So on the 24th March 2023 FAB Video Productions East London came to a close to explore shores abroad. A sad day indeed having been delivering content and productions for National and International TV Channels not too mention the many many local productions for businesses, parastatals, government and local family celebrations alike for over 4 decades and three generations in the production business. Started as a hobby by the late Fred Berry in the mid 80's FAB Video grew to a household name in the East London and Border Kei Region of South Africa. Butch Coetzee Fred's son in law and Bradley Coetzee his grandson took FAB Video to new heights to become an award winning facility in the city and further afield. We would like to thank the East London community for their support over this time it was really our priviledge to share your unblievable stories and to keep your memories alive through the digital medium of video, thank you. We have had a blast meeting local and international hero's and being part of your lives. THANK YOU EAST LONDON!