Radio Mmabatho is an online radio station which will start streaming at the end of April 2016. Most of the content will be sourced from across the African Continent as part of our objectives is to have our narrative of the African stories....good or bad. We will also use our platform to train young people who are interested in broadcasting as well as afford an opportunity to Communications, journa
lism and media studies students to do their internships. Lentswe la Sechaba as we want it to be affectionately called, will take some elements of the programming of the former Radio Mmabatho, which was the pace setter in the broadcast fraternity in South Africa in the 80's and 90's. Unfortunately the former died a very untimely death when it was unceremoniously closed down in 1998 in what was labelled a merger between the then Setswana Stereo and Radio Mmabatho. Unfortunately the merger swallowed Radio Mmabatho and it's unique programming but leaving a legacy of seasoned radio personalities who through the years have been the pace setters in the media world in South Africa. Our aim is also to cover live events and work with the community Radio Sector in areas of training, signal distribution and relay. Let's revive Lentswe la Sechaba. We ae not extravagant, arrogant nor above you. We want to give you YOUR best entertainment...YOUR best Information...Your best Educational material...
in short..