Golden Hour Limousin 📸
#limousin #bullsofinstagram #fotografia #bovina #bull #livestockphotography #livestockvideography #digitalmarketing #agriculturemarketing #socialmediamarketing #limousinsa
Something about a Santa 👌🏼 Breede Santas BR 22-01 for the Santa Select Auction
#breedesantas #santagertrudis #livestockphotography #livestockvideography #farmtok #womeninagriculture #cattleshoot #fyp #agrimedia #bullsoftiktok #bigbulls #cattlephotography #sonyG
Cold Mornings & Cattle 👌🏼
#livestockphotography #livestockvideography #cattle #santagertrudis #studcattle #womeninagriculture
PP Mong - Online Auction
HULLE AANLYN VEILING IS OOP! op 4 Prestasie Getoetste Bulle van PP Mong Herefords.
Vir meer inligting en om te bie, Besoek:
Laai die katalogus af aanlyn, kyk na foto's en video's van elke bul beskibaar. Jou aflewering ingesluit as jy n koper in die Wes-Kaap is.
🗓 12 - 16 August 2024
☎Bertus Mong 082 947 0701 | Fachulyn Kotze 082 947 0713
📋BKB South Special- & Stud Auctions BKB
🐂SA Hereford Society
📸 Grow Up Agricultural Media
Besoek die webtuiste om meer te lees oor hulle Hereford & Dohne Merino Stoet asook kommersiele diere.
‼️ 18 July 2024 - Stellenbosch University Dohne Merino and SA Vleismerino Auction 👏🏼
#merino #dohnemerino #vleismerino #livestockphotography #livestockvideography
Appropriate footwear is KEY when running around after Bulls this season! #livestockphotographer #livestock #bullseason #strassberger #boots #vellies #agriculture #agrimedia
Bull PHOTOshoot 📸
Today was informal auction prep with the selected boys!
Stud: @ppmongstud
@growupmedia_sa @zonneliezeroeloffze
PP Mong Hereford & Dohne Merino Stud Groot Seuns vir 2024 🔥 #ppmongherefords #herefordstud #herefordstudsouthafrica #herefordcattle #livestockphotography #agriculturalmedia #agrimedia #videography #agricontent #boer #farmtok #farmingsa #farmlife
We got to see the Electric Powered Boat by @hysucat at Nampo Kaap ‘23 🤩, it’s beautiful and it’s electric! #electricboat #electricspeedboat #hysucat #alternativeenergy #speedboat
Some days are hard… but I love it 🖤 #blackangus #livestockphotography #angussouthafrica
We all know one of those lucky ones 😂 #cattle #funnycows #farmproblems #mensingfences #bulls #angusbulls #angus
Still super proud of our results at @wes_suid_kaap_angus_club Annual Auction for this year 🙌🏼🤩🥳 #wessuidkaapangusklub #angussa #angusza