
Documinute Documinute is a series of mini-documentaries about people, cultures, hobbies, industries, environments, and life in the 21st century.

Happy new year everyone! Docubaby arrived in November on his due date…on the bathroom floor in an unplanned, unmedicated...

Happy new year everyone! Docubaby arrived in November on his due date…on the bathroom floor in an unplanned, unmedicated home birth! He came in with thunder and lightening and is now the most calm baby having gotten all the drama out the way early. My hands are full in the best possible way so I’m busy where I am needed most right now but I hope to be back to sharing other people’s stories in a couple of months. For now, I am happy, healthy and loving living my own story with my little family. I hope this is the year you all need and want, please remember you are appreciated and needed both here and everywhere else you find yourself. Far away high fives from Tam, Andrew, Docubaby, Barnaby and Marlo 👨‍👩‍👦 🐕🐕

Hey everyone, I am currently working on a sponsored mini-doc series for a company in Perth and I am looking for Aussies ...

Hey everyone, I am currently working on a sponsored mini-doc series for a company in Perth and I am looking for Aussies living in London with an interesting story about gold to share. There is an appearance fee for this and will only take a day of your time, if that. Please take a look at the casting brief, and drop us an email if you are interested in taking part, or share it with someone who might be. Thanks!


This is another older Documinute that I have never posted but it is by no means any less important than the others. As they say, ‘life is what happens when you are making other plans’.

The Rare Bear Project is “a community upliftment program started by Rare Diseases SA with the ladies living in KyaSands Township.” 35 women are commissioned to make soft toys that the public can purchase or donate to a person with a rare disease so that they have a companion through their treatments. No one should have to face the journey alone. That is why Rare Bear exists, for cuddles, loves, and companionship.

You can buy a Rare Bear (The Rare Bear Project) for yourself, a loved one, or a pet or donate one through their site to someone facing a daunting road ahead. You will be supporting not just the , but also the ladies who make their Rare Bears.


It has been a minute! A LOOOOONG MINUTE. Getting back into posting has been a lot harder than I thought it would be, but I am here. Let’s do this! Read the rest of the caption after watching the Documinute, please. This is one we filmed a long while ago back in SA.

No cheating…go watch.

Ok, now that you have watched it, how much do you love the way Lebohang does not attribute the fault of her school’s rules with herself? We so often think that if people do not like the way we are dressed or behave, that we are the problem, that the problem isn’t the opinion, to begin with. I am trying to model that in my own life. Thank you for the lesson Lebohang ().


The editor of today’s Documinute is Mieke van der Merwe , and Mieke is a character we couldn’t do without in our Documinute lives. She is an audiovisual unicorn but also one of the friendliest humans you will ever meet, someone who is always up for an adventure…someone who is always on her bike, going to fetch her bike, talking about her bike or going to ride a bike in a foreign country. What amazes me most though is Mieke likes to ride her bike in Johannesburg, the actual city, which to me seems like one of the scariest things you can do (from a physical safety perspective, rather than a security perspective). I am not alone in this sentiment though, so Mieke’s like-minded mates are showing people what it could actually be like to turn Jo’burg into a bike-friendly city, and what we are missing out on by not giving it a try. They are called Biking Bandits and they are reclaiming the streets so everyone can enjoy them once more. Their movement is gathering speed and you can join them on First Thursdays departing from 44 Stanley (follow them for updates:


Director: Tamarin Gerriety
DOP: Andrew Mc Garrity
Production Manager: Nelet Kok
Camera Assistant & Editor: Mieke van Der Merwe


Documinute was commissioned to create 5 features for Afrimaxx, a show that airs across Africa every Thursday night on The Home Channel.

“In this episode talks to interior designer Aluwani Mutamani about African design principles. Plus, beans and rice get an update, African statement pieces, and how Creole culture unites on Mauritius.’

We created the feature about Koketso of Ditsala Designs and Creations Pty Ltd, a local jewelry designer making waves here in SA.

To watch the full episode, follow this link:


Producer, director and editor: Tamarin Gerriety
DOP: Andrew Mc Garrity
Sound: Matt Gardner
Camera, production and edit assistant: Mieke van der Merwe



When I met Wendy, I didn’t tell her I was grieving. I didn’t tell her how hard this interview was for me and I didn’t tell her how grateful I was to have had it. When death is so foreign, to speak with someone who has experienced it more than the average person, who can explain it in such a beautiful way is a great gift. Wendy does the good work not just for her patients and their families, but in making death a little less mysterious and dark for those yet to face it in one form or another.

Wendy, filming this Documinute meant a lot to me. Thank you.


Production Manager:
Camera Assistant & Editor:


What I love about Documinute is the snowball effect it has. A lot of our stories come from introductions made by people who have already appeared on Documinute. Today's Documinute is with thanks to Griffin Shea at Bridge Books.

Miguel and his fellow classmates are students at the University of Pretoria and the digitisation project they are talking about was something they did in their second year but decided to continue out of their love for publishing.


Miguel Rebelo
Jenae Bester
Monique Webster
Aimee Botes


Director: Tamarin Gerriety
DOP: Andrew Mc Garrity
Production Manager: Nelet Kok
Camera Assistant & Editor: Mieke van der Merwe


‘Asking for help is not giving up. It is refusing to give up.’

October is Mental Health Awareness Month in South Africa. A large part of the reason I stopped posting this year was to take a breather for my own mental health and now that I am in a position to do so again, it is time that I share Michelle Louise Raymond’s story that we filmed last year about mental health for parents.

If you need a helping hand, the first port of call is Life Line.

In South Africa the number is 0861 322 322.

In the United States it is 988.

For other countries, please Google Life Line followed by the location.


Director & Editor: Tamarin Gerriety
DOP: Andrew Mc Garrity
Production Manager: Nelet Kok
Camera & Assstant Editor: Mieke van der Merwe


This is a very long overdue Documinute, filmed in September last year. It is still a story that needs sharing so now is the time.

I have always admired people who make a living through service to others. Raymond is one such person. He is the Supervisor at the Tshepo Community Development Initiative () where, among other things, he teaches the principles of farming with what is available around you. Nelet, our production manager, introduced us to Raymond so we could chat with him about what draws him to this work daily.

A bit about Tshepo:

In its ‘state of the art vegetable tunnel’, the initiative grows organic seasonal vegetables in a programme that serves a few purposes:

‘to teach conservation agriculture techniques,
as work rehabilitation for previously unemployed people,
provide nutrition for feeding schemes,
and generate income to create employment.'

Tshepo sells vegetables, compost, potting soil, topsoil and plants to the public from its base in Northcliff, Johannesburg.

You can donate to their project through their website:

Director: Tamarin Gerriety
DOP: Andrew Mc Garrity
Production Manager: Nelet Kok
Camera & Editor: Mieke van der Merwe


I’m going to let this Documinute speak for itself, but I am going to point out that it is never too late to change your mind and your life. Thank you, Daniela.

Daniela Starostecka is having her first solo exhibition in Johannesburg from the 10th to the 30th of June at ERF350, 16 Main Road Melville where her art will also be for sale. She does international shipping too, FYI.

Director | Editor: Tamarin Gerriety
DOP: Andrew Mc Garrity
Production Manager: Nelet Kok
Camera & Edit Ast.: Mieke van der Merwe


For the last few years, we have been invited to document a project close to my heart, the and Boss Dog Food adoption drive photographed by Emma O'Brien. This year the theme was 'local is lekker' which is a common South African catchphrase aimed at getting local projects and business support because 'local is cool'.

We want to encourage people to rather adopt instead of shop and the local animal shelter is definitely worth supporting. I have adopted a dog from this animal shelter, and Marlo has turned out to be the missing puzzle piece in our lives, so no regrets! If you are thinking about getting a pet, please consider adopting because there are so many dogs out there already who need a loving home and to be honest, knowing you have helped change a dog's life in that kind of way makes your bond with them even greater.

I would adopt many, many more if I had the space and filming this behind the scenes without taking any of the dogs home was a serious challenge!


This is Sister Mmapule who is one of Vee’s ( on Instagram) most treasured people both on the dialysis ward and in life, in general. As we were packing up after the interview, Sister Mmapule was saying that when she is at home, off duty, she is a nurse to her elderly mother and all her neighbours who never have to go to hospital because she happily looks after them all. There is a saying that goes something like ‘a nurse is not what you do, it is what you are’ and it is so accurate - being a nurse is not just her profession, but it’s who Sister Mmapule is.


Sarah Lee is a tattoo artist, a ceramic artist and a soaper. ‘Soaper’ is a word I had never heard of until recently. It literally just means a person who makes soap, but just like I had never heard the word before, I had also never met anyone who made soap before. It is a product that we all use multiple times a day but something I don’t think I gave much thought to before I met Sarah Lee and I don’t think I will ever not consider it as a conscious decision again. There is a lot more to it than you’d think.

You can purchase soap from The Melville Soap Company at Be Kind Tattooing in Blairgowrie, JHB.


As a teenager, living in the suburbs of Johannesburg kind of reminded me of The Lion King, where Mufasa says to Simba ‘everything that the light touches is ours’…The city of Johannesburg was not touched by the light then. It had become a very unsafe place that people didn’t go to unless they had to, and this was a result of a lack of municipal services, poor maintenance, a lack of education and very high poverty rates. Slowly but surely, things are starting to turn around in parts of the city and its immediate surroundings, but sometimes it is because of normal citizens who have just decided that it is time. James Delaney (Delaney Art) is one such citizen and what he has turned around (with the help of other volunteers) is The Wilds Nature Reserve, a park that is now like a green oasis for many people in the city and in the suburbs too.

Director | Editor: Tamarin Gerriety
DOP: Andrew Mc Garrity
Production Manager: Nelet Kok
Camera & Edit Ast.: Mieke van der Merwe


We could all use a bit of extra help sometimes and right now, Zwelakhe (Zwelakhe Ngobese Arts ) could use ours. I am reposting his Documinute so you can see the quality of his work and if you like what you see, you can contact him to commission a portrait. Zwelakhe has the talent, he just needs the support.

International shipping is available, contact him directly: +27(0)656770171


I had a whole caption planned but actually, this is the most important thing that needs to be communicated and Boledi from Green Bag Project said it best:

'The person in front of you is a person and not just a representation of bad choices.'

Director | Offline Editor: Tamarin Gerriety
Camera & Online Editor.: Mieke van der Merwe
Production Manager: Nelet Kok


Sometimes you meet someone, and you instantly just KNOW you are speaking to a good human. Boledi is one of those people.

A few years back, we made a Documinute about Rodney who we met through Boledi. Rodney is a refugee from Zimbabwe who was living homeless in Johannesburg and many of you helped me help Rodney with a donation towards temporary housing during lockdown.

Boledi is the founder of The Green Bag Project, 'an initiative that connects with vulnerable communities in our society to find out how to meet their basic essential needs.' You see? A good human.

Green Bag Project

Director | Offline Editor: Tamarin Gerriety
Camera & Online Editor.: Mieke van der Merwe
Production Manager: Nelet Kok


Boyden has been cutting Andrew's hair for as long as I can remember and every time he comes home (always with a haircut that suits him perfectly) I hear stories of a time spent with someone who is more like a friend than 'just' a Barber. The haircut is always good, but I think the reason Andrew goes back time after time is because of the environment Boyden has created and the chats they have together.

Just Boyden: a valuable friendship, with the added bonus of a great haircut.

Director | Editor: Tamarin Gerriety
DOP: Andrew Mc Garrity
Production Manager: Nelet Kok
Camera & Edit Ast.: Mieke van der Merwe


Today is Rare Disease Day so it is the perfect time to share Ethan’s story with you. It’s not a completely unique one, but it is rare and yet there are also a lot more people who have a rare disease than you might realise. Ethan is a typical 8-year-old, and he has this way of explaining things that will just make your day that much brighter. You might not hear it in the video, but for most of our interview, he had me laughing and I was just trying to be professional. It kind of worked.

If you would like to find out more about Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome:

If you would like to find out more about Rare Disease Day:

Director | Editor: Tamarin Gerriety
DOP: Andrew Mc Garrity
Production Manager: Nelet Kok
Camera & Edit Ast.: Mieke van der Merwe


This is something else that came up during our interview with Griffin Shea from Bridge Books in Marshalltown that was really important and I wanted to share with you. It is not something I have ever experienced and the way Griffin explains it, a cord has been struck.

PS: Bridge Books couriers internationally...


Director | Editor: Tamarin Gerriety
DOP: Andrew Mc Garrity
Production Manager: Nelet Kok
Camera & Edit Ast.: Mieke van der Merwe


Getting to watch how people’s stories change and grow over time is one of the best gifts. Thando, The Soweto Creamery we are proud of you!!

The Soweto Series was made by possible by Joe Public United


There is something very comforting about a cosy bookstore in a busy city. Perhaps it is because feels like a safe haven but also the doorway to adventure and mystery. I personally love going into bookstores in big cities when we travel internationally, but until I met Griffin Shea at Bridge Books for this interview, I had never been to one in my own city. In Johannesburg, we often stick to our suburbs and malls, so this cosy bookstore in Marshalltown stole my heart immediately and I obviously left with about 6 new books in my bag. The biggest treat of all I think is that all 6 books were written by South African authors. That was a first for me.

PS: Bridge Books couriers internationally...


Director | Editor: Tamarin Gerriety
DOP: Andrew Mc Garrity
Production Manager: Nelet Kok
Camera & Edit Ast.: Mieke van der Merwe


The first time I came across Gugulethu’s profile I was pulled in by this photo of a woman in a beautiful dress standing amongst her crops. The juxtaposition of these 2 different worlds made me want to know more. Now that I know more, these aren’t 2 different worlds, but the world of a woman in farming who just farms the way she wants to.


Director | Editor: Tamarin Gerriety
DOP: Andrew McGarrity
Production Manager: Nelet Kok
Camera & Edit Ast.: Mieke van der Merwe


I have known Ernest Korkie for less than a year now, and I am already extremely fond of him and his cooking is just too good for words. You just have to try it to see what I mean. My friend Nelet Kok introduced me to Ernest and has known him for many years now, and since Nelet worked on this video as the production manager, I asked her to write the caption for today's video so she could share a bit about the friend she knows and loves:

“Meeting Ernest is like meeting a force of nature: he is friendly, knowledgeable, and loves to share his latest project. Ernest is fiercely passionate about all things art, and has been working with art his whole life – this comes as no surprise. His work experience spans many decades as a Stage manager, Artist, and most recently as Art Director and Set designer for TV productions.

Food has always been Ernest’s means to escape the world, play, experiment, and create art so the road he travels is filled with exquisite tastes packaged into everyday meals. Baciami, which means ‘kiss me’ in Italian, is ‘Another take on food’…one that Ernest lives every day.”



Director | Editor: Tamarin Gerriety
DOP: Andrew Mc Garrity
Production Manager: Nelet Kok
Camera & Edit Ast.: Mieke van der Merwe


I have never met a person before who you can describe in a single word that just captures their essence, their vibe, their look, their manner so perfectly. She truly is a multifaceted human who wears many hats, but this single word just seems to sum up her being, to me anyway. Today’s Documinute is about Tammy Walker who is just truly ‘fabulous’ in every sense of the word.

You can purchase one of Tammy’s designs through her website (international deliveries available) and she is on FB but FB won't allow me to tag her page, unfortunately:


Director | Editor: Tamarin Gerriety
DOP: Andrew Mc Garrity
Production Manager: Nelet Kok
Camera & Edit Ast.: Mieke van der Merwe


When I have taken a break from Documinute I usually go back and watch old Documinutes to ‘remind’ myself why I love doing this, to get my motivation levels up. This time around I decided to rather look forward to Documinutes we have filmed but that I haven’t edited yet. I love this, I want to do this, I will keep doing it for as long as I can and thank you for being here for that 🙌🏼


We have been away for a while, but that doesn't mean we haven't been thinking about you. We are happy to be back at it, meeting new faces and sharing new stories. Our goal this year is to post a video every week from today right through to 31 December 2022. The past couple of years have made posting regularly and consistently a bit tricky but now we have more helping hands and we are keeping our eye on the prize!


A few weeks back we had a wonderful opportunity to work with Retroviral Digital Communications to create Documinute style videos for Gumtree South Africa's 'Site Hustle' campaign.

We often get asked how Documinute actually works outside of the 1-minute documentaries we make for our own audience, and this is a great example of just that: we get hired to tell human stories in our niche short-form way for people or brands with something to say. This is Kori's video, he is a fellow filmmaker with a side hustle on Gumtree where he makes desks for people working from home.

This is not an ad...but having seen Kori's desks in person, I can say with confidence that one would probably look great in your home. Just so you know.

Director|Editor: Tamarin Gerriety
Production Manager: Nelet Kok
DOP: Andrew Mc Garrity
Cam Assist: Mieke van der Merwe
Sound: Matthew Gardner
Final Mix: Andrew Buntain



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Documenting moments and stories in a mini-documentary format. A new minute released weekly.

Have a story you think we should tell...pitch it to us: [email protected]