Day 11 of 16
Hurt people hurt people and we bleed all over others with our hurt. I was a hurt person when my son was born and did not know how to love and raise a child, so I raised him tough. He was just a child and he did not deserve this angry, frustrated and rock hard mother.
As a well-trained professional, it was a very traumatic experience having to sell everything I owned and escape with my daughter from my own son. His addiction to Tik put our lives in tremendous danger. He provided his drug dealers with our phone numbers and he claimed my property was stolen when he actually sold it.
My son's addiction put me in serious financial distress. I relied on friends to house us. I eventually found permanent employment in another town and had to leave my daughter behind until I could find a home for us. I slept on the floor for months.
I was still having many financial difficulties when my daughter joined me; the saddest part was the lack of food. People was more than happy to pray for me, but less inclined to help us out with food. For us, this was very difficult and humbling times.
Then my son showed up, he had nowhere else to go. The verbal abuse and fighting started all over again. Again, my son began selling what little I had accumulated. I experienced great sadness and frustration at the same time. Because of my son's abuse and addiction, my daughter experienced a great deal of trauma.
My son eventually found employment and we were able to breathe a little easier even though we were still financially in a terrible situation. A family member moved in with us. I decided to accept a job offer abroad to help us get out of the financial predicament we were in. My daughter stayed in the care of our family member.
Sadly, my son soon fell back into his old ways and lost his job. He returned home where my daughter had to endure much abuse and mistreatment. Again all finances quickly disappeared. He was hanging out at all the wrong places and with all the wrong people. At that time, the sacrifice I made to leave everything behind, felt pointless, I had to pay to keep him alive and out of trouble, yet again.
Finally, he found employment abroad, so I had to make the very difficult decision, to block communication with him for the sake of my daughter and myself. I could not stand the fighting and abuse any longer.
Finally, I could breathe and start restoring my brokenness. A year later, I unblocked him and we do not talk much now, I love him dearly and miss him very much.
Although I will always and forever love him, I am his mother, I no longer serve as a punching bag.
Please read day 12 of 16 for the conclusion.