have demonstrated in my dealings with them that they believe, they are judge, jury and ex*****oner in how they ‘deal’ with me.
have failed to acknowledge their abusive behaviour. They are consumed with the law that protects them and they believe they have every right to deny me compensation based on that law. They are not giving an inch to the law that does not protect them because, they know there is overwhelming evidence exposing their liability …
1. cancelled their bank guaranteed cheque – here’s what their authoritative peers have had to say in an essay by Nagel and Pretorius. In their conclusion on page 256 they state and I quote:
"However, the drawee bank should also not be entitled to decide itself whether or
not to honour the certified cheque, as the bank will then be judge in its own case."
2. ’s CEO office’s Ernst Botma (who has assumed responsibility and says that he speaks on behalf of the CEO) claims he called a meeting of “impartial and independent” “jurors” to decide my “fate” in my absence, without allowing me the opportunity to make representation for myself. He also consequently advised that these “jurors” decided that I have no claim.
3. blocked me from communicating with the CEO’s office for five months, smothering my communication with them and forcing me to reach them through social media. That’s unconstitutional, is it not? This is what our Constitution has to say: Chapter 2: Bill of Rights, Freedom of expression 16 (1) Everyone has the right to freedom of expression which includes – (a) freedom of the press and other media, (b) freedom to impart information or ideas, (c) freedom of artistic creativity, and (d) academic freedom and freedom of scientific research. It is not as though I have tried communicating with these individuals personally, I have been trying to communicate with them as representatives of a Public Company and its predecessor Public Company.
4. In my initial communication I pointed out to the CEO just how Volkskas(aka ) had turned me into a victim of their abuse. I have claimed and I continue to claim that the evidence of their abuse is in black and white – the abuse is evident by what is written on the cheque together with what is not written on the cheque (or, to put it differently, what should be on the cheque but is absent).
5. ’s handling of this debacle from the moment after this cheque was certified has amounted to abuse, duress and discrimination. , (there is no doubt that they took advantage of a 28 year old woman way back in 1989 (they would not dare try a trick like this in this day and age). , besides all the other threats that were made to me behind closed doors by the Management with the assistance of their legal representatives, the mere fact that the Branch Manager decided to say that I had agreed to cancellation qualifies their liability. – all the threats of consequence exacted at me were directed at my inabilities, assumed weaknesses and because from the intel they garnered about me that I am a woman not equal or worthy to other woman.
6. The CEO’s office of recently invited me to ask any questions I like after unblocking my email. After having asked many questions and raised many issues it is clear that the CEO’s representative has decided that this is their facility to allow me to ‘rant’ but that they will continue to ignore me as I have yet to receive a reply since, 17 February 2023.
7. By them continuing to deny their liability and persisting to not seek to make appropriate compensation for their disgraceful, dishonourable behaviour I remain a victim of their ex*****on.
, , , , Rautenbach