Difference between American Facebook post and a South African Facebook Post.
Hello, my name is Sandra Stone, I am from New York, I love my husband so much and I can do anything to please him. But recently I am falling for his cousin, what should I do?
James Silva : I think you need to talk to your husband because marriage is all about communication.
Sarah Water : Oh my dear, sorry about that... I was once in your shoes before, I had to wake up and face the fact that I am married. Pray.
Michael Paper : Well just remove your mind from him and make your husband do the things you like in his cousin.
My name is Xiluva, I stay in Malamulele, married with a kid, I think I am falling for my husband's cousin! What should I do?
Patrick : Fool, weren't you taught about self-control?
Xichavo : You are a disgrace to womanhood..shame on you.
Goodman : Any news about R350 grant?
Given: Why did you get married in the first place 'cause you still eyeing other men?
Samson : Make R2000 in an hour, ask me how!
Chauke : I'm so sorry for asking on your post...anybody knows of a lift club from Giyani to Tembisa?
King : If you want to fall for me too, call my number 0788312....
Donald : I don't blame you at all, better go find something to do with your life, clearly you are bored...
Richard : Here for the comments. Lol...
Muxe : What should you do? Are you serious? You are married for Heaven sake!!
John Wisto Salanie : You are so cute please inbox.
Mandla : You are a pr******te, you need deliverance! Fire.
Selby Khosa : affordable electricity
1000 units R300
700 units R250
500; units R200