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PLZ LIKE...REACT..COMMENT N SHARE THIS PAGE : he is my soul mate ❤❤

Ndisaqhubeka nale ningaxhali




Ndizobhala kxx benana ❤


Lomso POV

Ndiye ndazama ukuvuka but u Themba uye wandibamba

Him: Where do you think you're going ?
Him:I'll let you go only if you promise to come back
Me: I will ❤
He let go but then held on my waist with a huge ass grin on his face

Him:I think you're forgetting something
Him:Morning kiss
Me:No ways(He looked at me confuses )
Him:yes. Ways
Me: Mxm Khandiyeke ndyovasa
Him:Gimme a kiss first then I'll let you go
Me:Morning breath
Him:(chuckles) I don't care
Me:Then I care
Him: I give up 😂😂😂
He let go ndayovasa did my hygiene process gqiba ndagqoka I Uniform yam ndaphinda e bedroom

Me: bby I'm done masi hambe
Him:ohk Gimme few minutes
Me: ukhawulezise kee

Uye waphakama ways e bathroom mna ndaya e downstairs ndiyokwenza into yokutya.....Kwangqongqozwa emnyango ndayovula intombazane 🙆🙄😕

Her:Ohhhh lento eyenza u Themba angaybambi icon uhlel nawe 😡
Me: Mamela undimamelisise ungandinyeli mna awundaz nokundaz asizizo ne chommie.....ungake ulinge uzondinyusela amakhwapha emzin wendoda yam siyevana 😡😡👿🙄
Her:Uzondenzan ? Khambuze uba the night before eze apha ubelele naban

Yhooooo lekaka iyandiqhela lento RHA ndamxhumela ndamshaya uyandinyela lo ndingxame andikwaz nokthetha wafika uthemba wazolamla ndamyeka Themba n this girl had an unspoken conversation

Him: Thandiwe ufuna ntoni apha ?
Her:ndifuna wena bby
Him: sundibiza bby marn 😡 uzokwenza ntoni apha ??
Her: sundenza kanjer klk...bendizokuxelela uba ndimith

Yhooooo guys my heart broke into million pieces 😭💔 u Themba udlale ngam kwakhona ndisisibhanxa ndiye ndahamba ndaya e skolweni ndililila 💔


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Me: Themba stop with the damn waterworks
Him: ndaxolisa kalok mntuwam (Guys I boyfriend yam le bese ndisiva kabhlungu xase Lila ngoluhlobo but I didn't want to acknowledge him)
Me:No bunch of words coming from your fu***ng mouth are going to make me better 😭 How could you hit me so hard and force Ye ?? (Sniffs) I get it you are mad but , if you're mad hell break all the fu***ng windows or kick something but never ever lay a hand at me again
Him: you're right n m sorry I'll Never do that again
Me: good now take me back home
Him: Lomso baby I'm trying here pls don't ever think of leaving me

I stood up and sat on his lap in my squat position..he tensed a bit but let go.

Him: what are you doing
Me: trying to talk to my Man
Him: but now you're seducing ur Man (chuckles)
Me:Tell me why
Him: Why what ??
Me:Why do you always choose to hurt me so bad n painful
Him:I said I'm sorry Lomso ( Tears were flowing down his cheeks again....I swear I felt it. He held me tight)
Him: I Love you(it came as a whisper ❤😻 I fell unlove... I wanted to tell him I love him too but he shut me with a kiss that made me long for him but I had to stop him before we do things we'll regret tomorrow)
Me:Themba stop
Him:I don't want to
He carried on kissing me hungrily ..I tried pushing him but held me tighter n deepen the kiss
Me:Stop......,.Themba Don't
Him: Which one is it
Me: Don't stop
He chuckled then kissed me again Now it was steamy....Themba made love to me over and over again..When we were done I fell asleep on his arms
I woke the next morning Themba was wrapped around me like a Python it felt like a dream came through
I loved this guy more than words can say but he breaks my heart every chance he get 😭💔 Yet I still want to be with him



Igama lam ndinguthemba ndihlala e JHB.
Ewe u Lomso I Medi yam kwaye mna ndiligintsa.sesineminyaka emithathu sidyola no Lomso kwaye indiphethe kahle lentokaz.

So I tried calling Lomso several times akabambi fon. Yemajita ndabila lomntana uhlel naban njengoba engabambi found😡😡
Ndaxelela u bullet(one of my guard) andilandelele yena, Hhayboh ngomvulo eksen wafona u bullet
Call Conv

Bullet: Boss I have juicy news for you
Me:Don't keep me waiting, Zthin ??
Bullet:Iyakudyolela imedy yakho

Yhuuuu ndangxama ndathatha izikhiya zemoto ndaphuma ndahamba ndiya e JHB njengangok uzondichola kahle u Lomso RHA 😕😕........Four hours later u Bullet wandinika isthombe saLomso nenye ibharu imncamisa esphongwen. S**t ! 😭💔

Ndahamba ndade ndafika eskolwen sakhe zange ndiye nasendlin uzuqonde....Saphuma iskolo weza ekarin yam useMoodin 😂 waye wazama ukundithethisa ndaqonda ndizothula side siyofika endlin

Sithe xasifika wangena e bedroom wahlala ngezbunu wandibheka

Me:so Uyandidyolela 😡
Her:Hhay baby(zange aygqibe ndamshaya ngempama....ayboh ndakhululibhanti ndamshaya ecela amaxola Majita💔

Her: Themba ndiyaxolisa kodwa uhlel waz ba undibetha njer undibethela into engekhoyo

Yhuuuu ndamyeka umntuwam sendiyazisola ngoku , ndiphumile ndaya e lounge.....after some time ebesethulile eyekile ukulil ndaya kuye ndafika elele 😴💔Ndiyoyika Majita xa evuka no "It's Over" ndizathini ? NdAmthanda lamntana Majita andizenzis kwaye ndinomona ngaye....ndalala ndilila luvalo

***Lomso's POV***

Ndiye ndavuka endijongile u Themba mxm andangxama

Him:baby I'm sorry
Me:for what ?
Him:for laying my hands on you
Me: Okey....ndigoduse
Him: ungay eskolwen ndizakusa eclinic(Ewe guys undishaye kabuhlungu but ebuswen bendingananto)
Me:Don't....ndiyakwaz ukuziyela
Him:baby marn I'm trying here

Ndimshiyile ndayovasa and wore his shirt n my pantys gqiba ndaya e bedroom ndifike ehlel ngempundu echiphiza

Him:baby I'm sorry ( he had tears flowing down his cheeks....he wiped his eyes


Happy Sunday bahlobo bam ❤😻


Him:past 11

Uye waqhuba sayofika eskolwen ndaphuma emotwen ndangaluval ucango

Me:ndiyabonge ke Siya uhambe kahl
Him:Enkoc unayo imali
Me:,yep but ungandipha nawe
Him:hay soze😂
Me:khathi ndiye ebanganin bam
Him:come here
Ndaya kuye

Him: uyathanda u bhutakh va ??
Me: ehhh😂 ufuna utsho lontto ?? Nam ndiyamthanda

He kissed my forehead gqiba wahamba
Zaqhamka ezimokhwe zibabangan bam
Bandigijimela we hugged ❤😜

Them :yebo unjn awusatyebe
Me: ay ukodlula Nina
Zikhona: uyi hagu klk wena awuzbon
Me: mcm
Liyema:akazbon klk
Kwakhal ibell saya emaclassin(I won't bore y'all with iskolo) going back to the story siyw it was tym to go home

Ndiye ndaphuma nge gate ndajonga exam itshon andazibona ....Auboh nantsi imoto ka Themba ndaya emotwen yakhe ndifike equmbile

Me:(clears throat)baby
Him: ••••silence••••
Uye waqhuba Sade sayofika endlin yakhe kuthulekile...

Him:Masingene (Uye waphuma wayongen endlin ndamlandela)
Him: uyandityolela wena huh? 😡😠
Me:haybo(yangena impama.....I swear guys I saw stars 😭😭😭💔)
Him; ikaka le (undikhombise isthombe ngok u Siyanda ebendincamisa)
Waqhubela wandibetha kakub kanjn 😭😭

Wakugqina wahamba God knows where
Ndangibela ebhedin ndalala ndilila 💔😭


Lomso POV❤

Ndiye ndehla ndaya e lounge ndifike kukho utata no Lingo

Me: uphi u baby 😹?( ndilinganisa utata xa ebuza umama😹😹)
Dad:nguban lowo 😂
Dad: unesgezo wena uyolanda u Siyanda (ngubhut ker u Siyanda)

Ndiye ndayophaka satya sokugqiba ndavasa izitya ndaya endlinam.
Damn u Themba ufone more than 30 times ifon yam ibiku silent phezolo ndilibel ukuyikhupha.....ndizame several times kufonela aycosh ifon 😭💔
Ndiy ndaqukwa buthondo....utata wazondivusa bekuth ndimbulal I was enjoying my nap
Dad:Nana izotya
Me:ndiyeza(ndatsho ndizegquma ngengubo)
Dad:Jeez it's been five hour ulele awoneli ?
Me:khayodla undiyeke andilambanga

Ndaxhuma ebhedin ndayowash'umlomo ndayotya...In all honesty bendingalambang bendifuna umntu Sam qha....I tried calling him again akabambi kwafon Mxm ndangxama okukwan then engazbamb ngcingo zam ?😕😕
I dozed off thinking about Themba

Ndiye ndavuka kusen ndayovasa did my hygiene process gqiba ndagqoka uniform kungomvul ndiy eskolwen....Bendimhe va ❤😻 bese ndikhumbula nechommy zam zikhona no Liyema .
Ndiye ndayotya gqiba kwam ndavasa izitya ulingo ebesalele .Ndiye endlin yabazal bam ngangena without nocking.... Ndingene utata ephuz kwamama 😂😂Hhay bayatyana na aba ??

Me:(clears throat) Ahmmm.....tata (waxhuma waduka phezkwa mama wandijong
Him:kuyangqongqozwa lomso marn 😕
Me:Haska cela imali ( bendihleka )
Him:uyahlupha wena ( uphakamise umqamel wakhipha I R150)nantsi
Me:Thanks.... Ningaqhubeka ke... But ningagqiban😂😂
Him: uyaphapha wena (uncumile)

Hhay lo ungumama uphathaphathana no tata akandijong tu....Shem inoba kudala bagqibelana 😂....but sebebadal for I s*x

Me: Nisale kahle ker
Dad:USyanda uzokusa eskolwen namhlanjr
Him:Ukhona...khahambe uzoba late

Ndiye ndaphuma...Ewe guys undigxothela ukutya umama yhuuuu ay basile abam abazali 😂😂
Ndiye ndayokhwela emotwen ndifike Siyanda endilindile

Him: Lomso
Me:bhut unjn
Me:ndiryt nam ufike xeshan ??




Xolwen guys ifon yam iyahlupha bendingekagqibi ubhala


Me:so awudyoli
Him: andidyoli baby
Me:cel uxolo bendicinga yinyan leya
Him:you don't trust your man huh ??
Me: xolo ndiyakthemba ngoku.
Him: glad to hear tht I missed ur voice
Me:Is tht all ?
Him:no ndikhumbula yonke into ngawe.
Me:Awusandifun klk wena andith ?
Him:Utsho njn ngok
Me:Awufun klk wena ukubuy ufuna ndicinge ntoni ??
Him:Don't be jealous bbe ndithanda wena wedwa and ndiyakukhumbula mna ngok
Me: I'm not jealous
Him:I can smell it all the way from here😹

Yhuuuu hai nam ndyamkhumbula umntuwam futh ndiyamthanda😭❤
Me:Nam ndakukhumbula njer sthandwa Sam
Him:Hhay suzulisa uyakhweleta vele wena
Me: Ayikho lontto apha
Him:Thank you Lomso
Sendi lost benana lenkwenkwe ibonha nton na
Him:For being you,ukundinyamezela nangoku ndithanfa kangak. Ndiyazidla ngawe ntokaz (andancuma )I love you now,tomorrow n forever
Me:,bby are u okey uyandothusa (besendifuna nolila kengok mntuwam akaqhelang uthetha ngoluhlobo)
Him:ndiryt Sthandwa Sam
Me:Themba don't die there(Sniff's)
Him:Don't...No crying bby ndiryt and ksasa ndiyabuya ndiza kuw I just want you to know how I feel about you
Me:I love you more sthandw Sam
Him:Thank you I should go now
Me: bye bbes
Nda dropha ifon yam sana ❤


Continuation ❤
Ndiye nda dropha ifon yam ndaqhubeka ndalala...emvakwexesha yaringa ibingu Themba
Call convo

Me :miss me already
Voice: you better stay away from my man you broke ass bitch
Ye guys yavala ucingo I cherry , I was boiling inside
Ndaqhubeka ndalala ndivuswe yile fon kwakhona ibingu Themba
Him: bby ka Themba
Me:don't baby me wena kaka uyandidyolela
Him:ayboh Lomso uthetha ngantoni ??
Me:Don't act dumb indifofownel I cherry yakho
Him: uyicherry yam yeyiph le ifonele wea ?!
Me: don't try me udlal ngexetsha lakho bhut
Ndavala ifon yam gqiba ndaycika , I was boiling inside ayboh klk MNA ndamthanda u Themba with everything in me.As I was deep in thoughts kwangena u Lingo and she noticed uba andikho ryt wakhwela ebhedin yam gqiba wasondela k*m

Lingo:kuthen sisi wanje ??
Me: u Themba uyandidyolela
Her:Ayboh nabani ??
Me: Andyaz LA Cherry ibindifounel yathi ihlel naye cc 😭😭 uthi ihlel nendoda yam Lingo fondin ( ndalila yhuuuu bendophukile ngaphakath)
Her: ay lo cherry inedrama kengok ikuxelel bathin xa ihlel nendoda yakho ....sisi try to move on with ur life without u Themba ukwenza isbhanxa sakhe owa
Me: njani? Ndiyamthanda MNA
Kuye kwangena umama sathula sabhekana
Mom: yizan nizotya klk bantabam
Me:okay magriza 😹
Mom: sundbiza lonto wena
Me: umtsha na ??
Her:uke umbone umagriza onjengam Lomso ??
Me: Ewe nguwe klk mama
Her: ay yaphambana wena (ephuma emnyango owam umama 😹😹😹 )
Wafona u Themba I ignored him

Lingo: You better take that
Me: ngu Themba .
Her: I know

Ndiye ndayphendula ker lofon yam
Him:Lomso ndiyaxokisa ibingu Thandiwe lamntana uyandifuna
Me: ugqibile
Him:baby don't do tht
Me:ufuna nton kanye kanye k*m ??
Him: I want you kalok mntu wam
Me: Xelela medi yakho lontto ay mna Themba
Him: Oyhini mntuwam ndiceluxolo torho
Me: yinton nawena was act(a)
Him: kuyandiphambanisa ukungakuboni Lomso
Me:qhubeka uphambane ke bhuti
Him:Lomso ndithe andithandan nalamntana I swear
Me: What her name
Him: Thandiwe
Me:so awundidyoleli



Hy everyone
My name is Lomso Mavundla I'm a twin.....My twin ccter is Lingomso

I'm 18 years of age.....Ndihlala e JHB

I'm inlove with Themba.

Please take this heartfelt journey with me , Hope you enjoy it.

Kunggqibelo ekusen bendisalele, ndiye ndavuka ndyo hlambumlomo & freshen up did my hygiene process gqiba kwam ndaya downstairs , ndifikd kukho u Lingomso(my twin sister)
Lingo: ude wavuka cc ? 😹
Me: Ewe baphi abantu ?
Her;Baye edolophin beetshilo njer
Me:Ahhh ndikhohliwe...what for breakfast ?
Her:ndaz zenzele unezandla tyhin !
Me:khayek udlalisa ndibethekile fondin
Her: vula bheke Microwave (hay ndaya ndafika kukhona ndakuthath ndayohlalaphantsi ndatya ndisogqiba ndavasa izitya. Wandibheka Lingo wahleka 🙄)
Me:unyuba nton na wena ?
Her:ndingangahlek njan usidla angath awusophinde udle

Uye waqhubeka wahleka 😏 ndonyanya more....Ay ndacunuka inoba ubhunyulan na lo ? Ndahamba ndaya Room(in) yam ndithe xa ndihlala ebhedin yakhala ifown yam ibingu Themba
(Call conv)
Him: mntuwam unjn
Me: ndiphilil unjn wen
Him:ndiyaphil nam ndiyakukhumbula qha
Me:( giggled)
Him:Nyan Lomso bby
Me:buya klk mntuwam
Him:ndizabuya emva kwenyanga
Yhoo lento ka Themba nezi Missions zakhe seyiqala kundidikan....undixelel ba usazohlala enye inyanga phezu kwezi zintathu sezihleli ay ndavele ndadikwa sana 😧
Him:Kwenzeka nton waphansi mntuwam ?
Me:Akhontto wethu wen sebenza apho ude ubuye
Him:ungakhathazeki ngalonto i'll be back b4 u know it
Me:Hope so
Him:Sthandwa mandihambe ngok
Me:okey drop.a ifon ker
Him: Idont want to
Me:ungay drophi ker 😹😹
Him:bby i have to
Me:Okey bye
Him: I love you Lomso
Me:Thank You(nditsho ngabom ndiyayaz ba uyadikwa xa ndimphendul ngoluhlob)
Him:Sundigezela wena
Me: Nganton ngk ??
Him: sundenza isbhanxa wena
Me: chuckles.....I love you too baby 😭❤
Him:enough to spend your whole life doing this ??
Me: yes
Him:Thank you






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