Marriage Life mag is a marriage roof top ministry, reaching the unreached couples all over the world through print media and online presence. Marriage Life Mag Publication’s focal point is grounded on elucidation of core marital matters, topics and issues from a Christian perspective. Marriage Life Mag provides informative journalism on three major marital topics, s*x & intimac
y, marital advice & cunselling and family life. Our reporting style on “burning issues” intriguingly challenges married couples to circumspectly find balance between Christianity and the reality point of marriage. For each issue a common feature’s signature is created. The feature articles covers a range of topics from health, décor, couple’s therapy, couple’s fitness, recipes, finance and travel. Other regular content includes “letters”, “editor’s note”, ”Out & About”, “real life marriage cases”, “Fun-funny cartoons, Jokes & weird confessions”, and “entertainment inculcates-book reviews, music reviews, couple’s events, holidays and leisure”
Marriage Life Mag is Conservative in doctrine and eclectic in content, with editors and readers from Protestant, Orthodox, Baptist, Charismatic and Pentecostal traditions. We endorse an ecumenical campaign against divorce. We are unashamed to talk/ feature/ write about marital "burning issues" such as s*x,intimacy and other issues affecting marital relationships.