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Natural History Media Wildlife Filmmakers | Fixers | Stock Footage

Natural History Media specialises in:

- Shooting and producing wildlife and documentary film for international
- Fixing, location scouting and logistics
- Wildlife, environmental and cultural stock footage, audio and still images

Our passion for wildlife conservation, preservation of indigenous cultures and a great love for adventure is the driving force behind the fil

m and photographic shoots Natural History Media embarks on in our search for unique and authentic documentary opportunities. We provide our clients with specialist Africa fixer services, seasoned wildlife film crew, a great local production network, UHD+ filming equipment, and exclusive access to a wealth of experts, talent, organisations, locations and most importantly – stories!

An elephant's skeletal structure is not designed to carry weight at its back. They have bony protrusions, extending upwa...

An elephant's skeletal structure is not designed to carry weight at its back. They have bony protrusions, extending upwards from the spine. Both the protrusions and the surrounding tissues get damaged from weight and pressure. Many elephants end up with deformed and broken backs as a result of years of long hours spent carrying tourists around.
Thinks about it before you ride an elephant!

Rabbit Haemorrhagic Disease Virus: Second outbreak confirmed10 July 2023           StartRabbit Haemorrhagic Disease Viru...

Rabbit Haemorrhagic Disease Virus: Second outbreak confirmed

10 July 2023


Rabbit Haemorrhagic Disease Virus2 (RHDV2) caused widespread mortalities of wild hares and domestic rabbits across the Northern-, Western and parts of the Eastern Cape between October 2022 and February 2023. The Endangered Wildlife Trust (EWT) has received several reports confirming that the disease has reemerged.

Following the initial reports from the Sutherland-Middelpos area in the Northern Cape last year, the disease spread rapidly across the Cape, and the most recent reports indicate that the disease is active in the Knysna area in the Western Cape and the Eastern Cape in the Langkloof area. The disease is specific to rabbits and hares (lagomorphs) and cannot be transmitted to people and other animals. However, between lagomorphs, it is highly contagious and easily transmitted, normally through direct contact, but may also be carried by flies and scavengers feeding on carcasses, on clothes, shoes, and car tyres, or carried on the wind. RHDV is a controlled animal disease. Members of the public are advised not to handle or move carcasses to avoid the further spread of the disease. Pet rabbit owners are advised to exercise strict quarantine of their pets at home. Where unavoidable contact occurs, for example, when a pet rabbit dies, contact your local vet or state veterinarian for advice on safely disposing of the carcasses. Disinfect all affected surfaces with bleach and warm-wash contaminated clothing items.

The disease could continue to spread across South Africa, and if the same pattern is followed as has been recorded elsewhere, such as in the USA, these smaller outbreaks could eventually be followed by extensive outbreaks impacting lagomorphs across the whole country. The EWT is working closely with State Veterinarians and the provincial conservation authorities to monitor and map the spread of the disease.

Conservationists are concerned about the impact on wild lagomorph populations, as mortality rates can be as high as 80%. We do not know what the impact is likely to be on the Critically Endangered Riverine Rabbit, which occurs in low numbers and often in fragmented populations. Riverine Rabbits are endemic to the Karoo and occur in three distinct geographical regions. Theoretically, wild lagomorphs may develop a level of immunity, and populations may not be impacted as badly over time. However, smaller isolated populations of lagomorph species are at greater risk from diseases as there may not be enough surviving individuals to maintain the genetic diversity and health of the population. This highlights the importance of maintaining large enough natural areas to support viable populations that can withstand catastrophic events like disease outbreaks. Currently, no options are available for vaccinating wild lagomorphs. A limited number of vaccines are available for domestic pet rabbits, and pet rabbit owners are advised to contact their local veterinarians for more information. The vaccine is not yet registered for use in South Africa and is therefore not freely available yet. Rabbit owners must work through their veterinarians to get access to the vaccine.

The Endangered Wildlife Trust is urging farmers and members of the public to report unusual deaths (hares found dead in the veld with no visible sign of trauma) to [email protected] and your nearest state veterinarian, including your name, farm name, cell number, GPS location of the incidents (if possible), and also a photograph of the animal. Farmers with Riverine Rabbits on their farms are requested to monitor the riparian areas closely and immediately report any Riverine Rabbit deaths to the EWT. The most important areas include the river catchments between Williston, Sutherland, Frazerburg, Loxton and Victoria West in the Northern Cape and around the Touwsriver, Robertson and Uniondale-Baivaanskloof areas in the Western Cape.

Western Cape contact details can be found here:

Or contact your closest state vet


Endangered Wildlife Trust contact: Bonnie Schuman
Drylands Conservation Programme
+ 27 72 122 4232
[email protected]

Animal health and disease control State veterinarians (SV) assisted by animal health technicians (AHT) at eight state veterinary offices throughout the province are responsible for the surveillance, control, and eradication of animal diseases. Access a map of the SV areas and contact details for the...

Perks of the job - moments of pure peace and tranquility. Perfect reflections echo the serenity of being entirely alone,...

Perks of the job - moments of pure peace and tranquility. Perfect reflections echo the serenity of being entirely alone, drifting downriver in a vast wilderness. Our idea of real luxury!

Just because she’s  beautiful and it’s Tuesday 😄❤️

Just because she’s beautiful and it’s Tuesday 😄❤️

Tonight’s the night!   loading!!! Don’t miss it! We don’t post on social media very often, but when we’ve had the opport...

Tonight’s the night! loading!!! Don’t miss it!

We don’t post on social media very often, but when we’ve had the opportunity to fix and field produce/direct on an epic show Iike this, while just a small role in a big talented team - we can’t not share!



“I'm a hero. I'm not shy to say to myself, that I'm a hero. Because I know that the poacher, before he shoots at the rhino, is going to shoot at me first." Haunting words from a hero.

Last night we lost a leader amongst our ranger community.

Ranger Anton Mzimba.

Head Ranger at Timbavati Private Game Reserve bordering the Kruger National Park. A ranger of over 25 years’ experience. A respected, inspirational mentor and winner of the Rhino Conservation Award for Best Field Ranger. A ranger who saved his colleague from a hippo's jaws a few years ago. A ranger who has now paid the ultimate sacrifice for doing his job, well. Gunned down by criminals.

Anton leaves behind a family in need. Traumatised and without their father and husband. If you'd like to assist the family, a fundraising page has been set up and links to it can be found at or you can contact us and we'll direct you to the Givengain website at

A true hero. Respect to you and condolences to your family, friends and colleagues at Timbavati and beyond. We will remember you, Anton Mzimba. Rest in peace.


Beloved Thandi. Born in 2006 and died in 2022. You have been the undisputed Queen of Djuma for so long. The impact you have had on peoples lives around the globe is unspeakable. You were a remarkable leopard. Rest in peace.

URGENT: OBJECT TO HEALTH ACT AMENDMENTSImagine someone could report your child for coughing, on suspicion of illness, an...

Imagine someone could report your child for coughing, on suspicion of illness, and they could be removed from your care, by police, against your will, and placed in isolation in a state-run quarantine facility, and medicated as the government sees fit. How does that make you feel?

If that terrifies you, please take urgent note and action against this proposed permanent amendment to the Health Act. Essentially, the government is proposing transferring the temporary powers that it would usually only be allowed during a State of Disaster, to permanently exist within the Health Act, to be used whenever they want. So don’t be fooled by the “good news” that the State of Disaster may be ending soon!

If this is passed, the implications are huge for our democracy and will be a direct contravention to our constitutional rights. Important to note, is that this proposal is merely an amendment to an existing Act, and therefore it will not pass, nor be voted on, through Parliament. Public participation is the only way this can legally be stopped.

The amendment of most concern is this: "Regulations Relating to the Surveillance and Control of Notifiable Medical Conditions: Amendment"

Most concerning key points to consider regarding powers to be granted to the state if this amendment is adopted:

1. The Amendment grants government the legal authority to force you into a state-run quarantine, isolation facility against your will – with total control of release.
2. The Amendment grants government the legal authority to instruct police to collect you at your home and transport you or a family member to an isolation facility. The requirements for self-isolation are onerous.
3. The Amendment grants government the legal authority to enforce any medication it deems necessary - which you cannot refuse. No one is held liable for possible side-effects.
4. The Amendment grants government legal authority to conduct daily surveillance and monitoring of private citizens including accessing private information through overriding privacy laws.
5. The Amendment grants government legal authority to enforce mandatory vaccinations.
For example, under these new laws, someone could report your child for coughing, and your child could be removed from your care, against your will, and placed in isolation in a state-run quarantine facility, and medicated as the government sees fit. How does that make you feel?

Listen to just how bad this situation is and exactly what it means for South Africans. You will be shocked:


Regardless of your religious beliefs, or your vaccination status, please take on board the huge implications for all South Africans should this be allowed to happen, and voice your objection.


We need everyone’s voice to protect our freedoms and rights.




Send an email directly to the department of health.
Please send your objections to the relevant person relating to your objection:

1. Regulations relating to the surveillance and control of notifiable medical conditions amendment: [email protected]

2. Regulations relating to public health measure in points of entry: [email protected]

3. Regulations relating to the management of human remains: [email protected]

4. Regulations relating to Environmental Health: [email protected]

Further reading:



3. Here’s a written summary of the proposed amended health act…. Decide for yourself if this is what you want for you & your children's future:

Link to the gazette on the government website here:

There are 4 sections to this gazette, but the first one is notably the one that will affect us most:
"Regulations Relating to the Surveillance and Control of Notifiable Medical Conditions: Amendment"
The proposed “Amendment to the National Health Act” is a grave threat to the constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens for the following reasons:
• The proposed Amendment is an appalling overreach of power. Essentially, what government is attempting is granting itself permanent emergency powers that are only permissible during a state of disaster - even when no state of disaster exists.
• The primary argument against the “Amendment to the National Health Act” is that it grants government permanent and far-reaching – state of disaster - powers to suspend and severely limit the constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens whenever and however it sees fit.
• The Amendment goes way beyond the “Disaster Management Act” which is activated and enforced only during a genuine national health crisis and not as a permanent control mechanism.
• The Amendment is patently unnecessary because government retains the right and authority to activate the “Disaster Management Act” whenever a genuine national health crisis exists.
• Most importantly, granting government such far-reaching powers - permanently - is national su***de for the rights and freedoms of citizens.
• This will also give them the power to implement (at ANYTIME they see fit) curfews, lockdowns, alcohol restrictions, shut down places of worship, public transport, restaurants, businesses etc.


Discover the world of IOL, bringing you a mix of current news across politics, sport, business, motoring and lifestyle. Telling your stories and driving change!


In South Africa, a new wave of poaching has taken off, but this time it isn’t big cats, elephants or rhinos, but tiny succulent plants


The Cape Floral Region has been recognised as one of the most special places for plants in the world, writes Cape {town} Etc's Robyn Simpson.


In the past few months, the Atlantic west coast in the region of the Olifants River estuary has sustained a barrage of new diamond mining applications. The documents reveal a litany of legally questionable oversights, including a failure to assess the needs of local communities. But the most disturbing evidence concerns the environmental consultant who has written most of the reports — according to the law, she is not qualified to work unsupervised.

New article from Kevin Bloom for the is up on our site now - hit the link below to read more!

This is massive!

Nothing like the sound of the ocean - and a sundowner spot like this! marais.sound   in action

Nothing like the sound of the ocean - and a sundowner spot like this!
marais.sound in action

Good thing the record button is on the other side 😉

Good thing the record button is on the other side 😉

Hey, hey, it’s    🐆 - but we’d be happy to celebrate these magnificent   every day!

Hey, hey, it’s 🐆 - but we’d be happy to celebrate these magnificent every day!



With 💚💚💚 from

Sooo much   it’s almost impossible to get a good pic of my little guy 💚 But I think we get the message across: try   on ...

Sooo much it’s almost impossible to get a good pic of my little guy 💚 But I think we get the message across: try on

Congratulations Cathy Dreyer on your appointment as first-ever female Head Ranger at South Africa’s flagship national pa...

Congratulations Cathy Dreyer on your appointment as first-ever female Head Ranger at South Africa’s flagship national park

Congratulations Cathy Dreyer! The Kruger National Park (KNP) has made history by appointing its first-ever female Head R...

Congratulations Cathy Dreyer!

The Kruger National Park (KNP) has made history by appointing its first-ever female Head Ranger, Cathy Dreyer who has an exemplary record in conservation management, law enforcement, people and strategic management competencies.
She starts her new position on 1 May 2021.

Media Release: SANParks Appoints New Head Ranger for the KNP:

Get your copy!!

Get your copy!!

BREAKING NEWS!!! This awesome book on the Dung Beetles of South Africa, Botswana and Namibia is now available through the SANBI Bookshop. This book is a must have for all dung beetle and biomapping enthusiasts! :-)

Price: R950 (hardcover book)
To get your copy please contact: Thembi Masilela
Tel: 012 843 5099
E-mail: [email protected]



Today marks a landmark victory in what has been a massive collaborative effort to fight for the survival and re-opening of Skukuza Regional Court in the Kruger National Park. Opening its doors for the first time since its closure in 2019, the first cases appeared in front of the court this morning.

Skukuza Regional Court – the flagship court for rhino cases in South Africa – is open once again.

We would like to acknowledge the considerable efforts of all those role players who put so much time and effort into countering what was a suspiciously sinister and very determined effort by Mpumalanga Regional Court President Naomi Engelbrecht to close the court’s doors – and keep them closed. We would also like to thank everyone who signed and shared our petition (all 163 485 of you!) to save the court. Your voices played a significant role in proving tangible evidence of the importance of the court as a matter of public interest.

May the Skukuza Regional Court continue, unhindered, to seek justice for rhinos and those who work so hard to protect them.
South African National Parks International Rhino Foundation Save the Rhino International Game Rangers Association of Africa



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