Golidefm Family Talk Podcast

Golidefm Family Talk Podcast Golidefm is a weekly podcast that focuses on family life issues, and challenges and seeks to find solutions from the word of God, the bible.

We are host online and church marital seminars

Dear Absent Father...... the pain.......

Dear Absent Father...... the pain.......

Dear Absent Father........

Dear Absent Father........

The fight against p**n, even for married people is real.

The fight against p**n, even for married people is real.


1. Admitting you have a p**n addiction and need help
2. Opening up to someone you trust about it (addiction thrives in secrecy)
3. Getting rid of all the p**n videos or pics stored in your phone or laptop
4. Exiting from all social media groups or forums which give you access to p**n. Join forums that promote recovery.
5. Using a p**n blocking app on your gadgets
6. Reading extensively on p**n addiction so that you fully understand the struggle
7. Always rising up each time you relapse or have a lapse- recovery is a journey not an event.

The reality of Marriage On this day nothing could go wrong, not even a broken fan belt, a bus breaking down in the middl...

The reality of Marriage

On this day nothing could go wrong, not even a broken fan belt, a bus breaking down in the middle of a flooded bridge. What was important was that they were together.

Here's what they didn't know, they would struggle to have children together and they would eventually adopt. Somewhere in the world were two fatherless boys and God had a plan for them.

For 27 years they remained biologically childless, but emotionally, mentally, spiritually, financially, discipline.... name it all they were parents.

The reality of marriage is that, you may not get what you wished for, don't despair. Make the best of it. These two were friends, following each other all over the yard, even after an argument, talking for hours under a jacaranda tree.

The reality of marriage is you don't get everything you expected... don't despair. Stick together, journey on , above all become one


I remember the day vividly as if it happened yesterday. I was 10 years old when the husband died, the neighbour's neighbour that is.

She had no tears, she was skinny, dark and looked very old for age, but it is her smile that captured my attention. It was a smile of relief, a smile of peace. You see theirs was a marriage of master and slave, him being the master, her the slave. She worked day and night, he commanded day and night, he was never satisfied. He slept on the bed , she, on the floor, he ate the best food , she the crumbs. She wore tatters , he wore fine clothes, she stood up for him in the bus!!

She complained as far as my young mind could recall. Then one day he had a heart attack and died.

She did not cry, not mourn, rather in a very unAfrican way she stated her relief and the freedom she now felt. After his death I for the first time realised she was beautiful, she began to rest, eat well, dress well. She was a lively soul. She had no say, her ideas or thoughts were hardly crushed , publicly or privately. She was simply a tool , to work for him, cook and s*x him. Publicly she was reminded of her place. If she dared walk in front of him........

Marriage was never meant to take away from us to such a point we look old and haggard , marriage whilst taking from us what is not good for us was meant to nourish us mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

God's concept is to replenish where we have taken (Hence He instructed Adam to replenish the earth). But many of us specialise in taking and not putting back, leaving our spouses old ragged, drained, used and defeated.

Let it be that when you lay to rest in the cold ground, your spouse will not celebrate your departure, but they will celebrate the gift of life you gave them. Give them the best of yourself, take what you need but replenish

Even at that age before I could understand marriage I was happy for her , it felt like the underdog had won.

She lived a long fruitful life, I often wonder if she remarried.

The End


General Tip for men: How to keep your er****on in good and regular standing

1. Weak Er****on drink lots of water πŸ’¦
2. Morning er****on no longer there drink lots of water 🌊
3. Reduce sugar and alcohol, oily food, processed food intake
4. Eat water melon 🍈 regularly to help with regular and in good standing er****on
5. Reduce umkhaba, umkhaba is an enemy to a good er****on
6. Eat garlic, lemon, beetroot ginger regularly
7. Drink herbal tea, (there's a Chinese shop in Fearie Glen that sells men's herbal tea)

Buy a water bottle with time intervals on the outside, carry it everywhere you go and sip accordingly. Water is life. Exercise even if it is for 3 minutes. A good er****on, is good for your mental wellbeing, a weak Er****on will cause a lot of issues, issues you can't even share with anyone.

No relationship will survive without the couple working together

No relationship will survive without the couple working together

Many families have potential but that's where it ends. What then can be done?

Many families have potential but that's where it ends. What then can be done?


Low love relationship literacy is killing many marriages. Increase your love literacy before you get married.


If you are a husband, be the best husband God intended you to be. Don't make excuses whatsoever


What is your role in your family? How well do you execute it?


In the book of Genesis, God expected every family (therein)to live a God life and this would result in a Godly nation.


No matter how small or big, your family has an effect on national matters. The question is, is it positive or negative. You have the answer.


The Book of Genesis has 50 Chapters, 47 of the Chapters are about family. The Importance of family

Dear wives if your husband does not have a relationship with the Bible, if he does not live according to the instruction...

Dear wives if your husband does not have a relationship with the Bible, if he does not live according to the instructions contained within the Bible, if he does not have a Bible study schedule, how will he know how to love you, to love you just as Christ loved the church? Husbands do you have a relationship with the Bible? Do you study the Bible? For it is from the Bible you learn how to love your wife, like Christ loved the church. Without Scripture no man can grow and become the man God made him to be. That is why Solomon writes
Proverbs 1:1-3: [1]The proverbs of Solomon son of David, king of Israel: [2]for gaining wisdom and instruction; for understanding words of insight; [3]for receiving instruction in prudent behavior, doing what is right and just and fair;

Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: Without the Bible No Husband Can Love https://anchor.fm/golidefm/episodes/Without-the-Bible-No-Husband-Can-Love-e2dc48k

One Sunday morning 🌞 I had gone to the studio to do an interview, as I sat preparing my questions, the Bible in front of...

One Sunday morning 🌞 I had gone to the studio to do an interview, as I sat preparing my questions, the Bible in front of me flipped to Ephesians 5 and my eyes couldn't resist but read as follows:

Ephesians 5:25-27
[25]Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her
[26]to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word,
[27]and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless.

Something about this verse left me thinking, and I couldn't shake off the thought. The part that reads cleansing her by the word......my imagination ran wild πŸ’­πŸƒβ€β™‚οΈπŸƒβ€β™‚οΈπŸƒβ€β™‚οΈ

I then realised something, when a husband does not READ the Bible, he is incapable of washing his wife, infact he resorts to other types of water, psychological water, violence water and this just doesn't work.

Reading The Bible is like a software update for all husband's, it is like an antivirus. When a husband does not read the Bible he

Doesn't know how to love his wife
Communicates poorly with his wife
Doesn't behave like a leader
Lacks compassion towards his wife
Resorts to violence if he has failed to influence her
Doesn't see himself as an influencer
Doesn't grow, frustrating his wife
Drains his wife emotionally, mentally, spiritually
Drains her beauty physical and character wise

Reading The Bible shows a man approved
Reading The Bible keeps the husband in the pure way
Reading The Bible renews the mind of a husband
Reading The Bible lights up the path which a husband ought to take

Reading The Bible alone for a husband is just not enough, but being a doer of the word is key.

Dear husbands your treatment of your wife is a reflection of your relationship with the Bible, and whatever the status of your relationship with the the Bible it reflects on your wife.

The beauty of any woman lies is in her washing, in my language when a woman is single we say usegeza meaning she is washing herself, but when married we say sebemgezisa her husband is washing her.

Husbands wash your wives if you want to see her flourish, her inner beauty, her respect. But as long as you don't renew your mind in the word you will run out of water

Read your Bible husbands


Guide on how to choose a husband or wife


Boys are under attack

The devil launched a war against boys because they carry the seed of the following generation. If the seed is messed up be sure the next generation is messed up. Work on and Support the seed now for the benefit of the next generation

Pay Taxes Please

Pay Taxes Please


Marriage is about giving your spouse what they need, that's how love operates. God so loved us so much He gave us what we needed, His Only Son, Jesus.


No marriage is perfect, nor smooth. But every marriage has an opportunity to be better


Can entitlement kill marriage?YES!! We live in times where many of us feel entitled to benefits with little to no effort from our end. This is the highest form of selfishness

Dear wives...

Dear wives...

Dear Husband, treat your wife, the way you would want God to answer your prayers.1 Peter 3:7 -Husbands, in the same way ...

Dear Husband, treat your wife, the way you would want God to answer your prayers.

1 Peter 3:7 -Husbands, in the same way be considerate as you live with your wives, and treat them with respect as the weaker partner and as heirs with you of the gracious gift of life, so that nothing will hinder your prayers

Will conditions ever align for your marriage to grow or thrive? Hmmm chances are naaaa!! Then what should you do? Listen...

Will conditions ever align for your marriage to grow or thrive? Hmmm chances are naaaa!! Then what should you do? Listen to your favorite podcast to find out what you can do.


Will conditions ever align for your marriage to grow or thrive? Hmmm chances are naaaa!! Then what should you do? List to your favorite podcast to find out what you can do.


When planting a garden, no one plants w**ds, however as soon as the vegetables germinate, w**ds seem to appear from nowhere, in hindsight they were there all they needed was the water meant for the plants. So it is in marriage, we all enter into marriage garden with the w**ds in our pockets. What are we saying, all of us enter into marriage with the w**ds of selfishness, pride , uncontrolled anger, poor communication, blame spirit, etc. There are lot of things you need to w**d out of your character in order for your marital garden to flourish. However many of us are focused on our spouses w**ds rather than our own. The marriage garden thrives when you work on yourself. Cultivate, prune and w**d yourself for your marriage to grow



Opening Hours

18:00 - 23:30


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