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SIYAZITHAMUNDA: Kubatshazwa isibindi kobonakale efike nendiza wayipaka egcekeni esigcemeni sakwa-L eSoshanguve ePitoli.

Yini owake wayibona kwamakhelwane noma ifika nezingane zakho yakusolisa ungathembi ukuthi ithengiwe noma eyebiwe? Wawathinta amaphoyisa, noma wathokozela owawukubona?


OwayenguMsakazi WoKhozi Ubizwe YiSikebhe

* USbu Buthelezi owayengumsakazi woKhozi FM ohlelweni iNdumiso kulindeleke ukuth aqoshame phakathi nendawo kulamadoda abizwa ngeSikebhe namhlanje ngeSonto laphaya eNquthu emva kokumangalelwa kusona ngamalunga omndeni wakwaMsibi amsola ngokuthi wathatha uR600 000 kulomndeni. Sekungokwesibili uSbu Buthelezi ebizelwa eSikebheni kodwa engafiki njengoba nangoGudi kwakumele isikebhe sixoxe naye.

* Usihlalo weSikebhe uZakhele Mncube waseNquthu uthe ngeke baphumule uSbu Buthelezi bengamtholile, uthi nakuqala kwakumele avele eSkebheni eNquthu bethi ukuxoxaxoxa naye kancane kodwa wangafika.

* Lomndeni wakwaMsibi eNquthu uthi wezwa ngebhizinisi likaSbu Buthelezi oKhozini ngo 2020, bathi indlela owayelichaza ngayo kwakungelula ukuth ungangeni kulona ngenxa yolimi olumnandi. Lomndeni wakwaMsibi ngesikhathi ubuzwa ukuth kungani ungayanga emaphoyiseni kodwa ukhethe ukuyisa udaba eSkebheni, uthe iSikebhe sixoxaxoxa nendoda manje imiphumela ibonakale manje. USbu Buthelezi waxoshwa oKhozini ngakho ukusebenzisa lomsakazo ukuqola abantu njengoba eyinqwaba amacala akabhekene nawo afana nalawa.

A grandmother and her boyfriend appeared in court for the murder of her grandson and another boy The two children that t...

A grandmother and her boyfriend appeared in court for the murder of her grandson and another boy The two children that the police believe were sacrificed for a ritual were also laid to rest on Friday SA citizens reacted to the brutal killings, and many were shocked that not even family members could be trusted

A grandmother and her boyfriend were charged with the murder of two boys. Image: Source: TwitterSOWETO - Nqobile Ndlovu and her boyfriend Mthunzi Zulu appeared in the Protea Magistrate's Court on charges of double murder, kidnapping, perjury, and defeating the ends of justice on Friday

Fifty-year-old woman and her 39-year-old man are suspected of having murdered two children, one of which was the woman's grandchild.

Grandmother and partner's court case postponed According to TimesLIVE, the case was postponed to May 5 for bail application so that Nodlovu can get legal representation, and a lawyer from Legal Aid will represent her partner.

The suspects were among 403 people who were arrested for various crimes such as murder, theft, r**e and robbery.        ...

The suspects were among 403 people who were arrested for various crimes such as murder, theft, r**e and robbery.

Cops have arrested two suspects who are believed to be the masterminds of hijackings in Ekurhuleni

KUSHAQEKE abaningi ezinkundleni zokuxhumana kuvela izinsolo zokuthi inkosikazi yentandokazi kaDJ waseThekwini, inobudlel...

KUSHAQEKE abaningi ezinkundleni zokuxhumana kuvela izinsolo zokuthi inkosikazi yentandokazi kaDJ waseThekwini, inobudlelwane bezocansi nomunye usaziwayo waseGoli.

Ngokwemibiko kusolwa ukuthi uGugu Khathi osanda kuqeda iminyaka engu-10 eshade noDJ Tira, uyaphinga noTebogo Lerole ongelinye lamalungu eqembu lomculo, iKwela Tebza.

Azehlanga kahle zinsolo kubalandeli bakaTira, njengoba bebekhomba ngenjumbane uGugu ngokudlala ngesihlabani sabo.

Kubikwa ukuthi ithumbu libhoboke ohambweni obeluya e-Eastern Cape, lwe-SUV Challenge ngokuhlanganyela ne-ACT Now, okuyinhlangano engenzi nzuzo eyasungulwa abafana bakwaLerole.

Iphephandaba linawo amazwi aqoshiwe phakathi kukaGugu, nokuzwakala sengathi yizwi likaSli Khumalo, owayekhona kulolu hambo.

USLI Khumalo, ushaya phansi ngonyawo ukuthi unobufakazi bokuthi uGugu Khathi, ujola noTebogo Lerole Ethintwa uSli uthe yena wanqaba ukulala egumbini elilodwa nentombazane ayengayazi ekubeni uTebogo, wayefuna ukulala kwelilodwa noGugu.

“Anginamsebenzi mina nomshado kaGugu ngoba ysesola ukuthi yimina opotshozele abezindaba ngomjolo wakhe. Mina ngazi ngawo (umjolo) eminyakeni emithathu edlule. Bona abangafuni ukusola abantu uma into yabo ibimnandi kakhulu baze bahluleka ukufihla. Bangalinge bangidakelwe,” kubhoka uSli.

Ngesikhathi kuthintwa uTebogo uveze ukuthi uSli ubabheca nje ngobende inyama bengayidlanga, yingoba bamxoshile enhlanganweni yabo.

“Angimazi ukuthi uhlose ukuzuzani ngokudicilela phansi umshado kaGugu. Kumele azehlise ayofuna usizo ngoba sekuyacaca ukuthi kuningi adlule kukona empilweni asadinga ukubhekana nakho,” usho kanje.

Uthe eminyakeni emithathu eyedlule wayesajola noKhanyi Mbau, futhi yikona okuxakayo uma uSli ethi lento isukela eminyakeni emithathu edlule.

KUSHAQEKE abaningi ezinkundleni zokuxhumana kuvela izinsolo zokuthi inkosikazi yentandokazi kaDJ waseThekwini, inobudlelwane bezocansi nomunye usaziwayo waseGoli.

KWENZEKE isimanga kuvuka ekufeni owesilisa obesehlonzwe abezimo eziphuthumayo ukuthi ushonile, emva kokudutshulwa nomfow...

KWENZEKE isimanga kuvuka ekufeni owesilisa obesehlonzwe abezimo eziphuthumayo ukuthi ushonile, emva kokudutshulwa nomfowabo omdala epulazini iWaterfall, eMhlali.

KWENZEKE isimanga kuvuka ekufeni owesilisa obesehlonzwe abezimo eziphuthumayo ukuthi ushonile, emva kokudutshulwa ngoLwesine ntambama nomfowabo omdala epulazini iWaterfall, eMhlali, oThongathi.

AMAZWIBELA: UCele ugxeka abesilisa abangenawo unembeza

AMAZWIBELA: UCele ugxeka abesilisa abangenawo unembeza

UNGQONGQOSHE wamaPhoyisa kuleli, uMnuz Bheki Cele ukhale ngokulahleka konembeza ezigebengwini ezishiya kuvalwe ngehlahla esifundazweni saKwaZulu-Natal.

UMQEQESHI weKaizer Chiefs, u-Arthur Zwane, ubhoboka ngenselelo yokupholisa amakhanda abadlali babhekane nemidlalo ephamb...

UMQEQESHI weKaizer Chiefs, u-Arthur Zwane, ubhoboka ngenselelo yokupholisa amakhanda abadlali babhekane nemidlalo ephambi kwabo futhi bangawucabangi owomkhaya weNedbank Cup, ne-Orlando Pirates.


KUSHAQEKE abaningi ezinkundleni zokuxhumana kuvela izinsolo zokuthi inkosikazi yentandokazi kaDJ waseThekwini, inobudlelwane bezocansi nomunye usaziwayo waseGoli.

Ngokwemibiko kusolwa ukuthi uGugu Khathi osanda kuqeda iminyaka engu-10 eshade noDJ Tira, uyaphinga noTebogo Lerole ongelinye lamalungu eqembu lomculo, iKwela Tebza.

Azehlanga kahle zinsolo kubalandeli bakaTira, njengoba bebekhomba ngenjumbane uGugu ngokudlala ngesihlabani sabo.

Kubikwa ukuthi ithumbu libhoboke ohambweni obeluya e-Eastern Cape, lwe-SUV Challenge ngokuhlanganyela ne-ACT Now, okuyinhlangano engenzi nzuzo eyasungulwa abafana bakwaLerole.

Iphephandaba linawo amazwi aqoshiwe phakathi kukaGugu, nokuzwakala sengathi yizwi likaSli Khumalo, owayekhona kulolu hambo.

USLI Khumalo, ushaya phansi ngonyawo ukuthi unobufakazi bokuthi uGugu Khathi, ujola noTebogo Lerole Ethintwa uSli uthe yena wanqaba ukulala egumbini elilodwa nentombazane ayengayazi ekubeni uTebogo, wayefuna ukulala kwelilodwa noGugu.

“Anginamsebenzi mina nomshado kaGugu ngoba ysesola ukuthi yimina opotshozele abezindaba ngomjolo wakhe. Mina ngazi ngawo (umjolo) eminyakeni emithathu edlule. Bona abangafuni ukusola abantu uma into yabo ibimnandi kakhulu baze bahluleka ukufihla. Bangalinge bangidakelwe,” kubhoka uSli.

Ngesikhathi kuthintwa uTebogo uveze ukuthi uSli ubabheca nje ngobende inyama bengayidlanga, yingoba bamxoshile enhlanganweni yabo.

“Angimazi ukuthi uhlose ukuzuzani ngokudicilela phansi umshado kaGugu. Kumele azehlise ayofuna usizo ngoba sekuyacaca ukuthi kuningi adlule kukona empilweni asadinga ukubhekana nakho,” usho kanje.

Uthe eminyakeni emithathu eyedlule wayesajola noKhanyi Mbau, futhi yikona okuxakayo uma uSli ethi lento isukela eminyakeni emithathu edlule.

Ebuzwa ukuthi kungabe zifike kanjani kuyena nakuGugu lezi zinsolo nokuthi bazozithatha yini izinyathelo zomthetho, uthe: “Mina nginqume ukuthi ngisebenzise indima yomthetho kanti uGugu uvutha engabaselwe, ulindele usuku ayohlangana ngalo noSli bazwane a


UNGQONGQOSHE wamaPhoyisa kuleli, uMnuz Bheki Cele ukhale ngokulahleka konembeza ezigebengwini ezishiya kuvalwe ngehlahla esifundazweni saKwaZulu-Natal.

Ukusho lokhu enkonzweni yomngcwabo wamalungu omndeni angu-10 akwaMemela eMbali, eMungundlovu abengcwatshwa izolo.

"Izwe libi. Abefundisi kuzomele kube khona abakwenzayo ukuze kukhulunywe nabantu besilisa. Lonakele izwe libulawa amadoda. Umonakalo esihlezi sibizwa kuwo usuke udalwe amadoda. Ngiyacabanga ukuthi babexolisa abesifazane ababehlaselwa amadoda amabili athinteka esigamekweni. Nginaso futhi isiqiniseko sokuthi babekhala kodwa abasolwa baqhubeka nokwenza umsebenzi ababethunywe wona ," kukhala uCele.

Eqhuba, uncome ilungu lomphakathi elimpimpe abasolwa abathinteka kulesi sigameko.

Kuzokhumbuleka ukuthi abasolwa babhadanywa begezwa yinyanga emzini ongekude nowakwaMemela ngoLwesihlanu olwedlule.

Omunye wabo okuthiwa ubengungqondongqondo esigamekweni washona ngesikhathi bedubulana namaphoyisa abafica begeza isinyama enyangeni.

Ababulawa ngoNkk Nobuhlalu Memela (64), indodana, uPhumlani Memela, indodakazi uBrenda Memela obulawe nezingane zakhe ezintathu okungu-Angie, Sphelele noNomfundo. Abanye yintombi ebizithwele uNana (esingatholakalanga isibongo sakhe) noNompilo naye obeqome umfana wakwaMemela bese kuba uNkk Fikile Hlabisa obephila nokukhubazeka, engudadewabo wenhloko yekhaya esocongwe nyakenye.

UNgqongqoshe wezokuPhepha nokuXhunyaniswa koMphakathi esifundazweni, uNkk Peggy Nkonyeni, ukhuthaze ukubambisana kwamalungu omphakathi ekulweni nobugebengu.


Ukrainian air defence crews destroyed 15 out of 18 missiles launched by Russian forces in the early hours of Monday morning, the military said, as air raid sirens blared across the country for more than three hours. Follow FRANCE 24’s live blog for all the latest developments. All times are Paris time (GMT+2)
6:40am: Air defences shoot down 15 of 18 missiles launched at Ukraine in dead of night Ukrainian air defence crews destroyed 15 out of 18 missiles launched by Russian forces in the early hours of Monday morning, the military said, as air raid sirens blared across the country for more than three hours.

"Around 2:30am (11:30 GMT), the Russian invaders attacked Ukraine from strategic aviation planes," a post on the Telegram channel of Valeriy Zaluzhnyi, the commander-in chief of Ukraine's armed forces, read. It added that 15 out of the 18 missiles launched had been destroyed.

Kyiv's city officials wrote on the Telegram messaging app that all missiles directed at the capital were destroyed.

6:27am: Oil fire part of Ukraine's preparation for counter-offensive, military says Undermining Russia's logistics is one of the elements of preparation for the expected Ukrainian counteroffensive, a Ukrainian military spokeswoman said on Sunday, after a fire destroyed a large Russian fuel depot in Crimea.

While not directly admitting to striking the fuel storage facility in the Crimean port of Sevastopol, Ukraine's military command said that "a fire" destroyed 10 oil tanks with a capacity of about 40,000 tonnes.

The city's Moscow-installed governor blamed Ukraine and later said the fire had been put out before a disaster occurred.

Natalia Humeniuk, a spokesperson for Ukraine's southern command, said the fire has caused a great deal of "anxiety" in the Russian military.

Key developments from Sunday, April 30 Pope Francis on Sunday said that a secret peace “mission” in Russia's war in Ukraine was under way, though he gave no details, and said the

The causeway at the southern end of Great Coco Island can be seen under construction in Great Coco Island. (Credits: Max...

The causeway at the southern end of Great Coco Island can be seen under construction in Great Coco Island. (Credits: Maxar Technologies via

New satellite images from March 2023 show evidence of land-clearing efforts on the southern part of Coco Island indicating more construction work

China is involved in expanding an airstrip, aircraft hangar and military modernisation in Myanmar’s Great Coco Islands, located close to Andaman and Nicobar Islands, a report has said.

The small and remote island in the Bay of Bengal has been at the centre of interest for China since the 1990s where it reportedly made an intelligence facility, The Guardian quoted Chatham House as saying.

Satellite images of the island taken in January this year show signs of military modernisation, newly expanded 2,300-metre runway, a radar station and two new hangars.

Moreover, new images from March show evidence of land-clearing efforts on the southern tip of the island indicating indicate the likelihood of more construction work.

The runway on Great Coco Island has been extended over the last decade.

Reports said that Chinese engineers and military personnel have been spotted on the islands in recent years.

Chatham House, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, is an independent policy institute based in London. Discover what we do, visit our website today.


President Droupadi Murmu. (.)

Gujarat and Maharashtra were formed on this day in 1960 following the bifurcation of the erstwhile state of Bombay on linguistic grounds

President Droupadi Murmu on Monday greeted citizens, especially the residents of Gujarat and Maharashtra, on the formation day of the two states.

“On Gujarat Day, I extend my heartiest greetings to all the countrymen, especially to all the residents of the state. The land of Gujarat is the land of great personalities like Mahatma Gandhi and Sardar Patel.

“The enterprising and progressive people here have contributed significantly to the development of the country. I wish that Gujarat continues to move forward on the path of progress and the happiness and prosperity of the residents of the state grow," she said in a tweet in Hindi and Gujarati.

In another tweet, she conveyed her greetings to people Maharashtra’s foundation day.

“This land of saints, brave fighters, artists and people who left an indelible mark of their talent and contribution in other fields has been the birthplace and workplace of personalities like Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj and Babasaheb Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar. I wish the continued progress of the state as well as a bright future for all Maharashtrians," Murmu said in a tweet in Hindi and Marathi.

Gujarat and Maharashtra were formed on this day in 1960 following the bifurcation of the erstwhile state of Bombay on linguistic grounds.

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According to the FIR, written in Hindi, the dispute arose over payment of a bill for an event held on December 26, 2022 (Representational Image/IANS)

As a result of the incident, 4,000 children were evacuated from the school and the entire campus was searched in a state of panic

Days after a bomb threat was received via email at the Delhi Public School Mathura Road, police on Monday said the threat was sent by a student from the same school allegedly “for fun."

Police stated that after conducting an investigation, they discovered that a minor was behind the false bomb threat and that the individual confessed to making the threat during interrogation.

According to an NDTV report, the 16-year-old student planned the prank “just for fun" after a false threat was made at ‘The Indian School’ in Delhi’s Sadiq Nagar, which gave the student the idea.

The school received a bomb threat via email on Wednesday. Deputy Commissioner of Police (Southeast) Rajesh Deo in a statement had said the threat was received on the official email address of the school administration and the police were informed around 8 am.

The incident prompted the transfer of the case to the Delhi Police’s Special Cell. As a result of the incident, 4,000 children were evacuated from the school and the entire campus was searched in a state of panic.

Local police personnel, a bomb disposal squad, a dog squad and a SWAT team were immediately sent to the spot.

Police had said a case was registered in connection with the incident under the IT Act and relevant provisions of the Indian Penal Code.

The Indian School in Delhi’s Sadiq Nagar has faced bomb threats twice, once in April 2023 and another in November 2022. In the most recent incident on April 12, the school received a bomb threat through an email. The school was evacuated and the bomb squad and other agencies inspected the premises for any explosive substance. Later, it was revealed that the email was a hoax.

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