26th December, 2023
*A. Core subjects*
1. English
2. Mathematics
3. Integrated Science
4. Social Studies
*B.Crafts, Arts and Technology Studies*
1. Expressive Arts
2. Technology Studies
3. Home Economics
*C. Appititude Tests*
1. Special Paper 1 *(Verbal Reasoning)*
2. Special Paper 2 *(Non-Verbal Reasoning)*
*Grade 7 Certification*
The certification at Grade 7 is out of 600 core subjects only namely;
1. English 150
2. Mathematics 150
3. Integrated Science 150
4. Social Studies 150
*Total 600*
Therefore, the rest of the subjects at Grade 7 are not considered for Certification, to mean awarding of certificates despite being written.
Henceforth, a child who gets above 398 marks out of 600 has made it to Grade 8 and needs to be congratulated by Parents.
Because these score marks warrant a child a Grade 7 Certificate
Division 1= 460 and above
Division 2= 422-459
Division 3= 399-421
Division 4= 397 and below
Special Paper 1 and Special Paper 2 debate has to be understood that;
✅SP1 & SP2 not in School Curriculum
✅SP1 & SP2 has no Syllabus
✅SP1 and SP2 had no Schemes of Work
✅SP1 & SP2 has no Lesson Plans
✅SP1 & SP2 no Records of Work
✅SP1 & SP2 No timetable
✅SP1 and SP2 has no textbooks or topics to be covered
✅SP1 and SP2 are appititude Tests given to measure intelligence only
✅SP1 and SP2 will be used for selection purposes only at school level based on these rules;
*Rule number 1*
✅A child needs to pass the four core subjects (Eng, Math, Scie & SS) first before anything else
*Rule number 2*
✅Only a child who has passed in the core subjects will have his/her SP1 and SP2 counted
*Rule number 3*
✅A child who has passed SP1 and SP2 but fails to pass in the core subjects has failed Grade 7 examinations and will have no Certificate.
Therefore, let us congratulate our Children based on the *four core subjects* and not necessarily *CATS, Zambian Language, SP