Cred:Mabapa Tumelo
Found this interesting article titled the The Theory of Purposeful Cannabis Consumption: in it the author addresses
The stigma:
You + Cannabis🍀 < You (read as: “you plus cannabis is less than you”) as a hypothesis. That is not supported by sufficient evidence. Propaganda is not proof.
And he aims to prove with data that the opposite is true
You + Cannabis 🍀> You (read as: “you plus cannabis is greater than you”)
A brief thought experiment 🤔💭
How many people do you know, in total? On average, your answer will be about 600 people. Next: How many of them do you know use cannabis? Not 1 in 5, I bet. That would be 120 people. Look at your friends list on Facebook or wherever you inventory your friends these days. Which 20% of them are the stoners?
(The success of this mini thought experiment will vary depending on your age, geography, and the religion of your parents - some groups of people are more open, others are not.)
Cannabis consumers are all around us. They are your friends, your co-workers, your neighbors, your teachers, your boss, the people working for you, the people at your church.
They’re all around us. They just don’t talk about it.
The Pharmaceutical Plug🌞