Academic Council of Somali Journalists - ACSOJ

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Innaa Lillaahi wa innaa ileyhi raajicuun.  Academic Council of Somali Journalists - ACSOJ waxa uu ka tacsiyeynayaa geeri...

Innaa Lillaahi wa innaa ileyhi raajicuun. Academic Council of Somali Journalists - ACSOJ waxa uu ka tacsiyeynayaa geerida naxdinta leh ee ku timid Ustaad Maxamed Xuseen Cosoble oo ka ahaa madaxda ACSOJ oo maanta Xamar ku geeriyooday. Ehel, asxaab iyo dhammaan ummadda Soomaliyeed sabar iyo Iimaan Allaha ka siiyo, marxuumkana Jannadii Firdowso haka waraabiyo. Amiin Aamin.

  waxa ay cambaareyneysaa gummaadka lagu hayo shacabka Somaliyeed guud ahaan, gaar ahaan wariyeyaasha oo hurmuudka u ah ...

waxa ay cambaareyneysaa gummaadka lagu hayo shacabka Somaliyeed guud ahaan, gaar ahaan wariyeyaasha oo hurmuudka u ah horumarka dalka iyo dadkaba.

Academic Council of Somali Journalists - ACSOJ waxa ay ehelka, asxaabta iyo dhammaan ummadda Soomaliyeed ay la qeybsaneysaa xanuunka geerida naxdinta ee walaalkeen Cabdilfataax Qeys agaasimihii Somali Cable TV ee muqdisho, kaas oo xalay ka mid noqday dadkii ku dhintay weerarkii bahalnimo ee ka dhacay maqaayadda Blue sky ee magaaalada Muqdisho.

Rabbi naxariistii Janno haka waraabiyo marxuum Qeys iyo intii kale ee la dhimatay. Inta dhaawca ahna waxaan Alle uga baryeynaa in uu si dhaqsi ah ugu booga dhayo. Amiin


We condemn the detention of Liban Abdi Warsame , a reporter of Media Group and it's cameraman Najib Farah by intelligence agents in Howlwadag district, s
, Somalia.

The two journalists are said to have been brutally tortured by their detainers.

rejects this action of extrajudicial punishment , urges the officials to act immediately to release the journalists and bring all perpetrators to book.


demands the immediate release of the fellow journalist Abdullahi Qoslaye from the unlawful detainment by the Somali police forces.

MR. Qoslaye , who is sports reporter is currently detained at the the Somali Criminal Investigation Department (CID) headquarters in The Capital city , Mogadishu.

As it condemns this uncalled for action , ACSOJ also urges Somali officials to develope legal measures preventing Journalists from persecutions and enabling them to perform their journalistic duties , freely , across the country.


The leadership have been saddened to hear the unfortunate death of the reporter Ahmed Mohamed So'dal by IED explosion planted by the terrorist organization in Basra Village near Mogadishu .

The deceased was killed along with Banadir police commander Farhan Mohamud popularly known as Qarole during security operation to flush out the insurgents.

As we send our condolences to the family and the Somali people , we strongly condemn this heinous crime in which the journalist Ahmed Mohamed who was performing his national duty and serving his people was targeted.

At the end ACSOJ leadership and it's members call for mechanism to be put in place for safeguarding fellow journalists in Somalia.

  waxey ku baaqeysaa, in aan lagu xad gudbin sharafta iyo karaamada wariye Sufyaan Sh. Axmed  , oo baryihii u dambeeyay ...

waxey ku baaqeysaa, in aan lagu xad gudbin sharafta iyo karaamada wariye Sufyaan Sh. Axmed , oo baryihii u dambeeyay warar aan sugneyn baraha bulshada lagu faafinayay, kuwaas oo wax u dhimaya muunadda wariyaha.

Sidoo kale, waxa ay ACSOJ soo jeedineysaa in wixii eedeymo ah baaritaan lagu sameeyo ka hor inta aan lagu magac dilin shaqsi bulashada macag ku dhax leh. Waxaan kaloo ay ACSOJ baraarujineysaa, in dadka wax ku qora baraha bulshada ay ogaadaan in ay masuul kayihiin wixii ka dhasha qoraaladooda oo sababi kara magac dil qufeed, marin habaabin ummadeed iyo iska horkeen bulsheed.Taas oo ah qatar weyn oo mudan in laga taxaddaro.

Ugu dambeyn, ACSOJ waxey ugu baaqeysaa dhammaan inta wax ku qorta baraha bulshada in ay muujiyaan masuuliyad dhab ah, oo ku wajahan waxa ay qorayaan oo ay ummadda u gudbinayaan, taas oo haddi ay dhacdo yareyn karta ku xad-gudbidda sharafka iyo karaamada ruux kasta oo bulshada ka mid ah.

Still Mourning for HimDeath is necessary end for all living beings.  Animals and humans are known to mourn for their los...

Still Mourning for Him

Death is necessary end for all living beings. Animals and humans are known to mourn for their loss. Even though humans accept that death as part of life, yet they still mourn the most, when someone with great personality passes away as they reflect the influence of that person had in their lives. If the deceased was not poplar, his immediate family were left to keep him or her in their memory while they alive, where the important people of every nation die, others have the responsibility to write about the life and achievement of that great person. Everywhere, people would hear about him/her in the media. Their story is on TV, over the radio or Social media outlets. My dear friend was on that ilk...The Somali nation have lost this week a person of great quality, who had been working in the media over forty years.

Ahmed Abdinur was a simple man with big heart. He was a household name with a distinctive commanding voice. Every Somali must have heard his passing. Many people felt they lost a family member, because of his popularity in teaching, sports and, off course in the media. He was a private man who accepted life as it came with inquisitive eyes. He was someone who could paint imaginary pictures in your mind with words.

Descriptions of everything was easy for him. He knew the Somali language, culture and the people of all Somali regions in the country as if he had lived among them for years. He knew everything about them inside out... their food, custom and dialect. He was fascinated in their poems, dances and their style of traditional dresses.

It is pertinent to mention that he admired the simple life of Somali nomads and the poor. He would say that the poor were the most hard working group in the society, and any little money that were given to them was well deserved and would be put in good use. That was why he used to work good programmes to raise awareness of their plight... Gurmad was one of the most important programmes ever broadcast. A large number of people benefited it one way or the other.

It is fair to say that Ahmed had known in person all Somali politicians, businessmen, artists, security officials, religious leaders and traditional leaders by name. He had met them all in the course of his duty... but his heart laid with the poor and there causes. It was easy for him to switch the poor stories to world of sports. The Somali youth had learned the most important fixtures of football from his programmes. He was a good football commentator. He knew the history of all great footballers by heart. Some of them had names which were difficult to pronounce for a Somali speaker. He would ring the pronunciation service in order to get that name right...

That was part of his working life, Ahmed was a family man too. He was married to another journalist and had son with her. They lived in Somalia the hardest times of the civil war. Living in Mogadishu in nineties was like living in hell according to him. The government institutions fell apart after 1992 and little money he had saved he opened up a little shop in Bakaro Market so that he might support his family. He said that that was the most difficult time in his life. Business was not his field. The most of people did not have income at that time, except those lucky ones who had been receiving remittance from abroad. The market competition was tough and merciless. A kind person like him could not have worked in that sort of environment. He said that that he had hated that job and wanted to go back to journalism. He came back to his old job, when he had lost his shop in arson attack in Bakaro Market.

Working as journalist again in warlord era was not rosy, or anything comparable to his office in radio Mogadishu where he had worked in different capacity from a journalist to a senior manager. He had to dodge flying bullets whenever he had ventured out for work. His worst nightmare had come to reality. He was travelling in a public bus when rounds of machine guns rang. The passengers had been killed or injured, in an instant, Ahmed had not felt anything. He thought that he had been alright ‘Alhamdulillah’.

Then immediately, he started helping others to be taken to hospital. There were few men working with him. One man said to him that he should get into vehicle as Ahmed had been injured in the chest. The bullet missed his heart within a whisk. Ahmed never told anyone that he had come too close to death. After that incident, he was pious man who was in service for others, from there on, he had never complained or uttered a bad word or swared.

In retrospect, he was the most patient and effective man that I have ever known. Probably, Ahmed had almost died and transformed his life to better human being and had been preparing himself for the unknown, or his eventual death, because no human being could be that careful... His memory lives on in the minds of his families, colleagues, friends and the Somali nation forever. Ahmed spoke to me a month ago. In truth, have never thought that I would be writing this eulogy. What a great friend! R.I.P. May Allah bless his soul. Amen.The end.

By Mohamed Mohamud Adde.
The author is an academic and an Independent Somali Political Analyst who is based in Mogadishu. Mahamed Mohamud Cadde

Innaa lillaahi wa inaaa ileyhi raajicuun. Waxaa nasoo gaartay geerida Wariye Axmed Candi Nuur Allah yarahma, waxaa naga ...

Innaa lillaahi wa inaaa ileyhi raajicuun. Waxaa nasoo gaartay geerida Wariye Axmed Candi Nuur Allah yarahma, waxaa naga baxay nin culus, ehelka, qarabada, bahada warbaahinta iyo dhammaan ummadda Somaliyeed sabar iyo iimaan ilaah haka siiyo.

  waxey soo dhaweyneysaa magacaabista Maxamed Ibrahim Maclimuu oo looga magacaabay afhayeenka Xukuumaada  .Hambalyo, guu...

waxey soo dhaweyneysaa magacaabista Maxamed Ibrahim Maclimuu oo looga magacaabay afhayeenka Xukuumaada .

Hambalyo, guul baan u rajeyneynaaa masuulka cusub.

Doqonnimo aan wali laga gudbin!!!Aniga i wareyso oo cidda iga aragti duwan haddaad wareysato waan ku xirayaa!!! Intan ka...

Doqonnimo aan wali laga gudbin!!!

Aniga i wareyso oo cidda iga aragti duwan haddaad wareysato waan ku xirayaa!!! Intan ka badan warbaahintana ma tikniko ayan u sameynaaa?!!!

Intaas ka dib, waxaa la sheegaa hadda ka hor in nin meel fadhiya uu u yimid nin kale oo bud sita, markii uu soo dul istaagay, ayuu budkii la dhacay ninkii fadhiyay. Ninkii dhibanaha ahaa oo jaho wareersan ayaa goobti ka cararay, halka kii wax geystayna, uu isna goobta ka cararay.

Dhibanihii oo ay ka muuqato wijigiisa wixii gaaray, ayaa magaalada u soo dhaadhacay, ka dib waxa uu baadi goob u galay ciddii dhibaateysay. Waxa uu soo maray meel uu fadhiyay ninkii dhibka u geystay, wuuna iska agmaray, isaga oo aan la hadlin, mid kaloo dhacdada lasocday baa ku yiri, war ninyahow so hebal ma aheyn ninka ku dhibaateeyay?! Markaasuu dhibanihi yiri "war isaga waxaba kuma falaayo ee waxaan baadi goobayaaa budkii igu dhacay, walina dhaayo masaarin waanna helidoonaa" saa ninki kale anfariiray.

Sheekadan waxaan ula jeedaa wariye ayaa la xirayaa hebel ayuu wareystay darteed, maa la xiro - haddiba xariga sharci darro ah lagu dhaqaaqayo oo runta la sheegayo- kan wareysiga bixiyay, oo isaga qudhiisu xaq u leh in uu warbaahinta u yeerto si la mid ah midka wax xiraya.

Rugcaddaa warbaahineed Ustad Abdulkadir Farah Dulyar waa in uu xorriyaddiisa helaa, magdhowna laga siiyaa xadgudubka loo geystay, iyadoo awoodda sharciga si khaldan loo isticmaalayo.

Ugu dambeyn waxaan halakan uga mahad celineynaa dhammaan intii ka qeyb qaadatay soo deyntii wariye Dulyar.

Waa tallaabo mudan in la bogaadiyo go'aanka ay maxkamadda ciidamada qalabka sida ay xoriyaddisa dib ugu soo celisay wari...

Waa tallaabo mudan in la bogaadiyo go'aanka ay maxkamadda ciidamada qalabka sida ay xoriyaddisa dib ugu soo celisay wariye ka dib markii shaqsi ay isku dhacsanaayeen uu ku tilmaamay inuu wariyuhu la shaqeeyo si uu u suurad xumeeyo. Waa ku mahadsanyahay G. Sare Xasan Cali Nuur Shuute GMCQS.

Academic Council of Somali Journalists  . waxu ku baaqayaa in si taxadar leh dib u eegis  loogu sameeyo  kiiska wariye C...

Academic Council of Somali Journalists . waxu ku baaqayaa in si taxadar leh dib u eegis loogu sameeyo kiiska wariye Cabdi Casis si loo hubo macluumaadka lagu dhisay xukunka edeysanaha iyo in uu caddaalad haley iyo inkale.







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