In seeing, in hearing, in touching, or smelling, or eating, walking, sleeping, breathing; and speaking, giving, taking, as well as opening and closing the eyes, the body of a person participates in every one of these acts. And it does both it's work and resting through these acts. But the Spirit does not rely on these abilities to do greater works in the name of the Lord. It does not rely on the senses — it abandons all attachment to any senses — remains untouched, and does a phenomenal work within us all. The Spirit reveals that which cannot break, reveals what doesn't need to become, and reveals what doesn't need to be born. But in order for us to see this revelation, we simply need to look within; to behold that which cannot be broken as God's love for us; and behold that which doesn't need to become as God's life in us; and also behold that which doesn't need to be born as God's Spirit in us.
When seeing this, we are to realize that the Spirit teaches us not to depend on our ears, in order to hear; the Spirit teaches us not to depend on our fingers, in order to feel; not to depend on our nose, in order to smell; not to depend on our mouth, in order to eat; not to depend on our tongue, in order to taste; not to depend on our feet in order to walk; nor on our eyes, in order to see. You see, the Spirit reveals to us that which does not speak like a man; and that which does not think like a man; that which does not behave like a man; that which does not see like a man; and that which does not respond to anything like a man. The Spirit reveals that God sees us all in Christ. So, even when you and I don't see ourselves "individually" or others "unanimously" in Christ, or feel that we are in Christ. It doesn't change the fact or reality that we will always, and have always been in Christ before the foundation of the world. The Spirit's work is not to make you feel you're in Christ, or make you think you're in Christ, or make you hear that you're in Christ, or make you see that you're in Christ, nor is it to make you want to be on Christ. But the Spirit's work is to make you aware of this reality.
Damiam V. Henry