ACDP News We promote Christian news , church and Christian leadership in society .


Heaven and earth shall pass away, but My words shall not pass away. ~Matthew 24:35


Children belong to their parents, not the state.


Never compromise your salvation!!!!


"I'm healthy and I never got the virus so I don't see the reason why I should be vaccinated. I don't think my son will be vaccinated. I think that will happen the last minute when they push everybody, but I won't take my kids for vaccination."


ACDP says 1.5% contraction in SA’s GDP calls for danger bells to be rung

Media Statement by Wayne Thring MP, ACDP Deputy President

The ACDP is extremely concerned about the state of our country's economy after Tuesday’s announcement by Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) of a contraction in our GDP by 1.5% in the 3rd quarter, this after growth in four consecutive quarters.

Not so long ago, Stats SA announced the country's unemployment rate figures which showed an increase of 0.5% from the 2nd quarter - taking the country's rate of the unemployed to 34.9% - a record high since the establishment of the QLFS in 2008.

In the GDP report released by Stats SA we learnt that the industries of manufacturing, trade, as well as agriculture, were some of those to record a decrease in the 3rd quarter. With the latter being the hardest hit as it registered a drop of -13.6%. This, in the ACDP’s view, calls for danger bells to be rung.

The ACDP does not discard the fact that the July riots and looting cost our economy dearly, and that most of these results stems from that. However, we believe that the unrests were only a ticking time bomb, which had an already elapsed time, waiting to explode at any moment. This is due to multiple challenges we face as a country such as the prolonged lockdown with its tight restrictions, sharp increases in food and fuel prices, and recent recessions.

There are several issues that our government needs to remedy with utmost urgency if it desires to change the trajectory of our economy. If President Cyril Ramaphosa continues to show a lack of political will, and fails to deal with our challenges effectively, we will wake up to an economy so severely damaged that it will be even more difficult to recover.


Legal advice and services offered to employees being threatened with losing their jobs if they dont take a Covid jab.


Coalition Talks - Joint statement by the leaders of the following political parties

DA, ActionSA, FF Plus, ACDP, UDM, COPE.

Leaders and delegations of the DA, ActionSA, FF Plus, ACDP, UDM and Cope met in Johannesburg today to discuss the way forward on forming coalition governments.

This meeting was a follow-up on the meeting held on 15 November between these parties and several bilateral discussions.

The discussions were constructive and the parties agreed that in the interest of the future of South Africa it is important to form stable governments which are serious about service delivery and arresting the decay of local government.

The discussions were mainly focused on Tshwane and Johannesburg Metros. The Johannesburg Metro Council is meeting on Monday, 22 November to constitute the council.

As far as the Tshwane Metro is concerned the parties agreed to form a coalition government and support the mayoral candidate of the DA.

In Johannesburg the parties will attempt to keep the ANC out and form a minority government. The majority of parties present agreed to support the mayoral candidate of ActionSA. Consensus was thus not yet reached on Johannesburg.

The DA took a principle decision at their Federal Executive that where they secured the majority of votes amongst opposition parties, they will put forward their mayoral candidate. They will however report the contents of the discussions to their Federal Executive for consideration.

Further discussions between parties will continue over the weekend to finalize and conclude the way forward.

The political parties expressed their appreciation to residents of these Metros for their patience in the midst of finalizing these complex negotiations. Members of the media are requested to afford the political parties concerned the space required to finalize these discussions and communicate the outcomes of such before councils convene.


ACDP supports former Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng’s questioning of Ramaphosa, Dlamini-Zuma and NCCC’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic.

The ACDP supports former Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng’s questioning of President Ramaphosa, Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta) Minister Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma and the National Coronavirus Command Council’s (NCCC) response to the Covid19 pandemic.

The former Chief Justice made these comments when he delivered the keynote address at the conference of the Forum of Institutions Supporting Democracy on 11 November 2021.

The former Chief Justice questioned why citizens allowed a structure “that is neither constitutional nor statutory - a command council and a minister of Cogta (Dlamini Zuma) and the president - to interfere with our extended rights in this manner and to extend lockdowns as easily as they do and in circumstances where more accountability would have been experienced if the National Assembly was allowed to enjoy its constitutional rights.

The initial declaration of the state of disaster and hard Covid 19 lockdown in March 2020 was accompanied by brutal action by security forces, resulting in the tragic deaths of many citizens, including Collins Khosa.

It also resulted in thousands of businesses closing down, devastating livelihoods and employment, as well as severely restricting movement and access to sports, recreational and religious facilities.

The National Assembly is elected to represent the people and to ensure government by the people under the constitution. It does this inter alia by scrutinizing and overseeing executive action.

While the National Assembly has to a certain degree been considering Covid19 related issues, such as the outrageous PPE tender scandal and the roll-out of vaccines, there is no accountability to Parliament over the declaration of the national state of disaster in terms of the Disaster Management Act, the contents of often contentious regulations, as well as the constantly extended national state of disaster.

The ACDP, like many others, has called for an end of the national state of disaster.

We also support private members’ Bills serving before Cogta aimed at amending the National Disaster Management Act to ensure that the President must obtain Parliament’s approval for any extension of the national state of disaster, as is required when a state of emergency is declared in terms of section 37 of the Constitution.

This, we believe, will improve accountability to and oversight by Parliament over the president and executive in this regard.

Lastly, the ACDP is opposed to mandatory vaccines and shares the former Chief Justice’s concerns about proposed vaccine passports, and whether they were not tantamount to forcing people to vaccinate by denying unvaccinated people access to some places.

Rev Kenneth Meshoe


ACDP supports former Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng’s questioning of Ramaphosa, Dlamini-Zuma and NCCC’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic.

- Rev Kenneth Meshoe .MP
ACDP President

The ACDP supports former Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng’s questioning of President Ramaphosa, Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta) Minister Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma and the National Coronavirus Command Council’s (NCCC) response to the Covid19 pandemic.

The former Chief Justice made these comments when he delivered the keynote address at the conference of the Forum of Institutions Supporting Democracy on 11 November 2021.

The former Chief Justice questioned why citizens allowed a structure “that is neither constitutional nor statutory - a command council and a minister of Cogta (Dlamini Zuma) and the president - to interfere with our extended rights in this manner and to extend lockdowns as easily as they do and in circumstances where more accountability would have been experienced if the National Assembly was allowed to enjoy its constitutional rights.

The initial declaration of the state of disaster and hard Covid 19 lockdown in March 2020 was accompanied by brutal action by security forces, resulting in the tragic deaths of many citizens, including Collins Khosa.

It also resulted in thousands of businesses closing down, devastating livelihoods and employment, as well as severely restricting movement and access to sports, recreational and religious facilities.

The National Assembly is elected to represent the people and to ensure government by the people under the constitution. It does this inter alia by scrutinizing and overseeing executive action.

While the National Assembly has to a certain degree been considering Covid19 related issues, such as the outrageous PPE tender scandal and the roll-out of vaccines, there is no accountability to Parliament over the declaration of the national state of disaster in terms of the Disaster Management Act, the contents of often contentious regulations, as well as the constantly extended national state of disaster.

The ACDP, like many others, has called for an end of the national state of disaster.

We also support private members’ Bills serving before Cogta aimed at amending the National Disaster Management Act to ensure that the President must obtain Parliament’s approval for any extension of the national state of disaster, as is required when a state of emergency is declared in terms of section 37 of the Constitution.

This, we believe, will improve accountability to and oversight by Parliament over the president and executive in this regard.

Lastly, the ACDP is opposed to mandatory vaccines and shares the former Chief Justice’s concerns about proposed vaccine passports, and whether they were not tantamount to forcing people to vaccinate by denying unvaccinated people access to some places.



We Need New Political Leadership.

I am convinced, now more than ever before, that we need a new kind of political leadership, the kind that cares more about people than it does about power.

The government of the past 27 years has proved to be egocentric more than it is about the people. To them, the prestige of being in power was more important than making the lives of the people better.

It doesn't matter whether the power was national, provincial or local, it was all about gloating against the opposition. Its been more important to the ANC to rule the country than to improve the lives of the people. This you see in the dosens of commissions which are squandering billions of rands but delivering nothing after that. None of the people implicated have ever been brought to book.

The DA has only been feeding its ego about being the Provincial government of the Western Cape. That is what they are fighting for because they feel that that gives them some form of legitimacy. They can't show much about what they have done to improve the lives of people from Langa, Michelle's Plain or Khayelitsha.

The 2016 local government elections brought to the fore what was important to the political parties. Julius Malema and his EFF received the mandate from the people but used that mandate to prove a point and to spite the ANC, instead of working for the people who voted for them. To them, punishing the ANC was paramount, not fighting for the lives of its voters. Being in cohorts with the DA (even when the two were like evil and righteousness) with nothing in common, revealed what the real motive of the EFF was. Julius Malema, contaminated all his followers with his evil intent of paying revenge on the ANC for expelling him from the party.

If the EFF had collaborated with the ANC from 2016, Gauteng Province would have had great strides moving forward. Now, Gauteng is the worst province. Johannesburg, the hub of economic activity is in shambles. City of Tshwane is a disgrace and is non functional, and the blame must squally be put at the door of the EFF.

It's time to look towards new blood and new ideas in politics. Christians must put godly and Christian principles ahead. It's time to look towards the ACDP. Why ACDP someone may ask?

1. The ACDP has mellowed over the years. It has now matured since the advent of democracy in South Africa. It's one of the parties that have been in parliament since 1994. The ACDP has seen first hand how power corrupt and how absolute power corrupts absolutely. It is a God-fearing party and I believe they will do their best to represent godliness rather than corruption as demonstrated by the powers that be in the past 27 years.

2. While Rev. Kenneth Meshoe was a novice in politics in 1994, he has shown consistency in his principles over the years. He has learnt to be a political leader through trial and error. Kenneth Meshoe has corrected his and the mistakes of his party over the years. He can no longer be accused of running a political party like running a church. He now fully understands politics. I believe he can be trusted with real power. He has seen how power can corrupt, and I believe he can lead his party and the country corruption free. He must make it a point though that his party governs for everyone, nor just for Christians.

3. Kenneth Meshoe and the ACDP have not been corrupted and contaminated by greed and power. Unfortunately, the ANC is now and has become victim to power, greed and corruption. The ANC has mastered the art of manipulating power and corruption. They can only be redeemed away from governing power. ANC needs to be admitted into a rehabilitation centre to be treated for its addiction to power and corruption.

The City of Tshwane is in shambles and it needs salvation. Not only Tshwane but Johannesburg, Nelson Mandela Bay and Cape Town as well. In the 2021 Local government Elections, voters in these Metros must look towards the ACDP for corrupt free leadership. It will be a grave mistake to trust the three mega parties: ANC, DA AND EFF, once again. They must be sent back to sober up, before the next national and provincial elections.

Please be aware that I am not a card carrying member of the ACDP or of any other political party. I speak as a leader of the nation and am giving my honest opinion and diagnosis. I have voted for the ANC before, so I can not be accused of being anti ANC or pro ACDP. I am a citizen before I am a voter. I'm deeply sorry that my vote had created greedy politicians in the ANC. May God forgive us for keeping them in power as a country even after they have shown that they represent no one else except their greedy stomachs. It's time to trust God-fearing people.
++Archbishop Abraham Sibiya.


No to tenders and yes to municipal jobs.


It got the world's attention when an Oxford Professor of Mathematics responded to the challenge of leading atheists: Defend the reasonableness of the Christi...


The New Dawn, Elite Looters, Same old Same old, says ACDP

By ACDP Deputy President, Wayne Thring MP

The ACDP would like to remind South Africans that the current administration, under the ruling party led by President Ramaphosa, promised us, not so long ago, that we would be ushered into a new dawn.

Following the release of the unemployment statistics for the 2nd quarter of 2021 this week, we have witnessed South Africa comfortably claiming, yet again, its title of having the highest unemployment rate in the world. Additionally, our country has reached an all-time new record, with an unemployment rate of some 34.4%. Meaning that, the number of unemployed people in our country now stands at 7.8 million, on the narrow definition of unemployment. On the expanded definition, the number sits at over 10 million. This clearly shows that till this very day, not much has changed in how our country is run, despite promises of change.

Moreover, the ACDP believes that the 2 weeks of looting which took place beginning of last month is just a share contributor to our unemployment status. The real problem, however, is the “elite looters” from the ruling party. These are the people who continue to drain our economy through corruption, mismanagement of funds, as well as many other incompetencies that have now become part of their identity and culture.

As seen this week, municipalities are in shambles. The ACDP notes that Party-political battles are still the order of the day within the ruling party. A typical example being the Job Mogkoro-Bushy Maape dilemma - a master class example of a political drag race to power and elite looting. The unfortunate part of this, sadly, is that the people of our country are continuously left to suffer as they are ushered into the pits of poverty.

It is from these clear observations that we conclude that the so called “New Dawn” was nothing but a mirage, an election campaign stunt to secure the office of President. The “New Dawn” was nothing but a dream, as reality shows us the same old, same old, only this time with a new face in leadership.

As we approach local government elections, the ACDP calls on the electorate not to be fooled, but to choose able, competent, honest men and women as their representatives. The ACDP has such candidates and continues to work towards uniting, building and growing our economy, citizens and country.


For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain. - Philippians 1:21


A giant in Christ, a dear friend, a teacher and preacher of the word of God, a general in the Kingdom of God, Rev Dr Lawrence Mogoera Bishop, has transitioned and has gone to be with the Lord. I deeply mourn his passing and he will be dearly missed. May his wife and family and the Miracle Rock of Ages Baptist Church be comfort. Good night my dear brother and friend. I love you deeply.


We are saddened to inform you of the passing of Pastor Gono Reddy of Agape Family Ministries on the corner of 19th Avenue and Primrose street, Laudium.

Pastor Reddy was a close friend and colleague of Pastor Kevin Naicker who requested prayers on a few occasions for Pastor Reddy while he was hospitalised.

“Pastor Gono Reddy was a kind, humble and exceptional community person. His contribution to uplifting the community and providing direction to the youth will not go unnoticed. May his soul rest in eternal peace.” Daya Chetty

Laudium Today passes its sincere condolences to his family, friends and community at large.






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