Remember why it is Important that as Informal Traders we stand together and have a unified voice
SAITA - Why the need for a unified voice!
SAITA StraightTalk! Remember the TREP Program?
Remember Township and Rural Entrepreneurship Program (TREP) and the benefits alongside it?
SAITA Straight Talk! Remembering the Importance of the Fight against Gender Based Violence
SAITA StraightTalk making constant noise and advocating against Gender Based Violence
SAITA StraightTalk! Remember the confiscation of goods and the waiver of permit fees?
As informal Traders, the conversation around the confiscation of goods remain at the top of our list.
SAITA StraightTalk! Epilepsy, something that we should be spoke about all year long.
Many South Africans suffer from Epilepsy and therefore it is important that we create awareness all year long.
SAITA StraightTalk! SALGA Providing feedback on changes which will take place within municipalities
SAITA StraightTalk will engage SALGA to find out what changes we can expect within Municipalities.
SAITA StraightTalk! Remember the TREP Program?
Remember Township and Rural Entrepreneurship Program (TREP) and the benefits alongside it?
SAITA StraightTalk! TOPIC: Will you help #BreakTheBias?
International Women's Day 2022 - Imagine a gender equal world. A world free of bias, stereotypes and discrimination. A world where differences are valued and celebrated. Our panel of activists will take us on their journey and guide us on how to #BreakTheBias
SAITA StraightTalk! The War In Ukraine and how Informal Traders are impacted
Informal Traders earn a day to day living with trading. With the current war at hand, they are unable to do this in Ukraine and Russia. SAITA will unpack the current state of Informal Traders in Ukraine
SAITA StraightTalk! SAITA challenges illegal fines to traders
SAITA living their values. We take a look at what happened when SAITA represented traders at Municipal Court for the illegal fines issued to our traders.
SAITA StraightTalk! Analysing the Budget Speech 2022
Watch us tonight as we unpack the Budget Speech 2022 and how this impacts the Informal Sector
SAITA StraightTalk! Budget Speech 2022
Watch the live Budget Speech 2022 at 2pm