The Palestinian Pulse

The Palestinian Pulse The Palestinian Pulse delivers current news and insightful updates on the situation in Palestine.

We aim to raise awareness and inspire a global community by sharing events, protests, art murals, sports events, and more.

Gaza death toll rises to 39,653 as Israel kills 30 more PalestiniansAt least 91,535 Palestinians injured in Israeli onsl...

Gaza death toll rises to 39,653 as Israel kills 30 more Palestinians

At least 91,535 Palestinians injured in Israeli onslaught since Oct. 7, 2023, Health Ministry says

The Israeli army killed 30 more Palestinians in attacks in the Gaza Strip, taking the death toll to 39,653 since last Oct. 7, the Health Ministry in the enclave said on Tuesday.

A ministry statement added that some 91,535 others have been injured in the assault.

“Israeli forces killed 30 people and injured 66 others in three ‘massacres’ against families in the last 24 hours,” the ministry also said.

“Many people are still trapped under rubble and on the roads as rescuers are unable to reach them,” it added.

Flouting a UN Security Council resolution demanding an immediate cease-fire, Israel has faced international condemnation amid its continued brutal offensive on Gaza since an Oct. 7, 2023 attack by Palestinian group Hamas.

Ten months into the Israeli war, vast tracts of Gaza lie in ruins amid a crippling blockade of food, clean water and medicine.

Israel stands accused of genocide at the International Court of Justice, whose latest ruling ordered Tel Aviv to immediately halt its military operation in the southern city of Rafah, where over a million Palestinians had sought refuge from the war before it was invaded on May 6.

Al Jazeera English AJ+ Israel Defense Forces

At least 91,535 Palestinians injured in Israeli onslaught since Oct. 7, 2023, Health Ministry says The Israeli army killed 30

Ismail Haniyeh: A Life Dedicated to the Palestinian CauseIsmail Haniyeh was born in 1962 in the Al-Shāti refugee camp in...

Ismail Haniyeh: A Life Dedicated to the Palestinian Cause

Ismail Haniyeh was born in 1962 in the Al-Shāti refugee camp in the Gaza Strip. His family had been displaced from their village near Ashqelon during the 1948 Arab-Israeli conflict. Growing up in the crowded and impoverished conditions of the refugee camp profoundly impacted Haniyeh’s worldview. He was educated in schools run by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), which played a significant role in shaping his early life.

In 1981, Haniyeh enrolled at the Islamic University of Gaza, where he studied Arabic literature. His involvement in student politics led him to join the Islamic Student Bloc, a student association linked to the Muslim Brotherhood, which later evolved into Hamas during the First Intifada in 1987.

Al Jazeera English AJ+ Israel Defense Forces

Ismail Haniyeh was born in 1962 in the Al-Shāti refugee camp in the Gaza Strip. His family had been displaced


‘Escalation seems inevitable’ following assassination of Haniyeh: Analyst | Al Jazeera English


The Palestinian Olympic athletes competing in Paris 2024 | BBC News

The Olympics, Justice, and Palestine: A Tale of Two WorldsAs the global community gathers to celebrate the 2024 Olympics...

The Olympics, Justice, and Palestine: A Tale of Two Worlds

As the global community gathers to celebrate the 2024 Olympics, the event stands as a symbol of unity, excellence, and the spirit of representing one’s nation. Yet, this grand spectacle starkly contrasts with the ongoing conflict and humanitarian crisis in Palestine. This article delves into the Olympics’ symbolic significance, the international support for Palestine, and the ongoing strife faced by Palestinians, drawing a poignant parallel between the games of athletic prowess and the games of life and death in conflict zones.

The Olympics have historically been a platform for political statements and solidarity movements. This year, several athletes and nations have shown their support for Palestine. Prominent voices include athletes and celebrities who have used their platforms to highlight the plight of Palestinians and call for justice.

Al Jazeera English AJ+ Middle East Monitor Inform the media about Israel's apartheid Israel Defense Forces

As the global community gathers to celebrate the 2024 Olympics, the event stands as a symbol of unity, excellence, and

Voices of Conscience: Israeli Soldiers and Officials Speaking Out Against InjusticeIn recent years, several former Israe...

Voices of Conscience: Israeli Soldiers and Officials Speaking Out Against Injustice

In recent years, several former Israeli soldiers and prominent Israeli figures have spoken out against the policies and actions of the Israeli government and military, particularly regarding the treatment of Palestinians. These voices of dissent are crucial in highlighting the realities of the occupation and advocating for justice and human rights. This article explores the courageous testimonies of individuals like Yonatan Shapira and others who have dared to break their silence.

Yonatan Shapira
Yonatan Shapira, a former Israeli Air Force pilot, has become a prominent critic of the Israeli military. During his service, Shapira came to realize that he was part of what he described as a “terrorist organization” engaged in committing war crimes against Palestinians. This epiphany led him to resign in 2003 and subsequently launch a campaign encouraging other military personnel to refuse to participate in actions against Palestinians. His efforts led to the resignation of 27 other pilots from the Israeli Air Force.

Al Jazeera English AJ+ Israel Defense Forces Middle East Monitor BDS Belfast BDS Africa

In recent years, several former Israeli soldiers and prominent Israeli figures have spoken out against the policies and actions of

ICJ’s Advisory Opinion on Israeli Occupation: A Milestone for JusticeNorway’s strong endorsement of the International Co...

ICJ’s Advisory Opinion on Israeli Occupation: A Milestone for Justice

Norway’s strong endorsement of the International Court of Justice’s (ICJ) advisory opinion, which deems the Israeli occupation of Palestine illegal, marks a significant moment in the fight for Palestinian rights. Norwegian Foreign Minister Espen Barth Eide stressed that Israel must comply with the ruling, which mandates ending the occupation and providing reparations for violations. This clear stance aligns Norway with international calls for justice and reinforces the necessity for global solidarity with Palestine.

The ICJ’s advisory opinion, delivered on July 9, 2004, declared the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories, including East Jerusalem, as illegal under international law. The Court ruled that Israel’s construction of a separation wall and the establishment of settlements violate the Fourth Geneva Convention, which prohibits the transfer of the occupier’s civilian population into the occupied territory. The ruling also stated that the occupation amounts to de facto annexation and contributes to a regime of systematic discrimination and oppression, tantamount to apartheid. The ICJ called for Israel to cease these violations immediately and make reparations for the damage caused.

Al Jazeera English AJ+ Israel Defense Forces Middle East Monitor

Norway’s strong endorsement of the International Court of Justice’s (ICJ) advisory opinion, which deems the Israeli occupation of Palestine illegal,

Petitions for Justice: Banning Israel from International SportsIn light of the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Palestine,...

Petitions for Justice: Banning Israel from International Sports

In light of the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Palestine, numerous petitions have been launched to ban Israel from participating in international sports events, particularly the upcoming 2024 Paris Olympics. This movement aims to draw attention to the severe human rights violations committed by Israel and leverage the global influence of sports to promote justice and peace.

Current Petitions and Campaigns

Avaaz Petition: This petition calls on the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to ban Israel from the 2024 Olympics until it ceases its military actions in Gaza and ends its apartheid policies against Palestinians. It highlights the devastating impact of Israeli military operations on Palestinian athletes and civilians, with over 36,000 casualties in Gaza, including many young aspiring athletes​ (Avaaz)​.

The Cradle Petition: This petition has garnered significant support, with over 550,000 signatures. It demands Israel’s exclusion from the Paris Olympics, citing the ongoing genocide in Gaza. The petition emphasizes the role of international sports organizations in upholding human rights and condemns the participation of a state involved in such severe violations​ (The Cradle)​.

Common Dreams Campaign: More than 300 Palestinian sports clubs and civil society groups have joined this campaign, urging the IOC to ban Israel from the Olympics. They argue that allowing Israel to compete would signal tacit approval of its war crimes and apartheid policies. The campaign also notes the disproportionate response of the international community to Israeli actions compared to other conflicts, such as the Russian invasion of Ukraine​ (Common Dreams)​.

DW Report: A growing number of voices within the international sports community are calling for decisive action against Israel. These include prominent figures like Irish MEP Chris McManus and organizations like the West Asian Football Federation. They argue that sports should not be separate from politics when it comes to upholding human rights and international law​ (DW)​.

Links to petitions in this article

Artists for Palestinians BDS Belfast BDS Africa Israel Defense Forces

In light of the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Palestine, numerous petitions have been launched to ban Israel from participating in

The Inhumane Reality of Israeli PrisonsThe Israeli prison system has long been a focal point of the Palestinian struggle...

The Inhumane Reality of Israeli Prisons

The Israeli prison system has long been a focal point of the Palestinian struggle, characterized by widespread reports of human rights abuses, arbitrary detentions, and inhumane conditions. These practices not only violate international law but also highlight a systematic approach to using imprisonment as a tool of political repression and control.

Since the occupation of Palestinian territories in 1967, Israel has detained hundreds of thousands of Palestinians. As of recent reports, there are approximately 6,809 Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails, including 160 children. Many of these individuals are held under administrative detention, a practice allowing for imprisonment without charge or trial, often based on undisclosed evidence. This has been a significant tool for Israel, especially post-October 7, 2023, leading to a surge in detentions​ (Amnesty International)​​ (OHCHR)​.

Palestinian prisoners are routinely subjected to torture and inhumane treatment. Methods of torture include severe beatings, stress positions, sleep deprivation, and psychological abuse. Testimonies reveal that both physical and psychological torture are systemic, aiming to break the spirit of detainees. The Geneva-based human rights group Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor reports that detainees face electric shocks, attacks by dogs, and solitary confinement​ (PressTV)​​ (Middle East Eye)​

Israel Defense Forces Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs Al Jazeera English AJ+ Middle East Monitor

The Israeli prison system has long been a focal point of the Palestinian struggle, characterized by widespread reports of human

Palestine in Crisis: A Comprehensive Look at the Current SituationThe humanitarian situation in Palestine, particularly ...

Palestine in Crisis: A Comprehensive Look at the Current Situation

The humanitarian situation in Palestine, particularly in Gaza, is dire and worsening by the day. Recent reports highlight an alarming increase in malnutrition, hunger, and lack of basic necessities, compounded by ongoing conflict and restrictions on aid.

The blockade on Gaza has severely restricted the entry of food and other essential supplies. UN experts have condemned what they describe as a “starvation campaign” by Israeli forces, noting that over 30,000 people have been killed and children are dying from malnutrition and hunger​ (UN News)​​ (OHCHR)​​ (UN News)​. Aid trucks entering Gaza have been drastically reduced, and humanitarian convoys have often been targeted, exacerbating the crisis.

The healthcare system in Gaza is on the brink of collapse. Hospitals are overwhelmed and under-resourced, struggling to cope with the influx of patients from ongoing conflicts. The destruction of medical infrastructure and shortages of medical supplies have led to preventable deaths and a rise in untreated chronic conditions.

The living conditions in Gaza are deplorable. Overcrowded refugee camps lack basic sanitation, and there is a severe shortage of clean water. Many families live in makeshift shelters with limited access to electricity and heating. The risk of disease outbreaks is high due to poor hygiene and sanitation conditions.

Al Jazeera English AJ+ Middle East Monitor Israel Defense Forces

The humanitarian situation in Palestine, particularly in Gaza, is dire and worsening by the day. Recent reports highlight an alarming

The Value of Human Life: The Tragic Story of Hind RajabIn a world where technological advancements continually push the ...

The Value of Human Life: The Tragic Story of Hind Rajab

In a world where technological advancements continually push the boundaries of what we can achieve, we paradoxically find ourselves struggling with an age-old issue: the value of human life. The tragic story of Hind Rajab, a young Palestinian girl who was brutally killed, forces us to confront this stark reality.

Philosophers, religious leaders, and thinkers throughout history have underscored the sanctity of human life. From the biblical assertion that humans are created in the image of God (Genesis 1:27), to the philosophical musings of Immanuel Kant who argued that every person should be treated as an end in themselves, not merely as a means to an end, there is a clear, enduring consensus on the intrinsic value of human life.

In a world where technological advancements continually push the boundaries of what we can achieve, we paradoxically find ourselves struggling

Historical Colonization and Its Modern Echo in PalestineColonization has marred human history, leaving deep scars on soc...

Historical Colonization and Its Modern Echo in Palestine

Colonization has marred human history, leaving deep scars on societies and cultures. From the British Empire’s expansive reign to the American imperialistic pursuits, the effects of colonization have been profound and enduring.

Today, the echoes of these historical injustices resonate in the ongoing plight of Palestine, where Israeli policies and actions mirror those of past colonizers. This article delves into the history of colonization, highlighting its devastating impacts and drawing parallels to the contemporary situation in Palestine, urging a collective stand against this modern-day injustice.

Al Jazeera English AJ+ Middle East Monitor Israel Defense Forces

Colonization has marred human history, leaving deep scars on societies and cultures. From the British Empire’s expansive reign to the

Awakening Jewish Conscience: Rabbi Weiss’s Call to Reject Zionism and Embrace True Torah ValuesIn an age where political...

Awakening Jewish Conscience: Rabbi Weiss’s Call to Reject Zionism and Embrace True Torah Values

In an age where political ideologies often overshadow religious teachings, Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss of Neturei Karta stands as a beacon of authentic Jewish values. His impassioned stance against Zionism and the state of Israel serves as a reminder of the true essence of Judaism, rooted in peace, coexistence, and unwavering adherence to divine commandments.

Rabbi Weiss, speaking to TRT World, articulates a powerful and controversial stance: “The existence of Zionist Israel is antithetical to Judaism.” This assertion, grounded in the Torah, challenges the widely held belief that Zionism is synonymous with Jewish identity. Instead, Rabbi Weiss argues that Zionism, a relatively recent political movement, fundamentally contradicts the teachings and values of Judaism.

Zionism emerged around 150 years ago says Rabbi Weiss, primarily driven by individuals estranged from Jewish religious practices. They were nationalists seeking a homeland to foster a sense of pride and belonging, a stark departure from the traditional Jewish approach to diaspora and exile...continue in article

Jews for Israel

In an age where political ideologies often overshadow religious teachings, Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss of Neturei Karta stands as a

Aaron Bushnell: A Symbol of Resistance Against OppressionAaron Bushnell, a 25-year-old active-duty member of the United ...

Aaron Bushnell: A Symbol of Resistance Against Oppression

Aaron Bushnell, a 25-year-old active-duty member of the United States Air Force, tragically ended his life in a dramatic act of protest outside the Israeli Embassy in Washington, D.C., on February 25, 2024. Dressed in his military uniform, Bushnell livestreamed his self-immolation, declaring he could no longer be complicit in what he described as the genocide of Palestinians by Israel​.

Bushnell’s final words captured in the livestream were a powerful indictment of U.S. foreign policy and its support for Israel’s actions in Gaza. He stated, “I will no longer be complicit in genocide. This is what our ruling class has decided will be normal”​​. His act was meant to highlight the extreme suffering of Palestinians and to draw attention to what he viewed as the injustices perpetuated by the Israeli state.

Aaron Bushnell was known among his friends and colleagues for his strong sense of justice and commitment to standing up for the oppressed. A friend and fellow military member, Levi Pierpont, recalled Bushnell as a “really sweet person” with a profound commitment to justice, which ultimately led him to take such a drastic step​​.

Aaron Bushnell

Aaron Bushnell, a 25-year-old active-duty member of the United States Air Force, tragically ended his life in a dramatic act

Spanish actor Pedro Alonso O’choro expresses solidarity with oppressed Palestinians in “Voices for Gaza” campaignInterna...

Spanish actor Pedro Alonso O’choro expresses solidarity with oppressed Palestinians in “Voices for Gaza” campaign

Internationally acclaimed for his portrayal of Berlin in the popular Netflix show “La Casa de Papel 2,” Spanish actor Pedro Alonso O’choro has joined the “Voices for Gaza” movement. In a video message, he expresses his solidarity with the Palestinian community.

Spanish actor Pedro Alonso O’choro, renowned globally for his portrayal of the character Berlin in the Netflix series “La Casa de Papel 2,” has joined the “Voices for Gaza” campaign, delivering a message of solidarity with the Palestinian people through a video.

In his video message, shared on the social media platform X, O’choro stood in solidarity with the people of Gaza, who have been subjected to ongoing attacks by Israel for months.

Speaking about the situation in Gaza, where nearly 2 million Palestinians have been displaced, O’choro said: “I look at the faces and see an aged people. They fear another massacre; they fear being forced to migrate once again. They are tired of fleeing from this war machine that destroys everything indiscriminately—people, homes, trees—moving from one city to another, from one tent to another.”

Highlighting the devastation caused by the Israeli attacks, the Spanish actor stated, “This is a war that does not grant the right to live, and even if it ends, another will begin because there is nothing left to live on. There is no electricity, no kindergarten, no school, no university left. There is nothing left in the Gaza Strip.”

Pedro Alonso O’choro, a Spanish television, film, and theater actor, gained worldwide fame for his role as Berlin in the series “La Casa de Papel.” He is also the author of the book “The Book of Philippa,” published by Epsilon.

Pedro Alonso Pedro Alonso Pedro Alonso_Official-Berlin Money Heist

Internationally acclaimed for his portrayal of Berlin in the popular Netflix show “La Casa de Papel 2,” Spanish actor Pedro Alonso

Unity in Diversity: Our Shared Ethical CodesIn a world filled with diverse religions, cultures, and beliefs, one might t...

Unity in Diversity: Our Shared Ethical Codes

In a world filled with diverse religions, cultures, and beliefs, one might think we are more divided than united. However, when we delve deeper into the core teachings of various faiths and philosophies, we find common ethical threads that bind us together.

These shared values emphasize kindness, compassion, and mutual respect, which are crucial for fostering unity and understanding. This article highlights these common principles and underscores our collective moral responsibility to stand against injustice, such as the plight of the Palestinian people.

Al Jazeera English AJ+ Middle East Monitor

In a world filled with diverse religions, cultures, and beliefs, one might think we are more divided than united. However,

Unmasking Brutality: IDF’s Use of Attack Dogs and the Echoes of ApartheidIn a recent and distressing incident, IDF soldi...

Unmasking Brutality: IDF’s Use of Attack Dogs and the Echoes of Apartheid

In a recent and distressing incident, IDF soldiers set dogs on a Palestinian woman during a raid in the West Bank. The woman resisted leaving her home, leading the soldiers to use dogs to forcefully drag her out. This event has drawn significant condemnation for its brutality and is reminiscent of similar tactics used during apartheid in South Africa, where police would set dogs on black protesters and civilians. These actions are stark reminders of the ongoing human rights violations faced by Palestinians under Israeli occupation.

This incident echoes the oppressive methods used by the South African apartheid regime. For example, during apartheid, police often employed dogs to intimidate, control, and attack black South Africans protesting against racial segregation and discriminatory laws. The parallels are evident in the use of military and police forces to suppress and violate the rights of marginalized communities through similar brutal tactics.

Such actions by government forces, whether in historical South Africa or present-day Palestine, highlight a persistent pattern of human rights abuses. The international community’s response often lacks the necessary urgency and consequence, allowing these violations to continue with impunity.

By drawing these parallels, we emphasize the importance of recognizing and addressing these human rights violations. Protecting the rights and dignity of all people, regardless of their nationality or ethnicity, is paramount. It is essential to hold those in power accountable and to ensure that such oppressive tactics are condemned and eradicated.

Al Jazeera English AJ+ Israel Defense Forces

In a recent and distressing incident, IDF soldiers set dogs on a Palestinian woman during a raid in the West

Tracing the Lineage: Palestinians and the Historical Connection to JesusThe history and lineage of the Palestinian peopl...

Tracing the Lineage: Palestinians and the Historical Connection to Jesus

The history and lineage of the Palestinian people are deeply rooted in the ancient civilizations of the region. This article explores these connections, shedding light on the rich heritage of the Palestinians and their historical ties to the land now known as Palestine.

The Palestinians are descendants of the ancient peoples of the Levant, including the Canaanites and Philistines. Genetic studies have shown that modern Palestinians share a significant amount of their DNA with these ancient populations, indicating a long-standing presence in the region. A study published in Cell by Haber et al. found that the genetic makeup of people in the Levant has remained relatively stable for millennia, linking modern populations with their ancient ancestors.

Jesus of Nazareth, a central figure in Christianity, was born in Bethlehem and raised in Nazareth, both located in the region historically known as Palestine. During Jesus’ lifetime, the area was part of the Roman province of Judea. The cultural, social, and religious context of Jesus’ life was distinctly Palestinian. The term “Palestine” itself has been used to describe the region since at least the 5th century BC and was officially adopted by the Romans in the 2nd century AD.

The history and lineage of the Palestinian people are deeply rooted in the ancient civilizations of the region. This article

Thank You for 1,000 Followers! 🎉Dear Community,We are thrilled to announce that our page has reached a mileston...

Thank You for 1,000 Followers! 🎉

Dear Community,

We are thrilled to announce that our page has reached a milestone of 1,000 followers! This achievement is a small testament to the collective efforts of each and every one of you in raising awareness for Palestine.

Your engagement, shares, and invitations have played a pivotal role in growing our community. We are immensely grateful for your support and dedication.

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We encourage you to continue adding followers and sharing our content. Your contributions are vital in keeping the momentum going. Together, we are making a difference!

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With gratitude,
The Palestinian Pulse


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