackmail and extort their members for acceptance. The intellectual class will welcome their liberal friends. A clear division is been organized across various lines. In three years, extortion and blackmail has proved effective in most circle, except those that love Zambia deeply.

From Nationalism to Multinational Corporations

Dr. Kaunda championed a pro-poor system of government, investing heavily in nationalizing major state assets. Dr. Hichilema, on the other hand, thinks differently. His focus is on multinational corporations(UPND believe) will creates conditions that once made Chingola and the Copperbelt some of the cleanest towns in Africa. Same United group, just a different strategy. It's an extreme end for both cases. Let's give them 27 years, maybe CDF will produce graduate patriotic enough to undervalue the assets in future privatisation deals. Dr Kaunda extreme nationalism gave us Dr Mwanawasa(rip), Ba Sata(rip), Ba Siyuba(rip), Dr Chiluba(rip), Bashi Tasila and Bashi Miyanda. Many beneficiaries of Dr Kaunda extreme are still alive and helping us today. In three years of Multinationals corporations, we have completely become dependant on supplementary budgets and cash for work. 24 years to go in our road to dictatorship.

Apa it's champion leagues without competition.

“Declare What? I Am Alive, I Am Not a Ghost''

HH is a special breed. He doesn’t just know how to be skillfully unlawful—he also knows how to mock scripture. “I am alive, I am not a ghost.”

This is the man who amended the law on the declaration of assets without the public knowing—through the courts of law and while the economy was crumbling.

This is the man who cannot get sick, who is married to only one wife, and who parades single ladies to prove to the world that they cannot get pregnant in his presence. Such majestic power can only belong to HH. Indeed his alive, well and not a ghost.

To Tirbet, From Bweengwa

The Dalai Lama has competition for purity and holy seriousness—a Havata born in the village of Bweengwa.

He mastered the art of fooling the population, perfected the use of law to serve his own interests, and ultimately positioned himself as the savior of his people from the Chitemene nation. His discovery took years.

Only someone from his tribe could lead the fight against the so-called thugs and thieves who had ruled for 55 years. Now he is here, and you think you can remove him easily? Aikoona, man.

HH or the Frog?

Most of you never imagined a ballot in Kwacha without Bonaza. Most of you never imagined a ballot without Lusambo in Kabushi.

Even with a judiciary packed with zealots, many believed that the state was strong enough to withstand one man’s ego. Yet, before our very eyes, he has reformed these institutions.

Who came second in both by-elections? No one remembers. But the Chair and CEO will advise you to check the records on the website.

It doesn’t matter if HH stands against a frog in 2026. The results will be processed as legitimate and legally binding.

Things are bad. Stop imagining alternative realities—we are living in the one they created for us.


Zambia finds itself at a crossroads. The patterns of history, once dismissed as paranoia, are becoming clear. The abuse of institutions, the suppression of dissent, and the consolidation of power all point to a dangerous trajectory.

As a republic, we must ask ourselves: Are we repeating history? Are we willingly surrendering our democracy to a new form of authoritarianism?

The answers lie in our collective response to the realities we face today.



There is something about the UPND'S fear of Edgar Lungu which brings out the worst in their members, even when they try very hard to pretend otherwise.

Unfortunately, the attitude of their online hordes has become as rabid as that of their President, Outgoing Dictator Hakainde Hichilema, who has spent the last three years railing against Edgar Lungu, at every public opportunity.

But in spite of all this, ordinary Zambians have proved again and again that they are not influenced by all the paid-for self-opinionated daily articles online and in the now predominantly government friendly private media.

The Zambian Whistleblower ran an X (twitter) poll on whether Zambians believed they felt more free to express their opinions when former President Lungu was in power, than currently. This was shortly after all the propaganda about UN Special Rapporteur Irene Khan allegedly saying Zambians were experiencing enjoying more their right to freedom of expression, than they did under former President Lungu.

The reactions of UPND zealots has been virulent and mindless. They cannot stomach that and so simply resort to personal insults.

What the UPND did was to pounce on what was presented as rhe historical context of current developments in the area of enjoyment of freedom of expression and opinion. The UPND want people to believe that the preliminary report was meant to compare Pateiotic Front lawlessness and UPND weaponisation of the legal system.

Thankfully, Zambians have not been fooled. The results of our X poll prove that.

When asked whether Edgar Lungu was more tolerant of online criticism, than Hakainde Hichilema, 69% answered yes, while 31% responded with No.

John 8:32 "And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
Think about this, and have a good day.
©️ Zambian Whistleblower (ZWB).



Good evening.

The United Party for National Development (UPND) mob of propagandist launched a flood of articles to try and drown out objective analysis of the preliminary report by United Nations Special Rapporteur on freedom of expression and opinion, Irene Khan.

However, all their efforts to sway the Zambian public into believing the Rapporteur endorsed Outgoing Dictator Hakainde Hichilema's abuses are simply a waste of time, space and money.

The Special Rapporteur collected sufficient evidence of violations of these rights by the current government.

The Zambian Whistleblower also ensured that it's own summary report of key examples of this government's violations of citizens' rights of freedom of expression and opinion, were documented.

Tonight the ZWB publishes, for the benefit of members of the public, a copy of the report submitted to the Special Rapporteur:

John 8:32 "And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
Good Night.
©️ Zambian Whistleblower (ZWB).



12 Signs of a “Twerking President” & “Missed Call Leader”: HH’s 2021 to 2024 Performance Appraisal Shows Total Failure &...

12 Signs of a “Twerking President” & “Missed Call Leader”: HH’s 2021 to 2024 Performance Appraisal Shows Total Failure & 2026 Political Downfall

…….Twerking is “a sexually seductive and provocative dance performed by mostly single women with the intention of enticing and luring male onlookers”. A critical analysis of HH’s performance from 2021 to 2024 clearly reveals that he is indeed “a twerking president”-one who is so good with false promises, self praise and rhetoric lies to merely manipulate citizens and mislead voters but has completely nothing tangible to show as his developmental deliverables, political successes and economic legacies. Bally’s overall performance score out of 100% during his four years in power is a regrettable failure of 32%: a generous score for “a missed call president” who has nothing more to show on both the political and economic fronts of his administration and leadership so far……

By Dr Chris Zumani Zimba


From August 2021 to December 2024, it factually visible that under HH, Zambia has backslidden into retrogressive crisis in almost all key sectors such as infrastructure, mining, health, energy, agriculture, good governance, human rights, rule of law, democratic rule, separation of powers, diplomacy and foreign affairs, cost of living, foreign exchange, etc. It is this performance assessment of the UPND government in four years duration that compels us to conclude that politically “HH is a twerking president” or “missed call leader” for Zambia as far as results are concerned. Below, l have identified 12 key areas to justify this theory and expatiate my hypothesis:

1. HH has Completely Failed to Change or Improve “The Three Major Fs of the Economy” (Fuel, Food and Fertilizer)

- Under Bally, a renowned economist and business tycoon, The “Three Major Fs of the Economy”-(Fuel, Food and Fertilizer) are consistently either Political Scams or Scandals for majority Zambians. While “Bally Will Fix It” was his main campaign slogan in 2021, HH has totally failed to fix fuel, food prices and fertilizer problems. A synopsis review of HH’s 2021-2024 performance appraisal in the energy (fuel) and agricultural sectors (fertilizer and food) clearly shows that he is a serious “twerking president” or “missed call” before Zambians: HH lied and has totally failed to deliver what he promised voters!

- Apart from twerking rhetorics and empty lies, there is nothing done in four years, there is nothing to show citizens and nothing to celebrate because things have changed from “bad” in 2021 to either worst or horrible in 2024. All voters are fully aware that reducing the price of mealie meal, food in general, fertilizer and fuel were Bally’s key campaign promises in 2021. Most Zambians expected to live better, enjoy life and produce more healthy babies once HH took over power. But all have been betrayed and disappointed!

- In 2021, Edgar Chagwa Lungu left fuel at K17 per liter, HH has pushed it to K34, per liter: ECL left a 25 kg bag of mealie meal at K120, HH has pushed it to K370 and K425: ECL left a 50 kg bag of fertilizer at K650, under Bally, fertilizer is above K1,000. Lungu left the Kwacha at K15 per $1, HH has pushed it to K28 per $1. Today fours years in office, HH’s popular twerking campaign mantra, “Bally will Fix It” has melted and disappeared everywhere. And his “praise singers” are no longer twerking 2021 campaign promises because Bally has overtly failed making him politically “a dry skeleton leader” going into 2026-absolutely no political flavor or life indeed.

2. The coming of the UN Human Rights Rapporteur is a sign of political disapproval of HH’s oppressive rule at global level

- Irene Khan, the UN Special Rapporteur on freedom of expression visited Zambia from January 20–31, 2025 to physically assess the country's growing human rights violations as reported by UN experts and other organizations. Her visit means that the global community are now aware that Zambia has a “bad president” who is arbitrary violating the rights of his citizens using his oppressive regime. UK, USA, France, EU, Belgium, Sweden, Spain, Canada, Norway, Italy, Portugal, Australia, etc are all happy that their human rights rapporteur visited Zambia to get first hand information on HH’s oppressive regime. It’s a vote of no confidence! You

- UN rapporteurs only visit countries with humanitarian crises. Her historic visit in Zambia is confirmation that HH’s UPND government is a crisis regime in terms of human rights, ra**ng and defiling of democratic institutions, rule of law, transparency, accountability, weaponization of police, courts, prisons, investigative agencies, parliament, electoral commission as well as public media outlets. In SADC, Zambia under HH becomes the first country to receive a UN rapporteur on governance issues: enough evidence of how bad governance and authoritarian rule has become rooted today in Zambia. In terms of democracy and good governance, HH is a sure “missed call president”.

3. HH’s Mining Policies have Completely Betrayed Zambians, Robbing the Country Billions of Dollars Annually and Only Profiting Big Foreign Mining Companies

- In the mining sector, HH’s four years is a total disaster and scandal for Zambians. Immediately after taking over power, he shockingly awarded big foreign mining companies heavy and unjustified tax concessions that left most stakeholders fuming, frustrated and mourning with betrayal. Upon winning power in 2021, HH gave mining multinationals exploitative tax holidays to the effect that, Zambia is believed to be losing more than U$ 2 Billion Dollars in revenue annually. Until now, this pro foreigners treacherous policy has not been changed or reversed making him the “worst missed call president” Zambia has ever had.

- FQM, a Canadian firm that invested in HH’s 2021 election is one of the major beneficiaries.HH decided to relinquish the government’s 20% shareholding stake in Kansanshi Mine to FQM in return for a petty 3% royalty payment on revenue. In this deal alone, it is believed that HH sacrificed more than U$2.5 billion for Zambia in what many see as a payback move to reward one of his big election funders. In addition, he cheaply sold Mopani Copper Mines to Asians without parliamentary approval and the deal is deemed one of the most scandalous deals of his regime. In the mining sector, HH has been “twerking betrayal” for four years without anything much for Zambia and Zambians.

4. HH’s Decision to Crookedly Divide and Brutally Destroy PF via Miles Sampa and Robert Chabinga as well as Politically Block Lungu to Contest Any Election has exposed him as “the Worst Serial Killer of Multiparty Democracy” and Rule of Law in modern Zambia

- Apart from causing more poverty, hunger, anger, erectile dysfunctions and divorces in many homes across Zambia than the happiness, prosperity, peace and love he promised, HH has presented himself as the “serial killer” of multiparty politics and constitutional democracy in Zambia. Many people know that State House sponsored a divisive take over of PF from Dr Edgar Chagwa Lungu, former president to Miles Sampa and Robert Chabinga in October 2023. Brutally and politically, public institutions such as registrar of societies, police, courts, parliament and ECZ were all weaponized to ensure that the largest opposition party, PF is both divided and destroyed.

- Today, PF is practically a dead party from the ECL point of view-the true owners. To kill any serious competition for 2026, HH via sponsored UPND cadres schemed to block Dr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu from contesting any future election and won it via a bogus and scandalous Constitutional Court ruling on 10th December, 2024. HH has made the political butchering of democracy and good governance both real and true. Despite blocking him from contesting, ECL’s growing popularity and influence as “the only king maker” for 2026 still makes HH’s bladder instantly full, mentally fearful and physically sick! So, HH is still chasing him dangerously and maliciously.

- Therefore, it is true that, in the last four years, the “Imingalato” boss and twerking president has successfully murdered competitive politics and constitutional democracy by dividing and destroying the main opposition party and now “controls PF” himself through treacherous folks: “PF” is legally controlled by Community House and Bally’s allied PF MPs are the only ones treacherously working with UPND. So, in terms of promoting democracy and multiparty politics, HH scores 2% out of 100% because he is both a “missed call” and “complete dry skeleton” leader in this area.

5. HH has religiously betrayed Zambians with the Worst Load shedding Experiences while Giving Namibia, Big Foreign Mines and Other Countries Enough Electricity

- Zambia has been facing an energy crisis for the last two to three years under HH’s rule as a result of persistent droughts. This has resulted in structured countrywide blackouts and in many cases total darkness as households and industries are load shedded between 12 to 20 hours of no electricity per day. Many small, medium and manufacturing businesses have either closed or scaled down with youth unemployment and citizen redundancy increasing rapidly each day.

- To the contrary, HH has consistently supplied enough electricity for trade and business to neighboring countries like Namibia, Botswana, South Africa, DR Congo and big foreign mining companies. He starves Zambians with historical load shedding while satisfying foreign consumers of electricity. This month, a team of Namibians visited our Vice President to specifically thank Zambia for supplying them with enough electricity in “these drought and difficulty times”. This makes HH “a dry skeleton leader” before his people in this area: a ruler without any heart or life for his people.

6. Diplomatically, HH scores bellow average within and beyond SADC as he has loudly made Zambia to be unreliable partner and an isolated tall palm tree of Kalahari desert

- The political fall of HH’s Nelson Chamisa in Harare in the diplomatic crisis fueled by Dr Nevers Mumba was the beginning of tensions betweenZambia and Zimbabwe: a country that is our traditional neighbor and sister state. Bally is the only president hosting the American military base when most SADC and AU states have denounced American and French military bases across Africa. Thus, HH is seen as a traitor and dangerous Western puppet who cannot be trusted in the region since he has decided to be “the tallest London and New York headboy of Africa”.

- This makes it now impossible for Zambia to play any meaningful and crucial diplomatic role in the conflict in Eastern DR Congo today. Even at international level, HH has abandoned Zambia’s respected historical reputation of being “Non Aligned” state. In the war between Russia and Ukraine, HH took a different approach by voting against Moscow in solidarity with Washington. Four years of HH in terms of foreign relations is like 40 years because the AU, Latin American states, Russia, India, China and SADC now see Zambia very differently because of projecting herself as unreliable regional and global partner.


HH’s four years in power can be summarized as “dry skeleton leadership”, a government of a ruler with physical and visible power, influence and authority but practically with zero milestone deliverables, no visible impact and tangible legacies to show the world or his voters. In other words, HH is “a twerking president” and knows that he is likely to be voted out and replaced in 2026 with someone politically alive, honest, patriotic, capable, competent and revolutionary good at governing Zambia!

After critical assessment, it is overt that Bally’s “political performance is so poor and his political skeletons” are too dry to be kept in power after four years of “political missed calls and economic crises” for the masses. So far since 2021, HH has proven to be a total failure, an expensive experiment and political disaster for Zambians!

Dr Chris ZUMANI Zimba is a Political Scientist, Researcher, Author & Consultant specialized in Comparative Global Governance and Democratic Theories. He holds a PhD, MA, BA and Cert in Political Science. Zimba was President Lungu’s Political Advisor from December 2019 to August 2021. By philosophical approach, Dr. Zimba is a Pan Africanist as well as Afro-Christian by religion.
Email: [email protected]




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