CATCH MY DRIFT Dreamer and do’er, caught in the drift. Embracing a second shot at a life worth living… Fish to Adventure | Adventure to Fish

South Africa's my stomping ground.

The world my oyster.

• ENDEMIC • I LOVE catching Cape Kurpers! I’ll tell you why in a moment. Got this and only this today.  and I were on ou...

• ENDEMIC • I LOVE catching Cape Kurpers! I’ll tell you why in a moment. Got this and only this today. and I were on our way up the mountain when we passed a little trib flowing down to the valley below. There was a lovely little pool below us and I kinda absentmindedly unhooked my little #18 red arsed olive May and used the 9ft odd of leaded to tippet for a quick bow and arrow just to see what happens.

Cape Kurper supposedly grow to 25cm. I would give at least one digit of my right pinky to catch one that size in a Cape Stream. The few small ones have all surprised me with their aggression and committed eats down to their feisty demeanour once hooked. South Africa’s very own lil Peacock Bass - maybe? I’ve drifted a nymph under a hopper for trout and had the hopper taken by one no bigger than my hand.

I’ve also put a knife through one’s brain, and regret it to this day. They can look a LOT like, especially, a SM Bass fingerling. Do your research kids, before you have to live in eternal condemnation as I must.

In other news: What a day! Dankie Francois vir ‘n flippen goeie een - I’m sorry but I’m going to post the video (ahem: cinematographic masterpiece) I made of you making that honey-hole count as if it’s mine. I felt that beautiful ‘bow as much as you did brother…

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The Face • The Fish • The Flow | Actually a nifty little 3 step program (but in reverse) I’ve found makes life bearable ...

The Face • The Fish • The Flow | Actually a nifty little 3 step program (but in reverse) I’ve found makes life bearable sometimes…

It’s as much up to all the bits in between as it is down to making it count in the split second that matters. I just can’t stop myself going back.

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A while back I spied a beautiful pitch black Mayfly perched on a rock close by in adverse (and definitely not “hatchy”) ...

A while back I spied a beautiful pitch black Mayfly perched on a rock close by in adverse (and definitely not “hatchy”) conditions during a break in the cloud cover. I was making coffee and found the time to give it a proper once-over and snap a photo or two. I’ve seen the sorts before, generally not as big, on the Holsloot - so I was both surprised and excited to bump into this fella so far from what I thought was its “home”.

Yesterday I went fishing with only one fly. I trusted my gut, tying abilities and good fortune, and left everything else at home. The fly? Well, I didn’t have all the materials - but here’s a rough breakdown:

- Size 12 Dry Fly hook.
- 72D black silk
- Moose Mane tail (a first for me - what fun!).
- Grey Drake biot.
- Special dub mix.
- Self dyed Prime Caribou wings.
- Keough hackle (in grey although I’d have preferred black - we make the most with what we have…)

Lots of bumps, splashes and swirls, but a size 12 fly on the Cape streams tends to separate the chaff from the corn. I persevered and ended up hooking and landing just one fish.

My 3wt 7’6” Glass Cannon proved such fun in tight lies. With a well deserved fish on the other end, dancing away in skinny water? Few greater a pleasure…

Last pic showing ’s UVB protection abilities - I do feel the higher up the mountains I go, the closer I am to the sun. Thanks for (literally) having my back guys!

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Consistently having my mind blown every second of every waking moment…Christmas Day was incredibly special, especially s...

Consistently having my mind blown every second of every waking moment…

Christmas Day was incredibly special, especially so as young Wilder’s surprise first - and I admit to an undeserved sense of pride as I introduced him to my side of the extended family one by one by his full name, Jan Wilder de Villiers.

Me, personally - I’m just floating in a slightly sleep deprived bubble of massive gratitude and speechless awe, brought about by what the universe decided, nurtured, and I now have the huge privilege to be the proud father of: Jan Wilder de Villiers!

Dankie Melis - eindeloos en altyd.

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• Jan Wilder de Villiers • You were supposed to arrive early January, but somehow managed to be the first de Villiers in...

• Jan Wilder de Villiers • You were supposed to arrive early January, but somehow managed to be the first de Villiers in generations to arrive ahead of time for anything. 3 weeks early you still clocked in at a hefty 3,5kgs and roared like a lion when all we hoped for was a sign of life. You were supposed to go to ICU, yet here you are now sleeping peacefully on your mother’s chest.

To say your mother and I had a big day pales in comparison with what you’ve tackled and overcome in your first 12 hours on this crazy planet we call both earth and home, a place made infinitely better by your presence.

To my dearest - I’ve always known (and loved) you as exceptionally strong, brave, humble and nurturing. Today tested you to the extremes on every level of your being as woman, human, conscious being and mother - and you, yet again, proved to be up for anything that comes your way. I am so grateful and fortunate to be able to walk this weird and wonderful journey called life with you, and to be able to start this new chapter together.

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Had the pleasure of taking Pops along this morning in what proved to be tricky conditions, and it took all the tricks in...

Had the pleasure of taking Pops along this morning in what proved to be tricky conditions, and it took all the tricks in the book to get a few feeding off the surface in high, cold water under grey skies.

Some rather risky brush-strokes behind the tying desk paid off and I managed to net a couple, both swimming off strong after a spritely fightly.

Can’t get enough of the beautiful patterns…

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I can get all sorts of abstracted about exciting new thing that kinda just happen to me. Here’s one!I am in no means, sh...

I can get all sorts of abstracted about exciting new thing that kinda just happen to me. Here’s one!

I am in no means, shape or form involved in the production side of things at - I leave that up to the skilful hands and critical eyes of the gents tagged in the last image - all of who form the foundations of a crew (if you don’t like marine references, leave now) which has since become known as the …

I bumbled in on this exciting venture after deciding to always answer my phone, no matter what, somewheres earlier this year. Dean called me and I think we spoke for close on an hour.

Since then it’s been a pleasure being part of a team, all passionately feeding the monster. As I sit here, looking at a brand-plan with endless horisons, I can only get very excited for a pivotal ‘25 ahead…

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I think my smartest call was leaving my kit on the stream bank and turning back to dig the bakkie out, before going fish...

I think my smartest call was leaving my kit on the stream bank and turning back to dig the bakkie out, before going fishing. Trying to enjoy myself knowing I’m down to my chassis in river sand would have been tough-going.

My dumbest moment - forgetting I don’t drive a Cruiser anymore and getting stuck in the first place…

What happened before and after can only be described as pure delight of the highest calibre. Absolute dry fly nirvana, with fish of all sizes, colourations and patterns coming to the net.

I was on my Origin 1wt, paired with their drag free Clicker Reel, warranting soft, accurate casts and a couple of lovely runs on the friskier fish. The rod’s incredibly delicate touch making up for any mistakes made by me on the reel as I did my best to match my dance partners’ many pirouettes, leaps, direction changes and desperate dashes.

The tan lines I wear with pride…

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Still hands-down my most successful fly in our dearly beloved Cape streams. Especially so when prospecting - they like ‘...

Still hands-down my most successful fly in our dearly beloved Cape streams. Especially so when prospecting - they like ‘em small, understated and with a red butt. Simple really…

Hook: H390 BL Klink #16
Thread(s): 72D
Biot: Grey Drake
Hackle: Grizz
CDC: premium CDC

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Shneaking up on the weekend like I’ve been watching it rise for a while…    📷  •••••  |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | ...

Shneaking up on the weekend like I’ve been watching it rise for a while…


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If only that shadow knew what it was in for mere moments later… Origin 8’8” 2wt & Clicker Reel combo’d up for a lovely d...

If only that shadow knew what it was in for mere moments later…

Origin 8’8” 2wt & Clicker Reel combo’d up for a lovely dance.

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Wednesday’s got me reaching hard, but the reward’s always worth it…📷        •••••  |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |...

Wednesday’s got me reaching hard, but the reward’s always worth it…


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(quint)ESSENTIALS - in no particular order 1️⃣ every day 2️⃣ streams 3️⃣ malls 4️⃣ plane.Featured - in particular order ...

(quint)ESSENTIALS - in no particular order 1️⃣ every day 2️⃣ streams 3️⃣ malls 4️⃣ plane.

Featured - in particular order 1️⃣ .sa Wave + Kydex Pouch 2️⃣ The Skollie in Kydex Sheath 3️⃣ Kydex Wallet

I’m sure you’ll find a combo that works for you - much love to for making sure I’m combo’ed up at all times.

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My first time seeing African Wild Dogs - it was all over so very fast, and I tried to take some time in between photos t...

My first time seeing African Wild Dogs - it was all over so very fast, and I tried to take some time in between photos to just observe and savour.

Apparently a splinter-group of a much larger pack, the calling in the clip at the end was to reunite at a water source before starting a hunt. An awesome display and another “sound of Africa” to add to the memory bank.

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Now here’s something I didn’t expect I’d be posting about this evening…Pretty colours to compliment a good fight - I’d h...

Now here’s something I didn’t expect I’d be posting about this evening…

Pretty colours to compliment a good fight - I’d have been a tad under-gunned at the start on anything other than my Origin 5wt.

I’ve known they’re there for a while already, and today was just a casual flick. Look forward to refining the “Art of the Chillapia” as summer progresses - probably starting with a slightly less tardily tied brown Wooly Bu**er, but hopefully eventually on dry too 🤞🏽

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Had an itch yesterday afternoon, and found myself knee deep in this little stream a short while later. Best decision eve...

Had an itch yesterday afternoon, and found myself knee deep in this little stream a short while later. Best decision ever!

I haven’t had time to recce this particular stretch since before winter. She is, and remains, untouched. 4 interesting things stood out:

1) Although the photos may suggest otherwise, a lot of vegetation has been removed/flattened on the banks, on account of the floods, making impossible casting slightly easier.
2) Where the stream had been a series of runs and pools it’s levelled out considerably. I actually noted how many rocks under my feet were still wobbly and hadn’t “settled” yet. On account of being dropped off at random, courtesy of the flood-water’s whimsy.
3) Pools were now formed by obstructions - logs, whole trees, root balls (hehe) - usually with a beautiful head and tail, but absolute carnage in between on account of all the roots, branches and whatnots. Sand bottomed. Weird eddies . Impossible drifts.
4) “On account of” sounds so much better than “because” 😉

I raised the fish I caught an hour earlier on the first fly pictured and left it be, biting my lip. One long bush-dive later and I was finally fishing my way upstream. Raised a few, dropped a few, I’m an idiot. Inhaled more flies than I lost - and I lost a lot!

Arriving back at the “there’s a fish here” run I took my time and tied on the most nondescript, underdressed little klink I had.

The brief flash of wild rainbow dancing in the stream, to my net, and then back to the stream. I was full again…

Rod: 1wt 8’ Origin
Reel: Clicker Series
Line: Unreel WF 1 Floating
Net: Apex Mini

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I’m quite new to the world of “estuary fishing”. I’ve had my fun up what many consider the “not so fun”, weskus side of ...

I’m quite new to the world of “estuary fishing”. I’ve had my fun up what many consider the “not so fun”, weskus side of our coastline, the estuaries of which I’ve been lucky enough to fish on-and-off, in relative isolation for years. They’re not half as abundant as those up the Garden Route, wind-swept, dreary and hard to reach - but will forever remain closest to my heart…

A recent development has had me diversifying somewhat. I’ve fished “The Vlei” a hand full of times over the years with not much luck. This year I’m putting in my time and have managed a few rats and mice - but it’s going to come down to the right place/time for that real diamond in the rough.

I’ve stopped casting blind completely, sometimes standing there doing nothing for tens of minutes at a time as police sirens wail by in the distance and Pied Kingfisher hunt in the shallows.

That’s ‘bout all I can say I’ve learned thus far pertaining to catching more fish - casting less. Oh the irony! Still got a long ways to go here…

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Still somewhat windblown after a wild and wooly Sunday on the slopes of Helderberg.  and I decided to stick it out and m...

Still somewhat windblown after a wild and wooly Sunday on the slopes of Helderberg. and I decided to stick it out and managed to get a few casts in between the gusts. A hopper slapped down hard in the riffle got the first take of the day and we managed to stay busy until something strange happened…

We were quite high up, and I still can’t think it was caused by a human. We were sitting, having coffee, when we noticed a trickle of river running where it had been dry ground moments before. The trickle grew, and by the time we finished our coffee a pool had formed and continued to trickle further “down stream”. Water clarity remained relatively constant, but it was as if the stream was suddenly pushing an extra 100L/second or something. Despite cloud cover we’d not seen any rain, although you never know what’s happening in those kloofs and ravines when the weather gets like it was.

Anyway - the fish went lockjaw on us after that and we were both home for lunch. Good times!

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