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President Cyril Ramaphosa arrived to a scathing reception at the IEC sub-voting station in Chiawelo on Monday, 1 November, where he was booed by residents.


Week 5 Log Standing



Jeremiah 29:11
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

Brethren I know you might be facing difficulties , situations are staring at your face, tears are dropping down your well made face , Believe me today the pains and suffering are not for long they will pass. You were made for greatness, Happiness and richness.

Good morning family


Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom.”

— Isaiah 40:28 (NIV)

Our God is so big. He is bigger than any pain we may experience, any evil we may face, any hardship that tries to break us into little pieces. He is bigger than our fear or failure. He is bigger than any doubt.

When you feel like your world is spinning out of control, when you’re unsure whether you have the strength to continue, remember that God has you in the palm of His hand. Wherever you go or whatever you do, He is with you. And that will never change.

Evangelist Vusi M


5G is a new kind of network: a platform for innovations that will not only enhances today’s mobile broadband services, but will also expand mobile networks to support a vast diversity of devices and services and connect new industries with improved performance, efficiency, and cost. 5G will redefine a broad range of industries with connected services from retail to education, transportation to entertainment, and everything in between. We see 5G as technology as transformative as the automobile and electricity.

Through a landmark 5G Economy study, we found that 5G’s full economic effect will be realized across the globe by 2035, supporting a wide range of industries and potentially producing up to $12 trillion worth of goods and services.

The study also revealed that the 5G value chain (OEMs, operators, content creators, app developers and consumers) could alone generate up to $3.5 trillion in overall aggregate revenue by 2035 and support up to 22 million jobs, or more than one job for every person in Beijing, China. Of course, there are many emerging and new applications that are yet to be completely defined or even known today. That is why only time will tell what the full “5G effect” is going to be.


Truth Has Become a Coronavirus Casualty
From Beijing to Washington, governments have been muzzling scientists, inflating the success of their containment efforts, and discrediting valid reporting. Citizens have to fight back.


Morning is like a fresh start,
A start that is full of smiles,
A start that is full of hope for the day,
A start to find your new way,
So, I just wish you good luck,
Have a lovely day,
Good morning!

Evangelist Vusi M


God sees the good you are doing.
“God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them.”
— Hebrews 6:10 (NIV)
It can be so easy to fall into the trap of feeling not good enough. Whether it be a kindness gone unnoticed, a tired ache after a long day, feeling like you’re never measuring up, or that God doesn’t care—it happens to all of us. But often this is because we’re too focused on ourselves to see that God is blessing us in so many ways, and often in different ways than we expect.
We should do always do good; not because we want it returned to us, but out of the kindness of our hearts. We should allow God’s love to fill us and shine through us. We shouldn’t be hoping for a reward. But we should also know that God does see the positive things we are doing; a good deed, in His eyes, doesn’t go unnoticed. He loves us and hasn’t forgotten us.

Evangelist Vusi M


Apartheid government feared 'massive upheavals' if Mandela died in prison: CIA
19 July 2018 - 15:55
The apartheid government had fears that South Africa would erupt in “unrest” if former president Nelson Mandela died in prison.
This revelation was contained in a Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) document titled “Nelson Mandela: What if Alive and Well and Free in South Africa”. It – and scores of others - were released by Washington-based group Property of the People on Tuesday to mark what would have been the struggle stalwart’s 100th birthday.
“South African officials have been considering Mandela’s release primarily because they fear that the death in prison of the ageing leader (who is 68) would trigger massive upheavals and would intensify international criticism‚” the document read.
It was prepared in September 1986‚ almost four years before Mandela’s release. At the time‚ he had already been incarcerated for 24 years. According to the document‚ it was prepared by the CIA’s “Office of Leadership Analysis for the Secretary of State’s Advisory Committee on South Africa”.
Another part of the document revealed how the CIA felt Mandela’s age would motivate him to ensure transition happened speedily in the country.
“Mandela’s age and his perception of his place in history are likely to push him to move quickly on talks. His perception that there is relatively little time left to him might enhance his willingness to compromise on secondary issues‚” the CIA said.
Shock claim in secret US docs: SANDF 'briefly lost control' of airspace after Madiba's death
A secret US document has claimed that South Africa's military briefly "lost control" of its airspace when heads of state arrived in the country to ...
NEWS1 year ago
US intelligence documents on Nelson Mandela made public
US intelligence agencies continue to monitor Nelson Mandela as a potential Communist menace even after he was released from prison.
NEWS1 year ago
It further states that South African officials believed releasing Mandela could work in their favour and help them gain international favour.
“Some South African officials believe that his release could produce a public relations bonanza. It also might exacerbate existing ideological divisions in the black community and throw the ANC and other opponents off stride as they adjust to his return to the political fray‚” it states.
The document further reveals that the apartheid government had already offered Mandela his freedom in exchange to him returning to his homeland in the Transkei region. He had rejected this offer.
The United States was at the time already exploring what Mandela’s release would mean for them.
“We believe that if he were released from prison‚ he would be willing to talk to the US officials but would probably insist on a high-level meeting and resist suggestions that he modify his basic demands or agree to a lengthy transition to black majority rule‚” the CIA said.
The CIA felt Mandela was “sincere” in the statements he had made about there still being space for white South Africans in a ‘black-ruled’ South Africa.


Remember life is never a competition and will not be a competition if you not married now is fine your appointed time will come, stop asking questions why you not driving, why you not progressing , is not your time at the right time you will celebrate while they watch. Happy Sunday.




A brief history: Bosasa was born out of Dyambu Holdings, a company owned by ANC Women's League leaders like Baleka Mbete, Nomvula Mokonyane, Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula and Hilda Ndude. The company won the tender to run the Lindela deportation centre in Randfontein, on Johannesburg's West Rand, in 1996.

Till this day, Bosasa has never lost this tender from the home affairs department.

The ANCWL leaders brought in Gavin Watson as CEO of Dyambu. Watson is one of the famous "Watson brothers" from Port Elizabeth who refused to play whites-only rugby under apartheid and was closely linked with the ANC underground in the Eastern Cape.

Watson bought the company and changed its name to Bosasa Operations. One of the company's early directors was former spy boss Gibson Njenje. The company had further links to Thabo Mbeki's presidency through Titus Mafolo, Mbeki's political adviser who was a shareholder in one of Bosasa's affiliates.

It was only in 2006 that Bosasa's proximity to ANC power was exposed when we could prove a business relationship between Linda Mti, the former prisons boss, and a Bosasa employee. A later investigation by the Special Investigating Unit (SIU) found that Mti was showered with bribes by Watson and coIn exchange, the department of correctional services outsourced its kitchens, security and fencing to Bosasa and paid the company billions to run these national key points.

Even though the SIU handed over its damning report on Bosasa's corruption in our prisons to then prisons minister Mapisa-Nqakula and acting prisons boss Jenny Schreiner in 2009, the state did nothing to recoup its money from Bosasa.

The National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) and the Hawks have been sitting on the case for nine years, with claims of political interference, disappearing dockets and leaked memos abound. Nobody's gone to prison.

In the meantime, Watson – who was closely aligned to the Eastern Cape ANC and by extension Mbeki – realised that the power balance in the ANC ha


I just wanted to take a moment and say "thank you" to everyone for all of the birthday wishes. It means a lot to me that you all took time from your busy lives to wish me a happy birthday. I feel very blessed to have each and every one of you as my friends.


Millions around the world will observe Christmas once again this year. But, perhaps surprisingly, the facts show Christmas isn’t even Christian!

As millions of people around the world decorate trees, wrap and give gifts, and tell their children the story of Santa Claus—a fundamental question must be answered. Is Christmas really “Christian”?

Because of the attention paid to the story of Christ’s birth and the carols celebrating the baby Jesus, many may be shocked at this time of year to hear someone say, “I don’t celebrate Christmas because it is not Christian to do so.”

Much has been made recently of the liberal “war against Christmas,” but it is not just those with a bias against anything associated with religion who reject Christmas and its trappings. Why would a Christian—who strongly believes in God the Father and Jesus Christ—make a conscious decision to reject Christmas?

Four reasons Christmas is not Christian

1. Dec. 25 is the wrong day, and it’s celebrated for the wrong god. Dec. 25 is associated with many pagan birth myths—not Christ’s birth.

Though Dec. 25 is considered the birthday of Jesus by a large segment of Christendom, there is no evidence that this was actually the date He was born. The Bible does not give us Christ’s date of birth, but it gives some clues that it was at a warmer time of the year. Read our article “The Birth of Jesus” to learn more about what the Bible indicates regarding Jesus’ birth.

Dec. 25 was assigned to be the date of Christ’s birth about 300 years after He was born basically to encourage followers of a variety of pagan religions that celebrated that day to convert to Christianity. One popular pagan god whose birthday was celebrated at the end of December was Mithra.

2. Most Christmas traditions come from pagan religions, not the Bible.

The time of year chosen, starting a week before Christmas, correlates with the pagan festival of Saturnalia. This was celebrated in honor of Saturn, the Roman god of agriculture. Two


Colonialism is too sensitive a subject to turn on its head and humorously show a young black South African discovering Europe, the Advertising Regulatory Board says.


There are two types of people who will tell you that you cannot make a difference in this world: those who are afraid to try and those who are afraid you will succeed."


“To me, Black Friday is essentially our version of a religious pilgrimage. We worship in mega stores, make schedules around holiday deals, display allegiance to brands and low prices, offer tithes to the cashiers.”

It’s not that there’s something more important than the economy, it’s that the economy needs to be re-fashioned, the founder and editor of Geez magazine continued.

“Jesus acknowledged wealth and power and sought to undermine it. By resisting the impulse to shop for deals on Black Friday we stand at the feet of the retail titans and, with the power of non-cooperation, we challenge the injustices of poor labor conditions, exploitative hiring practices, unfair monopolies, and irresponsible resource extraction.”


A South African pastor, Alfred Ndlovu has died of malnutrition after going without food for 30 days when he tried to emulate Jesus Christ and fast for 40 days and 40 nights. Buzz South Africa reports


The first recorded use of the term “Black Friday” was applied not to holiday shopping but to financial crisis: specifically, the crash of the U.S. gold market on September 24, 1869. Two notoriously ruthless Wall Street financiers, Jay Gould and Jim Fisk, worked together to buy up as much as they could of the nation’s gold, hoping to drive the price sky-high and sell it for astonishing profits. On that Friday in September, the conspiracy finally unraveled, sending the stock market into free-fall and bankrupting everyone from Wall Street barons to farmers.


"Happiness is a butterfly, which when pursued, is always beyond your grasp, but which, if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you." --Nathaniel Hawthorne

SCREEN ACTING1. Your eyes are the window into your soulThe camera captures every moment; what you're thinking, what you'...


1. Your eyes are the window into your soul
The camera captures every moment; what you're thinking, what you're feeling, your internal conflicts, and your physical impulses. What's more, it can get all of this through your eyes. Treat them like magnets. They pull the viewer into the soul of the person you're portraying. Imagine a rectangle around the lens, and when in thoughts or transitions between lines, allow the lens to see what you're thinking and feeling by giving the camera your eyes. The closer the frame, the tighter the rectangle for you.

2. Treat the silences as lines and be the editor's friend
No moment should be missed, no emotional stone unturned. Emotional investment in only your lines are not enough. Every moment and beat needs to be considered. What is the other character saying to you, and how is it affecting you? Film and television editing requires reaction shots; they are integral to the flow of the narrative and character development. The editor will be looking for those reactions in post production. By treating the pauses and silences in the script as lines themselves, imbued with intention and thought, you will find a greater depth to your performance and connection with the other character(s) in the scene. You'll probably bag more screen time because of it!

3. Know your audience
Unlike the theatre, there is no live audience. There is a lengthy and important post production process that happens between your performance and the viewing public. Your audience is not present when you film, and this needs to be remembered when you are on set. The director isn't the audience, the crew aren't the audience, the camera operator isn't the audience, the camera isn't your audience, the only audience you have are within the fictional realms of the narrative, and the other characters that inhabit it. Resist, at all costs, to perform for the crew.

4. Be Prepared and Flexible
You will film out of sequence on set. Schedules change all the tim


Know your nonverbal skills.
“To define the difference between acting for the stage and acting for the camera, all stage actors are trained in two channels of nonverbal communication: the body and the voice. However, what separates the on-camera actor from the theatrical actor is the on-camera actor must know the three channels of nonverbal communication: the body, the voice, and the face. Some people are wired to internalize emotion, meaning what they’re feeling isn’t being revealed, whereas there are externalizers who know what emotions look like but they don’t connect to the intensity unless they have a lot of stimuli. This same idea can apply to your headshot, too, if you’re wondering why all of your headshots look exactly the same.
Relax into your performance.
“Start by relaxing and getting into your body by just ‘slobbing out.’ You need to get out of your head and into your body. It’s important to physically loosen your body and to unfreeze it so that natural life energy and subconscious reactions are set free to happen.

“I always teach students a simple relaxation technique of breathing in through your nose on a count of four, holding for a count of seven, and breathing out through your mouth on a count of eight. Deep-breathing is the fastest way to balance and relax. The counting helps your brain to shut down so that you can be more in the moment instead of spinning past everything.”
Stop trying so hard.
“Actors feel like they have to entertain. That is a noble desire. But I am going to ask you to please stop—stop feeling like you have to do something. I’m not saying you will never do anything in a film performance. But trust me, do more nothing. There is a lot to nothing.

“Look in the mirror right now. Now, stop making that pursed lip ‘good looking’ face you make every time. Knock it off. Backstage, no doubt, has the best looking readership on Earth. You look great. I want you to just relax every one of the 43 muscles in your face. Now that is a work of a

local actors who can’t, or don’t want to take their talents to Hollywood, the South African TV scene offers a platform f...

local actors who can’t, or don’t want to take their talents to Hollywood, the South African TV scene offers a platform for a decent living to be made.

How much money local TV actors make was brought to the public’s attention in 2014, when SABC soapie Generation’s actors went on strike over a pay dispute.

The stars of the show were asking for R60,000 per month, which was said to be much higher than what their peers were earning.

We asked a local actor to provide an overview of how much money there is to be made in the SA TV scene in 2015 – which is detailed below.

How much TV actors earn in SA

According to a seasoned local actor, main actors in South African soapies can earn between R25,000 to R60,000 per month.

R60,000 was at the high-end of the scale, and not the norm for main cast members, said the actor.

Supporting actors can earn between R1,500 to R5,000 per call – which is a 12-hour day of work. “Stars” can earn up to R6,000 per call, he said.

For extras in a show – usually non-speaking roles, and who can be untrained people “off the street” – R250to R500 per call is the going rate.


POPULAR SABC1 telenovela Uzalo has been rumoured to be a financial hot mess.

This after allegations that two of the drama’s stars Khaya Dladla (GC, the gay beautician) and Leleti Khumalo (Zandile Mdletshe, the wife of pastor Mdletshe) will no longer be part of Mzansi’s No.1 telenovela by ratings.

According to sources within the production, Khaya was fired after “raising concerns about his meagre salary”.

Said the insider: “Khaya’s sin was to ask for a raise and I don’t blame him. He felt he was being underpaid and taken for granted.

“So after Khaya approached the producers, they decided to terminate his contract, claiming they were cutting costs. I guess addressing such concerns is a serious crime.”

The second deep throat said Leleti left the show after Uzalo’s producers announced there’d be salary cuts for the actors.

“She felt she’d done everything for the show. Remember, Leleti is a legend and knows her story. So, she wouldn’t stick around waiting for her salary to be cut in half,” the source said.

“Uzalo is a financial mess and sometimes actors are paid after the due date. It’s no longer the same.

“Besides, Leleti is a big brand and will find work soon. And I wouldn’t be surprised to hear of some of the leading actors following suit.”

When asked to comment, Leleti said: “Baba, before I can confirm anything, I can’t do an interview that we never agreed upon. Please call me next week or on Monday to get your comment.”

Insisted Khaya: “I don’t know where you get all that information from. You aren’t the first person to ask me about this. Go back to your sources and finish whatever you were talking about regarding my name.”

Uzalo spokesperson, Amanda Mthiyane, said: “Unfortunately, we have no comment regarding the matters you’re asking about. We’ll, however, keep you updated if matters arise.”

Meanwhile, the third mole told the SunTeam Uzalo’s production studio had been broken into on Thursday, resulting in the theft of the actors’ valuables, among othe


Friends thank you for the unstoppable rain of likes to our page, we've reach 20 likes in a day , to me that's amazing. Thank you once more.

5 Ways to Use Your Skills to Start a Side BusinessLaunch a Profitable Side Business Using Nothing •••1. FreelancingIf yo...

5 Ways to Use Your Skills to Start a Side Business
Launch a Profitable Side Business Using Nothing

1. Freelancing
If you've built up a set of marketable skills throughout your career and at your day job, you should consider the idea of starting a freelance business on the side. There's a rapidly expanding demand for talented freelance help, especially in the US with over 55 million freelancers in 2016, representing 35 percent of the workforce.

If your skills include writing, designing, developing, marketing, social media management, or another high-demand digital skill, then you're in a great position to start bringing on freelance clients. Start with building a high quality portfolio website to list your skills, showcase examples of your best work, and display reviews from past co-workers or bosses as you get up and running. Create a very clear picture of who your target freelance client is going to be, and make sure you're tailoring your website and reach out experience to what that person is going to expect.

2. Blogging
One of my favorite side businesses, albeit a very long term investment in my future, has been starting a blog and building up a loyal audience of regular readers. If you're comfortable with the potential that it may very well take you years to start earning a decent income from one of the various ways to monetize a blog, and you have a knack for building connections with people through your writing, then this may be for you. Be sure to start with a niche topic that'll give you the opportunity to become well-respected within a close-knit community, before you set your sights on expanding into a very large market.

Your credibility platform will be of great importance moving forward.

3. Online Coaching
If you have a marketable skill that others want to possess or get better at, then there's a market for being paid to coach people, one-on-one, into an accelerated learning experience. The emergence of easy-to-use online coaching websites like Savvy and already provide you with a built-in community of people looking to work on various different types of skills. The most exciting thing about starting an online coaching business on the side is that once you've perfected your teaching experience, you'll be able to easily package it into a more scalable version—an online course.

4. Online Courses
As with online coaching, when there's a growing demand for a skill that you possess, one of the best ways to monetize that ability of yours, is by creating a genuinely helpful online course for others to go through at their own leisure. While the setup time and upfront investments are huge (in terms of your time) with this business model, it's one of the most scalable online businesses out there today. Teachable has become one of the best resources on learning how to launch an online course business, as well as being the premier online course platform to power your course content once you have it built.

5. Physical Products
Whether you have an idea for a new-to-the-world invention, a new spin on an existing product, or nothing more than selling a product in a new way or to a new market, there are countless ways to make money selling physical products on the side.

If you're willing to get creative, there are a nearly unlimited number of ways to use your skills and start a side business that'll have the potential to launch you into a career of self-employment. Check out the Launch While Working Formula for more on how to start and grow a side business while keeping your day job.

Prepare for your next Job Interview Analyze the JobAn important part of interview preparation is to take the time to ana...

Prepare for your next Job Interview

Analyze the Job
An important part of interview preparation is to take the time to analyze the job posting if you have it. As you review the job description, consider what the company is seeking in a candidate.

Make a list of the skills, knowledge, and professional and personal qualities that are required by the employer and are critical for success in the job.

02 Make a Match
Once you have created a list of the qualifications for the job, make a list of your assets and match them to the job requirements.

Create a list of up to 10 of your assets that match the requirements of the job. These might include skills, qualities, certifications, experiences, professional qualifications, abilities, computer skills, and knowledge bases. You can bring up some of these assets when you explain to the employer why you are a great fit for the job.

Also, think of examples from past work experiences that show you have these qualities. This way, if the interviewer asks you to describe a time when you demonstrated a particular skill or ability, you will be ready.

Review the job requirements, your list of assets, and your examples, prior to the interview so that you're prepared to share them during the interview.

This preparation will help you be ready to answer job-specific interview questions and behavioral interview questions designed to determine if you have the knowledge, skills, and qualities needed to perform the job.

03 Research the Company
Before you go on a job interview, it's important to find out as much as you can about not only the job but also the company. Company research is a critical part of interview preparation. It will help you prepare to both answer interview questions about the company and to ask the interviewer questions about the company. You will also be able to find out whether the company and the company culture are a good fit for you.

For a concise understanding of the company, check out the company website, specifically the “About Us” page. Get a sense of how the company compares to other organizations in the same industry by reading articles about the company in industry magazines or websites. You can also check out company reviews from clients and current and former employees.

Also, spend time tapping into your network to see if you know someone who can help give you an interview edge over the other candidates.

04 Practice Interviewing
Take the time to practice answering interview questions you will probably be asked during a job interview. This will help give you a chance to prepare and practice answers, and will also help calm your nerves because you won't be scrambling for an answer while you're in the interview hot seat.

Practice interviewing with a friend or family member ahead of time and it will be much easier when you're actually in a job interview.

Try to conduct the practice interview in the same format as the real interview. For example, if it is a phone interview, ask a friend to call you to practice answering questions over the phone. If it is a panel interview, ask a couple of friends to pretend to be a panel.

Review common job interview question and answers and think about how you will respond so you are prepared to answer.

05 Get Your Interview Clothes Ready
Don't wait until the last minute to make sure your interview clothes are ready. Have an interview outfit ready to wear at all times, so you don't have to think about what you're going to wear while you're scrambling to get ready for a job interview.

Regardless of the type of job you're interviewing for, that first impression should be a great one. When dressing for an interview for a professional position, dress accordingly in business attire.

If you're applying for a job in a more casual environment, such as a store or restaurant, it's still important to be neat, tidy, and well-groomed, and to present a positive image to the employer.

It is also important to think about your makeup and accessories when dressing for an interview. Review these tips on how to accessorize for an interview.

Also, be sure to explore interview outfits for men and interview outfits for women.

06 Decide What to Do With Your Hair
How you style your hair for a job interview is almost as important as the interview clothes you wear. After all, the interviewer is going to notice everything about you – including your interview attire, hairstyle, and makeup – and you only have seconds to make a great impression.

Research hairstyles for short, medium and long hairstyles for inspiration for what to do with your hair when you're interviewing.

07 What to Bring to a Job Interview
It's important to know what to bring (and what not to bring) to a job interview. Items to bring include a portfolio with extra copies of your resume, a list of references, a list of questions ask the interviewer, and something to write with.

It's also important to know what not to bring, including your cellphone (or at least turn your phone off), a cup of coffee, gum, or anything else beyond yourself and your credentials.

08 Practice Interview Etiquette
Proper interview etiquette is important. Remember to greet the receptionist, your interviewer, and everyone else you meet politely, pleasantly, and enthusiastically.

During the interview, watch your body language – shake hands firmly and make eye contact as you articulate your points. Pay attention, be attentive, and look interested. This is something you can work on in your practice interviews.

There are also specific etiquette tips depending on the type of interview you have. Read here for tips on handling a lunch or dinner interview, a panel interview, a phone interview, and a video interview.

The more positive an impression you make, the better you'll do during the job interview. These job interview etiquette tips will help you make the best impression on the hiring manager.

09 Get Directions
It's important to know where you need to go for your job interview – ahead of time. That way, you'll avoid running late to the interview. Use Google Maps or another app to get directions if you're not sure where you are going.

Program your GPS, if you have one, so you can find the best route to the company. Check on parking, if it's an issue.

If you have the time, it's a good idea to do a practice run a day or two before the interview. That way, you'll be sure about where you going and how long it will take to get there. Give yourself a few extra minutes and arrive a little early to the interview.

10 Listen and Ask Questions
During a job interview, listening is just as important as answering questions. If you're not paying attention, you're not going to be able to give a good response.

It's important to listen to the interviewer, to pay attention, and to take time, if you need it, to compose an appropriate answer. It's also important to discuss your qualifications in a way that will impress the interviewer.

Also, be ready to engage the interviewer. You want there to be a give and take in the conversation, so you're building a relationship with the interviewer rather than just providing rote responses to questions. Have questions of your own ready to ask the interviewer.

Towards the end of the interview, let the recruiter know that you believe the job is an excellent fit and that you are highly interested.

11 Follow Up With a Thank You Note
Follow up a job interview with a thank you note reiterating your interest in the job.

Consider your thank you letter as a follow-up "sales" letter. Restate why you want the job, what your qualifications are, how you might make significant contributions, and so on.

This thank you letter is also the perfect opportunity to discuss anything of importance that your interviewer neglected to ask or that you neglected to answer as thoroughly, or as well, as you would have liked.






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