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UnCaptured SA A forum for uncaptured South African citizens. Supporters of and partners in the UncapturedSA.co.za


Transgender women will no longer be allowed to compete in female track and field events regardless of their levels of testosterone.

Well here is confirmation that I am not alone!  Gosh, if only I had the funds to challenge Absa.  Because, it is not jus...

Well here is confirmation that I am not alone! Gosh, if only I had the funds to challenge Absa. Because, it is not just the cancelled bank guarantee that I have suffered a huge injustice, but I have seen Absa in what could only be described as collusion with a corporate to gain funds for failed debit orders as a certain corporate company abuse the debit order system. And strangely enough, its my name's sake they use, how appropriated! I just wish it was not written quite so cryptically! Arrie Rautenbach

Surely banks are under a strong moral obligation to adopt a more empathetic and honourable approach to defrauded clients? Failing this, they should stop misleading the public by claiming lofty ideals in their advertising and promotions.

“In the light of Nkata, SAHL, like all credit providers, should have audited its records to ensure that it was not relyi...

“In the light of Nkata, SAHL, like all credit providers, should have audited its records to ensure that it was not relying on judgments that had been rendered invalid because the mortgage loan agreement had been previously been reinstated." - The same applies to all judgements that are made with regard to any activity that pertains to the financial industry which is highly regulated. This applies to as well. With regard to my cancelled bank guaranteed cheque, should have audited the record of cancelled bank guaranteed cheques and have contacted me. Their claim of not keeping records is . Arrie Rautenbach

Durban woman alleges her home was unlawfully repossessed and auctioned for a fraction of its market value.

"United wishes and good will cannot overcome brute facts. Truth is incontrovertible. Panic may resent it. Ignorance may ...

"United wishes and good will cannot overcome brute facts. Truth is incontrovertible. Panic may resent it. Ignorance may deride it. Malice may distort it. But there it is." - Winston Churchill

Dear. Mr Rautenbach, Since you continue to avoid my questions and my emails I guess with your publication of your ABSA G...

Dear. Mr Rautenbach, Since you continue to avoid my questions and my emails I guess with your publication of your ABSA Group 2022 financials this is an opportune time to address your continued dishonour. It makes no difference what momentum, target, purpose or Africanicity you claim - for as long as you continue to dishonour your you remain dishonourable which should serve as a warning to any reader. A bank guaranteed cheque is valid in perpetuity. Your cancelling this cheque means you acted as the judge in your own case and then by calling your own jury and excluding me from participation only proves that you are not independent or impartial. Your claim of prescription because it was too long ago as well as your claim that you are not able to establish the facts, I reject in its entirety because: i) Your HR department must have the records of the personnel who were involved - I have communicated with you regarding this by email and ii) to claim prescription for an obligation that is valid for life is a complete contradiction and iii) your constant abuse reflects the abuse of your predecessors, in itself a disgrace. I call upon you to stop denying me my due and to communicate with me to make arrangements for settlement.

JUDGE, JURY and EXECUTIONER  have demonstrated in my dealings with them that they believe, they are judge, jury and ex**...

have demonstrated in my dealings with them that they believe, they are judge, jury and ex*****oner in how they ‘deal’ with me.
have failed to acknowledge their abusive behaviour. They are consumed with the law that protects them and they believe they have every right to deny me compensation based on that law. They are not giving an inch to the law that does not protect them because, they know there is overwhelming evidence exposing their liability …
1. cancelled their bank guaranteed cheque – here’s what their authoritative peers have had to say in an essay by Nagel and Pretorius. In their conclusion on page 256 they state and I quote:
"However, the drawee bank should also not be entitled to decide itself whether or
not to honour the certified cheque, as the bank will then be judge in its own case."

2. ’s CEO office’s Ernst Botma (who has assumed responsibility and says that he speaks on behalf of the CEO) claims he called a meeting of “impartial and independent” “jurors” to decide my “fate” in my absence, without allowing me the opportunity to make representation for myself. He also consequently advised that these “jurors” decided that I have no claim.

3. blocked me from communicating with the CEO’s office for five months, smothering my communication with them and forcing me to reach them through social media. That’s unconstitutional, is it not? This is what our Constitution has to say: Chapter 2: Bill of Rights, Freedom of expression 16 (1) Everyone has the right to freedom of expression which includes – (a) freedom of the press and other media, (b) freedom to impart information or ideas, (c) freedom of artistic creativity, and (d) academic freedom and freedom of scientific research. It is not as though I have tried communicating with these individuals personally, I have been trying to communicate with them as representatives of a Public Company and its predecessor Public Company.

4. In my initial communication I pointed out to the CEO just how Volkskas(aka ) had turned me into a victim of their abuse. I have claimed and I continue to claim that the evidence of their abuse is in black and white – the abuse is evident by what is written on the cheque together with what is not written on the cheque (or, to put it differently, what should be on the cheque but is absent).

5. ’s handling of this debacle from the moment after this cheque was certified has amounted to abuse, duress and discrimination. , (there is no doubt that they took advantage of a 28 year old woman way back in 1989 (they would not dare try a trick like this in this day and age). , besides all the other threats that were made to me behind closed doors by the Management with the assistance of their legal representatives, the mere fact that the Branch Manager decided to say that I had agreed to cancellation qualifies their liability. – all the threats of consequence exacted at me were directed at my inabilities, assumed weaknesses and because from the intel they garnered about me that I am a woman not equal or worthy to other woman.

6. The CEO’s office of recently invited me to ask any questions I like after unblocking my email. After having asked many questions and raised many issues it is clear that the CEO’s representative has decided that this is their facility to allow me to ‘rant’ but that they will continue to ignore me as I have yet to receive a reply since, 17 February 2023.

7. By them continuing to deny their liability and persisting to not seek to make appropriate compensation for their disgraceful, dishonourable behaviour I remain a victim of their ex*****on.

, , , , Rautenbach

ORIGINAL SIN.In life the actions that you take or that others make against you have a bearing on how you behave and can ...

In life the actions that you take or that others make against you have a bearing on how you behave and can result in your acting against your best interests because of the overriding circumstance of what happened at another time in your life. In broad terms I suppose the legal fraternity would refer to this as “damages” that you have suffered as a consequence to that defining event. I have such a case and yes, it is with .
Banks (I believe not only Absa) have imposed on some bonds a condition that the bank be provided with a 90 day notification of your intention to cancel the bond. (That’s actually just ridiculous, how on earth are to you predict 90 days in advance that you would sell your house?)
For most of us, an unsuspecting public contracting with the bank, the practical implications of the penalty interest clause is not appreciated before an Offer to Purchase is accepted. For you the homeowner, this means that you must either divine one month in advance that you will get a bank approved Offer to Purchase or a cash sale or continually give notification of your intent to cancel the bond over your property to the bank in 3 month intervals, just in case you get an Offer to Purchase and thus avoid the penalty interest. This is just so absurd. And, what is supposed to happen if you don’t settle within the 3 months?
I am informed by an ex-bank manager of ABSA that previously the banks did and still do waive this at the behest and whim of the bank’s manager or clerk with the authority to do so. In other words, this clause is not implemented unilaterally but waived on “other” qualifying criteria, which is privy to the bank alone. This is unfair practice and demonstrates that the bank does have the ability to forego this penalty interest.
On 2 August 2005 I accepted an Offer to Purchase for my property which was subject to the Purchaser’s approved application for a bond. The application was through . This application was approved which in effect means that I was bound under the terms of the Offer to Purchase to proceed with the sale of this property. After the Purchaser signed the documentation I would have requested cancellation figures via the transferring attorney as a natural consequence to the procedure in alienating the property. However, the Purchaser reneged on the Agreement and never arrived to sign the bank’s documentation.
Nevertheless, the bank was now informed that my property was on the market and that with the next Offer to Purchase I would be just as bound by the terms and conditions and that cancellation of my bond would yet again, be a natural consequence to the procedure of alienating the property.
In December 2006 I received another Offer to Purchase, this time it was successful. By implication I then believed, as I still do now, that the bank had been notified of my intent to cancel the bond and that they did actually have a 90 day notification, albeit a tad late.
As I drafted a letter of complaint to I quickly became discouraged because of the manner in which I had been treated by in 1989. I decided not to submit this claim and had to decide to take the +R21000.00 knock on the chin all in the spirit of ‘business’. In business it is accepted that in the spirit of congeniality, some you win and some you lose – or, is it really? See what others have had to say here: https://mybroadband.co.za/forum/threads/heads-up-about-absa-bond-cancellations.183221/
No wonder bank has had such enormous growth over the years, they’ve helped themselves your to money over and above the interest, services fees and other income streams such as using your deposits to invest for their gain as we help keep them afloat. A little digging revealed that in 2014 were fined R10 million rand, reprimanded and directed to take remedial action for non-compliance for more specifically Section 21: Know-your-customer and Section 22: Record keeping. Did you enjoy the benefit of their remedial action? I did not.
There needs to a parallel initiative in SA – know your bank!

We've been trying to sell our place for over six months and have finally found a likely buyer. (We're losing money in the sale thanks to our awful timing but that is another very bitter story.) Anyway, back to the point: Like good little bond holders we wrote a letter to ABSA giving our three...

Since   Bank cannot contest the facts presented on this cheque and if they cannot establish the facts, as they claim, th...

Since Bank cannot contest the facts presented on this cheque and if they cannot establish the facts, as they claim, they would have to discount the hard evidence. This brings me to the subject of auditing – which is a really contentious issue in South Africa.

If one considers the blemish this cancelled bank guaranteed cheque places on the reputation of the bank concerned, i.e. Volkskas Bank (aka ABSA), I’d imagine that the bank would treat me with a little more respect instead of blocking my email for 5 months before once again trying to cajoule me into submission using unsubstantiated rhetoric.

It would not surprise me if internal auditors were instructed to sweep the entries ‘under the carpet’. External auditors have been exposed where they accepted payment to falsify the books of municipalities and other organs of state, KPMG, Deloitte Touche, among others. It’s a well established fact that auditors have done the boding of their masters and if it was so just recently, then there is every reason to believe that this was the case then.

I cannot be held responsible for the actions of Volkskas Bank (aka ABSA) – it was their choice to behave as they have done. have an obligation toward me.

It is up to to honor their obligation. It is not up to me, the victim of their threats and dishonor to chase them. However, I might continue to expose for all their creative accounting practices that I am privy to.

You might consequently find that you too have been duped out of your money.

Arrie Rautenbach

The spokesman of   for the CEO invited me to ask questions supposedly then cancelling  ’s blanket block on my access to ...

The spokesman of for the CEO invited me to ask questions supposedly then cancelling ’s blanket block on my access to communicate with them at all or, trying to mitigate their liability for limiting my access to the CEO’s office.

I asked specifically for “an explanation as to what facts that are written on the cheque itself, cannot be established”.

I have received no reply – therefore I assume that every material matter written on the bank guaranteed cheque is established and payment together with interest and damages is due.

Arrie Rautenbach

Have you ever?   call a meeting concerning the cancelled bank guaranteed cheque below to which I am not invited and clai...

Have you ever? call a meeting concerning the cancelled bank guaranteed cheque below to which I am not invited and claim that the people who attended the meeting were “independent and impartial” (according to them). When I asked for a copy of the minutes of the meeting so that I can establish for myself that the meeting was “independent and impartial” – I get no reply from the CEO’s office.

That just speaks volumes for the bs this organisation is trying to feed me.

There are two possibilities here, there was no meeting and/or the participants were not “independent and impartial”.

Arrie Rautenbach industry

It appears that the spokes person for the CEO's office at ABSA has had a change of heart and ever so graciously decided ...

It appears that the spokes person for the CEO's office at ABSA has had a change of heart and ever so graciously decided to email me - out of the blue, flying high their flag of 'independence and impartiality'. His armour is that "the matter has prescribed" and that they "regretfully" cannot entertain my claim. Sob, sob - so much snot and trane from the CEO's office is, they claim, due to them not being able to establish that they have subjected me to abuse, bullying, duress and delay nevermind the fact that they won't find against themselves. But I possess a cheque that confirms everything - so they can stick their high fluted dominance where its not the best fit. I availed myself of his invitation to "ask questions" but I have not had a reply two days later. I'm not in the mood for being patient and I'm sure you understand besides which, a reply from his office (since he claims they're so efficient) would take between 5 and 6 clicks and approximately 5 to 10 minutes. Today I've sent a reminder ...

Besides the 100 000 accounts that were closed with ABSA during 2021, I checked on Hello Peter who hold a "trust index" o...

Besides the 100 000 accounts that were closed with ABSA during 2021, I checked on Hello Peter who hold a "trust index" or a ratings card of companies and corporations as revealed by Hello Peter participants. Just look at the trust index! and then read the comment at the bottom of this screenshot ... unnerving or what?

The difference here is that ABSA cannot turn off the comments.  They also cannot block me from communicating with them t...

The difference here is that ABSA cannot turn off the comments. They also cannot block me from communicating with them through Hello Peter - note the one liners and horridly shallow and insincere responses.

So, I've been posting for months already and as is my right to know, I have established that   personnel are crawling al...

So, I've been posting for months already and as is my right to know, I have established that personnel are crawling all over my profile.

I've even had the Linkedin privilege of cyberly viewing their intelligence officer and a certain gentleman who was obviously there (I have to wonder if that man is not the Manager of the Pretorius Street Branch?) I've noticed that there is a tattleman that is also linked to the CEO following my profile.

Still Absa show absolutely no shame, even as they themselves break their own precepts, the ones they've adopted from their Public Relations and Communications company.

, what is it like to live in a world of duality where your morals and your actions are not in sync? What is it like to receive many accolades of excellence from organisations who don't know the truth?

What does it feel like to be on the receiving end of unpaid debt?

Yes, you are indebted to me - you don't deny it, your only defence has been to block my email and tell me to find a lawyer. Do you enjoy your incompetence being displayed all over social media?

In any other country your actions are HIGHLY illegal. And you continue to have no shame ... !

Arrie Rautenbach ( - contact me).

I see that there has been a new development.  It has come to my attention that peoples of influence and corporations emp...

I see that there has been a new development.
It has come to my attention that peoples of influence and corporations employ Public Relations and Communications Specialists, specifically, to inform strategy to best achieve influence for new business and to engender confidence among their existing clientele. Whether you are royalty, an organisation or a corporation – all those who need to control risk, seek this kind of 3rd party advice.
At this point I must add that in 2021 lost approximately 100 000 accounts.
FleishmanHillard SA is one such a company who has viewed my profile recently and I have taken a look at their grand plan. A 21 point note of what comprises the future, that has arrived. From the lingo that use in their marketing efforts it would not be too far fetched to assume that Absa are their client.
However, it is the public who will judge a corporation for the degree/s of its commitment and honour, not ever the entity itself. Bragging rights are but a fleeting moment of grandeur, until your next failure comes along. If a corporation who engages with these moral standards, without being willing to apply themselves with honesty, integrity and authenticity you’re bound to find your corporation with proverbial “egg on its face”.
You have to acknowledge that in their aggressive advertising campaign use emotional, ethical and notions with a sprinkle of chance to lure would-be clients. However, there is a snag, as the initiator of this moral stance you have to demonstrate that you are willing to ‘walk the talk’.
have incorporated almost every aspect of FleishmanHillard SA’s ‘grand plan’ into their advertising campaign claiming to have a , and . In South Africa it is unlawful to falsely advertise your company’s promises, undertakings and commitments to the public without due performance. In other words, whatever you advertise, you have to deliver upon.
My is about ’s dishonour and its indiscretion. I was bullied, threatened and put under which has led to my delayed “reclaiming” of this outstanding bank guaranteed cheque. Put very bluntly, I am the victim of banking abuse.
Alarmingly seem to believe that their aggressive behaviour puts the onus on me to comply to their demands … in what reality do these Executives in their ivory towers actually live?
Calling out a corporation such as for its indiscretion and dishonour is always a last resort.
, , , , Arrie Rautenbach ( contact me), ,

  advertise that they are “committed to be a force for good”, that they have a “social conscience”.  The glossy advert o...

advertise that they are “committed to be a force for good”, that they have a “social conscience”.
The glossy advert of a corporate is designed to depict the character of a corporation. Only experience can tell whether that corporate entity lives up to its promises.
Its through your interaction that you really get to appreciate the ‘nature of the beast’.
So far I have to say that Absa fail miserably with my experience of them:
1. Absa advertised that they “Pay for their Mistakes” – I’m still waiting.
2. Absa advertise that they were able to teach people to communicate effectively, Absa blocked my email when the going got tough, for them.
3. Absa advertise they are “committed to being a force for good”.
Absa lack empathy, they can't see the harm they have done to my life.
4. When Absa undertake to investigate your complaint, they obfuscate & block your email.
5. Absa provide you with a service level agreement when you lodge a complaint, then they fail to perform as they promised to do. When they do reply, their closure of the complaint ends, “we are committed to giving you service excellence”.
6. At Absa you pay your bank a fee for service every month. When you call on Absa for service they want to charge you more fees for service.
7. At Absa you have a ‘relationship manager’ on your current account, it might as well be a ‘non-relationship manager’, especially when you can't remember who that person is & don't have a contact number.
8. At Absa creditors have free reign on your account, they can abuse the direct debiting facility to their hearts content, Absa won’t intervene, they claim its not their place to do this. BUT, they know how to collect in excess of the contract value in fees for unpaid debit orders when you act in your own interests to try and stop creditor abuse on your account.
9. Absa are mostly tone deaf - they lack comprehension.
9. When you provide proof to Absa in black and white of their shortcomings, suddenly they find they have vocabulary & use words like, “repudiate”, basically telling you to go away, that your claims are unimportant & promise a reply, that never arrives. But don’t forget, they are the experts in how to communicate, they claim they know how to.
A corporate is a fusion of flesh, its only mind is the industry it places itself in. The rest, even the software & hardware employed is all the result of human input which will always be subject to the shortcomings & failures of human nature. ALWAYS!
It is the banks’ first reaction to protect itself & clearly they are willing to risk life, reputation and limb for the sake of their company, because their incomes depend on it. This makes for dishonest conduct on behalf of the banks, like it or not.
You can’t have the banks live off the misery of the public just because THEY need to earn an income.

Dear Contacts, Friends and Followers,I am using Social Media as a platform to expose the dire wrong that Volkskas Bank (...

Dear Contacts, Friends and Followers,

I am using Social Media as a platform to expose the dire wrong that Volkskas Bank (aka ) have wrought on my life because they, themselves, don't want to speak to me. The office of the CEO, BLOCKED MY EMAIL, then through my efforts I again managed to get a willing ear from their Twitter Social Media Specialist. She did not investigate my case as she had promised to, she merely affirmed her Superior's opinion. Yet another slap in the face from the largest bank in South Africa.

You have to wonder what kind of reasoning or reprimand they subjected her to, to not continue with her investigation.

May I remind you all that like to put out a whole string of social media "pearls of wisdom" in an effort to stroke their social conscience ego - but when it comes to delivering they just block their communication with you. So, when you next take lessons from ABSA wanting to teach you how to communicate, please remember this post.

If I can't communicate with the CEO or the Office of the CEO then I have no choice but to communicate with them in public. I'm not about to spend hundreds of thousands of rands on sheets of paper discussing the merits of their withholding my funds when it is in black and white that they owe me and have been holding me under , nor the interest I am due and the damages I should be compensated for. Besides which, I just can't afford it.

Thank you to everyone for for all your interest and support and please keep liking, sharing and contemplating the attitude and behaviour of this "giant" corporation.

More insight into this saga will continue.

Have a great day!

So here's the low down. Volkskas Bank (aka  ) cancel the bank guarantee they provided me with, this while they proclaim ...

So here's the low down. Volkskas Bank (aka ) cancel the bank guarantee they provided me with, this while they proclaim that they "are committed to continue to be a force for good" - while they openly advertised that "Volkskas pay for their mistakes" and put the onus on me to challenge their behaviour? That's cowardly and predatory - its also insensitive and downright hypocritical. How can you trust a bank that can't keep its own promises? Shame on them. Please help me shame them, please share! Arrie Rautenbach !

Writing on a bank guaranteed cheque, that the beneficiary agrees to have the guarantee cancelled is coercion, it amounts...

Writing on a bank guaranteed cheque, that the beneficiary agrees to have the guarantee cancelled is coercion, it amounts to . This as well as other oral threats that were made to be by Volkskas Bank (aka ) bank employees have prohibited me from seeking redress - in the meanwhile the courts have made numerous determinations that bank guaranteed cheques must be honoured, even if it is a mistake. Their CEO's office says it was too long ago to substantiate any of my claims however, a certain Johan Horak who worked for the bank from 1976 to Jan 2022 seems to have remembered a lot. I have had their bank "intelligence" and at least 25 other Absa employees all squawking at my profile and still, they slam the door in my face! Real predatory behaviour from a bank who likes to pretend to have a Social Conscience. Arrie Rautenbach

  can fool the public some of the time, but not all of the time. The detail is in the cheque! ... the cancelled   d cheq...

can fool the public some of the time, but not all of the time. The detail is in the cheque! ... the cancelled d cheque. It is the quintessential evidence, it speaks for the bank it proves they put me under . I was a young woman when this happened, to now pretend they have a social conscience while they deny me my due is blatant .

 's aggressor role in this despicable dishonoured bank guaranteed cheque saga continues unabated. The   arm of the  's o...

's aggressor role in this despicable dishonoured bank guaranteed cheque saga continues unabated. The arm of the 's office insists that they speak FOR the CEO himself and so I have to assume that they are fully aware of their conduct as well as the methods that the are employing. To start with I discovered quite by accident that Basie Hendriks (an employee) has been "viewing" my profile in "private". That's very nice, Arrie Rautenbach, surely your employees should have manners and at the very least ask? Afterall, isn't there a process called the PopiAct in place to protect people from having their personal data accessed without their knowledge? Not long after I launched my exposé of this company (their double standards and the that they continue to hold me under) a certain Johan Horak (a Volkskas and later ABSA bank employee since 1976 to Jan 2022) viewed my profile. Despite ABSA's objection that it is too long ago to verify my claims, this ex-employee certainly appears to have some reference and recollection? So, this is clearly not a moot point either. As much as you like to quote technicalities to avoid payment, so you fail because the precedence has already been determined, even if it was a mistake, you have to pay. Morally, as a financial institution, obligations of compliance for the exercise of these precedents are also your responsibility because you are supposedly the better informed 'financial advisor' - and you well know, you knew exactly where to get hold of me. No less than 26 of your employees have viewed my profile, some of them in prominent positions - probably more by now - shame on you for your continued aggressive behaviour.

I am a much aggrieved South African citizen who is the bearer of a cancelled bank guaranteed cheque issued to me in 1989...

I am a much aggrieved South African citizen who is the bearer of a cancelled bank guaranteed cheque issued to me in 1989 and held under by Volkskas (aka ). I am naming and shaming . I won't relent - their attitude leaves much to be desired while they parade a "social conscience" on social media. They have little consideration for the damages that their illegal actions have wrought on my life. 'I will fight them on the beaches, I will fight them on the land, I will fight them in the air, I will NEVER surrender!'

Despite many, many posts that I have shared related to the Volkskas   (and by implication  ) cancelled   d cheque where ...

Despite many, many posts that I have shared related to the Volkskas (and by implication ) cancelled d cheque where I have revealed that ABSA employees, some of whom clearly have interest in their capacity as employees and another who clearly has recollection of what happened, I still only have a reply from the 's office, Arrie Rautenbach, that it was too long ago to be able to substantiate my claims. Every inference that can be drawn regarding this cancelled bank guarantee is written on the cheque itself. Other prominent and such as, the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA, Groupé Credit Agricole, the Bank of America and JP Morgan Chase & Co. have also viewed my posts consequently and still continue to bite their bit. Their other claim is that according to South African the claim for this type of transaction has prescribed and not a moment is spent considering the and they have subjected me to over 33 years and which gave rise to my delayed response. Furthermore, I have never been in a financial position to challenge and in today's world to approach the High Court I would need R595 000.00 which I am willing to risk. For a woman who now is faced with having to register for a measly R1990.00 per month older persons grant, I think you can draw your own conclusions. Also for many years prior to this there was no such thing as where one would at the very least raise awareness of a dire wrong that has been exacted upon your life. give absolutely no consideration for the fact that they basically ruined my financial life and with it the quality of my life including financial security. I have to call and their continued stance out for their approach to this entire saga. I have been played in a most cruel and insensitive manner, which continue to pursue, where there is little appreciation for the wrong they have done me. I have had to explain to the that for the victim of abuse, there is no expiry date and even though I repeated this it has been as though it were water off a ducks back. ,



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