More 500 million people have died only in 2021 from coronavirus, natural disasters and other unpredictable deaths. One of the most scary and awful part is that people are predicted to die from regular infectious diseases in 2023. The world will end in 2023 if the number of deaths from only coronavirus, natural disasters and other unpredictable deaths reaches 500 million.
The world was going great until coronavirus came. It is a virus which came out of nowhere which kills many people worldwide by respiratory droplets and making them contract pneumonia, Ebola, dengue fever et cetera. It has been around for a very long time, but the virus has only become as terrible as it is now recently.
The total number of people infected by coronavirus naturally is still unknown, but we are getting more numbers about it. It is a virus which can affect those aged 6 and older. The number of people infected by coronavirus by their respiratory droplets is estimated to be 1 million daily.