Short fiction story about the supernatural realm...
Palace of Grief written by Debbie Joy Emmett is a terrifying gripping story which is so strange and bizarre about fatal hauntings in a mansion which spanned over 92 years!! With a surprising twist and unexpected ending, this suspense-filled tale will keep you reading to the end. Here are the first few pages of this horrific story... Plse read it...
Ever heard an unnatural disturbing noise in the dark recesses of some sinister building structures, like a creaking staircase, a mirror that suddenly falls and smashes into hundreds of pieces for no logical reason, the raspy breathing from an unseen mouth or the pronounced sounds of footsteps on a wooden floor? And nobody is there except you?! What about an eerie whisper of the wind or doors and windows slamming shut? And that feeling of being watched by curious invading invisible eyes? Such uncanny anomalies often cause cold shivers tingling down our spine bringing fearful anxieties accompanied by unexplained goose bumps.
Whether you are a devout believer in these things or a staunch sceptic, reprobate invisible monsters and unseen creatures in the supernatural domain has served to stimulate the creative imagination and stir up the yearning desire that is naturally or supernaturally ingrained in the human nature to experience more than our five physical senses in this material world. Whether evil spirits, ghosts or demons truly exist becomes secondary to their apparent existence in the minds of many people around the world and throughout history.
Of course there are those who scoff at the mere mention of anything without form or substance, but the truth is that most people have experienced supernatural happenings at some point in their lives. Throughout the centuries every religion and culture has documented a large number of beliefs in ghostly apparitions. Almost every human being is fascinated by the many valid claims and reports of ghosts, spirits and even demons.
Our planet earth hosts many unnerving locations where ghosts and ghostly activities of paranormal phenomenon is reported and recorded. There are houses, mansions and castles rooted in rich myths and wild legends, dripping with chilling authentic stories of spooks. Inside these odd haunted places reside inhabitants, restless souls of a past lifetime who blend in with their surroundings and linger in the night. Invitingly beautiful and tranquil on the outside, their grim gloomy interior springs alive with abnormal unearthly occurrences where the darkness bumps back at night.
Whether you are indulging in fanatical obsession with spooks and spirits or you are just in it for the thrills and chills, I urge you to follow me into one of the creepiest and most ghost-infested mansions erected in Highcrest Valley, Rose Castle. During it’s long history spanning over ninety years, many had lived there, but only a few came out… alive that is. Our intriguing story revolves around one such survivor… if you’re willing to listen to the mad rantings of a wild lunatic about his unusual experiences in this specific mansion. The strange story he related to folks could be a figment of his delusional mind or… it could be true. So set aside your scepticism for a while so that it won’t cloud your assessment of this peculiar account. Don’t be too hasty in your judgment…for some nightmares occur when you are awake!
Available in KINDLE (e-book) and PAPERBACK on Amazon and Createspace. Plse buy a copy and give a review on Amazon. Also plse LIKE and SHARE this post. Below is the Amazon KINDLE version...
Probably the most creepiest and most terrifying story about a haunted mansion with ghostly activities and dangerous phenomena that spanned over 92 years. Throughout it's long forbidding history, this palace killed many people, leaving only a few survivors. One such survivor is institutionalized i...