Quantity and quality are equally important in marketing communications. The goal of quantity (or frequency, as it’s referred to in the marketing world) is to get your marketing message out repeatedly to the majority of people in your potential market. On the flip side, quality is the effectiveness of the communication (how powerfully it brings the message home to the target reader, viewer, or listener). You never want to trade quantity for quality by cutting back on writing, design, and production costs.
The trick is to create high-quality communications that lend themselves to frequent, inexpensive placement.
Follow these steps to increase the frequency of your exposures:
✓ Look for ways to piggyback a marketing message on anything and everything that has exposure. For instance, at the bottom of all of your e-mails, add a one-sentence marketing message (complete with a live link to your Web site) just below your brand name. Literally anything that people see, from your mailings to your building, is an avenue for your marketing message.
✓ Seek out new media that offer prime exposure at a very low cost. New media — whether they’re new social networking sites or blogs, or more traditional outlets that are just emerging on the scene.
✓ Promote your Web site constantly. Bid on key terms and spend a little money every month to drive searches your way.
✓ Maximize your Web exposure with multiple narrowly focused Web sites, blogs, and ads.
✓ Look for ways to piggyback a marketing message on anything and everything that has exposure. For instance, at the bottom of all of your e-mails, add a one-sentence marketing message (complete with a live link to your Web site) just below your brand name.